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production standard
351 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988L0378
a description of the means (such as the use of a test report or technical file) whereby the manufacturer ensures conformity of production with the standards referred to in Article 5 (1) and, as appropriate: an EC type-certificate drawn up by an approved body; copies of the documents the manufacturer has submitted to the approved body; a description of the means whereby the manufacturer ensures conformity with the approved model,
opis sredstev (kot je uporaba poročila o preskusu ali spisa tehnične dokumentacije), s katerimi proizvajalec zagotavlja skladnost proizvodnje s standardi iz člena 5(1), in, kot je ustrezno: certifikat o tipskem pregledu ES, ki ga je pripravil odobreni organ, kopije dokumentov, ki jih je proizvajalec predložil odobrenemu organu, opis sredstev, s katerimi proizvajalec zagotavlja skladnost z odobrenim modelom,
352 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31979L0692
Member States may be authorized, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21, not to apply in respect of the production of a given Member State the condition contained in Annex II, section I, point 2, paragraph B (1) for one or more of the species concerned, if it can be assumed from ecological conditions and previous experience that the standards laid down in Annex II, section I, point 2, column 13 of the table are being complied with."
Države članice imajo v skladu s postopkom iz člena 21 pravico, da se za proizvodnjo ene ali več teh vrst v državi članici ne uporabljata pogoja iz Priloge II, oddelka I, točke 2, odstavka B(1), če je na podlagi ekoloških razmer in prejšnjih izkušenj mogoče domnevati, da so usklajene s standardi iz Priloge II, oddelka I, točke 2, stolpec 13 preglednice."
353 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R3500
In the case of other growers, the aid shall be granted in accordance with the second indent of Article 5 (2) of Regulation No 136/66/EEC and shall be equal to the amount obtained by applying the average olive yields and oil yields over the previous four marketing years, fixed according to a standard method in accordance with Article 18 of this Regulation, with regard to the number of olive trees in production and provided the olives are processed into oil at an approved mill.';
Drugim pridelovalcem se pomoč odobri v skladu z drugo alineo člena 5(2) Uredbe št. 136/66/EGS in je enaka znesku, doseženemu pri uporabi povprečnega donosa oljk in donosa olja v prejšnjih štirih tržnih letih, določenega po standardni metodi v skladu s členom 18 te uredbe glede na število oljčnih dreves v proizvodnji in pod pogojem, da so oljke predelane v olje v odobreni oljarni.";
354 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2368
RECOGNISING that an international certification scheme for rough diamonds will only be credible if all Participants have established internal systems of control designed to eliminate the presence of conflict diamonds in the chain of producing, exporting and importing rough diamonds within their own territories, while taking into account that differences in production methods and trading practices as well as differences in institutional controls thereof may require different approaches to meet minimum standards;
OB ZAVEDANJU, da bo mednarodni sistem potrjevanja za surove diamante verodostojen samo, če vsi udeleženci vzpostavijo notranje sisteme nadzora, ki ima za namen odstraniti prisotnost konfliktnih diamantov iz proizvodne verige, izvoza in uvoza surovih diamantov na njihovih lastnih ozemljih, ob hkratnem upoštevanju dejstva, da razlike v proizvodnih metodah in trgovinski praksi ter razlike v institucionalnem nadzoru pri izpolnjevanju minimalnih standardov lahko pomenijo tudi zahtevo po različnosti pristopov;
355 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R3577
For each of the products subject to the intervention arrangements, the financial compensation provided for in Article 18 shall be paid for each recognized producers' organization in the territory of the former German Democratic Republic only in respect of a volume of withdrawals of products meeting the common quality standards not exceeding 10 % of production marketed, inclusive of withdrawals, during the period up to the end of 1990/91 marketing year and during the 1991/92 marketing year of each of the products.
Za vse proizvode, zajete v intervencijskih ureditvah, se finančna kompenzacija, določena v členu 18, dodeli priznanim organizacijam proizvajalcev na ozemlju nekdanje Nemške demokratične republike samo za količino s trga umaknjenih proizvodov, ki izpolnjujejo standarde splošne kakovosti in ne presega 10 % tržene proizvodnje, vključno z umiki vsakega od proizvodov v obdobju do konca tržnega leta 1990/91 in v tržnem letu 1991/92.
356 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3791
Whereas pursuant to Article 396 of the Act of Accession, adaptations should be made in the eggs and poultry sector consequent upon the accession of Spain and Portugal to Council Regulation (EEC) N° 2772/75 of 29 October 1975 on marketing standards for eggs (1), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) N° 3341/84 (2), and to Council Regulation (EEC) N° 2782/75 of 29 October 1975 on the production and marketing of eggs for hatching and of farmyard poultry chicks (3), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) N° 3485/80 (4);
ker so na podlagi člena 396 Akta o pristopu v sektorju za jajca in perutnino zaradi pristopa Španije in Portugalske potrebne prilagoditve Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2772/75 z dne 29. oktobra 1975 o standardih trženja za jajca [1], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 3341/84 [2], in Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2782/75 z dne 29. oktobra 1975 o proizvodnji in trženju valilnih jajc in piščancev domače perutnine [3], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 3485/80 [4];
357 Prevajalska redakcija
The Council shall undertake studies with a view to making recommendations to the members for achieving a balance between production and consumption, and, more generally, standardizing of the olive-oil market over the long term through the application of appropriate measures, including measures to encourage the sale of olive oil at prices which are competitive at the consumer level, so as to narrow the price differential between olive oil and other edible vegetable oils, particularly through the granting of assistance.
Svet bo pripravljal študije, da bi članicam dal priporočila, ki naj zagotovijo ravnovesje v proizvodnji in porabi ter nasploh dolgoročno normalizacijo trga oljčnega olja, in sicer z ustreznimi ukrepi, vštevši ukrepe za zboljšanje prodaje oljčnega olja po cenah, ki so konkurenčne na ravni porabe, da bi se zmanjšale razlike med ceno oljčnega olja in drugih jedilnih rastlinskih olj, zlasti še z dajanjem pomoči.
358 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2295
In order to guarantee to consumers that the quality characteristics for fresh eggs, also called grade A eggs, can be checked and apply only to the best quality eggs, and that certain eggs may be guaranteed "extra fresh", criteria of a high standard should be fixed for each quality grade, especially stringent arrangements should apply to their collection and further distribution, and eggs should be graded and marked with the distinguishing number of the production establishment and, where appropriate, the date of laying.
Da bi potrošnikom jamčili, da je kakovostne lastnosti svežih jajc, imenovanih tudi jajca razreda A, mogoče preverjati in se uporabljajo samo za najbolj kakovostna jajca, in da se nekaterim jajcem lahko jamči oznaka posebno sveža, je treba za vsak kakovostni razred določiti merila visokega standarda; posebno stroga pravila morajo veljati za njihovo zbiranje in dobavljanje, jajca pa je treba razvrstiti in označiti z identifikacijsko številko proizvodnega obrata ter, kjer je primerno, z datumom znesitve.
359 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2295
In order to guarantee to consumers that the quality characteristics for fresh eggs, also called grade A eggs, can be checked and apply only to the best quality eggs, and that certain eggs may be guaranteed «extra fresh», criteria of a high standard should be fixed for each quality grade, especially stringent arrangements should apply to their collection and further distribution, and eggs should be graded and marked with the distinguishing number of the production establishment and, where appropriate, the date of laying.
Da bi potrošnikom jamčili, da je kakovostne lastnosti svežih jajc, imenovanih tudi jajca razreda A, mogoče preverjati in se uporabljajo samo za najbolj kakovostna jajca, in da se nekaterim jajcem lahko jamči oznaka »posebno sveža«, je treba za vsak kakovostni razred določiti merila visokega standarda; posebno stroga pravila morajo veljati za njihovo zbiranje in dobavljanje, jajca pa je treba razvrstiti in označiti z identifikacijsko številko proizvodnega obrata ter, kjer je primerno, z datumom znesitve.
360 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0414
Effects on harmful organisms, e.g. contact poison, inhalation poison, stomach poison, fungitoxic or fungistatic, etc., systemic or not in plants Field of use envisaged, e.g. field, glasshouse, food or feed storage, home garden Where necessary, in the light of the test results, any specific agricultural, plant health or environmental conditions under which the active substance may or may not be used Harmful organisms controlled and crops or products protected or treated Method of production with descriptions of the techniques used to ensure a uniform product and of assay methods for its standardization.
Učinki na škodljive organizme, na primer, kontaktni strup, inhalacijski strup, želodčni strup, fungitoksik ali fungistatik, itd., za rastline sistemični ali ne 3.3. Predvideno področje uporabe, na primer, polja, steklenjaki, skladišča hrane ali krme, domači vrt 3.4. Po potrebi glede na rezultate testov, vsi posebni pogoji kmetijstva, varstva rastlin ali okolja, v katerih se aktivna snov sme ali ne sme uporabljati 3.5. Škodljivi organizmi, ki se jih nadzoruje, in posevki ali proizvodi, ki se jih varuje ali tretira 3.6.Način pridobivanja z opisom uporabljenih tehnik za zagotovitev nespremenljivih lastnosti sredstva in metod ocenjevanja za njegovo standardizacijo.
361 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1980
It is necessary to ensure that the Community eco-label award scheme is consistent and coordinated with the priorities of the Community environmental policy and with other Community labelling or quality-certification schemes such as those established by Council Directive 92/75/EEC of 22 September 1992 on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by household appliances(5) and by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 of 24 June 1991 on organic production of agricultural products and indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs(6).
Treba je zagotoviti, da bo sistem Skupnosti za podeljevanje znaka za okolje združljiv in usklajen s prednostnimi nalogami okoljske politike Skupnosti ter drugimi sistemi Skupnosti za označevanje ali certificiranje kakovosti, kakor so tisti, uvedeni z Direktivo Sveta 92/75/EGS z dne 22. septembra 1992 o navajanju porabe energije in drugih virov gospodinjskih aparatov s pomočjo nalepk in standardiziranih podatkov o izdelku [5] ter Uredbo Sveta (EGS) št. 2092/91 z dne 24. junija 1991 o ekološki pridelavi kmetijskih proizvodov in označevanju tovrstno pridelanih kmetijskih proizvodov in živil [6].
362 Prevajalska redakcija
RECOGNIZING that their relations in the field of trade and economic endeavour should be conducted with a view to raising standards of living, ensuring full employment and a large and steadily growing volume of real income and effective demand, and expanding the production of and trade in goods and services, while allowing for the optimal use of the world's resources in accordance with the objective of sustainable development, seeking both to protect and preserve the environment and to enhance the means for doing to in a manner consistent with their respective needs and concerns at different levels of economic development,
OB SPOZNANJU, da bi morale svoje odnose na področju trgovinskih in gospodarskih prizadevanj razvijati s ciljem dvigovati življenjsko raven, zagotavljati polno zaposlenost ter velik in enakomerno rastoč obseg realnega dohodka in realnega povpraševanja ter širiti proizvodnjo in trgovino z blagom in storitvami ob najugodnejši izrabi svetovnih resursov v skladu s cilji uravnoteženega razvoja ob prizadevanju za varovanje in ohranjanje okolja in večanje sredstev za ta namen na način, ki je skladen z njihovimi ustreznimi potrebami in prizadevanji na različnih ravneh gospodarskega razvoja,
363 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3127
The method for assessing the lean meat content of carcases authorized as a grading method within the meaning of Article 2 (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 3220/84 is based on a representative sample of the national or regional pigmeat production concerned by the assessment method, consisting of at least 50 carcases whose lean meat content has been ascertained in accordance with the dissection method laid down in Annex I, combined with a nationally established quick method of carcase assessment using double regression or other statistically proven procedure, and such that the resulting precision is at least equal to that obtained using standard regression techniques on 120 carcases using the method in Annex I.
Način ocenjevanja mesnatosti trupov, odobren kot način razvrščanja v smislu člena 2(3) Uredbe (EGS) št. 3220/84, temelji na reprezentativnem vzorcu nacionalne ali regionalne populacije prašičev, obravnavane z načinom ocenjevanja, ki ga sestavlja vsaj 50 trupov, pri katerih je bila mesnatost potrjena v skladu z načinom raztelesenja, določenim v Prilogi I, v kombinaciji z nacionalno uveljavljenim hitrim načinom ocenjevanja trupa z uporabo dvojne regresije ali drugega statistično preverjenega postopka, in je takšen, da je natančnost rezultatov vsaj taka kot pri uporabi standardnih tehnik regresije na 120 trupih, pri katerih se uporablja metoda iz Priloge I.
364 Prevod
RECOGNIZING the goals of raising standards of living and expanding the production of and trade in goods,
OB PRIZNAVANJU ciljev zvišanja življenjskega standarda ter povečanja blagovne proizvodnje in menjave,
365 Prevod
As regards exports to Chile, the Member States are responsible for control of the production circumstances and requirements, including statutory inspections and issuing health (or animal welfare) certifications attesting to the agreed standards and requirements.
Kar zadeva izvoz v Čile, so države članice odgovorne za nadziranje proizvajalnih okoliščin in zahtev, skupaj z obveznimi inšpekcijami in izdajanjem zdravstvenih spričeval (ali spričeval o dobrem počutju živali), ki potrjujejo dogovorjene standarde in zahteve.
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production standard