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Complaints Division
1 Pravna redakcija
The National Advertising Division (NAD) of NARB resolves complaints, through an adjudicative process, concerning national advertising.
National Advertising Division (NAD) pri NARB rešuje pritožbe v zvezi z nacionalnim oglaševanjem po postopku razsojanja.
2 Pravna redakcija
These regulatory agencies are directed to prescribe the regulations necessary to prevent unfair and deceptive practices by these financial institutions (9) and to establish a separate division to handle consumer complaints.
Tem nadzornim organom je naročeno, da izdajo potrebne predpise za preprečevanje nepoštenih in goljufivih ravnanj v teh finančnih ustanovah fn in da ustanovijo ločen odsek, ki se bo ukvarjal s pritožbami potrošnikov.
Prevodi: en > sl
Complaints Division