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1 Pravna redakcija
The CRC accepts complaints from all consumers, including those residing in European Union Member States.
CRC sprejema pritožbe vseh potrošnikov, tudi tistih s krajem bivanja v državah članicah Evropske unije.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1905
Therefore, in order to make a meaningful assessment of certain injury indicators, it was necessary also to take into account some data from CRC.
Za smiselno oceno nekaterih kazalcev škode je bilo zato treba upoštevati tudi nekatere podatke podjetja CRC.
3 Pravna redakcija
In cases where it does have jurisdiction, the FTC accepts and, resources permitting, acts on consumer complaints received by mail and telephone in its Consumer Response Center ('CRC'), and, more recently, on its website (9).
V primerih pristojnosti FTC, FTC sprejema in, kolikor dovoljujejo sredstva, ukrepa v zvezi s pritožbami potrošnikov, ki jih prejme po pošti ali po telefonu v svoj Consumer response center (CRC) in v zadnjem času na svojo spletno stran fn.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1905
Furthermore, the fact that TFC, IFC and CRC are related through common ownership, as established under recital 42 of the provisional Regulation, does not exclude the application of Articles 5(4) and 4(1) of the basic Regulation.
Poleg tega dejstvo, da so TFC, IFC in CRC povezani preko skupnega lastništva, kar je ugotovljeno v uvodni izjavi 42 osnovne uredbe, ne izključuje uporabe členov 5(4) in 4(1) osnovne uredbe.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1905
Moreover, the published audited accounts of IFC and TFC cover the period from October 2001 to September 2002 while the IP referred to in recital 4 of the provisional Regulation covered the period from 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002. Furthermore, as mentioned in recitals 41 and 44 of the provisional Regulation, it was found that TFC is part of a single economic entity consisting of TFC, IFC and CRC.
Poleg tega je v objavljenih revidiranih računovodskih izkazih podjetja IFC in TFC zajeto obdobje od oktobra 2001 do septembra 2002, medtem ko se IP iz uvodne izjave 4 začasne uredbe nanaša na obdobje od 1. julija 2001 do 30. junija 2002. Kot je omenjeno v uvodnih izjavah 41 in 44 začasne uredbe, je bilo ugotovljeno tudi, da je TFC del enovitega gospodarske subjekta, ki ga sestavljajo TFC, IFC in CRC.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1905
The four cooperating exporters claimed that Transfurans Chemicals BVBA (TFC), Belgium and International Furan Chemicals BV, the Netherlands (IFC) do not constitute the `Community industry` within the meaning of Articles) 5(4) and 4(1) of the basic Regulation, because these companies are very small in view of the number of employees and are owned by a privately held company in the Dominican Republic, Central Romana Corporation (CRC).
Štirje sodelujoči izvozniki so trdili, da Transfurans Chemicals BVBA (TFC), Belgija in International Furan Chemicals BV, Nizozemska (IFC) ne sodita v "Industrijo Skupnosti" v smislu členov 5(4) in 4(1) osnovne uredbe, ker sta ti podjetji z vidika števila zaposlenih zelo majhni in sta v lasti zasebne družbe Central Romana Corporation (CRC) iz Dominikanske republike.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
Polyethylene tablet container with CRC polypropylene cap.
Vsebnik iz polietilena z za otroke varno zaporko iz polipropilena.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1905
Furthermore, as mentioned in recitals 41 and 44 of the provisional Regulation, it was found that TFC is part of a single economic entity consisting of TFC, IFC and CRC.
Kot je omenjeno v uvodnih izjavah 41 in 44 začasne uredbe, je bilo ugotovljeno tudi, da je TFC del enovitega gospodarske subjekta, ki ga sestavljajo TFC, IFC in CRC.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0520
In cases where it does have jurisdiction, the FTC accepts and, resources permitting, acts on consumer complaints received by mail and telephone in its Consumer Response Center ("CRC"), and, more recently, on its website(9).
V primerih pristojnosti FTC, FTC sprejema in, kolikor dovoljujejo sredstva, ukrepa v zvezi s pritožbami potrošnikov, ki jih prejme po pošti ali po telefonu v svoj Consumer response center (CRC) in v zadnjem času na svojo spletno stran [9].
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1905
The four cooperating exporters claimed that Transfurans Chemicals BVBA (TFC), Belgium and International Furan Chemicals BV, the Netherlands (IFC) do not constitute the "Community industry" within the meaning of Articles 5(4) and 4(1) of the basic Regulation, because these companies are very small in view of the number of employees and are owned by a privately held company in the Dominican Republic, Central Romana Corporation (CRC).
Štirje sodelujoči izvozniki so trdili, da Transfurans Chemicals BVBA (TFC), Belgija in International Furan Chemicals BV, Nizozemska (IFC) ne sodita v "Industrijo Skupnosti" v smislu členov 5(4) in 4(1) osnovne uredbe, ker sta ti podjetji z vidika števila zaposlenih zelo majhni in sta v lasti zasebne družbe Central Romana Corporation (CRC) iz Dominikanske republike.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0213
Commission of the European Communities: Consideration of results from the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth EEC collaborative trial: Determination of triglycerides in milk fat; Doc. No VI/2644/91, VI/8.11.91, VI/1919/92, VI/3842/92, VI/5317/92, VI/4604/93. 4. Timms, R. E.: Detection and quantification of non-milk fat in mixtures of milk and non-milk fats. Dairy Research 47 295-303 (1980). 5. Precht, D., Heine, K.: Nachweis von modifiziertem Milchfett mit der Triglyceridanalyse. 2. Fremdfettnachweis im Milchfett mit Hilfe von Triglyceridkombinationen, 41 406-410 (1986). 6. Luf, W., Stock, A., Brandl, E.: Zum Nachweis von Fremdfett in Milchfett über die Trigylceridanalyse. Österr. Milchwirtsch. Wissensch. Beilage 5, 42 29-35 (1987). 7. Precht, D.: Bestimmung von pflanzlichen Fetten oder tierischen Depotfetten in Milchfett. Kieler Milchwirtsch. Forschungsber. 42 143-157 (1989). 8. Precht, D.: Schnelle Extraktion von Milchfett, Kieler Milchwirtsch. Forschungsber. 42 119-128 (1990). 9. Precht, D.: Schnelle gaschromatographische Triglyceridanalyse von Milchfett. Kieler Milchwirtsch. Forschungsber. 42 139-154 (1900). 10. Precht, D.: Control of milk fat purity by gas chromatographic triglyceride analysis. Kieler Milchwirtsch. Forschungsber. 43 (3) 219-242 (1991). 11. Precht, D.: Detection of adulterated milk fat by fatty acid and triglyceride analysis. Fat Sci. Technol. 93 538-544 (1991). 12. Precht, D.: Detection for foreign fat in milk fat. I. Qualitative detection by triacylglycerol formulae. II. Quantitative evaluation of foreign fat mixtures. Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. 194 1-8, 107-114 (1992). 13. Precht, D.: Gas chromatography of triacylglycerols and other lipids on packed columns in CRC Handbook of Chromatography: Analysis of lipids, p. 123-138, Ed. K.D. Mukherjee, N. Weber, J. Sherma, CRC Press, Boca Raton (1993).
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