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CM Document
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(4) The documents making up the European patent application shall be on A 4 paper (29.7 cm 21 cm) which shall be pliable, strong, white, smooth, matt and durable.
(4) Dokumenti, ki sestavljajo evropsko patentno prijavo, se predložijo na papirju formata A4 (29,7 cm x 21 cm), ki je upogiben, močan, bel, gladek, brez sijaja in obstojen.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R0436
INSPECTOR'S DOCUMENT OF IDENTITY (not smaller than 8,5 cm × 5,5 cm)
INŠPEKTORJEV DOKUMENT O ISTOVETNOSTI (ne sme biti manjši od 8.5 cm x 5.5 cm)
3 Pravna redakcija
When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part to products originating in Ceuta and Mellila, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol "CM"
Kadar se izjava na računu delno ali v celoti nanaša na izdelke s poreklom iz Ceute in Melille, jih mora izvoznik jasno označiti z oznako "CM" v dokumentu, na katerem se izdela izjava.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0038
When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Mellila, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol "CM".
Kadar se izjava na računu deloma ali v celoti nanaša na izdelke s poreklom iz Ceute in Mellile, jih mora izvoznik v dokumentu, na katerem se daje izjava, jasno označiti z oznako "CM".
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 38 of Annex III, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol 'CM'.
Kadar se izjava na računu delno ali v celoti nanaša na proizvode po poreklu s Ceute in Melille v smislu člena 38 Priloge III, jih mora izvoznik v dokumentu, na katerem je izjava napisana, jasno označiti s simbolom "CM".
6 Pravna redakcija
When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 37 of the Protocol, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol 'CM'.
Če se izjava na računu v celoti ali deloma nanaša na izdelke s poreklom iz Ceute ali Melille v smislu člena 37 protokola, jih mora izvoznik jasno navesti v dokumentu, na katerem se izdela izjava, z oznako "CM".
7 Pravna redakcija
When the invoice declaration relates, in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 38 of the Protocol, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol 'CM'.
Če se izjava na računu v celoti ali deloma nanaša na izdelke s poreklom iz Ceute ali Melille v smislu člena 38 Protokola, jih mora izvoznik z oznako "CM" jasno označiti v dokumentu, na katerem je izjava dana.
8 Pravna redakcija
When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 3 7 of the Protocol, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol 'CM'.
Kadar se izjava na računu v celoti ali deloma nanaša na izdelke s poreklom iz Ceute ali Melille v smislu člena 37 protokola, jih mora izvoznik jasno označiti v dokumentu, na katerem se izdela izjava, z oznako "CM".
9 Pravna redakcija
Observer States taking part in operations for which the European Union avails itself of the WEU shall contribute to the common costs and any additional costs to the WEU budget incurred as a direct result of the operation in accordance with the cost-sharing formula in WEU document CM(95)5, Annex 1, Appendix 1, paragraph 3, or any subsequent WEU regulation(4).
Države opazovalke, ki sodelujejo v operacijah v katerih se Evropska unija obrne na ZEU, prispevajo v proračun ZEU k skupnim in vsem dodatnim izdatkom, nastalim kot neposredna posledica operacije v skladu s formulo delitve stroškov iz dokumenta ZEU CM(95)5, Priloga 1, Dodatek 1, odstavek 3 ali kot posledica drugih naknadnih predpisov ZEU fn.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0404
the Western European Union Council has taken a decision on the official forwarding of Western European Union documents to the European Union (CM(96) 24 revised);
Svet Evropske unije je sprejel odločitev o uradnem odpošiljanju dokumentov Zahodnoevropske unije Evropski uniji (CM(96) 24 revidirano);
11 Prevod
When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla within the meaning of Article 37 of this Annex, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol 'CM'.
Če se izjava na računu v celoti ali deloma nanaša na izdelke s poreklom iz Ceute ali Melille v smislu člena 37 te priloge, jih mora izvoznik jasno navesti v dokumentu, na podlagi katerega se izdela izjava, z oznako "CM".
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CM Document