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Community control procedure
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
an assessment of the key controls; statement on procedures for the protection of the financial interests of the Community, together with evidence.
ocena ključnih kontrol, izjava o postopkih za varstvo finančnih interesov Skupnosti skupaj z dokazi.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
In general, the report should also include a statement on the protection of the financial interests of the Community stating for each procedure whether the relevant controls have proved sufficiently robust for reliance to be placed upon them.
Na splošno naj bi poročilo vsebovalo tudi izjavo o varstvu finančnih interesov Skupnosti, pri čemer je za vsak postopek treba navesti, ali so se uvedene kontrole izkazale kot dovolj primerne, da se je bilo nanje mogoče zanesti.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
The EFTA States shall establish an independent surveillance authority (EFTA Surveillance Authority) as well as procedures similar to those existing in the Community including procedures for ensuring the fulfilment of obligations under this Agreement and for control of the legality of acts of the EFTA Surveillance Authority regarding competition.
Države Efte ustanovijo neodvisni nadzorni organ (Nadzorni organ EFTA) in uvedejo postopke, podobne tistim, ki obstajajo v Skupnosti, vključno s postopki za zagotavljanje izpolnjevanja obveznosti po tem sporazumu in za nadzor zakonitosti aktov Nadzornega organa EFTA glede konkurence.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
The application modalities and procedures for the management and control of the points are identical to the ones laid down in the agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Community and the Republic of Slovenia concerning the system of ecopoints to be applied to Slovenian transit traffic through Austria as from 1 January 1997.
Načini uporabe in postopki za upravljanje točk in nadzor nad njimi so enaki tistim, ki so določeni v Sporazumu v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Republiko Slovenijo o sistemu ekotočk, ki se uporablja za slovenski tranzitni promet čez Avstrijo od 1. januarja 1997.
5 Končna redakcija
The harmonisation measures referred to above shall, in appropriate cases, include a safeguard clause authorising the Member States to take, for one or more of the non-economic reasons referred to in Article 30, provisional measures subject to a Community control procedure.
Zgornji usklajevalni ukrepi v ustreznih primerih vključujejo zaščitno klavzulo, ki dovoljuje državam članicam, da zaradi enega ali več neekonomskih razlogov iz člena 30 sprejmejo začasne ukrepe, ki so predmet nadzornega postopka Skupnosti.
6 Končna redakcija
The harmonisation measures referred to above shall, in appropriate cases, include a safeguard clause authorising the Member States to take, for one or more of the non-economic reasons referred to in Article 36, provisional measures subject to a Community control procedure.`
Zgornji usklajevalni ukrepi v ustreznih primerih vključujejo zaščitno klavzulo, ki dovoljuje državam članicam, da zaradi enega ali več neekonomskih razlogov iz člena 36 sprejmejo začasne ukrepe, ki so predmet nadzornega postopka Skupnosti."
7 Končna redakcija
The harmonization measures referred to above shall, in appropriate cases, include a safeguard clause authorizing the Member States to take, for one or more of the non-economic reasons referred to in Article 36, provisional measures subject to a Community control procedure.'.
Zgornji usklajevalni ukrepi v ustreznih primerih vključujejo zaščitno klavzulo, ki dovoljuje državam članicam, da zaradi enega ali več neekonomskih razlogov iz člena 36 sprejmejo začasne ukrepe, ki so predmet nadzornega postopka Skupnosti."
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0099
whereas provision should be made for the procedure for such controls to be determined according to a Community procedure within the Standing Veterinary Committee set up by the Council Decision of 15 October 1968 (6);
ker je treba predvideti postopek takih kontrol, ki se določi v skladu s postopkom Skupnosti v okviru Stalnega veterinarskega odbora, ustanovljenega s Sklepom Sveta z dne 15. oktobra 1968;
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
The adjudicating entity or its authorised representative established within the Community may choose for the verification procedure of the on-board assembly of the control-command subsystem either:
Naročnik ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik, s sedežem v Skupnosti, lahko za postopek preverjanja sestava na vozilu podsistema vodenje-upravljanje izbere bodisi:
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
For the verification procedure of the trackside assembly of the control-command subsystem, the adjudicating entity or its authorised representative established within the Community may choose either:
Za postopek preverjanja sestava ob progi podsistema vodenje-upravljanje lahko naročnik ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik, s sedežem v Skupnosti, izbere bodisi:
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3760
To ensure compliance with this Regulation, the Council, acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 43 of the Treaty, shall install a Community control system which shall apply to the entire sector.
Za zagotavljanje usklajenosti s to uredbo Svet skladno s postopkom, določenim v členu 43 Pogodbe, uvede kontrolni sistem Skupnosti, ki velja za celoten sektor.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
Where a product circulating under the external Community transit procedure or the common transit procedure is placed in a Member State other than that of export under a procedure as provided for in paragraph 1 for carriage to a station of destination or delivery to a consignee outside the customs territory of the Community, the customs office at which the product has been placed under a procedure as referred to above shall insert one of the following entries under "Remarks" in the section headed "Control of use and/or destination" on the back of the original of the T5 control copy:
Če se proizvod, ki se ga pošilja v okviru zunanjega tranzitnega postopka Skupnosti ali skupnega tranzitnega postopka, v državi članici, ki ni država članica izvoza, obravnava po postopku iz odstavka 1 za prevoz do namembne postaje ali za dobavo prejemniku izven carinskega območja Skupnosti, carinski urad, pri katerem se proizvod obravnava po zgoraj navedenem postopku, pod ` Pripombe` v rubriki z naslovom ` Nadzor uporabe in/ali destinacije` na zadnji stani izvirnika kontrolnega izvoda T5, vpiše eno od naslednjih zabeležk:
13 Končna redakcija
This module describes the EC verification procedure whereby a notified body checks and certifies, at the request of an adjudicating entity or its authorised representative established within the Community, that a control-command subsystem:
V tem modulu je opisan postopek ES-verifikacije, s katerim priglašeni organ preveri in potrdi na zahtevo naročnika ali njegovega pooblaščenega zastopnika s sedežem v Skupnosti, da je podsistem vodenje-upravljanje:
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
For the assessment procedure of interoperability constituents of the control-command subsystem the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community may choose the modules according to the indications in Tables 5.1a, 5.1b, 5.2a and 5.2b.
Za postopek ocenjevanja komponent interoperabilnosti podsistema vodenje-upravljanje lahko proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik, s sedežem v Skupnosti, izbere module v skladu z navedbami iz preglednic 5.1a, 5.1b, 5.2a in 5.2b.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0808
The conditions and procedures for making the financial contribution and for its payment and control shall be in accordance with Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities(5).
Pogoji in postopki za finančni prispevek in njegovo izplačilo ter nadzor so v skladu z Uredbo Sveta (ES, Euratom) št. 1605/2002 z dne 25. junija 2002 o finančni uredbi, ki se uporablja za skupni proračun Evropskih skupnosti [5].
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0671
Where a product circulating under the external Community transit procedure or the common transit procedure is placed in a Member State other than that of export under a procedure as provided for in paragraph 1 for carriage to a station of destination or delivery to a consignee outside the customs territory of the Community, the customs office at which the product has been placed under a procedure as referred to above shall insert one of the following entries under 'Remarks' in the section headed 'Control of use and/or destination' on the back of the original of the T5 control copy: - Salida del territorio aduanero de la Comunidad bajo el régimen de tránsito comunitario simplificado por ferrocarril o en grandes contenedores: - Documento de transporte: - tipo: - número:
Če se proizvod, ki se ga pošilja v okviru zunanjega tranzitnega postopka Skupnosti ali skupnega tranzitnega postopka, v državi članici, ki ni država članica izvoza, obravnava po postopku iz odstavka 1 za prevoz do namembne postaje ali za dobavo prejemniku izven carinskega območja Skupnosti, carinski urad, pri katerem se proizvod obravnava po zgoraj navedenem postopku, pod "Pripombe" v rubriki z naslovom Nadzor uporabe in/ali destinacije na zadnji stani izvirnika kontrolnega izvoda T5, vpiše eno od naslednjih zabeležk:
17 Končna redakcija
This module describes the part of the EC verification procedure whereby a notified body checks and certifies at the request of an adjudicating entity or its authorised representative established within the Community, that a type of a control-command subsystem, representative for the production envisaged,
V tem modulu je opisan tisti del postopka ES-verifikacije, s katerim priglašeni organ preveri in potrdi na zahtevo naročnika ali njegovega pooblaščenega zastopnika s sedežem v Skupnosti, da je tip podsistema vodenje-upravljanje, ki je reprezentativen za predvideno proizvodnjo:
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
Where a product is taken over by the railways in the Member State of export or another Member State and circulates under the external Community transit procedure or the common transit procedure under a contract of carriage for combined road-rail transport by rail to a destination outside the customs territory of the Community, the customs office competent for or nearest to the rail terminal at which the product is taken over by the railways shall insert one of the following entries under "Remarks" in the section headed "Control of use and/or destination" on the back of the original of the T5 control copy:
Če železnica prevzame proizvod v državi članici izvoza ali v drugi državi članici in se proizvod pošilja v destinacijo izven carinskega območja Skupnosti v okviru zunanjega Skupnostnega tranzitnega postopka ali skupnega tranzitnega postopka po prevozni pogodbi za kombinirani cestno-železniški prevoz po železnici, pristojni carinski urad ali carinski urad, ki je najbližji železniškemu terminalu, kjer proizvod prevzame železnica, pod ` Pripombe` v rubriki z naslovom ` Nadzor uporabe in/ali destinacije` na zadnji stani izvirnika kontrolnega izvoda T5, vpiše eno od naslednjih zabeležk:
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
In order to limit the time and expense involved in complying with various merger control procedures in several individual countries, the European Union has put in place a system of merger control by which concentrations having a Community dimension (normally, where the parties to the concentration fulfil certain turnover thresholds)(2) are assessed by the European Commission in a single procedure (the "one stop shop" principle).
Da bi omejila čas in stroške v zvezi s spoštovanjem različnih nadzornih postopkov glede združitev v nekaterih posameznih državah, je Evropska Unija vzpostavila tak sistem nadzora nad združitvami, po katerem Evropska Komisija koncentracije z razsežnostjo Skupnosti (običajno tam, kjer stranke, sodelujoče v koncentraciji, dosegajo nekatere pragove v prometu) [2] ocenjuje v okviru enega samega postopka (načelo "one stop shop").
20 Končna redakcija
This module describes the EC verification procedure whereby a notified body checks and certifies at the request of an adjudicating entity or its authorised representative established within the Community, that a control-command subsystem, for which already an EC type-examination certificate has been issued by a notified body:
V tem modulu je opisan postopek ES-verifikacije, s katerim priglašeni organ preveri in potrdi na zahtevo naročnika ali njegovega pooblaščenega zastopnika s sedežem v Skupnosti, da je tip podsistema vodenje-upravljanje, za katerega je priglašeni organ izdal ES-certifikat o pregledu tipa:
21 Končna redakcija
whereas implementing directives covering the various categories of instruments and products will lay down the technical requirements as to design, functioning and accuracy, the control procedures and, where appropriate, the conditions under which Community technical requirements are to replace the national provisions in force;
ker bodo z izvajanjem direktiv, ki zajemajo razne vrste instrumentov ali proizvodov, postavljene tehnične zahteve za oblikovanje, delovanje in točnost, postopki kontrole in po potrebi pogoji, pod katerimi naj bi tehnične zahteve Skupnosti zamenjale veljavne nacionalne določbe,
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
This module describes the EC verification procedure whereby a notified body checks and certifies, at the request of an adjudicating entity or its authorised representative established within the Community, that a control-command subsystem, for which already an EC type-examination certificate has been issued by a notified body:
V tem modulu je opisan postopek ES-verifikacije, s katerim priglašeni organ na zahtevo naročnika ali njegovega pooblaščenega zastopnika s sedežem v Skupnosti pregleda in potrdi, da je podsistem vodenje-upravljanje, za katerega je priglašeni organ že izdal ES-certifikat o pregledu tipa:
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
Where the product is placed, in the Member State of export, under one of the simplified Community transit procedures for carriage by rail or large containers provided for in Articles 412 to 442 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93, for carriage to a station of destination or for delivery to a consignee outside the customs territory of the Community, payment of the refund shall not be conditional on production of the T5 control copy.
Če se za prevoz na namembno postajo ali za dobavo prejemniku izven carinskega območja Skupnosti proizvod v državi članici izvoza uvrsti v enega od poenostavljenih Skupnostnih tranzitnih postopkov za prevoz po železnici ali v velikih zabojnikih iz členov 412 do 442 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2454/93, za plačilo nadomestila ni treba predložiti kontrolnega izvoda T5.
24 Končna redakcija
whereas in order to achieve free movement of these instruments within the Community it is also necessary to provide for mutual recognition of controls among Member States and to establish appropriate EEC pattern approval and initial verification procedures for this purpose as well as EEC methods of metrological control, in accordance with this Directive and with the relevant separate directives;
ker je zaradi doseganja prostega pretoka teh v Skupnosti potrebno zagotoviti tudi medsebojno priznavanje kontrole med državami članicami in v ta namen vzpostaviti ustrezne postopke EGS odobritve tipa in EGS prve overitve ter metode meroslovne kontrole EGS, v skladu s to direktivo in z ustreznimi posebnimi direktivami,
25 Končna redakcija
whereas, however, it seems desirable, in order to simplify administrative procedure, to provide more flexible arrangements than the use of the T5 control copy, in the case of transactions under the simplified Community transit procedures for carriage by rail or large containers under Articles 412 to 442 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93, which provides that when a transport operation begins within the Community and is to end outside it, no formalities need to be carried out at the customs office of the frontier station;
ker pa se zaradi poenostavitve upravnega postopka zdi zaželeno, da se za posle po poenostavljenem tranzitnem postopku Skupnosti za prevoz po železnici ali v velikih zabojnikih v skladu s členi 412 do 442 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2454/93, ki določa, da v primeru, ko se prevoz začne v Skupnosti in se konča zunaj nje, na obmejnem carinskem uradu ni treba opraviti nobenih formalnosti, predpiše bolj prožno ureditev kot je uporaba kontrolnega izvoda T5;
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0636
Where, after acceptance of the export declaration as referred to in the first indent of Article 24(1)(b), a product is placed under one of the simplified arrangements provided for in Part II, Title II, Chapter 7, section 3, of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 or in Title X, Chapter I, of Appendix I to the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure for carriage to a station-of-destination or delivery to a consignee outside the Community's customs territory, the T 5 control copy required under according to 2(b) shall be sent through official channels to the issuing body.
Če je po sprejemu izvozne deklaracije, navedene v prvi alinei člena 24(1)(b), proizvod dan v enega izmed poenostavljenih postopkov, predvidenih v oddelku 3 poglavja 7 naslova II dela II Uredbe (ES) št. 2454/93 ali v Dodatku I poglavja I naslova X h Konvenciji z dne 20. maja 1987 o skupnem tranzitnem postopku za prevoz na namembno postajo ali dobavo prejemniku izven carinskega območja Skupnosti, se kontrolni izvod T 5, ki ga zahteva odstavek 2(b), pošlje po uradni poti organu, ki ga je izdal.
27 Pravna redakcija
whereas it should be provided that the procedure of such controls should be determined by a Community procedure within the Standing Veterinary Committee,
ker naj bi bilo poskrbljeno, da se postopek takšnega nadzora določi s postopkom Skupnosti v okviru Stalnega veterinarskega odbora,
28 Pravna redakcija
Where goods move under a Community transit procedure, or under another customs transit procedure, the control copy T5 shall be issued by the office of departure.
Kadar se blago prevaža v okviru skupnostnega tranzitnega postopka ali drugega carinskega tranzitnega postopka, kontrolni izvod T5 izda urad odhoda.
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Community control procedure