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1 Pravna redakcija
Access to the CMS database and related provisions
Dostop do baze podatkov SNP in določbe s tem v zvezi
2 Pravna redakcija
Both the ECB and the relevant NCC may suspend access to the CMS of any users of the CMS when this is necessary to preserve the confidential nature of the data of the CMS.
ECB in posamezni NCC lahko kateremu koli uporabniku CMS začasno prepove dostop do CMS, kadar je to potrebno za ohranitev zaupne narave podatkov CMS.
3 Pravna redakcija
The CMS includes, inter alia, browsing and editing applications and facilities for the downloading and uploading of data and networks linking the different users of the CMS to the CMS.
CMS med drugim vključuje aplikacije za iskanje in urejanje ter opremo za pobiranja in nalaganja podatkov ter omrežja, ki povezujejo različne uporabnike CMS s CMS.
4 Pravna redakcija
The existence of any ongoing examination shall be reflected on the CMS.
Preiskavo v teku je treba v SNP ustrezno označiti.
5 Pravna redakcija
Limiting access to the data of the CMS helps to ensure confidentiality.
Omejevanje dostopa do podatkov CMS pomaga zagotoviti zaupnost.
6 Pravna redakcija
This respect is essential because of the confidential nature of the data of the CMS.
To je pomembno zaradi zaupne narave podatkov CMS.
7 Pravna redakcija
on certain conditions regarding access to the Counterfeit Monitoring System (CMS) (CB/2001/11)
o nekaterih pogojih v zvezi z dostopom do Sistema za nadzor ponaredkov (CMS) (ECB/2001/11)
8 Pravna redakcija
The Counterfeit Currency Database (CCD) is renamed as the Counterfeit Monitoring System (CMS).
Baza podatkov o ponaredkih (CCD) se preimenuje v Sistem za nadzor ponaredkov (CMS).
9 Pravna redakcija
This NCC also facilitates communication regarding all CMS-related matters in the Member States.
Ta NCC lajša tudi komunikacijo o zadevah v zvezi s CMS med državami članicami.
10 Pravna redakcija
All references to the CCD contained in any previous legal acts are now deemed to be made to the CMS.
Vsa sklicevanja na CCD, vsebovana v katerih koli predhodnih pravnih aktih, se zdaj štejejo za sklicevanja na CMS.
11 Pravna redakcija
They will not be published due to the confidential nature of the data to be introduced and to be accessible in the CMS and to the importance of maintaining a confidential environment for the use of the CMS,
Zaradi zaupne narave podatkov, ki jih je treba hraniti in bodo dostopni v CMS, ter zaradi ohranjanja zaupnosti okolja za uporabo CMS, ti postopki in standardi ne bodo objavljeni -
12 Pravna redakcija
The ECB shall grant online read-only access to the CMS database to the officials of Europol designated as contact persons for this purpose under Article 7, which access shall not allow Europol to directly introduce data into the CMS.
ECB zagotovi uslužbencem Europola, ki se v skladu s členom 7 imenujejo v ta namen, sprotni dostop do baze podatkov SNP samo za vpogled, ta dostop pa Europolu ne omogoča, da bi neposredno vnašal podatke v SNP.
13 Pravna redakcija
that Decision refers to entering into an agreement between the Parties in connection with the access of Europol to the CMS.
omenjeni sklep napotuje na sklenitev sporazuma med strankama v zvezi z dostopom Europola do SNP.
14 Pravna redakcija
The confidential nature of the data means that the information that each of the users of the CMS obtains from the CMS should be used exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling their responsibilities in the fight against counterfeiting of the euro.
Zaupna narava podatkov pomeni, da mora informacije, ki jih posamezni uporabnik CMS pridobi iz CMS, uporabiti izključno za izpolnjevanje svojih obveznosti v boju proti ponarejanju evra.
15 Pravna redakcija
They may also be provided with ad hoc data of the CMS when this is deemed necessary by the Counterfeit Analysis Centre (CAC) of the ECB.
Kadar se Analitičnemu centru za ponaredke (CAC) pri ECB to zdi potrebno, se jim lahko zagotovijo tudi za posamični primer potrebni podatki CMS.
16 Pravna redakcija
The ECB shall provide Europol with one sample of each counterfeit euro banknote that has been assigned a new class indicative in the CMS.
ECB zagotovi Europolu en vzorec vsakega ponarejenega bankovca evra, ki mu je bil v SNP dodeljen nov indikator razreda.
17 Pravna redakcija
The task of administering access to the CMS referred to in Article 3 in the Member States is performed by an NCC established in each NCB.
Nalogo upravljanja dostopa do CMS iz člena 3 v državah članicah opravlja NCC, ustanovljen v okviru vsake NCB.
18 Pravna redakcija
it has become appropriate to reorganise and rename the latter as the 'Counterfeit Monitoring System' (CMS) and define its characteristics.
zdi se primerno, da se slednja reorganizira in preimenuje v "Sistem za nadzor ponaredkov(CMS)" ter da se opredelijo njegove značilnosti.
19 Pravna redakcija
Each authority or centre consults with the relevant NCC on any relevant matter in connection with the confidentiality of the data of the CMS.
Vsak organ ali center se posvetuje z ustreznim NCC o kakršni koli posamezni zadevi v zvezi z zaupnostjo podatkov CMS.
20 Pravna redakcija
In addition, the ECB may generally provide technical clarifications and specifications concerning the utilisation or the security of the CMS.
Poleg tega lahko ECB zagotovi tehnična pojasnila in specifikacije v zvezi z uporabo ali varnostjo CMS.
21 Pravna redakcija
The minimum security standards to be followed by all authorities or centres (NAC and/or CNAC) where there are users of the CMS and by such users, in connection with access to the CMS, are adopted by the Governing Council of the ECB with the contribution of the General Council of the ECB.
Minimalne varnostne standarde, ki jih morajo pri dostopu do CMS upoštevati vsi organi ali centri (NAC in/ali CNAC), ki imajo uporabnike CMS, pa tudi vsi uporabniki, sprejme Svet ECB v sodelovanju z Razširjenim svetom ECB.
22 Pravna redakcija
Upon agreement of the ECB, the NCC authorises the different levels of access to the CMS referred to in Article 3, in accordance with paragraph one above.
Po dogovoru z ECB odobri NCC v skladu z odstavkom ena zgoraj različne ravni dostopa do CMS iz člena 3.
23 Pravna redakcija
A manual of procedures and the minimum security standards in connection with the CMS are in the process of being approved by the Governing Council of the ECB.
Priročnik o postopkih in minimalni varnostni standardi v zvezi s CMS so v postopku odobritve s strani Sveta ECB.
24 Pravna redakcija
Apart from the access of the NCBs to the CMS, access to the relevant data of the CMS is granted to the other competent national authorities, including the National Analysis Centres (NACs) and the Coin National Analysis Centres (CNACs), as regards data related to coins, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1338/2001.
Poleg dostopa NCB do CMS se drugim pristojnim nacionalnim organom, vključno z nacionalnimi analitskimi centri (NAC) in, za podatke v zvezi s kovanci, z nacionalnimi analitskimi centri za kovance (CNAC), v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 1338/2001 dodeli dostop do ustreznih podatkov CMS.
25 Pravna redakcija
The relevant NCC is consulted on communications containing CMS data addressed to the public, to credit institutions and to the manufacturers of relevant equipment.
Z ustreznim NCC potekajo posvetovanja o sporočilih, ki vsebujejo podatke CMS, naslovljene na javnost, kreditne institucije in proizvajalce ustrezne opreme.
26 Pravna redakcija
The necessary adaptations of the manual of procedures regarding the introduction of data related to coins by the ETSC and the CNACs into the CMS will also take place.
Prav tako bodo izvedene potrebne spremembe priročnika o postopkih v zvezi z vnosom podatkov v CMS s strani ETSC ter CNAC.
27 Pravna redakcija
The relevant NCC consults with the authority or centre to which such users belong in order for the appropriate conditions for the utilisation of the CMS to be restored.
Ustrezni NCC se posvetuje z organom ali centrom, ki mu takšni uporabniki pripadajo, da se ponovno vzpostavijo ustrezni pogoji za uporabo CMS.
28 Pravna redakcija
The organisation and management of the CMS are the competence of the Executive Board of the ECB, which takes account for these purposes of the views of the Banknote Committee.
Organizacija in upravljanje CMS sta v pristojnosti Izvršilnega odbora ECB, ki za ta namen upošteva stališča Odbora za bankovce.
29 Pravna redakcija
Each authority or centre in which there are users of the CMS informs them of the confidential nature of the data of the CMS and of any limitations on access applicable to each of the users of that authority or centre and of the other authorities or centres, as these limitations are communicated to the latter by the security administrator of the relevant NCC from time to time.
Vsak organ ali center, ki ima uporabnike CMS, te obvesti o zaupni naravi podatkov CMS in o kakršnih koli omejitvah dostopa, ki veljajo za vsakega uporabnika navedenega organa ali centra in drugih organov ali centrov, kadar varnostni administrator NCC slednje občasno obvesti o navedenih omejitvah.
30 Pravna redakcija
In addition, Europol shall be promptly informed by the ECB of the creation of every new class of counterfeit within the CMS and of the discovery of any large quantity of counterfeit euro banknotes.
Poleg tega ECB nemudoma obvesti Europol o nastanku vsakega novega razreda ponarejenega denarja v SNP in o odkritju vsake večje količine ponarejenih bankovcev evra.
31 Pravna redakcija
The CMS consists of a central database containing all technical and statistical information on counterfeiting, both on euro banknotes and coins, whether originated in the Member States or in third countries.
Sistem za nadzor ponaredkov CMS sestoji iz centralne baze podatkov, ki vsebuje vse tehnične in statistične informacije o ponarejanju bankovcev in kovancev, izvirajočih iz držav članic ali tretjih držav.
32 Pravna redakcija
A specific file with information on euro counterfeit discoveries and technical descriptions of the classes captured and introduced into the CMS database shall be produced regularly by the ECB and sent to Europol.
ECB v rednih razmakih izdeluje posebno datoteko z informacijami o odkritih ponaredbah evra in tehničnimi opisi razredov ponarejenega denarja, ki so bili zajeti in vneseni v bazo podatkov SNP, ter jo pošlje Europolu.
33 Pravna redakcija
In addition to paragraph 3 above and on the basis of Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No 1338/2001, the ECB may grant access to the relevant data of the CMS to the designated authorities or centres of third countries.
Poleg odstavka 3 zgoraj in na podlagi člena 9 Uredbe (ES) št. 1338/2001 lahko ECB dodeli dostop do ustreznih podatkov CMS imenovanim organom ali centrom tretjih držav.
34 Pravna redakcija
Subject to any agreements concerning monetary relations between the Community and third parties, the ECB may grant access to the relevant data of the CMS to the designated authorities or centres of these third parties.
V skladu s kakršnimi koli sporazumi v zvezi z denarnimi odnosi med Skupnostjo in tretjimi strankami lahko ECB dodeli dostop do ustreznih podatkov CMS imenovanim organom ali centrom teh tretjih strank.
35 Pravna redakcija
Access by the European Commission, the European Technical and Scientific Centre (ETSC) and Europol to the relevant data of the CMS is granted in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1338/2001. The procedures for this access are specified in bilateral arrangements and agreements with the ECB, as appropriate.
Dostop Evropski komisiji, Evropskemu tehničnemu in znanstvenemu centru (ETSC) ter Europolu do ustreznih podatkov CMS se dodeli v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 1338/2001. Postopki za ta dostop so določeni bodisi v dvostranskih dogovorih bodisi sporazumih z ECB.
36 Pravna redakcija
The ECB has adopted on 8 November 2001 Decision ECB/2001/11 on certain conditions regarding access to the Counterfeiting Monitoring System (CMS), which is the ECB-managed system containing technical and statistical information on counterfeiting of euro banknotes and coins, whether originating in Member States or in third countries;
ECB je 8. novembra 2001 sprejela Sklep ECB/2001/11 o določenih pogojih glede dostopa do Sistema za nadziranje ponarejanja (SNP), to je sistema, ki ga upravlja ECB in ki vsebuje tehnične in statistične informacije o ponarejanju bankovcev in kovancev evra, bodisi da izvirajo iz držav članic ali iz tretjih držav;
37 Pravna redakcija
The ECB also reaches the necessary arrangements and agreements with the Commission and Europol in order to provide for their appropriate access to the data of the CMS and for the access of the European Technical and Scientific Centre also in compliance with Regulation (EC) No 1338/2001. Any access should respect the relevant minimum security standards.
ECB prav tako sklene potrebne dogovore in sporazume s Komisijo in Europolom, da jima zagotovi ustrezen dostop do podatkov CMS in dostop do Evropskega tehničnega in znanstvenega centra v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 1338/2001. Pri vsakem dostopu je treba upoštevati ustrezne minimalne varnostne standarde.
38 Pravna redakcija
The Executive Board of the ECB shall take any measures to implement this Decision which are necessary for the efficiency and the security of the CMS, including any measures relating to the manual of procedures or the minimum security standards respectively mentioned in Articles 4 and 6. For these purposes, it shall take account of the views of the Banknote Committee.
Izvršilni odbor ECB sprejme za izvajanje tega sklepa vse ukrepe, potrebne za učinkovitost in varnost CMS, vključno s kakršnimi koli ukrepi v zvezi s priročnikom o postopkih ali minimalnimi varnostnimi standardi iz členov 4 in 6. Za ta namen upošteva stališča Odbora za bankovce.
39 Pravna redakcija
The introduction by any and all NACs into the CMS of data relating to counterfeit euro banknotes which are discovered and the sending of every new type of suspected counterfeit euro banknotes to the CAC of the ECB takes place in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1338/2001 and with the relevant manual of procedures approved by the Governing Council of the ECB with the contribution of the General Council of the ECB.
Kateri koli in vsi NAC vnašajo v CMS podatke v zvezi z odkritimi ponaredki bankovcev evra in pošljejo vsak nov tip evro bankovcev, za katere obstaja sum, da so ponaredki, CAC pri ECB v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 1338/2001 in ustreznim priročnikom o postopkih, ki ga je odobril Svet ECB v sodelovanju z Razširjenim svetom ECB.
40 Pravna redakcija
The ECB provides for the conditions that ensure the appropriate procedures for access to the relevant data of the CMS in compliance with Regulations (EC) No 1338/ 2001 and (EC) No 1339/2001. For this purpose, all national central banks (NCBs) of the European System of Central Banks need to establish their respective National Counterfeit Centres (NCCs) within each NCB and create the role of security administrator of the NCC.
ECB predvideva pogoje, ki zagotavljajo primerne postopke za dostop do ustreznih podatkov CMS v skladu z uredbama (ES) št. 1338/2001 in (ES) št. 1339/2001. V ta namen morajo vse nacionalne centralne banke (NCB) Evropskega sistema centralnih bank v okviru vsake NCB ustanoviti svoje nacionalne centre za ponaredke (NCC) in oblikovati vlogo varnostnega administratorja NCC.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
This indication was endorsed by several CMS.
To indikacijo je odobrilo več zadevnih držav članic.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0923
the national central banks and the ECB, inter alia as regards the Counterfeit Monitoring System (CMS);
nacionalne centralne banke in ECB, med drugim tudi v zvezi s Sistemom spremljanja ponarejanja (SSP);
43 Prevajalska redakcija
The CHMP assessed the dossier and the available data, including the issues raised by the objecting CMS.
CHMP je ocenil dokumentacijo in razpoložljive podatke, vključno s spornimi vprašanji nasprotujočih zadevnih držav članic.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
However, a number of concerns were raised by the objecting CMS which did not consider the second renewal acceptable.
Vendar pa so nasprotujoče zadevne države članice, ki druge obnovitve dovoljenja za promet z zdravilom niso ocenile kot primerno, izrazile številne dvome.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R1796
The bales contain small irregularly shaped pieces (approximately 30-35 cms) and a negligible quantity of larger dimensions (rags).
Bale vsebujejo manjše nepravilno oblikovane kose (približno 30 - 35 cm) in zanemarljivo količino večjih kosov (krp).
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R0812
It has a rounded neckline, short loose-fitting sleeves and side slits of approximately 13 cms in length at the bottom of the garment.
Ima okrogel vratni izrez, kratke ohlapne rokave, na spodnjem delu pa približno 13 cm dolge stranske razporke.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R0812
It has a rounded neckline, short loose-fitting sleeves and side slits of approximately 12 cms in length at the bottom of the garment.
Ima okrogel vratni izrez, kratke ohlapne rokave, na spodnjem delu pa približno 12 cm dolge stranske razporke.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R0812
It has a rounded neckline, short loose-fitting sleeves and side slits of approximately 16 cms in length at the bottom of the garment.
Ima okrogel vratni izrez, kratke ohlapne rokave, na spodnjem delu pa približno 16 cm dolge stranske razporke.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0912
Decision of the European Central Bank of 8 November 2001 on certain conditions regarding access to the Counterfeit Monitoring System (CMS)
Sklep Evropske centralne banke z dne 8. novembra 2001 o nekaterih pogojih v zvezi z dostopom do Sistema za nadzor ponaredkov (CMS)
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0912
it has become appropriate to reorganise and rename the latter as the "Counterfeit Monitoring System" (CMS) and define its characteristics.
zdi se primerno, da se slednja reorganizira in preimenuje v "Sistem za nadzor ponaredkov (CMS)" ter da se opredelijo njegove značilnosti.
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