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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
The action, a court` s decision subject to an appeal, appeal to the Supreme Court for extraordinary judicial review, and the dun letter to pay the court fee due to the action shall be delivered to a party by personal service.
Tožba, sodna odločba, zoper katero je dovoljena posebna pritožba, izredno pravno sredstvo in opomin za plačilo sodne takse za tožbo se vročajo osebno stranki.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If a party fails to pay the prescribed amount of court fee due in respect of the appeal even upon the receipt of a dun letter sent by the court pursuant to regulations governing the payment of court fees, and if they neither fulfill the conditions to be exempt from payment of the same, the court shall deem the action to be withdrawn.
Če stranka ne plača predpisane takse za pritožbo niti po opominu, ki ji ga pošlje sodišče po predpisih o sodnih taksah, in niso podani pogoji za oprostitev, se šteje, da je napoved pritožbe umaknila.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If the plaintiff fails to pay the prescribed amount of court fee due in respect of the action even upon the receipt of a dun letter sent by the court pursuant to regulations governing the payment of court fees, and if he neither fulfills the conditions to be exempt from payment of the same, the court shall deem his action to be withdrawn.
Če tožeča stranka ne plača predpisane takse za tožbo po opominu, ki ji ga pošlje sodišče po predpisih o sodnih taksah, in niso dani pogoji za oprostitev plačila sodnih taks, se šteje, da je tožbo umaknila.
4 Pravna redakcija
Port of Dun Laoghaire operating pursuant to the State Harbours Act 1924
Port of Dun Laoghaire, ki deluje na podlagi State Harbours Act 1924
5 Pravna redakcija
- Port of Dun Laoghaire operating pursuant to the State Harbours Act 1924.
- Port of Dun Laoghaire, ki obratuje na podlagi State Harbours Act 1924.
6 Prevod
Port of Dun Laoghaire operating pursuant to the State Harbours Act 1924.
Port of Dun Laoghaire, ki obratuje na podlagi State Harbours Act 1924.
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