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Customs Investigation Office
1 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
In such cases, the authorities should, where practicable, check the information from other independent sources at their disposal, such as published price lists, official import statistics and customs returns, and from the information obtained from other interested parties during the investigation.
V takih primerih morajo oblasti, če je to izvedljivo, preveriti informacije iz drugih neodvisnih virov, ki so jim na razpolago, kot so objavljeni ceniki, uradna uvozna statistika in carinska poročila, in iz informacij drugih zainteresiranih strani med preiskavo.
2 Pravna redakcija
The customs authorities shall take measures so that their officials responsible for the investigation or combating of breaches of customs legislation maintain personal and direct relations with each other.
Carinski organi sprejmejo ukrepe z namenom, da njihovi uradniki, odgovorni za preiskovanje kršitev carinske zakonodaje ali boj proti njim, ohranjajo osebne in neposredne medsebojne stike.
3 Pravna redakcija
officers of the `Polizeien des Bundes und der Länder` (Federal and Federal State Police), as well as, with respect only to illegal trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and arms trafficking, officers of the `Zollfahndungsdienst` (customs investigation service) in their capacity as auxiliary officers of the Public Prosecutor's Office;
uslužbenci ` Polizeien des Bundes und der Länder` (zvezna policija in policija zveznih držav), v zvezi z nedovoljenim prometom s prepovedanimi drogami ter trgovino z orožjem, pa tudi uslužbenci ` Zollfahndungsdienst` (carinske preiskovalne službe) v funkciji pomožnih uslužbencev urada javnega tožilca;
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
If determinations, including those regarding the amount of countervailable subsidies, are based on the provisions of paragraph 1, including the information supplied in the complaint, it shall, where practicable and with due regard to the time limits of the investigation, be checked by reference to information from other independent sources which may be available, such as published price lists, official import statistics and customs returns, or information obtained from other interested parties during the investigation.
Če ugotovitve, vključno z ugotovitvami o višini subvencij, proti katerim se lahko sprejmejo izravnalni ukrepi, temeljijo na določbah odstavka 1, vključno na podatkih iz pritožbe, se ti podatki po možnosti in ob ustreznem upoštevanju rokov preiskave preverijo na podlagi podatkov iz drugih neodvisnih virov, ki so lahko na voljo, kakršni so objavljeni ceniki, uradni statistični podatki o uvozu in statistični carinski podatki ali informacije, pridobljene med preiskavo od drugih zainteresiranih strank.
5 Pravna redakcija
officers of the `Polizeien des Bundes und der Länder` (Federal Police and Federal State Police), as well as, with respect only to illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and arms trafficking, officers of the `Zollfahndungsdienst` (customs investigation service) in their capacity as auxiliary officers of the Public Prosecutor's Office;
uslužbenci ` Polizeien des Bundes und der Länder` (zvezna policija in zvezna državna policija), v zvezi z nedovoljenim prometom s prepovedanimi drogami ter nezakonito trgovino z orožjem pa tudi uslužbenci ` Zollfahndungsdienst` (carinska preiskovalna služba) v funkciji dodatnih uslužbencev urada državnega tožilca;
6 Pravna redakcija
officers of the ‘Polizeien des Bundes und der Länder’ (Federal and Federal State Police), as well as, with respect only to illegal trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and arms trafficking, officers of the ‘Zollfahndungsdienst’ (customs investigation service) in their capacity as auxiliary officers of the Public Prosecutor's Office;
uslužbenci “Polizeien des Bundes und der Länder” (zvezna policija in policija zveznih držav), v zvezi z nedovoljenim prometom s prepovedanimi drogami ter trgovino z orožjem, pa tudi uslužbenci “Zollfahndungsdienst” (carinske preiskovalne službe) v funkciji pomožnih uslužbencev urada javnega tožilca;
7 Pravna redakcija
officers of the ‘Polizeien des Bundes und der Länder’ (Federal Police and Federal State Police), as well as, with respect only to illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and arms trafficking, officers of the ‘Zollfahndungsdienst’ (customs investigation service) in their capacity as auxiliary officers of the Public Prosecutor's Office;
uslužbenci “Polizeien des Bundes und der Länder” (zvezna policija in zvezna državna policija), v zvezi z nedovoljenim prometom s prepovedanimi drogami ter nezakonito trgovino z orožjem pa tudi uslužbenci “Zollfahndungsdienst” (carinska preiskovalna služba) v funkciji dodatnih uslužbencev urada državnega tožilca;
8 Jezikovna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0362
The Commission contacted the customs officials in the Member State concerned, who after investigation, confirmed that SWR were being imported under the CN codes alleged by the complainants.
Komisija je vzpostavila stik s carinskimi uradniki v zadevnih državah članicah, ki so po preiskavi potrdili, da so bile SWR uvožene pod kodami KN, ki so jih navedli pritožniki.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0384
If determinations, including those regarding normal value, are based on the provisions of paragraph 1, including the information supplied in the complaint, it shall, where practicable and with due regard to the time limits of the investigation, be checked by reference to information from other independent sources which may be available, such as published price lists, official import statistics and customs returns, or information obtained from other interested parties during the investigation.
Če ugotovitve, vključno s tistimi o normalni vrednosti, temeljijo na določbah odstavka 1, vključno z informacijami, dostavljenimi v pritožbi, se, kjer je to izvedljivo, in ob ustreznem upoštevanju rokov preiskave, preverijo na osnovi drugih neodvisnih virov, ki so morda na razpolago, kakršni so npr. objavljeni ceniki, uradne uvozne statistike in carinski podatki ali informacije, dostavljene od drugih zainteresiranih strank tekom preiskave.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0385
If determinations, including those regarding normal value, are based on the provisions of paragraph 1, including the information supplied in the complaint, it shall, where practicable and with due regard to the time limits of the investigation, be checked by reference to information from other independent sources which may be available, such as published price lists, official statistics of sales and customs returns, or information obtained from other interested parties during the investigation.
Če ugotovitve, vključno z določitvijo normalne vrednosti, temeljijo na določbah odstavka 1, vključno z informacijami predloženimi v pritožbi, se, kolikor je to izvedljivo in z ustreznim upoštevanjem rokov preiskave, preverijo glede na informacije iz drugih dostopnih neodvisnih virov, kot so objavljeni ceniki, uradna statistika prodaje in carinske deklaracije ali informacije, pridobljene med preiskavo od drugih zainteresiranih strank.
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Customs Investigation Office