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1 Končna redakcija
[CELEX number]:
[številka CELEX]:
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-55
Centre for Effective Learning Environments (CELE)
Center za učinkovita učna okolja (CELE)
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Europe day shall be celebrated on 9 May throughout the Union.
Dan Evrope se v vsej Uniji praznuje 9. maja.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
Celebrating the importance of cultural diversity for the full realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other universally recognized instruments,
poudarjajoč pomen kulturne raznolikosti za polno uveljavljanje človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, zapisanih v Splošni deklaraciji človekovih pravic in v drugih splošno priznanih instrumentih,
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
Considering the relevant provisions of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, done at London, Moscow and Washington on 27 January 1967,
upoštevajoč ustrezne določbe Pogodbe o načelih delovanja držav pri raziskovanju in uporabi vesoljskega prostora, vključno z Luno in drugimi nebesnimi telesi, ki je bila sklenjena v Londonu, Moskvi in Washingtonu 27. januarja 1967,
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 9-2009
TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION the provisions of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, done on 27 January 1967, and other multilateral agreements on the exploration and use of outer space to which Member States of the Agency are parties and which the Agency has accepted,
OB UPOŠTEVANJU določb Pogodbe o načelih, ki urejajo dejavnosti držav pri raziskovanju in uporabi vesolja, vključno z Luno in drugimi nebesnimi telesi, z dne 27. januarja 1967 ter drugih večstranskih sporazumov o raziskovanju in uporabi vesolja, katerih pogodbenice so države članice Agencije in ki jih je Agencija sprejela,
7 Končna redakcija
'Live up to your manifesto. Celebrate what you are'.
»Živite svoj manifesto. Praznovanje tistega, kar imamo.«
8 Končna redakcija
12. Celebrities (texts about the public or private lives of famous gays and lesbians).
12. Znane osebnosti (besedila o javnem ali zasebnem življenju znanih osebnosti, ki so geji ali lezbijke).
9 Končna redakcija
MRS EYNSFORD HILL. Your celebrated son! I have so longed to meet you, Professor Higgins.
GOSPA EYNSFORD HILL. Vaš slavni sin! Kako sem hrepenela, da bi se seznanila z vami, profesor Higgins.
10 Končna redakcija
MRS HIGGINS. I'm sorry to say that my celebrated son has no manners. You mustnt mind him.
HIGGINSOVA. Zal moram ugotoviti, da moj slavni sin nima nobenih manir. Ne smete mu zameriti.
11 Končna redakcija
This is a coming together of the fashion and celebrity systems which take advantage of one another.
Tu se združujeta modni in zvezdni .ki sistem in drug drugega izkoriščata.
12 Končna redakcija
They themselves have become the issues of other media, just like the stories about celebrities they narrate.
Sami po sebi so postali medijska tema drugih medijev, tako kot zgodbe o osebnostih, o katerih govorijo.
13 Končna redakcija
News on the opening of the exhibition of the portraits of public celebrities by a well known caricaturist Borut Pečar.
Novica o razstavi karikatur Boruta Pečarja.
14 Končna redakcija
February 1974, in respect of artichokes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, ribbed celery, witloof chicory, garlic and onions;
februarja 1974 za artičoke, beluše, brstični ohrovt, rebrasto zeleno, endivijo, česen in čebulo;
15 Končna redakcija
a celebrity represents capital and investment, which sells the news and organises the market for all the other programmes.
zvezda je kapital in investicija, ki prodaja novice in organizira trg za prodajo vseh drugih oddaj.
16 Končna redakcija
From the economic perspective, newspresenters serve the same purpose as celebrities in other spheres of cultural production:
Ekonomsko voditelji rabijo istemu namenu kot zvezde, osebnosti na drugih področjih kulturne produkcije:
17 Končna redakcija
The presentation of fashion using celebrities does not belong to the same type of fashion presentation as has been so far treated.
Prezentacija mode z znanimi osebami ni ravno predstavljanje mode v doslej navedenem kontekstu.
18 Končna redakcija
During the first stage of the scandal, the bone of contention was the May 25 celebration, but that was just the tip of the iceberg.
V prvi fazi afere je kamen spotike 25. maj, vendar se za tem skriva veliko več;
19 Končna redakcija
for example, Jana's front covers included a portrait of a child, an anonymous young lady, a celebrity; the cover lines serve as content summaries).
portret otroka, anonimne gospodične ali kakšne priljubljene javne osebnosti; kratki teksti oziroma naslovi rabijo za vsebinske povzetke);
20 Končna redakcija
The same magazine arrived at the conclusion that 'an increasing number of celebrity women admit without hesitating that they (also) like women' (92, 2000).
V isti reviji leta 2000 ugotavljajo, da »vse več slavnih žensk brez jecljanja priznava, da so jim všeč pač (tudi) ženske« (92, 2000), podobno kot v Delu leta 1997 pišejo:
21 Končna redakcija
During the process of Slovenian independence, the castle was the venue on 7 November 1991 for a working and celebratory session of the Slovenian government.
Med osamosvajanjem Slovenije je bila na gradu 7. novembra 1991 delovna in slovesna seja slovenske vlade.
22 Končna redakcija
Naša žena's stories about families similarly point to the social struggles embodied by a successful business woman (and her derivation, the mother-celebrity).
Družbeni spopadi, ki jih uteleša poslovno uspešna ženska (in njena izpeljava, slavna oseba mati), spregovorijo tudi v podobi družine.
23 Končna redakcija
They are waiting patiently for the end of all the renovation work, which they intend to celebrate with a cruise, since the boat should then be ready for sailing.
Potrpežljivo čakata na zaključek obnovitvenih del. Konec obnove nameravata praznovati s križarjenjem, saj bo ladja takrat že pripravljena za plovbo.
24 Končna redakcija
A story about a celebrity mother who does not want to be a 'top star but the top mother' to her child, attaches the motherhood discourse to the image of a career woman.
Zgodba o zvezdni.ki materi, ki noče biti »prva dama, ampak prva mama« svojemu otroku, pripenja materinski diskurz na portret poklicne ženske.
25 Končna redakcija
On the commercial POP TV, the production of celebrities/public personalities out of newsreaders has been systematic and deliberate, while on the Slovene public service television channel it was the spontaneous result of the 'mythological partnership' between tabloids and celebrities of all kinds, including those from local journalism.
Na komercialni POP TV je produkcija zvezd/nacionalnih osebnosti iz bralcev sistematična in zavestna, na slovenski televiziji pa spontani rezultat 'mitološkega partnerstva' med tabloidi in zvezdami vseh vrst, tudi zvezdami lokalnega žurnalizma.
26 Končna redakcija
The concept of using non-celebrity models undermines and defies the traditional concept of a fashionable body, which enables fashion creators to animate viewers beforehand.
Koncept uporabe nezvezdniških modelov podira koncept tradicionalnega modnega telesa in se mu upira in to omogoča modnim ustvarjalcem in njihovim izdelkom preanimacijo gledalstva.
27 Končna redakcija
The newspresenters, these once relatively humble figures who read the news, have now turned into celebrities, local stars representing the focal point of the discourse in the news.
Danes so se voditelji, te nekdaj relativno skromne figure, ki so brale novice, spremenili v znane osebnosti, lokalne zvezdnike, ki predstavljajo središče diskurza v novicah.
28 Končna redakcija
Thus the formerly humble newsreaders have turned into 'marketing objects', and, to varying degrees, they have become bizarre and charismatic local celebrities and national 'super-subjects'.
Tako so nekdaj skromni bralci novic postali 'objekt trženja' in bolj ali manj bizarni in bolj ali manj karizmatični lokalni zvezdniki in nacionalni 'supersubjekti'.
29 Končna redakcija
The newspresenters at POP TV and TV SLO, the hosts of 'talk shows' and quizzes, and local sport celebrities are but more ordinary, typical versions of the well-known star-system phenomenon.
Voditelji POP TV novic in novic na TV SLO, gostitelji 'kontaktnih oddaj' in kvizov, lokalne športne zvezde so le bolj navadne, tipične inačice istega zvezdniškega fenomena.
30 Končna redakcija
He, being a humorist, explained to them the method of the celebrated Dickensian essay on Chinese Metaphysics by the gentleman who read an article on China and an article on Metaphysics and combined the information.
Ravnatelj je bil humorist in tako jima je razložil metodo iz znamenite Dickensove razprave o kitajski metafiziki, kakor jo je uporabil neki gospod, ki je prebral članek o Kitajski in članek o metafiziki in kombiniral informaciji.
31 Končna redakcija
1. Scandals (texts about the Magnus festival, the termination of financial aid to Revolver magazine, a ban on the celebration of the tenth anniversary of homosexual activism, the publication of the leaflet Sexuality and Aids and the like).
1. Afere (besedila o aferah ob festivalu Magnus, ob ukinitvi fi nančne podpore Revolverju, ob prepovedi praznovanja desete obletnice aktivizma na Ljubljanskem gradu, ob zloženki Spolnost in aids in podobno).
32 Končna redakcija
A celebrity is a 'locus of formative social power in consumer capitalism allowing for the configuration, positioning, and proliferation of certain discourses about the individual and individuality in contemporary culture' says David Marshall.
Slavna oseba je »locus družbene moči v potrošniškem kapitalizmu, ki omogoča konfiguriranje, pozicioniranje in pomnoževanje diskurzov o posamezniku in individualnosti v sodobni kulturi«, pravi David Marshall.
33 Končna redakcija
The subjectivisation of news - primarily the verbal and visual construction of events into stories, 'happy chat', and the construction of the local celebrity out of television newspresenter - is the paramount change in the television news of the last decade.
Subjektivizacija novic - predvsem verbalna in vizualna konstrukcija dogodkov v zgodbe, 'zadovoljno kramljanje' in konstrukcija lokalnega zvezdništva televizijskih voditeljev je največja sprememba televizijskih novic zadnjega desetletja.
34 Končna redakcija
In this essay we will explore how the modified role of newspresenter within the general structure of the news changes the mode in which the news creates an impression of credibility, and how his/her secondary existence as a local celebrity affects the news discourse.
Pri tem nas v tem eseju zanima, kako voditeljeva spremenjena vloga v celotni strukturi novic spreminja način, na katerega novice ustvarjajo vtis kredibilnosti? Kako njegova sekundarna eksistenca lokalne zvezde vpliva na diskurz novic?
35 Končna redakcija
Only through permanent 'secondary existence' can he/she become a personality, and although he/she does not attain the notorious charismatic status of celebrities, he/she nevertheless invokes trust, and can assume responsibility for the veracity of the news that he/she interprets for us.
Le skozi stalno 'sekundarno eksistenco' lahko postane osebnost, ki sicer nima notoričnega karizmatičnega statusa kot globalne zvezde, vendar pa zbuja zaupanje in lahko prevzame odgovornost za resničnost novic, ki jih za nas komentira in interpretira.
36 Končna redakcija
Irrespective of this celebrated past, most of the inns where apfelwein is now served measure history from the day they first opened their doors, proudly listing the generations to have stood behind the bar, and to have worked in the cellar, as most of the inns produce their own apfelwein.
Ne glede na to slavno preteklost, pa v večini lokalov, kjer danes točijo jabolčno vino, merijo zgodovino z dnem odprtja njihove gostilne, pri čemer ponosno nizajo število generacij, ki so se zvrstile za šankom. In v kleti, saj ima večina birtij tudi lastno pridelavo jabolčnega vina.
37 Končna redakcija
'And some ridiculous institutions tick us off for intolerance, yes, but it's exactly the opposite' say M. S.'s bar flies, 'our extremities obviously shake with impatience to embrace our brothers again while nobody explains why indeed we drained so many cups to celebrate the plebiscite and liberation'.
'Pa nam neke smešne ustanove očitajo nestrpnost, ja, nasprotno,' pravijo pri M. S. pivci, 'naši udje se očitno kar tresejo od nestrpnosti po ponovnem bratstvu, nihče pa ne pojasni, čemu smo se ga potem nacejali ob plebiscitu, osvoboditvi'.
38 Končna redakcija
zunanje zadeve
Katanec's glittering playing career, which after periods with Olimpija Ljubljana, Dinamo Zagreb, Partizan Belgrade and Stuttgart reached a climax with his spell at the famous Sampdoria, where he was celebrated for his particularly hard-working game, gave rise to the idea that he could also be successful as a coach with such an approach.
Katančeva blesteča igralska kariera, katere vrhunec so bili - po Olimpiji, Dinamu, Partizanu in Stuttgartu - nastopi v dresu slovite Sampdorie iz Genove, kjer je navduševal predvsem z izredno delovno igro, je pač napovedovala, da bi bil s takim pristopom lahko kar uspešen tudi kot trener.
39 Končna redakcija
The refugee issue is so far-reaching that it even gives rise to reasoning of this type: 'the celebrated Kreslin has reportedly published a new record with the much-liked Bosnian sevdah in cooperation with refugees, but it is not known whether these are old recordings with real refugees or if he is singing accompanied by a pack of yugobums.
V zvezi z begunci pa zadeve včasih gredo tako daleč, da je 'slavni Kreslin menda izdal novo ploščo priljubljenega BiH-sevdaha skupaj z 'izbeglicami', ni pa znano, ali gre za stare posnetke s pravimi begunci ali prepeva zgolj v družbi tropa jugoklatežev.
40 Končna redakcija
One year later, in 1994, the gay and lesbian organizations were celebrating the tenth anniversary of their existence, and the party was planned to take place in the Ljubljana castle, a landmark of the town and a high-profile state-owned site. This plan caused still another scandal and 'earned' the homosexual movement further media visibility.
Naslednje leto, ko naj bi gejevsko in lezbično gibanje svojo deseto obletnico praznovalo na Ljubljanskem gradu, je izbruhnila še tretja afera, ki je homoseksualnosti ponovno »priskrbela« nekaj medijske vidnosti.
41 Končna redakcija
The television newspresenters circulate between fashion competitions, openings and parties (The Slovene Woman of the Year Contest, On the Sunny Side of the Alps, Fashion Jana Selects the Best-dressed Man in Slovenia; Fashion Thoughts of the Best-dressed Men and Women in Slovenia, etc.), and mix with celebrities from other spheres of the local popular culture.
Televizijski voditelji krožijo med modnimi tekmovanji, otvoritvami in zabavami (Tekmovanje za Slovenko leta, Na sončni strani Alp, Modna Jana izbira najbolje oblečenega Slovenca, Modne misli najbolje oblečenih Slovencev in Slovenk...) in se mešajo z zvezdami iz drugih področij lokalne popularno kulturne estrade.
42 Končna redakcija
10. Therapy and causes (texts in which journalists seek the causes of homosexuality and report on various 'treatments' that allegedly cure homosexuality).Scandals (texts about the Magnus festival, the termination of financial aid to Revolver magazine, a ban on the celebration of the tenth anniversary of homosexual activism, the publication of the leaflet Sexuality and Aids and the like).
10. Zdravljene in vzroki (besedila, v katerih novinarji iščejo vzroke za homoseksualnost in poročajo o raznih »zdravilih« proti homoseksualnosti).
43 Končna redakcija
Today - when newspresenters appear on hoarding posters; when they are turning into commercial objects, trademarks, and local celebrities; when they live their secondary lives in the social chronicles of tabloids; when they compete for best-dressed local celebrity; when they expose minor secrets about the private lives of the local showbiz in their articles; and when the news has finally become part of local popular culture - this is more true than ever.
Danes, ko nas voditelji novic gledajo z jumbo plakatov, ko postajajo objekti trženja, blagovni znak, lokalne zvezde, ko svoje sekundarno življenje živijo po družabnih kronikah tabloidov, tekmujejo za najbolje oblečenega Slovenca/ko in razkrivajo drobne skrivnosti v člankih o zasebnem življenju lokalne estrade in ko so novice dokončno postale del lokalne popularne kulture, velja to bolj kot kdaj prej.
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