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CPU time
1 Končna redakcija
The disadvantages of such a calculation are the large number of nodes, the slow convergence and the long CPU time.
Slaba stran takega izračuna je veliko število vozlov, počasna konvergenca in dolgi računski časi.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0077
By automatic calculation in the following sequence by the built-in CPU, Fpau is automatically set in the memory at motorcycle speed intervals of 0,1 km/h, and after the coastdown test is repeated several times, the running resistance setting is computed:
Z avtomatičnim izračunom s pomočjo vgrajene centralne procesorske enote se v naslednjem zaporedju Fpau samodejno nastavi v spomin v razponih hitrosti motornega kolesa 0,1 km/h in po nekajkratnem ponavljanju preskusa iztekanja vozila se izračuna nastavitev voznega upora:
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CPU time