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Bill of Exchange Act
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0131
Whereas the Commission has negotiated on behalf of the Community bilateral agreements in the form of an exchange of letters to amend the existing bilateral agreements, arrangements and protocols on trade in textile products with certain third countries to take into account the accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the European Union, as provided for in Articles 75, 100 and 127 of the Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the Union is founded attached to the 1994 Treaty of Accession;
ker je Komisija v imenu Skupnosti s pogajanji uskladila dvostranske sporazume v obliki izmenjave pisem o spremembi obstoječih dvostranskih sporazumov, dogovorov in protokolov o trgovini s tekstilnimi izdelki z nekaterimi tretjimi državami, da bi se upošteval pristop Republike Avstrije, Republike Finske in Kraljevine Švedske k Evropski uniji, kot je predvideno v členih 75, 100 in 127 Akta, priloženega Pristopni pogodbi iz leta 1994, v zvezi s pristopnimi pogoji in prilagoditvami pogodb, na katerih temelji Unija;
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Bill of Exchange Act