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351 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0076
Vendar pa se lahko razvrstitev države spremeni s sprejetjem poenotenega posebnega dogovora v skladu z ustreznimi postopki v členih 71(c), 72(a) in (b), 73(a), (b) in (d), 74, 75 in 76(a), udeleženke pa naj bi z naklonjenostjo obravnavale takšno spremembo zaradi napak in opustitev v številkah, ki so bile naknadno priznane v istem koledarskem letu, ko jih je sekretariat prvič objavil;
Nevertheless, the classification of a country may be changed by way of a common line, in accordance with the appropriate procedures in Articles 71(c), 72(a) and (b), 73(a), (b) and (d), 74, 75 and 76(a), and the Participants would favourably consider a change due to errors and omissions in the figures subsequently recognised in the same calendar year as the figures were first distributed by the Secretariat;
352 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0105
V primeru snovi in pripravkov, ki niso razvrščeni kot nevarni v skladu s katero koli od zgoraj navedenih direktiv, na primer odpadki, ki pa se vseeno nahajajo ali se lahko nahajajo v organizaciji in ki imajo ali lahko imajo, pod pogoji, ugotovljenimi v organizaciji, enake lastnosti glede nevarnosti za večjo nesrečo, je treba slediti postopku za začasno razvrstitev v skladu z ustreznim členom ustrezne direktive.
In the case of substances and preparations which are not classified as dangerous according to either of the above directives, for example waste, but which nevertheless are present, or are likely to be present, in an establishment and which possess or are likely to possess, under the conditions found at the establishment, equivalent properties in terms of major-accident potential, the procedures for provisional classification shall be followed in accordance with the relevant article of the appropriate Directive.
353 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0368
Smernice, določene v tej prilogi, se neposredno uporabljajo, kadar so bili zadevni podatki pridobljeni iz preskusnih metod, primerljivih s tistimi, opisanimi v Prilogi V. V drugih primerih je treba razpoložljive podatke ovrednotiti s primerjavo uporabljenih preskusnih metod s tistimi, navedenimi v Prilogi V, in pravil za določitev ustrezne razvrstitve in označitve, določenih s to Prilogo.
The guidance criteria set out in this Annex are directly applicable when the data in question have been obtained from test methods comparable with those described in Annex V. In other cases, the available data must be evaluated by comparing the test methods employed with those indicated in Annex V and the rules specified in this Annex for determining the appropriate classification and labelling.
354 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0076
ne glede na razvrstitev držav, ki niso ali ki so upravičene do prejemanja vezane pomoči, za zagotavljanje vezane pomoči Bolgariji, Češki, Madžarski, Poljski, Romuniji in Slovaški velja sporazum med udeleženkami, da se bodo poskusile izogibati takšnim kreditom, razen čistih nepovratnih finančnih spodbud, pomoči v hrani in človekoljubne pomoči, dokler je takšen sporazum veljaven.
notwithstanding the classification of countries ineligible or eligible to receive tied aid, the provision of tied aid to Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the Slovak Republic is covered by the Participants' agreement to try to avoid such credits other than outright grants, food aid and humanitarian aid, as long as such agreement is in force.
355 Prevajalska redakcija
V dolgoročni, s placebom kontrolirani študiji (PRAISE- 2) amlodipina pri bolnikih s srčnim popuščanjem neishemične etiologije, ki so bili v razredih III in IV po NYHA (razvrstitev po New York Heart Association) je bil amlodipin povezan s številnejšimi opisanimi primeri pljučnega edema, čeprav se pojavnost poslabšanja srčnega popuščanja ni značilno razlikovala od tiste pri placebu.
In a long-term, placebo-controlled study (PRAISE-2) of amlodipine in patients with NYHA (New York Heart Association Classification) III and IV heart failure of non-ischaemic aetiology, amlodipine was associated with increased reports of pulmonary oedema despite no significant difference in the incidence of worsening heart failure as compared to placebo.
356 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0067
če je bil preskus, ki ustreza določitvi nevarnosti v zvezi z nekim učinkom ali lastnostjo, že opravljen in če rezultati ne vodijo k razvrstitvi snovi v skladu z Direktivo 67/548/EGS, ni treba, da ocenjevanje tveganja v zvezi s tem učinkom ali lastnostjo vključuje dejanja iz odstavka 1(a) in (b), in uporabijo se sklepi iz člena 3(4)(i), razen če obstajajo drugi utemeljeni razlogi za zaskrbljenost;
if the test appropriate to hazard identification in relation to a particular effect or property has been conducted and the results have not led classification of the substance in accordance with Directive 67/548/EEC, the risk assessment in relation to that effect or property need not include the actions at paragraph 1 (a) and (b) and the conclusion at Article 3 (4) (i) shall apply, unless there are other reasonable grounds for concern;
357 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0211
Primerno je kombinirati posebne sezname držav in regionalizacijske pogoje, določene v odločbah 79/542/EGS, 92/160/EGS, 92/260/EGS, 93/195/EGS, 93/196/EGS, 93/197/EGS in 94/63/ES v en konsolidiran seznam, z določitvijo razvrstitve tretjih držav v skupine glede na zdravstveni status živali in kjer se to uporablja, posebne pogoje za uvoz kopitarjev in semena, jajčnih celic in zarodkov teh vrst iz tretjih držav.
It is appropriate to combine the specific country lists and the regionalisation conditions set out in Decisions 79/542/EEC, 92/160/EEC, 92/260/EEC, 93/195/EEC, 93/196/EEC, 93/197/EEC and 94/63/EC in one consolidated list, specifying the sanitary grouping of third countries and where applicable, specific conditions for imports of equidae and semen, ova and embryos of that species from those third countries.
358 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2295
Da bi potrošnikom jamčili, da je kakovostne lastnosti svežih jajc, imenovanih tudi jajca razreda A, mogoče preverjati in se uporabljajo samo za najbolj kakovostna jajca, in da se nekaterim jajcem lahko jamči oznaka posebno sveža, je treba za vsak kakovostni razred določiti merila visokega standarda; posebno stroga pravila morajo veljati za njihovo zbiranje in dobavljanje, jajca pa je treba razvrstiti in označiti z identifikacijsko številko proizvodnega obrata ter, kjer je primerno, z datumom znesitve.
In order to guarantee to consumers that the quality characteristics for fresh eggs, also called grade A eggs, can be checked and apply only to the best quality eggs, and that certain eggs may be guaranteed "extra fresh", criteria of a high standard should be fixed for each quality grade, especially stringent arrangements should apply to their collection and further distribution, and eggs should be graded and marked with the distinguishing number of the production establishment and, where appropriate, the date of laying.
359 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2295
Da bi potrošnikom jamčili, da je kakovostne lastnosti svežih jajc, imenovanih tudi jajca razreda A, mogoče preverjati in se uporabljajo samo za najbolj kakovostna jajca, in da se nekaterim jajcem lahko jamči oznaka »posebno sveža«, je treba za vsak kakovostni razred določiti merila visokega standarda; posebno stroga pravila morajo veljati za njihovo zbiranje in dobavljanje, jajca pa je treba razvrstiti in označiti z identifikacijsko številko proizvodnega obrata ter, kjer je primerno, z datumom znesitve.
In order to guarantee to consumers that the quality characteristics for fresh eggs, also called grade A eggs, can be checked and apply only to the best quality eggs, and that certain eggs may be guaranteed «extra fresh», criteria of a high standard should be fixed for each quality grade, especially stringent arrangements should apply to their collection and further distribution, and eggs should be graded and marked with the distinguishing number of the production establishment and, where appropriate, the date of laying.
360 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0423
Raven celotnega dovoljenega ulova iz poglavja III se dopolni s sistemom za omejevanje ribolovnega napora na podlagi geografskih območij in razvrstitev ribolovnega orodja ter pogojev, povezanih s tem, za uporabo teh možnosti ribolova, določenih v Prilogi V k Uredbi Sveta (ES) št. 2287/2003 z dne 19. decembra 2003 o določitvi ribolovnih možnosti za leto 2004 in s tem povezanih pogojev za nekatere staleže rib in skupine staležev rib, ki se uporabljajo v vodah Skupnosti in za plovila Skupnosti v vodah, kjer so potrebne omejitve ulova [4].
The TACs referred to in Chapter III shall be complemented by a system of fishing effort limitation based on the geographical areas and groupings of fishing gear, and the associated conditions for the use of these fishing opportunities specified in Annex V to Council Regulation (EC) No 2287/2003 of 19 December 2003 fixing for 2004 the fishing opportunities and associated conditions for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, applicable in Community waters and, for Community vessels, in waters where catch limitations are required(4).
361 Prevajalska redakcija
Pri predpisovanju ali povečevanju odmerka ranolazina bolnikom, pri katerih se pričakuje povečana izpostavljenost, je potrebna previdnost: • Sočasna uporaba zmernih zaviralcev CYP3A4 (glejte poglavji 4. 2 in 4. 5). • Sočasna uporaba zaviralcev P- gp (glejte poglavji 4. 2 in 4. 5). • Blaga jetrna okvara (glejte poglavji 4. 2 in 5. 2). • Blaga do zmerna ledvična okvara (kreatininski očistek 30– 80 ml/ min) (glejte poglavja 4. 2, 4. 8 in 5. 2). • Starejši bolniki (glejte poglavja 4. 2, 4. 8 in 5. 2). • Bolniki z majhno telesno maso (≤ 60 kg) (glejte poglavja 4. 2, 4. 8 in 5. 2). • Bolniki z zmernim do hudim CHF (III. – IV. razreda po razvrstitvi NYHA) (glejte poglavji 4. 2 in 5. 2).
Caution should be exercised when prescribing or uptitrating ranolazine to patients in whom an increased exposure is expected: • Concomitant administration of moderate CYP3A4 inhibitors (see sections 4.2 and 4.5). • Concomitant administration of P-gp inhibitors (see sections 4.2 and 4.5). • Mild hepatic impairment (see sections 4.2 and 5.2). • Mild to moderate renal impairment (creatinine clearance 30– 80 ml/ min) (see sections 4.2, 4.8, and 5.2). • Elderly (see sections 4.2, 4.8, and 5.2). • Patients with low weight (≤ 60 kg) (see sections 4.2, 4.8, and 5.2). • Patients with moderate to severe CHF (NYHA Class III– IV) (see sections 4.2 and 5.2).
362 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
Sestavi se poročilo o ocenjevanju in razvrstitvi prijav za sodelovanje in ponudb, za katere je bilo ugotovljeno, da izpolnjujejo pogoje, ki mora biti opremljeno z datumom.
A written record of the evaluation and ranking of requests to participate and tenders declared to satisfy the requirements shall be drawn up and dated.
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