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border check
401 Pravna redakcija
automated border controls are another way of speeding up passenger checks while at the same time economising on staff.
Sredstvo za pospešitev kontrol posebno s povečanjem kontrolnih mest ob istočasnem zmanjšanju osebja je avtomatizirana mejna kontrola.
402 Pravna redakcija
TAKING as their basis the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders,
NA PODLAGI Schengenskega sporazuma z dne 14. junija 1985 o postopni odpravi kontrol na skupnih mejah,
403 Pravna redakcija
provisions for carrying out checks at the authorised crossing points along the external borders and in the border areas,
modalitete izvajanja mejnih kontrol na dovoljenih mejnih prehodih na zunanjih mejah in na območjih med mejnimi prehodi,
404 Pravna redakcija
Before the Schengen Convention was applied, under such circumstances a transit visa could be issued at the internal borders. These borders may now be crossed without any checks being carried out.
Pred začetkom veljavnosti Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma je bilo mogoče v teh primerih tranzitni vizum izdajati na notranjih mejah, ki se sedaj prestopajo brez mejne kontrole.
405 Pravna redakcija
With regard to the movement of goods, the Parties shall seek means of transferring the checks currently carried out at the common borders to the external borders or to within their own territories.
V zvezi s pretokom blaga pogodbenice poiščejo način za prenos kontrol, ki jih trenutno izvajajo na skupnih mejah, na zunanje meje ali na svoja ozemlja.
406 Pravna redakcija
HAVING DECIDED to fulfil the resolve expressed in that Agreement to abolish checks at their common borders on the movement of persons and facilitate the transport and movement of goods at those borders,
ODLOČENE izpolniti zavezo, izraženo v tem sporazumu, o odpravi kontrol na skupnih mejah pri pretoku oseb in o pospešitvi prevoza in pretoka blaga na teh mejah,
407 Pravna redakcija
The Parties shall abolish border checks on the products and groups of products listed in Appendix 1 as referred to in paragraph 2.
Pogodbenici odpravita mejne kontrole proizvodov in skupin proizvodov, naštetih v Dodatku 1 v skladu z odstavkom 2.
408 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, however, the strengthening of external border checks and the conversion of the airports have not yet been fully completed;
vendar pa ker krepitev mejnih kontrol na zunanjih mejah in preureditev letališč še ni popolnoma zaključena;
409 Pravna redakcija
The Executive Committee shall take the necessary decisions on the practical procedures for carrying out border checks and surveillance.
Izvršni odbor sprejme potrebne odločitve o praktičnih postopkih za izvajanje mejne kontrole in varovanja meje.
410 Pravna redakcija
411 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties undertake to deploy enough suitably qualified officers to carry out checks and surveillance along external borders.
Pogodbenice se obvezujejo, da bodo razporedile dovolj ustrezno usposobljenih policistov za izvajanje kontrole in nadzora na zunanjih mejah.
412 Pravna redakcija
"Joint checks" means a check conducted at the border to verify compliance with plant-health requirements of a consignment from either Party.
"Skupne kontrole" pomenijo kontrole, ki se opravljajo na meji in s katerimi se preverja, ali pošiljke iz ene ali druge pogodbenice ustrezajo zahtevam o zdravju rastlin.
413 Pravna redakcija
assess the arrangements for carrying out checks at the external borders, at the official border crossing points and in the intervening areas,
ocenijo ureditev za izvajanje mejnih kontrol na zunanjih mejah, na uradnih mejnih prehodih in na območjih med uradnimi mejnimi prehodi,
414 Pravna redakcija
(Reciprocal secondment of liaison officers to advise and assist in the performance of tasks of security and checking at the external borders)
(Medsebojna napotitev uradnikov za zvezo zaradi svetovanja in pomoči pri opravljanju varnostnih in kontrolnih nalog na zunanjih mejah)
415 Pravna redakcija
A check should be carried out at the border to verify that seamen without a Schengen visa meet the conditions for entering Schengen territory.
Na meji je treba preveriti, ali mornarji, ki nimajo schengenskega vizuma, izpolnjujejo pogoje za vstop na schengensko ozemlje.
416 Pravna redakcija
The number and intensity of checks on goods carried by travellers when crossing internal borders shall be reduced to the lowest level possible.
Število in pogostost kontrol blaga, ki ga potniki nosijo s seboj pri prehodu prek notranjih meja, se čim bolj zmanjša.
417 Pravna redakcija
From 1 July 1985 checks on documents detailing transport operations not carried out under licence or quota pursuant to Community or bilateral rules shall be replaced at the common borders by spot checks.
Od 1. julija 1985 na skupnih mejah preverjanja dokumentov o prevozih, ki se ne opravljajo z dovolilnico ali v okviru kvote v skladu s predpisi Skupnosti ali dvostranskimi predpisi, nadomestijo pregledi po naključnem izboru.
418 Pravna redakcija
PROMPTED by the resolve to achieve the abolition of checks at their common borders on the movement of nationals of the Member States of the European Communities and to facilitate the movement of goods and services at those borders,
JIH JE SPODBUDILA odločitev o odpravi kontrol na skupnih mejah pri gibanju državljanov držav članic Evropskih skupnosti in pri olajšanju pretoka blaga in storitev na teh mejah,
419 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the official veterinarian at the border inspection post, after having completed the veterinary checks, must issue a certificate attesting that these checks have been carried out to his satisfaction;
ker mora uradni veterinar na mejni kontrolni točki po opravljenih veterinarskih pregledih izdati spričevalo, ki potrjuje, da glede opravljenih veterinarskih pregledov nima pripomb;
420 Pravna redakcija
share the results and conclusions of its audit and verification procedures and border checks with countries that are not signatories to this Annex;
izmenjujeta rezultate in sklepe svojih revizij in preverjanj ter mejnih kontrol z državami, ki niso podpisnice te Priloge;
421 Pravna redakcija
use the results and conclusions of its audit and verification procedures and border checks covering countries that are not signatories to this Annex.
uporabljata rezultate in sklepe svojih revizij in preverjanj ter mejnih kontrol držav, ki niso podpisnice te Priloge.
422 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0253
The crossing point and its corresponding inspection sites shall be placed under the responsibility of veterinary services responsible for border checks.
Mejni prehod in ustrezna mesta pregleda so v pristojnosti veterinarskih služb, pristojnih za preglede na mejnih prehodih.
423 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0630
(3) Provisions should therefore be made to identify the border inspection post where products of animal origin coming from Romania could be checked at the border with Hungary, and to provide appropriate derogation to the requirements applicable to the inspection facilities for products of animal origin at this border inspection post.
(3) Na meji z Madžarsko je zato treba določiti mejne kontrolne točke, kjer se lahko pregledajo proizvodi živalsketa izvora, ki prihajajo iz Romunije, in predpisati ustrezno odstopanje od zahtev, ki veljajo za objekte in naprave za preglede proizvodov živalskega izvora na tej mejni kontrolni točki.
424 Pravna redakcija
An Ad Hoc Committee shall be set up to examine whether Greece fulfils all the preconditions for the abolition of checks on persons at the internal borders.
Ustanovi se ad hoc odbor, ki preveri ali Helenska republika izpolnjuje vse predpogoje za odpravo kontrol oseb na notranjih mejah.
425 Pravna redakcija
check whether there are sufficient staffing levels at the different borders visited, together with their training, inter alia, on detecting false documents,
preverijo ali je ustrezna kadrovska zasedba na obiskanih mejah in ustreznost usposabljenosti kadrov, še posebej za odkrivanje ponarejenih listin,
426 Pravna redakcija
The Committee shall evaluate the results of its inquiries in the areas of external border checks and arrangements for the movement of persons within airports.
Odbor oceni rezultate svojih preiskovanj na področju kontrol na zunanjih mejah in ureditve gibanja oseb na letališčih.
427 Pravna redakcija
Consideration shall subsequently be given to the possibility of introducing common checks at other border crossing points, taking account of local conditions.
Po tem se z upoštevanjem lokalnih razmer preuči možnost uvedbe skupnih kontrolnih mest tudi na drugih mejnih prehodih.
428 Pravna redakcija
A Contracting Party which envisages conducting negotiations on border checks with a third State shall inform the other Contracting Parties thereof in good time.
Pogodbenica, ki se namerava s tretjo državo pogajati o mejnih kontrolah, o tem pravočasno obvesti druge pogodbenice.
429 Pravna redakcija
The State receiving the Common Manual on Checks at the External Borders or any other confidential document must undertake to treat such document as confidential.
Država, ki sprejme Skupni priročnik o kontrolah na zunanjih mejah ali kateri koli drug zaupni dokument, se zavezuje, da bo z njim ravnala kot z zaupnim dokumentom.
430 Pravna redakcija
to the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of checks at the common borders signed at Schengen on 19 June 1990
h Konvenciji o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma z dne 14. junija 1985 o postopni odpravi kontrol na skupnih mejah, podpisani dne 19. junija 1990 v Schengnu
431 Pravna redakcija
The Parties agree that border inspections and checks of products certified to the importing Party's requirements shall be completed as expeditiously as possible.
Pogodbenici se strinjata, da se pregledi na meji in preverjanja proizvodov, ki imajo potrdilo, da ustrezajo zahtevam pogodbenice uvoznice, dokončajo čim hitreje.
432 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0809
Propose, on the basis of best practice in the field, the percentage of checks to be conducted at borders on consignments of plants subject to plant- health sampling checks, and propose a reduction in this percentage (Article 5);
Na podlagi najboljše prakse na tem področju predlagati delež pošiljk rastlin, pri katerih je treba na mejah izvajati nadzor s kontrolnimi pregledi na podlagi vzorčenja, ter predlagati zmanjšanje tega deleža (člen 5);
433 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties shall step up their cooperation with a view to conducting checks on transfers of hazardous and non-hazardous waste across internal borders.
Pogodbenice okrepijo svoje sodelovanje, da bi izvajale kontrolo prevozov nevarnih in nenevarnih odpadkov pred notranjih meja.
434 Pravna redakcija
The Parties shall endeavour to keep to a minimum the time spent at common borders in connection with checks on the carriage of passengers by road for hire or reward.
Pogodbenice si prizadevajo čim bolj skrajšati čas, ki je na skupnih mejah potreben za preglede pri cestnem prevozu potnikov za najem in plačilo.
435 Pravna redakcija
The principles governing checks at airports, being external borders, are the same as those governing checks on travellers elsewhere, for instance at road checkpoints.
Letališča predstavljajo zunanje meje, zato so načela, ki urejajo mejno kontrolo na njih, enaka načelom, ki urejajo kontrolo potnikov drugje, na primer na cestnih mejnih prehodih.
436 Pravna redakcija
A State which contemplates reinstating checks at its internal borders in the short term must send notification to the other States, together with following information:
Država, ki namerava za določen čas ponovno uvesti mejne kontrole na svojih notranjih mejah, mora o tem obvestiti druge države in jim pri tem dati naslednje informacije:
437 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
(2) The procedures for the declaration of, and veterinary checks on, animals at the border must be harmonised with the procedures applicable to products of animal origin.
(2) Postopki za deklaracijo in veterinarski pregledi živali na meji morajo biti usklajeni s postopki, ki se uporabljajo za proizvode živalskega izvora.
438 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0725
amending the provisions of Article 40(1) and (7) of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of checks at common borders
o spremembi določb členov 40(1) in (7) Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma z 14. junija 1985 o postopni odpravi kontrol na skupnih mejah
439 Pravna redakcija
For the purposes of discreet surveillance, all or some of the following information may be collected and communicated to the authority issuing the alert when border checks or other police and customs checks are carried out within the country:
Na podlagi prikritega evidentiranja se lahko pri mejni kontroli in raznih policijskih ter carinskih preverjanjih v notranjosti države v celoti ali delno zbirajo in posredujejo razpisnemu organu naslednje informacije:
440 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0630
(1) Hungary has been granted a transitional period of three years for certain aspects of the veterinary checks regime concerning the standards for the facilities required at the border with Romania, for the checks on products of animal origin.
(1) Madžarski je bilo dodeljeno prehodno obdobje treh let za določene vidike režima veterinarskih pregledov, ki se nanašajo na zahtevane standarde za objekte in naprave na meji z Romunijo zaradi pregledov proizvodov živalskega izvora.
441 Pravna redakcija
Contracting Party of first entry shall be the State whose external border the applicant crosses in order to enter the Schengen area after having had his/her documents checked.
Država pogodbenica prvega vstopa je država, katere zunanje meje prosilec prestopi, da bi vstopil na schengensko območje potem, ko so bili njegovi dokumenti že preverjeni.
442 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0253
(1) Hungary has been granted a transitional period of three years with regard to the regime to be applied at the border with Romania for the veterinary checks on live animals.
(1) Madžarski je bilo dodeljeno prehodno obdobje treh let glede režima veterinarskih pregledov živih živali na meji z Romunijo.
443 Pravna redakcija
The crossing by persons of the external borders of those States which have decided to abolish checks at their internal borders, including the rules and arrangements with which those States must comply when carrying out checks on persons at external borders, surveillance of border areas and cooperation with the services responsible for border control.
Prehod oseb preko zunanjih meja tistih držav, ki so se odločile opustiti mejno kontrolo na svojih notranjih mejah, vključno s pravili in dogovori, ki jih morajo te države izpolnjevati, ko opravljajo mejno kontrolo oseb na zunanjih mejah, nadzor mejnih območij in sodelovanje s službami, odgovornimi zamejno kotrolo
444 Pravna redakcija
With regard to the cross-border carriage of goods by road, the Parties shall waive, as from 1 July 1985, systematic performance of the following checks at their common borders:
V zvezi s čezmejnim cestnim prevozom blaga pogodbenice s 1. julijem 1985 na skupnih mejah odpravijo sistematično opravljanje naslednjih kontrol:
445 Pravna redakcija
As regards Switzerland, the Swiss authorities shall carry out the audit and verification procedures provided for in paragraph 1 and the border checks provided for in Article 15.
Kar zadeva Švico, švicarski organi izvajajo revizije in preverjanja iz odstavka 1 in mejne kontrole iz člena 15.
446 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Directive 90/425/EEC (3) provides that veterinary checks on certain live animals and animal products are no longer to be carried out at the Community's internal borders;
ker Direktiva 90/425/EGS fn določa, da se na notranjih mejah Skupnosti ne izvajajo več veterinarski pregledi za nekatere žive živali in proizvode živalskega izvora;
447 Pravna redakcija
The European Union shall provide assistance to reinforce the capacity of the Georgian authorities to provide, through their border guards, support and protection for the OSCE observer mission on the border of Georgia with the Ingush Republic of the Russian Federation, as well as continued assistance in relation to the border of Georgia with the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation.
Evropska unija nudi pomoč za okrepitev zmogljivosti gruzijskih oblasti, da bi na meji Gruzije z Inguško republiko Ruske federacije preko svojih nadzornih obmejnih organov nudili podporo in zaščito opazovalni misiji OVSE ter neprekinjeno pomoč v zvezi z mejo med Gruzijo in Čečensko republiko Ruske federacije.
448 Pravna redakcija
The Executive Committee hereby acknowledges that Greece has made considerable efforts to carry out all border checks at the airports and external borders to the Schengen standard.
Izvršni odbor potrjuje, da se je Helenska republika zelo potrudila, da bi vse mejne kontrole na letališčih in zunanjih mejah izvajala v skladu s schengenskimi standardi.
449 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 136/2004 of 22 January 2004 laying down procedures for veterinary checks at Community border inspection posts on products imported from third countries
UREDBA KOMISIJE (ES) št. 136/2004 z dne 22. januarja 2004 o postopkih za veterinarske preglede proizvodov, uvoženih iz tretjih držav, na mejnih kontrolnih točkah Skupnosti
450 Pravna redakcija
That it is equally imperative that the authorities responsible for border control at the external borders systematically check the identity papers and the travel documents of minors.
Prav tako je nujno, da organi, pristojni za izvajanje mejne kontrole na zunanjih mejah, sistematično preverjajo osebne dokumente in potne listine mladoletnih oseb.
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border check