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ACP-EC Convention
1 Končna redakcija
ACP-EC Convention
sporazum AKP-ES
2 Končna redakcija
In Article 130w, paragraph 3, the words 'ACP-EEC Convention` shall be replaced by 'ACP-EC Convention`.
V odstavku 3 člena 130w se besedi "Konvencije AKP-EGS" nadomestita s "Konvencije AKP-ES".
3 Končna redakcija
In accordance with Article 366(3) of the Fourth ACP-EC Convention, the ACP-EC Council of Ministers will adopt a Decision on the transitional measures applicable between 2 August 2000 and the entry into force of the ACP-EC Agreement.
V skladu s členom 366(3) Četrte konvencije AKP-ES bo Svet ministrov AKP-ES sprejel Sklep o prehodnih ukrepih, ki se uporabljajo od 2. avgusta 2000 do začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma AKP-ES.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0704
Whereas Regulation (EC) No 1706/98 implements the amendments to the arrangements for imports from the ACP States introduced as a result of the mid-term review of the fourth ACP-EC Convention of Lomé;
ker Uredba (ES) št. 1706/98 uveljavlja spremembe uvoznih režimov glede uvoza iz držav AKP, vpeljane kot posledica srednjeročnega ponovnega pregleda četrte konvencije AKP-ES iz Lomeja;
5 Končna redakcija
The provisions of this Article shall not affect cooperation with the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries in the framework of the ACP-EC Convention.
Določbe tega člena ne vplivajo na sodelovanje z afriškimi, karibskimi in pacifiškimi državami v okviru Konvencije AKP-ES.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0579
In accordance with Article 366(3) of the Fourth ACP-EC Convention, as amended by the agreement signed in Mauritius on 4 November 1995, the ACP-EC Council of Ministers adopted through Decision No 1/2000(1) transitional measures to cover the period between 2 August 2000 until 1 June 2002.
V skladu s členom 366(3) četrte konvencije med državami AKP in ES spremenjene s sporazumom, podpisanim na Mauritiusu 4. novembra 1995, je Svet ministrov držav AKP in ES s Sklepom št. 1/2000 ([1]) sprejel prehodne ukrepe s katerimi se ureja obdobje od 2. avgusta 2000 do 1. junija 2002.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
Whereas the fourth ACP-EC Convention, signed in Lomé on 15 December 1989 (hereinafter referred to as 'the Convention`), as amended by the Agreement amending the fourth ACP-EC Convention of Lomé, signed in Mauritius on 4 November 1995, set the aggregate amount of Community aid to the ACP States for a five-year period beginning on 1 March 1995 at ECU 14 625 million, comprising ECU 12 967 million from the European Development Fund and ECU 1 658 million the European Investment Bank (hereinafter referred to as 'the Bank`);
ker je Četrta konvencija AKP-ES - podpisana v Loméju 15. decembra 1989 (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Konvencija"), kakor je bila spremenjena s Sporazumom o spremembah Četrte konvencije AKP-ES iz Loméja, podpisanim na Mauritiusu 4. novembra 1995 - določila skupni znesek pomoči Skupnosti državam AKP za obdobje petih let z začetkom 1. marca 1995 na 14 625 milijonov ekujev, ki obsega 12 967 milijonov iz Evropskega razvojnega sklada ter 1 658 ekujev iz Evropske investicijske banke (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Banka");
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0704
Imports may only qualify for a reduction in import duty as provided for in this Regulation where the origin of the products concerned is certified by the competent authorities of the exporting countries in accordance with the rules of origin applicable to the products in question pursuant to Protocol 1 to the fourth ACP-EC Convention signed in Lomé on 15 December 1989.
Uvoz z znižano carino po tej uredbi je možen le, če izvor zadevnih proizvodov potrdijo pristojni organi držav izvoznic v skladu s pravili o izvoru proizvodov po Protokolu I četrte konvencije AKP-ES, podpisane v Lomeju dne 15. decembra 1989.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
The provisions for implementing this Agreement shall be the subject of a Financial Regulation adopted, on the entry into force of the Agreement amending the Fourth ACP-EC Convention, by the Council, acting by the qualified majority laid down in Article 21(4), on the basis of a Commission draft, after an opinion has been delivered by the Bank on the provisions of concern to it and by the Court of Auditors established under Article 188a et seq. of the Treaty.
Določbe za izvajanje tega sporazuma so v skladu s finančno uredbo, ki jo je Svet sprejel s kvalificirano večino iz člena 21(4) ob začetku veljavnosti sporazuma, spreminjajočega Četrto AKP-ES konvencijo, na podlagi osnutka Komisije in ko je Banka podala mnenje o določbah, ki jo zadevajo, ter ravno tako Računsko sodišče, ustanovljeno po členu 188a in sledečih členih Pogodbe.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
that the matter be brought before the ACP-EC Ministerial Committee referred to in Article 325 of the Convention (hereinafter called 'the Development Finance Cooperation Committee`), or
da se zadeva predloži Ministrskemu odboru AKP-ES iz člena 325 Konvencije (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Odbor za sodelovanje pri financiranju razvoja"), ali
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
The Commission shall ensure that the aid policy defined by the Council is implemented as well as the guidelines for development finance cooperation defined by the ACP-EC Council of Ministers pursuant to Article 325 of the Convention.
Komisija zagotovi izvajanje politike pomoči, ki jo je oblikoval Svet, kakor tudi uresničevanje smernic za razvoj finančnega sodelovanja, ki ga je Svet ministrov AKP-ES opredelil v skladu s členom 325 Konvencije.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
This assessment shall cover the conformity of the projects with Community development aid policy, with the objectives of financial and technical cooperation laid down by the Convention and with the general guidelines adopted by the ACP-EC Council of Ministers.
Ocena obsega skladnost projektov z razvojno politiko Skupnosti glede pomoči, katere cilj je finančno in tehnično sodelovanje, ki je določeno v Konvenciji in za katero je Ministrski svet AKP-ES sprejel smernice.
13 Pravna redakcija
the negotiation, conclusion and implementation of the ACP-EC Convention;
pogajanja, sklenitev in izvajanje konvencije AKP-ES;
14 Pravna redakcija
In accordance with Article 366(3) of the Fourth ACP-EC Convention, the ACP-EC Council of Ministers will adopt a Decision on the transitional measures applicable between 2 August 2000 and the entry into force of the ACP-EC Agreement.
V skladu s členom 366 (3) Četrte konvencije AKP-ES bo Svet ministrov AKP-ES sprejel Sklep o prehodnih ukrepih, ki se uporabljajo od 2. avgusta 2000 do začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma AKP-ES.
15 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Regulation (EC) No 1706/98 implements the amendments to the arrangements for imports from the ACP States introduced as a result of the mid-term review of the fourth ACP-EC Convention of Lomé;
ker Uredba (ES) št. 1706/98 uveljavlja spremembe uvoznih režimov glede uvoza iz držav AKP, vpeljane kot posledica srednjeročnega ponovnega pregleda četrte konvencije AKP-ES iz Lomeja;
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0461
Having regard to the fourth ACP-EC Convention, signed at Lomé on 15 December 1989 and amended by the agreement signed in Mauritius on 4 November 1995,
ob upoštevanju èetrte Konvencije AKP-ES, podpisane 15. decembra 1989 v Loméju in spremenjene s sporazumom, podpisanim na Mavricijusu 4. novembra 1995,
17 Pravna redakcija
RECALLING the wish of the Parties to establish the closest possible relationship between South Africa and the countries of the ACP-EC Lomé Convention as reflected in the signing, on 24 April 1997, of the Protocol governing the accession of South Africa to the fourth ACP-EC Convention of Lomé, as amended by the Agreement signed in Mauritius on 4 November 1995;
OB PONOVNI POTRDITVI želje pogodbenic, da vzpostavita čim bolj tesne odnose med Južno Afriko in državami članicami Konvencije AKP-ES iz Lomeja, kot so se odražali v podpisu, 24. aprila 1997, Protokola o pristopu Južne Afrike k Četrti konvenciji AKP-ES iz Lomeja, kot je bila spremenjena s sporazumom, podpisanim na Mauritiusu, 4. novembra 1995;
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
Whereas the fourth ACP-EC Convention, signed in Lome on 15 December 1989 (hereinafter referred to as `the Convention'), as amended by the Agreement amending the fourth ACP-EC Convention of Lome, signed in Mauritius on 4 November 1995, set the aggregate amount of Community aid to the ACP States for a five-year period beginning on 1 March 1995 at ECU 14 625 million, comprising ECU 12 967 million from the European Development Fund and ECU 1 658 million the European Investment Bank (hereinafter referred to as `the Bank');
ker je Četrta konvencija AKP-ES - podpisana v Lome 15. decembra 1989 (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Konvencija"), kakor je bila spremenjena s Sporazumom o spremembah Četrte konvencije AKP-ES v Lome, podpisanim v Mavricijusu 4. novembra 1995 - določila skupni znesek pomoči Skupnosti državam AKP za obdobje petih let z začetkom 1. marca 1995 na 14 625 milijonov ekujev, ki obsega 12 967 milijonov iz Evropskega razvojnega sklada ter 1 658 ekujev iz Evropske investicijske banke (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Banka");
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
between the representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, on the financing and administration of the Community aid under the Second Financial Protocol to the fourth ACP-EC Convention
med predstavniki vlad držav članic, ki so se sestali na zasedanju Sveta, o financiranju in upravljanju pomoči Skupnosti v okviru drugega finančnega protokola k Četrti konvenciji AKP-ES
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2286
In order to facilitate the transition to the new trading arrangements, and in particular the Economic Partnership Agreement, the non-reciprocal trade preferences applied under the Fourth ACP-EC Convention should be maintained during the preparatory period until 31 December 2007 for all ACP States, under the conditions defined in Annex V to the Cotonou Agreement.
Da bi olajšali prehod na novo trgovinsko ureditev in zlasti na sporazum o gospodarskem partnerstvu, je treba nevzajemne trgovinske preferenciale, ki se uporabljajo po Četrti konvenciji AKP-ES, med pripravljalnim obdobjem do 31. decembra 2007 ohraniti za vse države AKP pod pogoji, opredeljenimi v Prilogi V k Sporazumu iz Cotonouja.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0461
Having regard to the Internal Agreement on the financing and administration of Community aid under the second financial protocol of the fourth ACP-EC Convention, hereafter called the "Internal Agreement", and in particular Article 9 thereof,
ob upoštevanju Notranjega sporazuma o financiranju in upravljanju pomoči Skupnosti, podpisanega dne 29. julija 1969, na podlagi drugega finančnega protokola četrte Konvencije AKP-ES (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Notranji sporazum"), in zlasti člena 9 Notranjega sporazuma,
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0461
The sum of ECU 5,5 million shall be deducted from the revenue accruing from the interest on the funds deposited with paying agents in Europe referred to in Article 319(4) of the fourth ACP-EC Convention, to finance the fixed costs arising from the replacement of the European Association for Cooperation for the management of technical assistance for the ACP States and the OCT.
Znesek 5,5 milijonov ekujev se odšteje od prihodkov iz obresti na sredstva, položena pri plačilnem posredniku v Evropi iz člena 319(4) četrte Konvencije AKP, za financiranje fiksnih stroškov, ki izhajajo iz nadomestitve Evropske zveze za sodelovanje za upravljanje tehnične pomoči državam AKP in ČDO.
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0175
Having regard to the Internal Agreement of 16 July 1990 on the financing and administration of Community aid under the Fourth ACP-EC Convention ( fn ), hereinafter referred to as the `Internal Agreement on the 7th EDF` , and in particular Article 9(2) thereof,
ob upoštevanju Notranjega sporazuma z dne 16. julija 1990 o financiranju in upravljanju pomoči Skupnosti na podlagi Četrte konvencije AKP-ES ( fn ), v nadaljevanju "Notranji sporazum za 7. ERS ", in zlasti člena 9(2) Sporazuma,
24 Pravna redakcija
Products imported under tariff quota 09.1633 and the tariff ceilings listed in Annex III to this Regulation shall be released into free circulation upon presentation of an EUR.1 movement certificate or a declaration on the invoice issued by the exporting country in accordance with Protocol 1 to Annex V to the ACP-EC Convention.
Proizvodi, uvoženi v okviru tarifne kvote 09.1633, in tarifni plafoni, našteti v Prilogi III k tej uredbi, se sprostijo v prosti promet po predložitvi potrdila o gibanju EUR.1, ki ga je izdala država izvoznica v skladu s Protokom 1 k Prilogi V k Konvenciji AKP - ES, ali po predložitvi izjave na računu izdane v skladu s tem protokolom.
25 Pravna redakcija
Imports may only qualify for a reduction in import duty as provided for in this Regulation where the origin of the products concerned is certified by the competent authorities of the exporting countries in accordance with the rules of origin applicable to the products in question pursuant to Protocol 1 to the fourth ACP-EC Convention signed in Lomé on 15 December 1989.
Uvoz z znižano carino po tej uredbi je možen le, če izvor zadevnih proizvodov potrdijo pristojni organi držav izvoznic v skladu s pravili o izvoru proizvodov po Protokolu I četrte konvencije AKP-ES, podpisane v Lomeju dne 15. decembra 1989.
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0175
Having regard to the Internal Agreement of 20 December 1995 between the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, on the financing and administration of Community aid under the Second Financial Protocol to the fourth ACP-EC Convention ( fn ), hereinafter referred to as the `Internal Agreement for the 8th EDF` , and in particular Article 9(2) thereof,
ob upoštevanju Notranjega sporazuma z dne 20. decembra 1995 med predstavniki vlad držav članic, združenimi v Svetu, o financiranju in upravljanju pomoči Skupnosti v okviru Drugega finančnega protokola k Četrti konvenciji AKP-ES ( fn ), v nadaljevanju "Notranji sporazum za 8. ERS", in zlasti člena 9(2) Sporazuma,
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
The provisions for implementing this Agreement shall be the subject of a Financial Regulation adopted, on the entry into force of the Agreement amending the Fourth ACP-EC Convention, by the Council, acting by the qualified majority laid down in Article 21(4), on the basis of a Commission draft, after an opinion has been delivered by the Bank on the provisions of concern to it and by the Court of Auditors established under Article 188a et seq. of the Treaty.
Določbe za izvajanje tega sporazuma so v skladu s finančno uredbo, ki jo je Svet sprejel s kvalificirano večino iz člena 21(4) ob začetku veljavnosti sporazuma, spreminjajočega Četrto AKP-ES konvencijo, na podlagi osnutka Komisije in ko je Banka podala mnenje o določbah, ki jo zadevajo, ter ravno tako Računsko sodišče, ustanovljeno po členu 188a in sledečih členih Pogodbe.
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
that the matter be brought before the ACP-EC Ministerial Committee referred to in Article 325 of the Convention (hereinafter called `the Development Finance Cooperation Committee'), or
da se zadeva predloži Ministrskemu odboru AKP-ES iz člena 325 Konvencije (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Odbor za sodelovanje pri financiranju razvoja") ali
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2046
Whereas the Fourth ACP-EC Convention and the cooperation, association and partnership agreements concluded by the European Community with developing countries contain clauses on cooperation to curb drug abuse and drug trafficking, the monitoring of trade in precursors, chemical products and psychotropic substances and the exchange of relevant information, including measures in the field of money laundering; whereas there is a relationship between the campaign against drugs and drug addiction and the aims of the cooperation policy pursued by the Community and its developing-country partners;
ker četrta konvencija AKP-ES in sporazumi o sodelovanju, pridružitvi in partnerstvu, ki jih je Evropska skupnost sklenila z državami v razvoju, vsebujejo klavzule o sodelovanju pri zatiranju zlorabe prepovedanih drog in prometa s prepovedanimi drogami, o spremljanju trgovine s predhodnimi sestavinami, kemičnimi proizvodi in psihotropnimi snovmi ter o izmenjavi ustreznih informacij, vključujoč ukrepe na področju pranja denarja; ker obstaja povezava med bojem proti mamilom in odvisnosti od mamil ter cilji politike sodelovanja, ki jo uresničujejo Skupnost in njene partnerske države v razvoju;
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
The Commission shall ensure that the aid policy defined by the Council is implemented as well as the guidelines for development finance cooperation defined by the ACP-EC Council of Ministers pursuant to Article 325 of the Convention.
Komisija zagotovi izvajanje politike pomoči, ki jo je oblikoval Svet, kakor tudi uresničevanje smernic za razvoj finančnega sodelovanja, ki ga je Svet ministrov AKP-ES opredelil v skladu s členom 325 Konvencije.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0268
The provisions for the fees referred to in Article 1 shall be met from the reflows to the Member States of debt service payments generated by risk capital operations and special loans undertaken under the successive ACP-EC Conventions.
P Predvidene pristojbine iz èlena 1 se pokrijejo iz vrnjenih sredstev državam èlanicam iz naslova plaèil dolžniških obveznosti, katera izvirajo iz operacij riziènega kapitala in posebnih posojil, izvedenih v okviru zaporednih Konvencij AKP - ES.
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
This assessment shall cover the conformity of the projects with Community development aid policy, with the objectives of financial and technical cooperation laid down by the Convention and with the general guidelines adopted by the ACP-EC Council of Ministers.
Ocena obsega skladnost projektov z razvojno politiko Skupnosti glede pomoči, katere cilj je finančno in tehnično sodelovanje, ki je določeno v Konvenciji in za katero je Ministrski svet AKP-ES sprejel smernice.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0399
The Fourth ACP-EC Convention expired on 29 February 2000.
Četrta Konvencija med državami AKP in ES je potekla dne 29. februarja 2000.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1420
Whereas with regard to shipments to ACP countries, Article 39 of the Fourth ACP-EC Convention prohibits exports of all waste listed in Annexes I and II of the Basel Convention;
ker v zvezi s pošiljkami v države AKP člen 39 Četrte konvencije AKP-ES, prepoveduje izvoz vseh odpadkov, navedenih v prilogah I in II Baselske konvencije;
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1547
The provisions of Article 1 shall be without prejudice to the prohibitions set out in the Fourth ACP-EC Convention as regards shipments of waste to ACP countries.
Določbe člena 1 veljajo brez poseganja v prepovedi, določene v Četrti konvenciji AKP-ES, v zvezi s pošiljanjem odpadkov v države AKP.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R1980
Whereas the fourth ACP-EC Convention (2), hereinafter referred to as 'the Convention`, provides for customs duties on imports into the Community of certain products originating in the ACP States to be waived or reduced within the framework of tariff quotas, tariff ceilings or reference quantities;
ker četrta Konvencija AKP-ES2, v nadaljevanju "Konvencija", predvideva, da se carine pri uvozu nekaterih proizvodov s poreklom iz držav AKP v Skupnost opustijo ali znižajo v okviru tarifnih kvot, tarifnih plafonov ali referenčnih količin;
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0579
In accordance with Article 366(3) of the Fourth ACP-EC Convention, as amended by the agreement signed in Mauritius on 4 November 1995, the ACP-EC Council of Ministers adopted through Decision No 1/2000(1) transitional measures to cover the period between 2 August 2000 until 1 June 2002.
V skladu s členom 366(3) četrte konvencije med državami AKP in ES spremenjene s sporazumom, podpisanim na Mauritiusu 4. novembra 1995, je Svet ministrov držav AKP in ES s Sklepom št. 1/2000 ([1]) sprejel prehodne ukrepe s katerimi se ureja obdobje od 2. avgusta 2000 do 1. junija 2002.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0602
Whereas agricultural products subject under the Fourth ACP-EC Convention to a tariff reduction but not to a tariff quota should be included in the scheme for the benefit of least-developed countries by applying one of the preferential rates of duty provided for in Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 1256/96, in line with the reduction accorded by the Fourth ACP-EC Convention,
ker je treba kmetijske proizvode, za katere se v okviru Četrte AKP-ES konvencije uporablja tarifno znižanje, vendar ne tarifna kvota, vključiti v shemo v korist najmanj razvitih držav tako, da se uporabi ena od preferencialnih stopenj dajatev, predvidenih v členu 2 Uredbe (ES) št. 1256/96, v skladu z znižanjem, priznanim s Četrto AKP-ES konvencijo,
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0856
Whereas technical and financial assistance, additional to that provided for in the fourth ACP-EC Convention of Lomé, should therefore be granted to traditional ACP suppliers to enable them to adapt to new market conditions and in particular to improve competitiveness;
ker je torej treba tradicionalnim dobaviteljem iz afriških, karibskih in pacifiških držav odobriti tehnično in finančno pomoč, ki dopolnjuje pomoč, predvideno v četrti Konvenciji iz Loméja med AKP in ES, da bi se lahko prilagodile novim tržnim pogojem in zlasti izboljšale konkurenčnost;
40 Prevajalska redakcija
In order to facilitate the transition to the new trading arrangements, the non-reciprocal trade preferences applied under the Fourth ACP-EC Convention shall be maintained during the preparatory period for all ACP countries, under the conditions defined in Annex V to this Agreement.
Za lajšanje prehoda k novim trgovinskim dogovorom se v pripravljalnem obdobju pod pogoji, opredeljenimi v Prilogi V k temu sporazumu, za vse države AKP ohranijo enostranske trgovinske preference, ki se uporabljajo po Četrtem sporazumu držav AKP in ES.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
Whereas the fourth ACP-EC Convention, signed in Lomé on 15 December 1989 (hereinafter referred to as 'the Convention`), as amended by the Agreement amending the fourth ACP-EC Convention of Lomé, signed in Mauritius on 4 November 1995, set the aggregate amount of Community aid to the ACP States for a five-year period beginning on 1 March 1995 at ECU 14 625 million, comprising ECU 12 967 million from the European Development Fund and ECU 1 658 million the European Investment Bank (hereinafter referred to as 'the Bank`);
ker je Četrta konvencija AKP-ES - podpisana v Loméju 15. decembra 1989 (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Konvencija"), kakor je bila spremenjena s Sporazumom o spremembah Četrte konvencije AKP-ES iz Loméja, podpisanim na Mauritiusu 4. novembra 1995 - določila skupni znesek pomoči Skupnosti državam AKP za obdobje petih let z začetkom 1. marca 1995 na 14 625 milijonov ekujev, ki obsega 12 967 milijonov iz Evropskega razvojnega sklada ter 1 658 ekujev iz Evropske investicijske banke (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Banka");
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0399
Council Decision 90/523/EEC(3) provided for the delegation of powers to the Commission with regard to the adoption of a common position of the Community following a request by the ACP States for derogation from the rules of origin laid down in Protocol No 1 to the Fourth ACP-EC Convention.
Sklep Sveta 90/523/EGS [3] določa, v zvezi s sprejemom mnenja Skupnosti, prenos pooblastil na Komisijo po prejemu zaprosil držav AKP o odstopanjih od pravil o poreklu blaga določenih v Protokolu št. 1 Četrte Konvencije med državami AKP in ES.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R1637
Whereas for traditional ACP bananas retention of the total quantity of 857 700 tonnes that may be imported at nil duty preserves access to the Community market for the supplier States of the traditional quantities, in line with Protocol 5 annexed to the Fourth ACP-EC Convention and with WTO rules;
ker delež tradicionalnih AKP banan v skupni količini 857 700 ton, ki se lahko uvozijo brez carinskih dajatev, za države dobaviteljice tradicionalnih količin ohranja dostop do trga Skupnosti v skladu s Protokolom 5 k Četrti konvenciji držav AKP in ES ter s pravili STO;
44 Prevajalska redakcija
Suppliers' declarations made and information certificates issued before the date of entry into force of this Protocol in accordance with Article 23 of Protocol 1 to the Fourth ACP-EC Convention shall remain valid.
Dobaviteljeve izjave in potrdila o informacijah, podane oz. izdana pred datumom začetka veljavnosti tega protokola v skladu s členom 23 Protokola 1 k četrti Konvenciji držav AKP in ES, veljajo še naprej.
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ACP-EC Convention