Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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sodni organ
351 Pravna redakcija
s pomočjo pri usposabljanju članov pravosodnih organov in organov sodnega pregona s poudarkom na vsebini pravnega reda Evropskih skupnosti o področju organiziranega kriminala,
assistance in training for members of the judiciary and law enforcement authorities with an emphasis on information on the Union's acquis in the field of organised crime,
352 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
Odlog se časovno omeji na eno leto, vendar z možnostjo podaljšanja, zlasti kadar dolžniki, ki od odloga nimajo koristi, carinski dolg spodbijajo pri ustreznih sodnih organih.
The duration of the suspension should be limited to one year but it should be possible to extend it in particular where debtors who are not benefiting from the suspension have contested the customs debt before the competent judicial authorities.
353 Pravna redakcija
Ob prejemu take zahteve ali v primeru, da se oseba ne odzove na poziv, lahko urad v skladu s členom 91(2) zahteva od pristojnega sodnega ali drugega organa, da to osebo zasliši.
On receipt of such a request or in the case that no reaction was given to the summons, the Office may, in accordance with Article 91 (2), request the competent judicial or other authority to hear the evidence of that person.
354 Pravna redakcija
Uporaba odstavkov 1 in 2 ne izključuje možnosti, da osebe in organizacije, na katere se nanaša člen 11, sprejmejo v pogodbenicah ustrezne ukrepe, vključno s sodnimi postopki.
Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be without prejudice to the possibilities of the persons and entities referred to in Article 11 to take appropriate actions in the Contracting Parties, including recourse to the courts.
355 Pravna redakcija
Organizacija ima zlasti sposobnost, vendar brez poseganja v določbe odstavka 4 člena 48, da sklepa pogodbe, pridobiva in odprodaja premičnine in nepremičnine in sproža sodne postopke.
In particular, but without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 48, the Organization shall have the capacity to contract, to acquire and dipose of movable and immovable property, and to institute legal proceedings.
356 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0006
Vsaka država članica brez poseganja v pristojnosti sodnih oblasti določi en sam upravni organ, ki je pristojen zagotoviti, da se določbe, sprejeta na podlagi te direktive, uporabljajo.
Without prejudice to the competences of the judicial authorities, each Member State shall designate a single administrative authority competent to ensure that the provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive are applied.
357 Pravna redakcija
Kršitve kaznujejo pristojni organi (organ za imenovanja ali AIPN), če je potrebno po opravljenih disciplinskih postopkih in glede na resnost primera, se lahko končajo s sodnim postopkom.
Infringements are punished by the appropriate authority (the appointing authority or AIPN), where necessary after conducting disciplinary proceedings, and, depending on the seriousness of the case, may result in prosecution.
358 Pravna redakcija
V Skupnem nadzornem organu ima sedež tudi eden ali več ad hoc sodnikov, vendar le za čas trajanja preizkusa pritožbe v zvezi z osebnimi podatki iz države članice, ki jih je imenovala.
One or more ad hoc judges shall also have seats, but only for the duration of the examination of an appeal concerning personal data from the Member State which has appointed them.
359 Pravna redakcija
da je izmenjava informacij dopustna po nacionalni zakonodaji zaprošene pogodbenice in da načrtovane dejavnosti niso izključna domena sodnih organov ali je zanje potrebno njihovo soglasje.
information exchange is admissible under the domestic law of the requested Contracting State and the activities to be carried out are not solely the preserve of the judicial authorities or require their consent.
360 Pravna redakcija
Stranka v postopkih, priča ali strokovnjak, ki je pozvana pred urad, lahko zahteva, da jo glede njenega pričevanja zasliši pristojni sodni ali drug organ v državi stalnega prebivališča.
A party to proceedings, witness or expert who is summoned before the Office may request it to allow his evidence to be heard by the competent judicial or other authority in his country of domicile.
361 Pravna redakcija
V memorandumu ni niti zahteve za pretirano temeljito iskanje, kakor je na primer s sodnim pozivom, niti ni zahtevan dostop do vseh različnih oblik zapisa podatkov, ki jih hrani organizacija.
It does not require the exceedingly thorough search mandated, for example, by a subpoena, nor does it require access to all the different forms in which the information may be maintained by the organization.
362 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka država članica imenuje javne uradnike, organe ali druge osebe, v nadaljevanju: "organi za sprejem", ki so pristojni za sprejem sodnih ali zunajsodnih listin iz druge države članice.
Each Member State shall designate the public officers, authorities or other persons, hereinafter referred to as 'receiving agencies', competent for the receipt of judicial or extrajudicial documents from another Member State.
363 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R1798
Obveznost dajanja pomoči iz te uredbe ne zajema posredovanja informacij ali dokumentov, ki jih pridobijo upravni organi iz člena 1, ki delujejo s pooblastilom ali na zahtevo sodnega organa.
The obligation to give assistance as provided for in this Regulation shall not cover the provision of information or documents obtained by the administrative authorities referred to in Article 1 acting with the authorisation or at the request of the judicial authority.
364 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka država članica imenuje javne uradnike, organe ali druge osebe, v nadaljnjem besedilu "organi za prejemanje" pristojne za prejemanje sodnih ali zunajsodnih listin iz druge države članice.
Each Member State shall designate the public officers, authorities or other persons, hereinafter, referred to as 'receiving agencies', competent for the receipt of judicial or extrajudicial documents from another Member State.
365 Pravna redakcija
Sodni tajnik zagotovi, da oseba ali organ, ki je v skladu s členom 49 Poslovnika odgovoren za preiskavo ali podajanje izvedenskega mnenja, razpolaga s potrebnimi sredstvi za izvedbo svoje naloge.
The Registrar shall ensure that a person or body responsible for making an investigation or giving an expert opinion in accordance with Article 49 of the Rules of Procedure is in possession of the material necessary for carrying out his task.
366 Pravna redakcija
V Španiji bodo sprejemni organi »Secretarios Judiciales (sodni tajniki) de los Juzgados Decanos (vrsta sodišč)«, ki se nahajajo v vsakem upravnem okraju. V Španiji je 430 upravnih okrajev.
In Spain the receiving agencies will be the Secretarios Judiciales (registrars) of the Juzgados Decanos (a type of court) that are to be found in each administrative district.There are 430 administrative districts in Spain.
367 Pravna redakcija
Sodišča ali drugi pristojni organi držav članic po prejetju naprošenih dopisov iz urada v njegovem imenu in v okviru svoje sodne pristojnosti opravijo vse potrebne poizvedbe ali druge ustrezne ukrepe.
Upon receipt of letters rogatory from the Office, the courts or other competent authorities of the Member States shall undertake on behalf of that Office and within the limits of their jurisdiction, any necessary enquiries or other related measures.
368 Pravna redakcija
ker je kljub temu direktor urada dolžan sodnim organom države članice takoj poslati podatke, ki jih urad pridobi med notranjo preiskavo, o okoliščinah, ki bi lahko imele za posledico kazenski postopek;
whereas it should nevertheless be incumbent upon the Director of the Office to forward directly to the judicial authorities of the Member State concerned information acquired by the Office in the course of internal investigations concerning situations liable to result in criminal proceedings;
369 Pravna redakcija
Sprejemni organ je »Ufficio Unico degli Ufficiali Giudiziari presso la Corte di Appello di Roma« (osrednja pisarna sodnih izvršiteljev pri pritožbenem sodišču v Rimu) (za podrobnosti glej spodaj).
The Receiving Agency is the Ufficio Unico degli Ufficiali Giudiziari presso la Corte di Appello di Roma (Central Office of Bailiffs at the Court of Appeal at Rome (for particulars see below).
370 Pravna redakcija
Pisnih informacij, ki jih da zaprošena pogodbenica po odstavku 1, zaprošena pogodbenica ne sme uporabiti kot dokaz v kazenskem postopku, razen s soglasjem pristojnih sodnih organov zaprošene pogodbenice.
Written information provided by the requested Contracting Party under paragraph 1 may not be used by the requesting Contracting Party as evidence of the offence charged other than with the consent of the competent judicial authorities of the requested Contracting Party.
371 Pravna redakcija
V zaprosilu za nastop mora biti posebej navedeno, pred katerim sodnim ali upravnim organom bo uradnik nastopil, v katerih zadevah in na podlagi katerega pravnega naslova ali kvalifikacije bo uradnik zaslišan.
The request for appearance must indicate specifically before which judicial or administrative authority the official will have to appear, on what matters and by virtue of what title or qualification the official will be questioned.
372 Pravna redakcija
Direktor urada pošlje sodnim organom države članice podatke, ki jih je urad pridobil med notranjo preiskavo zadev, ki bi lahko imele za posledico kazenski postopek, brez vpliva na člene 8, 9 in 11 te uredbe.
Without prejudice to Articles 8, 9 and 11 of this Regulation, the Director of the Office shall forward to the judicial authorities of the Member State concerned the information obtained by the Office during internal investigations into matters liable to result in criminal proceedings.
373 Pravna redakcija
Od 31. maja 2001 do 31. avgusta 2001:sprejemni organ je Chambre nationale des huissiers de justice/Nationale Kamer van Gerechtsdeurwaarders (Nacionalna zbornica sodnih izvršiteljev) (za podrobnosti glej spodaj).
From 31 May 2001 to 31 August 2001:the receiving agency is the Chambre nationale des huissiers de justice/Nationale Kamer van Gerechtsdeurwaarders (National Association of Bailiffs) (for particulars, see below).
374 Pravna redakcija
Člen 22 tako priznava finančno odgovornost uradnikov in drugih uslužbencev v primeru hujših osebnih kršitev in v sporih, ki izhajajo iz te določbe, dodeljuje neomejeno pristojnost sodnim organom Skupnosti."
Article 22 thus acknowledges the financial liability of officials and other servants in cases of serious personal misconduct and grants unlimited jurisdiction to the Community judicial authorities in disputes arising under this provision.
375 Pravna redakcija
Direktor ali Upravni odbor, odvisno od primera, pristopita sodnemu organu ali kateremu koli pristojnemu organu z namenom sprejemanja potrebnih ukrepov v okviru nacionalne zakonodaje, na podlagi katere deluje organ;
The Director or Management Board, depending on the case, shall approach the judicial body or any other competent body with a view to taking the necessary measures under the national law applicable to the body approached;
376 Pravna redakcija
o sprejemu priročnika sprejemnih organov in glosarja spisov, ki se vročajo v skladu z Uredbo Sveta (ES) št. 1348/2000 o vročanju sodnih in izvensodnih spisov v civilnih in trgovinskih zadevah v državah članicah
adopting a manual of receiving agencies and a glossary of documents that may be served under Council Regulation (EC) No 1348/2000 on the service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters
377 Pravna redakcija
V Luksemburgu so nastanjeni tudi sodni in para-sodni organi, vključno z organi, pristojnimi za uporabo pravil o konkurenci, ki bodisi že obstajajo bodisi bodo ustanovljeni v skladu s Pogodbami o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo, Evropske gospodarske skupnosti in Evropske skupnosti za atomsko energijo ali s konvencijami, sklenjenimi v okviru Skupnosti, bodisi med državami članicami bodisi s tretjimi državami.
378 Pravna redakcija
Če primera ni mogoče rešiti z upravnim postopkom in ga je treba predložiti v reševanje pristojnemu sodnemu organu, pristojni organ v roku 48 ur od zaključka upravnega postopka določi bančno garancijo, do sodbe.
If the case cannot be settled by administrative procedure and has to be brought before a competent judicial body, the competent authority shall set a bank security within 48 hours of completion of the administrative procedure, pending the judicial decision.
379 Pravna redakcija
Sklep Parlamenta predsednik takoj sporoči zadevnemu poslancu in pristojnemu organu države članice skupaj z zahtevo, da ga obveščajo o razvoju dogodkov pri ustreznih postopkih in o vseh nadaljnjih sodnih odločbah.
The President shall immediately communicate Parliament's decision to the Member concerned and to the competent authority of the Member State concerned, with a request that the President should be informed of any developments in the relevant proceedings and of any judicial rulings made as a consequence.
380 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka država članica imenuje javne uradnike, organe ali druge osebe, v nadaljnjem besedilu "organi za pošiljanje", ki so pristojni za pošiljanje sodnih ali zunajsodnih listin, ki se vročijo v drugi državi članici.
Each Member State shall designate the public officers, authorities or other persons, hereinafter referred to as 'transmitting agencies', competent for the transmission of judicial or extrajudicial documents to be served in another Member State.
381 Pravna redakcija
glede na pozitivno oceno pobud, ki jih je nekaj držav članic že dalo v zvezi s pošiljanjem sodnikov ali uradnikov za zvezo v organe, pristojne za pravosodno sodelovanje, in za sprejemanje sodnikov ali uradnikov za zvezo iz navedenih organov, in glede na pozitivno oceno tekočih pobud o vzpostavitvi učinkovite mreže pravosodnih kontaktnih točk za boj proti mednarodnemu organiziranemu kriminalu;
Taking a positive view of the initiatives already undertaken by a number of Member States in sending liaison magistrates or officials to or receiving them from authorities competent for judicial cooperation and current initiatives to establish an effective network of judicial contact points to combat international organized crime;
382 Pravna redakcija
Če oseba ne navede odvetnika po lastni izbiri ali če Sodišče meni, da njena izbira ni sprejemljiva, sodni tajnik pošlje izvod odredbe in vlogo za pravno pomoč organu iz Priloge II, ki je pristojni organ zadevne države.
If the person does not indicate his choice of lawyer, or if the Court considers that his choice is unacceptable, the Registrar shall send a copy of the order and of the application for legal aid to the authority named in Annex II, being the competent authority of the State concerned.
383 Pravna redakcija
Najkasneje v dveh letih od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma je ta organ prav tako pristojen, da v primeru kršitve tega sporazuma v okviru naročanja sprejme upravni ukrep ali sproži sodni postopek proti zajetim subjektom.
Not later than two years after the entry into force of this Agreement, the authority shall also be competent or take administrative or judicial action against Covered Entities in the event of a breach of this Agreement in the context of a procurement procedure.
384 Pravna redakcija
`organi oblasti` katero koli javno upravo na nacionalni, regionalni ali lokalni ravni, ki je pristojna in poseduje informacije v zvezi z okoljem, z izjemo organov, ki delujejo v okviru svojih sodne ali zakonodajne pristojnosti.
'public authorities' shall mean any public administration at national, regional or local level with responsibilities, and possessing information, relating to the environment with the exception of bodies acting in a judicial or legislative capacity.
385 Pravna redakcija
V skladu s sodno prakso Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti mora ustrezni organ dati soglasje, ki uradniku ali drugemu uslužbencu omogoča aktivno udeležbo v nacionalnih pravnih postopkih, na primer za udeložbo v postopku kot priča.
According to the case-law of the Court of Justice, the proper authority has to give its consent to enable an official or other servant to assist actively in national legal proceedings, for instance to testify as a witness.
386 Pravna redakcija
če se primer ne reši s kompromisom, in se torej prenese k pristojnemu sodnemu organu, ustrezni organ določi bančno zavarovanje, ki ga plača lastnik plovila, v roku 48 ur po zaključku kompromisnega postopka, do sodnega sklepa.
Should the case not be settled by means of compromise, and therefore be brought before a competent judicial body, a bank security payable by the vessel-owner shall be fixed by the relevant authority within 48 hours following the conclusion of the compromise procedure, pending the legal decision.
387 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
Če po poteku tega roka stranki nista dosegli soglasja glede organa za imenovanje, katera koli od strank lahko zahteva od, po položaju najvišjih, sodnikov haaškega Meddržavnega sodišča, ki so državljani ČDO in držav članic, da prevzamejo pristojnosti organa za imenovanje.
If after the expiration of that period an appointing authority has not been agreed by the parties, either party may request the most senior in rank from amongst the judges of the International Court of Justice at the Hague who are nationals of the OCT and the Member States to exercise the powers of the appointing authority.
388 Pravna redakcija
na zahtevo organov pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere se je izvajalo zasledovanje, organi pogodbenice, iz katere so prišli zasledujoči policisti, po operaciji, v kateri so sodelovali, pomagajo pri preiskavi, vključno s sodnimi postopki.
The authorities of the Contracting Party from which the pursuing officers have come shall, when requested by the authorities of the Contracting Party in whose territory the hot pursuit took place, assist the enquiry subsequent to the operation in which they took part, including judicial proceedings.
389 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0397
Revidirati tiste dele Kazenskega zakonika, ki obravnavajo verbalni delikt, obrekovanje in prekršek nad organi oblasti, da se zagotovi njihova skladnost in skladnost sodne prakse z določbami Evropske konvencije o človekovih pravicah.
Revise those sections of the Penal Code dealing with verbal outrage, slander and offence against authorities in order to ensure that they comply with the provisions of, and the case law related to, the European Convention on Human Rights.
390 Pravna redakcija
Brez poseganja v kakršne koli sodne postopke ali kazni pristojni organi izvajajo preiskave ali preglede in sprejemajo ustrezne ukrepe za kaznovanje vseh primerov lažnega ali zavajajočega izdajanja spričeval, na katere so opozorjeni.
Without prejudice to any legal proceedings or penalties, the competent authorities shall carry out investigations or checks and take appropriate measures to penalise any instances of false or misleading certification, which are brought to their attention.
391 Pravna redakcija
Skupina izvaja zgornje naloge brez odstopanja od pravice vsake članice, da upravlja vse vidike svojega domačega gospodarstva bakra in ne posega v pristojnosti mednarodnih organizacij pri zadevah, ki spadajo v njihovo sodno pristojnost.
The Group shall carry out the above functions without derogating from the right of every member to manage all aspects of its domestic copper economy and without prejudice to the competence of other international organizations in matters falling within their jurisdiction.
392 Pravna redakcija
Učinkovito upravljanje ter pravična in enakopravna uporaba železniške infrastrukture zahtevata ustanovitev upravnega organa, ki nadzoruje uporabo predpisov Skupnosti in deluje kot pritožbeni organ, ne glede na možnost sodne revizije.
The efficient management and fair and non-discriminatory use of rail infrastructure require the establishment of a regulatory body that oversees the application of these Community rules and acts as an appeal body, notwithstanding the possibility of judicial review.
393 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka država članica lahko v izjemnih okoliščinah uporabi konzularne ali diplomatske poti za posredovanje sodnih listin, ki so namenjene za vročitev, tistim organom v drugi državi članici, ki so imenovani v skladu s členom 2 ali 3.
Each Member State shall be free, in exceptional circumstances, to use consular or diplomatic channels to forward judicial documents, for the purpose of service, to those agencies of another Member State which are designated pursuant to Article 2 or 3.
394 Pravna redakcija
Te smernice se posredujejo upravnim organom, odgovornim za priznanje statusa beguncev, ki jih morajo obravnavati kot podlago, brez poseganja v sodno prakso držav članic v zvezi z azilnimi zadevami in njihov s tem povezani ustavni položaj.
These guidelines shall be notified to the administrative bodies responsible for recognition of refugee status, which are hereby requested to take them as a basis, without prejudice to Member States' caselaw on asylum matters and their relevant constitutional positions.
395 Pravna redakcija
Sodni tajnik pošlje odredbo pristojnemu organu države članice, na ozemlju katere bo priča ali izvedenec zaslišan, imenovanemu v Prilogi I. K odredbi je po potrebi priložen prevod v uradne jezike države članice, na katero je naslovljena.
The Registrar shall send the order to the competent authority named in Annex I of the Member State in whose territory the witness or expert is to be examined. Where necessary, the order shall be accompanied by a translation into the official languages of the Member State to which it is adressed.
396 Pravna redakcija
Schengenske države se lahko v skladu s členom 39 Schengenske konvencije dogovorijo s posamezno ali vsemi pogodbenicami o določitvi dodatnih območij, na katerih lahko policija zagotovi medsebojno sodelovanje brez vključevanja sodnih organov.
Schengen States may in accordance with Article 39 of the Schengen Convention agree with individual or all Contracting Parties to lay down additional areas in which the police can provide mutual assistance without involving the judicial authorities
397 Pravna redakcija
Helenska republika se zavezuje, da bo obravnavala zaprosila za pomoč v kazenskih zadevah drugih pogodbenic z vso potrebno skrbnostjo, tudi če so poslana neposredno grškim sodnim organom v skladu s postopkom iz člena 53(1) Konvencije iz 1990.
The Hellenic Republic undertakes to process requests for assistance from the other Contracting Parties with all due diligence, including when they are made directly to the Greek judicial authorities in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 53(1) of the 1990 Convention.
398 Pravna redakcija
Če ni drugače dogovorjeno, Vlada Ukrajine v sodnih postopkih ali zahtevkih ukrajinskih državljanov ali organizacij, ki bi izhajali iz dejanj ali opustitev Centra ali njegovega osebja, razen pogodbenih zahtevkov, pri izvajanju dejavnosti Centra,
Unless otherwise agreed, the Government of Ukraine shall, in respect of legal proceedings and claims by Ukrainian nationals or organisations, other than contractual claims, arising out ot the acts or omissions of the Centre or its personnel done in the performance of the Centre's activities:
399 Pravna redakcija
Sodni tajnik odredi blagajniku Sodišča, da v skladu s členom 3 Dopolnilnih pravil organu, ki ga je imenoval pristojni organ iz člena 2 omenjenih pravil, proti potrdilu o plačilu povrne stroške zaprosil za pravno pomoč v valuti zadevne države.
The Registrar shall order the cashier of the Court to refund the costs of letters rogatory payable in accordance with Article 3 of the Supplementary Rules to the authority designated by the competent authority referred to in Article 2 of those rules, in the currency of the State concerned against proof of payment.
400 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R0436
Ustrezni organ države pogodbenice za zadevno plovilo mora v celoti sodelovati z ustreznim organom države pogodbenice, ki je dodelila inšpektorja, da se zagotovi, da se dokazi o kršitvi pripravijo in shranijo v obliki, ki omogoča sodno obravnavo.
An appropriate authority of the Contracting Party for the vessel concerned shall cooperate fully with the appropriate authority of the Contracting Party that designated the inspector to ensure that the evidence of the apparent infringement is prepared and preserved in a form which facilitates judicial action.
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sodni organ