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tariff heading
401 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R3914
Whereas the entry into force of this Regulation involves the repeal of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2093/84 of 19 July 1984 on the analytical procedure to be used in determining the dry matter, fatty matter and sugar content of certain ordinary bakers' wares falling within heading No 19.07 of the Common Customs Tariff (3);
ker uveljavitev te uredbe zajema razveljavitev Uredbe Komisije (EGS) št. 2093/84 z dne 19. julija 1984 o analitičnem postopku, ki se uporablja za ugotavljanje vsebnosti suhe snovi, maščobe in sladkorja v nekaterih navadnih pekovskih izdelkih, uvrščenih v tarifno številko 19.07 skupne carinske tarife 3;
402 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986R2858
Whereas the Common Customs Tariff annexed to Council Regulation (EEC) No 950/68 (3) as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1355/86 (4), classifies in heading No 39.07 articles of materials of the kind described in headings Nos 39.01 to 39.06, and in heading No 48.18, inter alia, registers, exercise books, notebooks, memorandum blocks, order books, receipt books, diaries, blotting-pads, binders (loose-leaf or other), etc., whereas the abovementioned headings can be envisaged for the classification of the goods in question;
ker Skupna carinska tarifa, ki je priložena Uredbi Sveta (EGS) št. 950/68 [3], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 1355/86 [4], uvršča v tarifno številko 39.07 izdelke iz materialov, ki so opisane v tarifnih številkah 39.01 do 39.06, in v tarifno številko 48.18, med drugim, registre, delovne zvezke, notese, rokovnike, knjige za naročilnice in pobotnice, dnevnike, pivnate podloge, registratorje (prostoliste ali druge), itd., ker se navedene tarifne številke lahko predvidi za uvrstitev zadevnega blaga;
403 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2501
The Commission shall, in close cooperation with Member States, monitor the imports of products of CN code 0803 00 19, of tariff headings 0603, 1006, and 1701 and of CN codes 1604 14 11, 1604 14 18, 1604 14 90, 1604 19 39 and 1604 20 70 in order to determine whether the conditions referred to in Articles 30, 31 and 32 are fulfilled.
Komisija v tesnem sodelovanju z državami članicami spremlja uvoz izdelkov iz oznake KN 08030019, tarifnih številk 0603, 1006 in 1701 ter oznak KN 16041411 , 16041418, 16041490, 16041939 in 16042070, da bi ugotovila, ali so izpolnjeni pogoji iz členov 30, 31 in 32.
404 Prevajalska redakcija
The Technical Committee shall consider and elaborate upon, on the basis of the criterion of substantial transformation, the use of change in tariff subheading or heading when developing rules of origin for particular products or a product sector and, if appropriate, the minimum change within the nomenclature that meets this criterion.
Tehnični odbor na podlagi uporabe merila bistvene predelave obravnava in ugotavlja način uporabe spremembe tarifne podštevilke ali tarifne številke pri pripravi pravil o poreklu za določene proizvode ali skupino proizvodov in, če je to primerno, najmanjše spremembe v nomenklaturi, ki ustreza temu merilu.
405 Prevajalska redakcija
Customs duties on imports into the Community of wine of fresh grapes falling within heading N° ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff and originating in Tunisia, applicable at the time of entry into force of the Additional Protocol dated 26 May 1987, shall be phased out in accordance with the rules set out in Article 1 of that Protocol.
Carine pri uvozu vina iz svežega grozdja iz tarifne številke ex 22.05 skupne carinske tarife s poreklom iz Tunizije v Skupnost, ki se uporabljajo ob začetku veljavnosti Dodatnega protokola z dne 26. maja 1987, se postopno odpravijo v skladu s pravili iz člena 1 tega protokola.
406 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R4057
COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) N° 4057/87 of 22 December 1987 amending Regulation (EEC) N° 3556/87 laying down additional detailed rules for the application of the system of advance-fixing certificates in the case of certain cereal sector products exported in the form of pasta falling within heading N° 19.03 of the Common Customs Tariff
Uredba Komisije (EGS) št. 4057/87 z dne 22. decembra 1987 o spremembah Uredbe (EGS) št. 3556/87 o dodatnih podrobnih pravilih za uporabo sistema potrdil o vnaprejšnji določitvi za nekatere proizvode v sektorju žit, izvožene v obliki testenin, ki sodijo v tarifno št. 19.03 skupne carinske tarife
407 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31975R3279
For unrooted cuttings and slips of vines and for grafted or rooted vine plants falling within heading No ex 06.02 of the Common Customs Tariff, Member States may maintain the measures which were applicable on 1 January 1974 to imports of these products originating in non-member countries, but may not make these measures more restrictive.
Države članice lahko za neukoreninjene potaknjence in cepiče trte in za trte, cepljene ali ukoreninjene, pod tarifno številko ex 06.02 skupne carinske tarife obdržijo ukrepe, ki so za uvoz teh proizvodov s poreklom iz držav nečlanic veljali 1. januarja 1974, vendar teh ukrepov ne smejo dodatno zaostriti.
408 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31984R1760
'However, the manufacturer in question may, on export, replace C sugar by another white or raw sugar in the natural state falling within heading No 17.01 of the Common Customs Tariff, or replace C isoglucose by another isoglucose, where these have been produced by another manufacturer established on the territory of the same Member State.
"Vendar lahko zadevni proizvajalec pri izvozu nadomesti sladkor C z drugim belim ali surovim sladkorjem v naravnem stanju s tarifno oznako 17.01 skupne carinske tarife ali izoglukozo C z drugo izoglukozo, če ju je proizvedel drug proizvajalec, ustanovljen na ozemlju iste države članice.
409 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
Heading or subheading in the Austrian customs tariff Description of goodsImport duty in schillings per 100 kgex 0406 10 A 1 b ex 0406 10 A 2 b ex 0406 90 A 1 d ex 0406 90 A 1 e ex 0406 90 A 1 f ex 0406 90 A 2 d ex 0406 90 A 2 e ex 0406 90 A 2 f Cheese with a water content calculated on the non-fatty matter exceeding 62 % 500 1. 2. 88No L 28/
Številka ali podštevilka v avstrijski carinski tarifi Poimenovanje Uvozna dajatev v šilingih na 100 kg 0406 10 A 1b 0406 10 A 2b ex 0406 90 A 1d ex 0406 90 A 1e ex 0406 90 A 1f ex 0406 90 A 2d ex 0406 90 A 2e ex 0406 90 A 2f Sir z vsebnostjo vode več kot 62 %, izračunane v nemaščobni snovi 500"
410 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31975R2730
Whereas, in order to avoid technical difficulties as regards customs treatment, the Council Decision of 12 December 1964 (2) on the introduction of some amendments to the Common Customs Tariff, provided for glucose, glucose syrup, lactose and lactose syrup to fall within one heading and for chemically pure glucose and lactose to fall within another;
ker je zato, da ne bi prišlo do tehničnih težav v zvezi s carinskim režimom, Odločba Sveta z dne 12. decembra 1964 [2] o uvedbi nekaterih sprememb skupne carinske tarife, predvidela za glukozo, glukozni sirup, laktozo in laktozni sirup eno tarifno številko in za kemično čisto glukozo in laktozo drugo tarifno številko;
411 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31981R3557
Whereas the Common Customs Tariff annexed to Council Regulation (EEC) No 950/68 (2), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 3300/81 (3), refers at heading No 48.07 to "paper and paperboard, impregnated, coated, surface-coloured, surface-decorated or printed, (not constituting printed matter within Chapter 49), in rolls or sheets", and at heading No 76.04 to "aluminium foil (whether or not embossed, cut to shape, perforated, coated, printed, or backed with paper or other reinforcing material), of a thickness (excluding any backing) of less than 0 720 mm";
ker skupna carinska tarifa v prilogi k Uredbi Sveta (EGS) št. 950/682, nazadnje spremenjeni z Uredbo (EGS) št. 3300/813, v tarifni številki 48.07 navaja "papir in karton, impregnirana, prevlečena, površinsko premazana, površinsko obarvana ali potiskana (ki ne predstavljata tiskovin iz Poglavja 49), v zvitkih ali listih", in v tarifni številki 76.04 "aluminijasta folija (reliefna ali ne, rezana v oblike, luknjana, prekrita, potiskana ali ojačena s papirjem ali drugim materialom za ojačanje), debeline (merjena brez podloge) manj kot 0,20 mm";
412 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R3556
Whereas under the common commercial policy it has been decided that the Community's exports of pasta falling within heading No 19.03 of the Common Customs Tariff to the United States of America should consist in part of products to which inward processing traffic arrangements have been applied, and in part of products on which export refunds are granted;
ker se je na podlagi skupne trgovinske politike odločilo, da mora biti izvoz testenin, ki sodijo v tarifno št. 19.03 skupne carinske tarife, iz Skupnosti v Združene države Amerike sestavljen deloma iz proizvodov, za katere je bil uporabljen postopek aktivnega oplemenitenja, in deloma iz proizvodov, za katere so dodeljena izvozna nadomestila;
413 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R3906
Whereas homogenized preparations of meat, meat offal or blood, preparations of animal blood, and stuffed pasta containing more than 20 % by weight of sausages and the like, meat and meat offal, including fats, may be classified, according to their essential character, in various subheadings of heading N° 16.02 of the Common Customs Tariff at present in force;
ker je mogoče homogenizirane pripravke iz mesa, drobovine ali krvi, pripravke iz živalske krvi in polnjene testenine, ki vsebujejo več kot 20 mas. % klobas in podobnega, mesa in drobovine, vključno z maščobami, v skladu z njihovo naravo uvrstiti v razne pododdelke tarifne številke 16.02 trenutno veljavne skupne carinske tarife;
414 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1361
Without prejudice to Article 3, the export refund applicable to products falling within heading No 10.06 of the Common Customs Tariff and composed of round grain, long grain or broken rice shall be that applicable: (a) for mixtures containing 40 % or less by weight of broken rice falling within subheading 10.06 C of the Common Customs Tariff: - to the component predominating by weight, when that component represents at least 90 % of the weight of the mixture, the weight of the broken rice having first been deducted,
Brez poseganja v člen 3 je izvozno nadomestilo, ki se uporablja za proizvode iz tarifne številke 10.06 skupne carinske tarife, sestavljene iz okroglozrnatega, dolgozrnatega ali lomljenega riža, tisto, ki se uporablja: (a) pri mešanicah, ki glede na težo vsebujejo 40 % ali manj lomljenega riža iz podštevilke 10.06 C skupne carinske tarife: - za sestavino, ki prevladuje po teži, kadar ta sestavina predstavlja najmanj 90 % teže mešanice, pri čemer se najprej odšteje teža lomljenega riža,
415 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R3556
Applications for advance-fixing certificates for cereal sector basic products to be exported to the United States of America in the form of pasta falling within heading No 19.03 of the Common Customs Tariff shall be delivered on the fifth working day following that on which the application was lodged, providing that no specific measures have been taken in the meantime.
Zahtevki za potrdila o vnaprejšnji določitvi za osnovne proizvode v sektorju žit za izvoz v Združene države Amerike v obliki testenin, ki sodijo v tarifno št. 19.03 skupne carinske tarife, se izdajo peti delovni dan po dnevu vložitve zahtevka, če v vmesnem času niso bili sprejeti nobeni posebni ukrepi.
416 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R3556
the quantities of pasta falling within heading No 19.03 of the Common Customs Tariff for which the rate of the export refund granted on the previous working day for the cereals used in its production was fixed in advance, together with the date on which the declaration of export of the pasta to the United States of America was accepted by the relevant customs authorities.
količinah testenin, ki sodijo v tarifno št. 19.03 skupne carinske tarife, za katere je bila stopnja izvoznega nadomestila, ki je bilo prejšnji delovni dan dodeljeno za žito, uporabljeno pri njihovi proizvodnji, določena vnaprej, skupaj z datumom, na katerega so pristojni carinski organi sprejeli deklaracijo o izvozu testenin v Združene države Amerike.
417 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R2723
For the export to the United States of America of goods falling within heading No 19.03 of the Common Customs Tariff the competent authorities of the Member States where the export declaration is accepted by customs shall, at the request of the parties concerned, issue a 'Certificate for the export with refund of pasta to the USA', hereinafter referred to as the 'certificate P 2'.
Za izvoz blaga, ki sodi v tarifno št. 19.03 skupne carinske tarife, v Združene države Amerike, pristojni organi držav članic, kjer carinski uradi sprejmejo izvozno deklaracijo, na zahtevo zadevnih strani izdajo "Potrdilo o izvozu testenin z nadomestilom v ZDA", v nadaljnjem besedilu "potrdilo P2".
418 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31974R1709
Whereas heading No 08.11 of the Common Customs Tariff annexed to Council Regulation (EEC) No 950/68 of 28 June 1968, as last amended by Council Regulation (EEC) No 1615/74 of 25 June 1974, covers "fruit provisionally preserved (for example, by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions), but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption";
ker tarifna številka 08.11 skupne carinske tarife v prilogi Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 950/68 z dne 28. junija 1968, kot je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo Sveta (EGS) št. 1615/74 z dne 25. junija 1974, obsega "sadje, začasno konzervirano (na primer z žveplovim dioksidom, v slanici, v žveplani vodi ali drugih raztopinah za konzerviranje), vendar v takšnem stanju neustrezno za takojšnjo porabo";
419 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986R0401
Goods falling within heading No 19.03 of the Common Customs Tariff and entered for consumption in the United States or Canada after 1 November 1985 and for which the refund was fixed in advance between 19 July and 31 October 1985 shall be eligible for the rate of refund applicable to other non-member countries in force on the day the application for advance fixing certificates was lodged.
Blago iz tarifne številke 19.03 skupne carinske tarife, ki je bilo carinjeno za prosto prodajo v Združenih državah Amerike ali v Kanadi po 1. novembru 1985 in za katero je bilo vnaprej določeno izvozno nadomestilo med 19. julijem in 31. oktobrom 1985, je upravičeno do enakega nadomestila, kakor se uporablja za druge države nečlanice in velja na dan vložitve zahtevka za potrdilo o vnaprejšnji določitvi nadomestila.
420 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976R0102
Whereas by an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and Norway, the Community undertook to effect an autonomous reduction of the customs duties applicable to certain fishery products, falling within heading Nos ex 03.01, ex 16.04 and ex 16.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Norway, provided that Norway respected current terms of general competition in the fisheries sector;
ker je Skupnost z izmenjavo pisem med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Norveško izvedla avtonomno znižanje carin, ki se uporabljajo za nekatere ribiške proizvode, zajete pod tarifnimi številkami ex 03.01, ex 16.04 in ex 16.05 skupne carinske tarife, s poreklom iz Norveške pod pogojem, da je Norveška spoštovala veljavne pogoje splošne konkurence na področju ribištva;
421 Prevajalska redakcija
For wine of fresh grapes falling within heading N° ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff presented in containers of two litres or less and originating in Tunisia, the fixed amount added to the price referred to in Article 53 of Regulation (EEC) N° 822/87 on the common organization of the market in wine shall be phased out at the rate indicated below within the limit of an annual volume of 10 000 hectolitres:
Za vino iz svežega grozdja iz tarifne številke ex 22.05 skupne carinske tarife, pakirano ter etiketirano v posodah z vsebino dva litra ali manj in s poreklom iz Tunizije, se stalni znesek, ki se doda ceni iz člena 53 Uredbe (EGS) št. 822/87 o skupni ureditvi trga za vino, postopno odpravi po spodaj navedeni stopnji in v mejah letnega obsega v višini 10000 hektolitrov:
422 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31972R0679
"Vitreous china" or "semi-vitreous china" which are ceramic products that have been vitrified to a greater or lesser extent of slightly greyish-white or artificially coloured ceramic material which is smooth to the tongue, shall, as appropriate, be classified under headings or subheadings Nos 69.09 A, 69.11, 69.13 B or 69.14 A of the Common Customs Tariff where, simultaneously, they have the following properties:
"Izdelki iz steklastega porcelana" ali "izdelki iz polsteklastega porcelana", ki so keramični izdelki zastekljeni do manjše ali večje stopnje, iz materiala rahlo sivkasto bele barve ali umetno obarvanega keramičnega materiala, ki je gladek pri dotiku z jezikom, se, kot je to ustrezno, uvrstijo v tarifne številke ali tarifne podštevilke 69.09 A, 69.11, 69.13 B ali 69.14 A, če imajo naslednje lastnosti:
423 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R2723
Where cereal products covered by one of the situations referred to in Article 9 (2) of the Treaty are used for the manufacture of goods falling within heading No 19.03 of the Common Customs Tariff and incorporating certain quantities of cereals subject to inward processing arrangements, the export of the said goods to the United States of America shall not confer entitlement to the export refund for the said product.
Če se žitni proizvodi, ki se nahajajo v enem od stanj, navedenih v členu 9(2) Pogodbe, uporabijo za proizvodnjo blaga, ki sodi v tarifno št. 19.03 skupne carinske tarife in ki vsebuje določene količine žit, ki so predmet postopka aktivnega oplemenitenja, izvoz navedenega blaga v Združene države Amerike ne pomeni pravice do izvoznega nadomestila za navedene proizvode.
424 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977R1180
The levy on imports of rye falling within heading No 10.02 of the Common Customs Tariff which is produced in Turkey and transported direct from there to the Community, shall be that calculated in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EEC) No 2727/75 minus an amount equal to the special export charge levied by Turkey on exports to the Community of the said product but not exceeding eight units of account per tonne.
Dajatev na uvoz rži, ki sodi v številko 10.02 skupne carinske tarife in je proizvedena v Turčiji ter transportirana neposredno v Skupnost, je izračunana skladno s členom 13 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2727/75, minus znesek, ki je enak posebni izvozni dajatvi Turčije za izvoz navedenega proizvoda v Skupnost, vendar ne presega osem obračunskih enot na tono.
425 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986R0401
Whereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 3035/80 of 11 November 1980 laying down general rules for granting export refunds on certain agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by Annex II to the Treaty, and the criteria for fixing the amount of such refunds (3), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1982/85 (4), provides that the rate of refunds for goods falling within heading No 19.03 of the Common Customs Tariff may be differentiated according to their destination;
ker Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 3035/80 z dne 11. novembra 1980 o splošnih pravilih za dodeljevanje izvoznih nadomestil za nekatere kmetijske proizvode, izvožene v obliki proizvodov, ki jih ne zajema Priloga II k Pogodbi o ustanovitvi EGS, in o merilih za določanje višine takšnih nadomestil3, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 1982/854, določa, da se lahko za blago iz tarifne številke 19.03 skupne carinske tarife dodeljujejo različno visoka nadomestila glede na namembno državo;
426 Prevajalska redakcija
Regarding licenses for imports of products listed in Annex II and originating in Switzerland, the Hellenic Republic shall apply the same administrative rules and practices as applied to such imports originating in the Community as at present constituted, with the exception of the quota for fertilizers falling within heading Nos 31.02 and 31.03 and subheadings 31.05 A I, II and IV of the Common Customs Tariff, where the Hellenic Republic may apply the rules and practices relevant to exclusive marketing rights.
V zvezi z dovoljenji za uvoz izdelkov iz Priloge II in s poreklom iz Švice uporablja Helenska republika enake upravne predpise in običajne postopke, ki se uporabljajo za uvoz takšnega blaga s poreklom iz Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi, razen za kvoto za gnojila, ki se uvrščajo v številki 31.02 in 31.03 ter podštevilke 31.05 A I, II in IV Skupne carinske tarife, kjer lahko Helenska republika uporabi pravila in običajne postopke, ki zadevajo izključne pravice trženja.
427 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R2723
Whereas, following the decisions taken under the common commercial policy, provision should be made so that pasta products falling within heading No 19.03 of the Common Customs Tariff and exported to the United States are accompanied either by a certificate stating that they are being exported following an inward processing operation or by a certificate stating that they qualify for a rate of refund applicable, in the case of exports to the United States of America, to the basic cereal products used in their manufacture;
ker je po sklepih, sprejetih v okviru skupne trgovinske politike, treba predvideti, da testenine, ki sodijo v tarifno št. 19.03 skupne carinske tarife in se izvozijo v Združene države Amerike, spremlja bodisi potrdilo o izvozu po opravljenem postopku aktivnega oplemenitenja ali potrdilo o upravičenosti do stopnje nadomestila, ki se uporablja pri izvozu v Združene države Amerike za osnovne proizvode iz žit, uporabljene pri njihovi proizvodnji;
428 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
Heading or subheading in the Austrian customs tariff Description of goodsDuty in schillings per 100 kg Import quantities in tonnes ex 0406 30 A 1 ex 0406 30 A 2 ex 0406 20 A 1 a) ex 0406 20 A 2 a) Processed cheese other than grated or powdered Processed cheese, grated or powdered 760 2 000 ex 0406 40 A 1 ex 0406 40 A 2 Blue-veined cheese 560 ex 0406 20 A 1 c) ex 0406 20 A 2 c) ex 0406 90 A 1 f) ex 0406 90 A 2 f) Danbo, Edam, Elbo, Fynbo, Fontal, Gouda, Havarti, Malbo, Maribo, Mimolette, Samsoe, Tybo, whether or not grated or powdered 560 ex 0406 90 A 1 f) ex 0406 90 A 2 f) Tilsit 460 ex 0406 20 A 1 c) ex 0406 20 A 2 c) ex 0406 90 A 1 f) ex 0406 90 A 2 f) Emmental and Gruyere, whether or not grated or powdered 460 ex 0406 10 A 1 b) ex 0406 20 A 1 c) ex 0406 20 A 2 b) ex 0406 20 A 2 c) ex 0406 90 A 1 d) ex 0406 90 A 1 e) ex 0406 90 A 1 f) ex 0406 90 A 2 d) ex 0406 90 A 2 e) ex 0406 90 A 2 f) Butterkaese, Esrom, Italico, Kernheim, St Nectaire, St Paulin, Taleggio, Cheddar and other cheeses not included above, of a water content in the non-fatty matter not exceeding 62 %, whether or not grated or powdered 560 3 000 The above cheeses of Community origin may not be imported into Austria unless accompanied by the approved certificates of quality and origin.
Številka ali podštevilka avstrijske carinske tarife Poimenovanje blaga Dajatev v šilingih na 100 kg Uvozne količine v tonah 0406 30 A 1 0406 30 A 2 ex 0406 20 A 1 (a) ex 0406 20 A 2 (a) 0406 40 A 1 0406 40 A 2 ex 0406 20 A 1 (c) ex 0406 20 A 2 (c) ex 0406 90 A 1 (f) ex 0406 90 A 2 (f) ex 0406 90 A 1 (f) ex 0406 90 A 2 (f) ex 0406 20 A 1 (c) ex 0406 20 A 2 (c) ex 0406 90 A 1 (f) ex 0406 90 A 2 (f) 0406 10 A 1 (b) ex 0406 20 A 1 (c) 0406 20 A 2 (b) ex 0406 20 A 2 (c) ex 0406 90 A 1 (d) ex 0406 90 A 1 (e) ex 0406 90 A 1 (f) ex 0406 90 A 2 (d) ex 0406 90 A 2 (e) ex 0406 90 A 2 (f) Topljeni sir, razen naribanega, ali v prahu Topljeni sir, nariban ali v prahu Sir z modro ali podobno žlahtno plesnijo nastalo v jedru sira Danbo, edamec, elbo, fynbo, fontal, gauda, havarti, malbo, maribo, mimolette, samso, tybo, nariban ali v prahu ali ne Tilsit Ementalec in grojer, nariban ali v prahu ali ne Butterkaese, esrom, italico, kernheim, st.nectaire, st. paulin, teleggio, cheddar in drugi siri, ki niso vključeni zgoraj, z vsebnostjo vode v nemaščobni snovi do vključno 62 %, naribani ali v prahu ali ne 760 560 560 460 460 560 2 000 3 000
429 Prevod
In the case of goods having undergone processing or working, indicate the products used, their tariff heading, their origin and, where appropriate, the manufacturing process, the goods obtained and their tariff heading.
Pri blagu, ki je bilo predelano ali obdelano, navedite uporabljene izdelke, njihovo tarifno številko, njihovo poreklo in kjer je ustrezno, proizvodni postopek, pridobljeno blago in njegovo tarifno številko.
430 Prevod
Norwegian Customs Tariff Description heading No
Tarifna številka poimenovanja v norveški carinski tarifi
431 Prevod
List of working or processing operations which do not result in a change of tariff heading, but which do confer the status of 'originating' products on the products undergoing such operations
Seznam obdelovalnih ali predelovalnih postopkov, ki ne povzročijo spremembe tarifne številke, vendar pa dajo status izdelka "s poreklom" tistim izdelkom, na katerih se opravijo
432 Prevod
For the purpose of implementing Article 1 (1) (b) and (2) (b), the following shall still be considered as insufficient working or processing to confer the status of orginating product, whether or not there is a change of tariff heading:
Za namen izvajanja člena 1(1)(b) in (2)(b) se šteje, da so naslednji postopki obdelave ali predelave še vedno nezadostni za pridobitev statusa izdelka s poreklom, ne glede na to, ali je tarifna številka spremenjena ali ne:
433 Prevod
List of working or processing operations which result in a change of tariff heading without conferring the status of 'originating' products on the products undergoing such operations, or conferring this status only subject to certain conditions
Seznam obdelovalnih ali predelovalnih postopkov, katerih posledica je sprememba tarifne številke brez dodelitve statusa izdelkov "s poreklom" ali pa takšen status dodelijo samo pod določenimi pogoji
434 Prevod
Tariff quota common to the six headings relating to mixtures of fruit.
Carinska kvota, skupna za šest rubrik, ki se nanašajo na mešanice sadja.
435 Prevod
Trimmings and accessories used (excluding linings and interlining) which change tariff heading do not remove the originating status of the product obtained if their weight does not exceed 10% of the total weight of all the textile materials incoiporated.
Uporabljena pozamenterija in pribor (razen podlog in vmesnih plasti), ki spremenijo tarifno številko, ne ukinejo statusa izdelka s poreklom za pridobljeni izdelek, če njihova teža ne presega 10% skupne teže vseh vdelanih tekstilnih materialov.
436 Prevod
Trimmings and accessories used (excluding linings and interlining) which change tariff heading do not remove the originating status of the product obtained if their weight does not exceed 10 % of the total weight of all the textile matetials incorporated.
Uporabljena pozamenterija in pribor (razen podlog in vmesnih plasti), ki spremenijo tarifno številko, ne ukinejo statusa izdelka s poreklom za pridobljeni izdelek, če njihova teža ne presega 10 % skupne teže vseh vdelanih tekstilnih materialov.
437 Prevod
Includes the tariff classification of the goods at a heading (4 digits code) level.
Vključuje tarifno uvrščanje blaga na ravni tarifnih številk (4-mestna oznaka).
438 Prevod
Tariff quota common to the three headings ex 0703 10 11, ex 0703 10 19 and ex 0709 90 90.
Carinska kvota, skupna za tri tarifne podštevilke ex 0703 10 11, ex 0703 10 19 in ex 0709 90 90.
439 Prevod
'Sections', 'Chapters' and 'tariff headings' shall mean the Sections, Chapters and tariff headings in the Brussels Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs.
"Oddelki", "poglavja" in "tarifne številke" pomenijo oddelke, poglavja in tarifne številke bruseljske nomenklature za razvrščanje blaga v carinske tarife.
440 Prevod
For the purpose of implementing Article 2 paragraph 1 (A) (b) and (B) (b), the percentage rule must be observed by referring, for the added value acquired, to the provisions contained in Lists A and B. Where the products obtained appear in List A, the percentage rule therefore constitutes a criterion additional to that of change of tariff heading for any non-originating product used.
Za namen izvajanja člena 2 odstavka 1(A)(b) in (B)(b), mora biti odstotno pravilo pri pridobljeni dodani vrednosti upoštevano s sklicevanjem na določbe iz Seznama A in B. Če so pridobljeni izdelki navedeni v Seznamu A, je odstotno pravilo merilo, ki se ob spremembi tarifne številke uporablja za vse uporabljene izdelke brez porekla.
441 Prevod
in the case of the HS headings listed in Attachment A, by creating, where appropriate, subdivisions in its schedule at the national tariff line level, and
pri tarifnih številkah HS, navedenih v Dodatku A, z oblikovanjem, kjer je to primerno, podrazdelkov v svoji listi na ravni nacionalne tarifne številke in
442 Prevod
When, for a given product obtained, a percentage rule limits in List A and in List B the value of the materials and parts which can be used, the total value of these materials and parts, whether or not they have changed tariff heading in the course of the working, processing or assembly within the limits and under the conditions laid down in each of those two lists, may not exceed, in relation to the value of the product obtained, the value corresponding either to the common rate, if the rates are identical in both lists, or to the higher of the two if they are different.
Če za dani pridobljeni izdelek odstotno pravilo v Seznamu A in Seznamu B omejuje vrednost materialov in delov, ki se lahko uporabijo, skupna vrednost teh materialov in delov, ne glede na to ali spremenijo tarifno številko med obdelavo, predelavo ali sestavljanjem, v mejah in pod pogoji, določenimi v vsakem od teh dveh seznamov, ne sme presegati, glede na vrednost pridobljenega izdelka, vrednosti, ki ustreza bodisi skupni stopnji, če sta stopnji v obeh seznamih enaki, ali pa višji od obeh, če sta različni.
443 Prevod
The quantities imported from the Community into Bulgaria under the tariff headings of the Bulgarian Customs Tariff referred to in this Annex will be subject to reduction of the applicable duty and of charges having an equivalent effect of:
Za količine, ki se uvažajo iz Skupnosti v Bolgarijo pod tarifnimi številkami bolgarske carinske tarife, navedenimi v tej prilogi, velja znižanje dajatve, ki se uporablja, in dajatev z enakim učinkom, in sicer:
444 Prevod
This Article provides for a special timetable for the reduction of customs duties on imports into the Community as originally constituted and Ireland of products of subheading No 76.01 A and of heading No 76.02 or 76.03 of the Common Customs Tariff.
Ta člen predvideva posebni časovni razpored za zniževanje carin pri uvozu v Skupnost v njeni prvotni sestavi in Irsko za izdelke iz tarifne podštevilke 76.01 A in tarifne številke 76.02 ali 76.03 skupne carinske tarife.
445 Prevod
Printed books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the printing industry; manuscripts, typescripts and plans - subject to customs duties in the Common Customs Tariff (headings Nos 49.03, 49.05 A, 49.07 A, 49.07 C II, 49.08, 49.09, 49.10, 49.11 B)
Tiskane knjige, časopisi, slike in drugi proizvodi grafične industrije; rokopisi, tipkana besedila in načrti - za katere veljajo carine skupne carinske tarife (tarifne številke 49.03, 49.05 A, 49.07 A, 49.07 C II, 49.08, 49.09, 49.10, 49.11 B)
446 Prevod
in the case of the products specified in Attachment B, by attaching an annex to its schedule including all products in Attachment B, which is to specify the detailed HS headings for those products at either the national tariff line level or the HS 6-digit level.
pri izdelkih, navedenih v Dodatku B, s priložitvijo priloge k svoji listi, vključno z vsemi izdelki iz Dodatka B, v kateri morajo biti za vse te izdelke navedene podrobne tarifne številke HS bodisi na ravni nacionalne tarifne številke ali pa na ravni 6-mestne oznake HS.
447 Prevod
Customs duties on imports into the Community as originally constituted and into Ireland of the products falling within subheading No 76.01 A and of headings Nos 76.02 and 76.03 of the Common Customs Tariff shall be progressively reduced to the following levels in accordance with the following timetable:
Carine pri uvozu izdelkov iz tarifne podštevilke 76.01 A in iz tarifnih številk 76.02 in 76.03 skupne carinske tarife v Skupnost v njeni prvotni sestavi in na Irsko se postopno znižajo na naslednje stopnje v skladu z naslednjim časovnih razporedom:
448 Prevod
During the period from the date of entry into force of the Agreement to 31 December 1982 Ireland shall be entitled to open each year, for imports of products originating in Norway and falling within headings No 48.01 to 48.07, zero-duty tariff quotas until 31 December 1980, and 2 % duty tariff quotas subsequently, the basic amounts of which shall be equal to the average amount of imports between 1968 and 1971 raised annually by 5 % between 1974 and 1976.
V obdobju od datuma uveljavitve Sporazuma do 31. decembra 1982 ima Irska pravico da vsako leto za uvoz izdelkov s poreklom iz Norveške, ki sodijo v tarifne številke 48.01 do 48.07, odpre tarifne kvote z dajatvijo nič do 31. decembra 1980, nato pa tarifne kvote z 2 % dajatvijo, katerih osnovna količina je enaka povprečni količini uvoza med letoma 1968 in 1971, vsako leto zvišani za 5 % med letoma 1974 in 1976.
449 Prevod
Customs duties on imports into the Community as originally constituted of products falling within Chapters 48 or 49 of the Common Customs Tariff excluding heading No 48.09 (building board of wood pulp or of vegetable fibre, whether or not bonded with natural or artificial resins or with similar binders) shall be progressively abolished in accordance with the following timetable:
Za izdelke iz poglavij 48 ali 49 skupne carinske tarife, razen tarifne številke 48.09 (gradbene plošče iz lesne celuloze ali rastlinskih vlaken, vezane z naravnimi ali umetnimi smolami ali podobnimi vezivi ali ne), se carine pri uvozu v Skupnost v njeni prvotni sestavi postopno odpravijo v skladu z naslednjim časovnim razporedom:
450 Prevod
Regarding licenses for imports of products listed in Annex II and originating in Iceland, the Hellenic Republic shall apply the same administrative rules and practices as applied to such imports originating in the Community as at present constituted, with the exception of the quota for fertilizers falling within heading Nos 31.02 and 31.03 and subheadings 31.05 A I, II and IV of the Common Customs Tariff, where the Hellenic Republic may apply the rules and practices relevant to exclusive marketing rights.
Helenska republika v zvezi z dovoljenji za uvoz izdelkov, naštetih v Prilogi II in s poreklom iz Islandije, uporablja enake upravne predpise in prakse, kot se uporabljajo za takšne uvoze s poreklom iz Skupnosti, kakršna je trenutno, razen kvot za gnojila, ki se uvrščajo v tarifni številki 31.02 in 31.03 in podštevilke 31.05 A I, II in IV Skupne carinske tarife, kjer lahko Helenska republika uporablja predpise in prakse, ki se nanašajo na izključne pravice trženja.
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tariff heading