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EC association agreement
1 Končna redakcija
EC association agreement
pridružitveni sporazum ES
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-58
The work of the Commission and the EIB to apply the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the corresponding provisions of the Association Decision should be harmonised.
Uskladiti je treba delo, ki ga opravita Komisija in EIB zaradi uporabe Sporazuma AKP-ES in ustreznih določb Sklepa o pridružitvi.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-58
However, notwithstanding Article 1(4), this Agreement shall remain in force for as long as is necessary for all the operations financed under the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the Association Decision and the said multi-annual financial framework to be fully executed.
Ne glede na člen 1(4) pa ostane ta sporazum v veljavi tako dolgo, kolikor je potrebno za izvedbo vseh dejavnosti, ki se financirajo v okviru Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES in Sklepu o pridružitvi ter omenjenega večletnega finančnega okvira.
4 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-58
They shall also cover expenditure both at Commission headquarters and in Delegations on the administrative support needed to manage operations financed under the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the Association Decision.
Sredstva zajemajo tudi izdatke za upravno podporo na sedežu Komisije in v delegacijah, ki je potrebna za vodenje dejavnosti, ki se financirajo v okviru Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES in Sklepa o pridružitvi.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-58
These resources shall be allocated for an amount of up to EUR 2 000 million for the purposes set out in Annex II to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and for an amount of up to EUR 30 million for the purposes set out in the Association Decision, in accordance with the conditions specified in its statutes and the relevant provisions of the terms and conditions for investment financing as laid down in Annex II to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the Association Decision.
Ta sredstva se dodeli v znesku do višine 2 000 milijonov EUR za namene iz Priloge II k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES in v znesku do višine 30 milijonov EUR za namene iz Sklepa o pridružitvi, v skladu s pogoji iz svojega statuta in ustreznih določb o pogojih financiranja investicij iz prej omenjene Priloge II k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES in Sklepa o pridružitvi.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-58
(5) In order to implement the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the Association Decision, a 10th EDF should be established and a procedure should be laid down for the allocation of funds and for contributions from Member States to those funds.
(5) Za izvajanje Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES in Sklepa o pridružitvi je treba ustanoviti deseti ERS ter določiti postopek dodelitve sredstev in način plačila prispevkov držav članic v ta sklad.
7 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-58
(b) The funds referred to in Annex I to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and Annex II A of the Association Decision and allocated under the 9th EDF to finance the resources of the Investment Facility set out in Annex II C of the Association Decision (hereinafter referred to as the ` Investment Facility` ) are not affected by Decision 2005/446/EC setting the date beyond which the funds of the 9th EDF may no longer be committed.
(b) Za sredstva iz Priloge I k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES in Prilogi II A k Sklepu o pridružitvi ter dodeljenih v okviru 9. ERS za financiranje Sklada za spodbujanje naložb iz Priloge II C Sklepa o pridružitvi (v nadaljevanju ` spodbujanje naložb` ), ne velja Sklep 2005/446/ES, ki določa datum, po katerem sredstev devetega ERS ni več mogoče črpati.
8 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 109/2010
The Guarantors are parties to the Guarantee Agreement concluded with the Bank (hereafter called the “Guarantee Agreement” or “Guarantee”) in respect of the Loans made by the Bank from its own resources under the Internal Agreement of 17 July 2006 (hereafter called the “Cotonou Internal Agreement II”) relating to the financing of Community aid under the multi-annual financial framework for the period 2008 to 2013 in accordance with the Partnership Agreement signed in Cotonou (Benin) on 23 June 2000 between the European Community and its Member States and the African, Caribbean and Pacific States as revised in Luxembourg on 25 June 2005 (hereafter called the “Cotonou Partnership Agreement II”) and on the allocation of financial assistance for the Overseas Countries and Territories to which part four of the EC Treaty applies under Council Decision 2001/822/EC of 27 November 2001 on the association of the Overseas Countries and Territories (hereafter called the “Association Decision”) (together referred to herein as the “Cotonou Framework”).
1. da so garanti pogodbenice garancijske pogodbe, sklenjene z banko (v nadaljnjem besedilu »garancijska pogodba« ali »garancija«), za posojila, ki jih je banka dala iz svojih lastnih sredstev na podlagi Notranjega sporazuma z dne 17. julija 2006 (v nadaljnjem besedilu »cotonoujski notranji sporazum II«), in se nanašajo na financiranje pomoči Skupnosti na podlagi večletnega finančnega okvira za obdobje od 2008 do 2013 v skladu s Sporazumom o partnerstvu, podpisanim 23. junija 2000 v Cotonouju (Benin) med Evropsko skupnostjo in njenimi državami članicami ter afriškimi, karibskimi in pacifiškimi državami, kakor je bil spremenjen v Luxembourgu 25. junija 2005 (v nadaljnjem besedilu »cotonoujski sporazum o partnerstvu II«), ter o dodelitvi finančne pomoči čezmorskim državam in ozemljem, za katere velja četrti del Pogodbe ES na podlagi Sklepa Sveta 2001/822/ES z dne 27. novembra 2001 o pridružitvi čezmorskih držav in ozemelj (v nadaljnjem besedilu »sklep o pridružitvi«) (skupaj »cotonoujski okvir«);
9 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-58
The Member States shall undertake to act as guarantor for the EIB, waiving any right to object and in proportion to their contributions to its capital, in respect of all financial commitments arising for borrowers under contracts concluded by the EIB for loans from its own resources pursuant to Article 1 of Annex II to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the corresponding provisions of the Association Decision.
Države članice se z odpovedjo vsaki pravici do ugovora zavežejo, da bodo delovale kot garant za EIB, v sorazmerju s svojimi prispevki k njenemu kapitalu, v zvezi z vsemi finančnimi obveznostmi, ki za njene posojilojemalce izhajajo iz posojilnih pogodb, katere je EIB sklenila s svojimi lastnimi sredstvi v skladu s členom 1 Priloge II k Sporazumu AKP-ES in ustreznimi določbami Sklepa o pridružitvi.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0361
Decision 2003/917/EC provides for a greater liberalisation of trade in agricultural products within the Association Agreement between the EC and Israel, replaces Protocols 1 and 2 to the Association Agreement, and in particular extends concessions for trade in poultrymeat.
Sklep 2003/917/ES predvideva večjo liberalizacijo trgovine s kmetijskimi proizvodi v okviru Pridružitvenega sporazuma med ES in Izraelom ter nadomešča protokola 1 in 2 k Pridružitvenemu sporazumu ter zlasti razširja koncesije za trgovino s piščančjim mesom.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0361
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2497/96(2) should be adapted to take account of extended concessions for trade in poultrymeat within the EC-Israel Association Agreement approved by Decision 2003/917/EC.
Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 2497/96 [2] je treba prilagoditi, tako da bo zajemala razširjene koncesije za trgovino s piščančjim mesom iz Pridružitvenega sporazuma ES-Izrael, potrjene s Sklepom 2003/917/ES.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0037
An Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters has been concluded on 22 December 2003 between the European Community and the Kingdom of Morocco concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures and the replacement of Protocols 1 and 3 to the EC-Morocco Association Agreement.
Sporazum v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Kraljevino Maroko glede ukrepov vzajemne liberalizacije in nadomestitve protokolov 1 in 3 k Pridružitvenemu sporazumu med ES in Marokom je bil sklenjen 22. decembra 2003.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0054
An Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters has been concluded on 22 December 2003 between the European Community and the State of Israel concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures and the replacement of the Protocols Nos 1 and 2 to the EC-Israel Association Agreement.
Med Evropsko skupnostjo in Državo Izrael je bil 22. decembra 2003 sklenjen Sporazum v obliki izmenjave pisem o vzajemnih ukrepih za liberalizacijo in o nadomestitvi protokolov 1 in 2 k Pridružitvenemu sporazumu med ES in Izraelom.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0361
Having regard to Council Decision 2003/917/EC of 22 December 2003 on the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the State of Israel concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures and the replacement of Protocols 1 and 2 to the EC-Israel Association Agreement(1), and in particular Article 2 thereof,
ob upoštevanju Sklepa Sveta 2003/917/ES z dne 22. decembra 2003 o sklenitvi sporazuma v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Državo Izrael o vzajemnih ukrepih za liberalizacijo in nadomestitvi protokolov 1 in 2 k Pridružitvenemu sporazumu med ES in Izraelom [1], in zlasti člena 2 Sklepa,
15 Končna redakcija
Council Directive 99/63/EC of 21 June 1999 concerning the Agreement on the organisation of working time of seafarers concluded by the European Community Shipowners' Association (ECSA) and the Federation of Transport Workers' Unions in the European Union (FST)(4) adopted under Article 139(2) of the Treaty, aims to put into effect the said Agreement concluded on 30 September 1998 (hereinafter the "Agreement");
Cilj Direktive Sveta 99/63/ES z dne 21. junija 1999 o Sporazumu o razporejanju delovnega časa pomorščakov, sklenjenem med Združenjem ladjarjev Evropske skupnosti (ECSA) in Zvezo sindikatov delavcev v prometu Evropske unije (FST), sprejete v skladu s členom 139(2) Pogodbe, je uveljaviti omenjeni Sporazum, sklenjen 30. septembra 1998 (v nadaljevanju "Sporazum");
16 Končna redakcija
In order to implement the ACP-EC Agreement and the future Decision concerning the association of the OCT (hereinafter referred to as "the Decision"), a 9th EDF should be established and a procedure laid down for the allocation of funds and for contributions from Member States to those funds.
Za izvajanje Sporazuma AKP-ES in prihodnjega sklepa o pridružitvi ČDO (v nadaljevanju "Sklep"), se ustanovi 9. ERS in določi postopek za dodelitev sredstev in za ustrezne prispevke držav članic v ta sredstva.
17 Končna redakcija
Council Decision 1999/437/EC of 17 May 1999 on certain arrangements for the application of the Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway concerning the association of those two states with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis (OJ L 176, 10.7.1999, p. 31)
Sklep Sveta 1999/437/ES z dne 17. maja 1999 o nekaterih izvedbenih predpisih za uporabo Sporazuma, sklenjenega med Svetom Evropske unije in Republiko Islandijo ter Kraljevino Norveško, v zvezi s pridružitvijo teh dveh držav k izvajanju, uporabi in razvoju schengenskega pravnega reda (UL L 176, 10. 7. 1999, str. 31),
18 Končna redakcija
The Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, of the other part, signed in Brussels on 24 November 1997 and approved by Decision 2002/357/EC, CECA of the Council and of the Commission(5) (hereinafter called the "Agreement with Jordan") concerns in particular tariff concessions for certain types of cheese originating in Jordan.
Evro-mediteranski sporazum o pridružitvenem razmerju med Evropskimi skupnostmi in njihovimi državami članicami na eni strani in Hašimidsko kraljevino Jordanijo na drugi strani, podpisan v Bruslju dne 24. novembra 1997 in odobren s Sklepom 2002/357/ES, ESPJ,Sveta in Komisije (v nadaljevanju "Sporazum z Jordanijo") zadeva zlasti tarifne koncesije za določene vrste sira s poreklom iz Jordanije.
19 Končna redakcija
Council Regulation (EC) No 2007/2000 of 18 September 2000 introducing exceptional trade measures for countries and territories participating in or linked to the European Union's Stabilisation and Association process, amending Regulation (EC) No 2820/98, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 1763/1999 and (EC) No 6/2000(3), as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 2487/2001(4), Council Decision 2001/330/EC of 9 April 2001 on the conclusion of the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters between the European Community, of the one part, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, of the other part(5), and Council Decision 2001/868/EC of 29 October 2001 concerning the signing on behalf of the Community and the provisional application of the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters between the European Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Croatia, of the other part(6), provide for the import of sugar sector products into the Community without quantity restrictions and exempt from customs duties.
Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 2007/2000 z dne 18. septembra 2000 o izjemnih trgovinskih ukrepih za države in ozemlja, ki sodelujejo v stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenem procesu v Evropski uniji ali so z njim povezani, ter o spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 2820/98 in o razveljavitvi uredb (ES) št. 1763/1999 in (ES) št. 6/2000, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 2487/2001, Sklep Sveta 2001/330/ES z dne 9. aprila 2001 o sklenitvi Začasnega sporazuma o trgovini in trgovinskih zadevah med Evropsko skupnostjo na eni strani in Nekdanjo jugoslovansko republiko Makedonijo na drugi strani ter Sklep Sveta 2001/868/ES z dne 29. oktobra 2001 o podpisu v imenu Skupnosti in o začasni uporabi Začasnega sporazuma o trgovini in trgovinskih zadevah med Evropsko skupnostjo na eni strani in Republiko Hrvaško na drugi strani predvidevajo uvoz proizvodov sektorja sladkorja v Skupnost brez omejitev količine in oproščen carine.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0871
As regards Iceland and Norway, this Regulation constitutes a development of provisions of the Schengen acquis within the meaning of the Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway concerning the association of those two States with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis, which fall within the area referred to in Article 1, point G of Decision 1999/437/EC(4), on certain arrangements for the application of that Agreement.
V zvezi z Islandijo in Norveško predstavlja ta uredba nadaljnji razvoj določb schengenskega pravnega reda v smislu Sporazuma, sklenjenega med Svetom Evropske unije in Republiko Islandijo ter Kraljevino Norveško, v zvezi s pridružitvijo teh dveh držav k izvajanju, uporabi in razvoju schengenskega pravnega reda, ki sodijo v področje točke G člena 1 Sklepa Sveta 1999/437/ES [4] z dne 17. maja 1999 o nekaterih izvedbenih predpisih za uporabo tega sporazuma.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0333
Having regard to Council Decision 2003/18/EC of 19 December 2002 on the conclusion of a Protocol adjusting the trade aspects of the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Romania, of the other part, to take account of the outcome of negotiations between the Parties on new mutual agricultural concessions(3), and in particular Article 3(2) thereof,
ob upoštevanju Sklepa Sveta 2003/18/ES z dne 19. decembra 2002 o sklenitvi protokola o prilagoditvi trgovinskih vidikov Evropskega sporazuma o pridružitvi med Evropskimi skupnostmi in njihovimi državami članicami na eni strani ter Romunijo na drugi zaradi upoštevanja izida pogajanj med pogodbenicama o novih obojestranskih kmetijskih koncesijah [3] in zlasti člena 3(2) Sklepa,
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0377
As regards Iceland and Norway, this Regulation constitutes a development of the Schengen acquis within the meaning of the Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway concerning the association of those States with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis(3), which fall within the area referred to in Article 1, points A and E of Council Decision 1999/437/EC of 17 May 1999 on certain arrangements for the application of that Agreement(4).
V zvezi z Islandijo in Norveško ta sklep, razen člena 8, predstavlja razvijanje določb Schengenskega pravnega reda v smislu Sporazuma med Svetom Evropske unije, Republiko Islandijo in Kraljevino Norveško o sodelovanju omenjenih držav pri izvajanju, uporabi in razvijanju schengenskega pravnega reda [3], ki spada na področje, omenjeno v točkah A in E člena 1 Sklepa Sveta 1999/437/ES z dne 17. maja 1999 o nekaterih izvedbenih predpisih za uporabo navedenega sporazuma [4].
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0082
As regards Iceland and Norway, this Directive constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen acquis within the meaning of the Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway concerning the latter's association with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis (4), which fall within the area referred to in Article 1, point E, of Council Decision 1999/437/EC of 17 May 1999 on certain arrangements for the application of that Agreement(5).
Glede Islandije in Norveške ta direktiva pomeni razvijanje določb schengenskega pravnega reda v smislu sporazuma, sklenjenega med Svetom Evropske unije ter Republiko Islandijo in Kraljevino Norveško o sodelovanju teh dveh držav pri izvajanju, uporabi in razvijanju schengenskega pravnega reda [4], ki sodijo na področje iz člena 1(E) Odločbe Sveta 1999/437/ES z dne 17. maja 1999 o nekaterih dogovorih za uporabo tega sporazuma [5].
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0333
Having regard to Council Decision 2003/286/EC of 8 April 2003 on the conclusion of a Protocol adjusting the trade aspects of the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Bulgaria, of the other part, to take account of the outcome of negotiations between the Parties on new mutual agricultural concessions(2), and in particular Article 3(2) thereof,
ob upoštevanju Sklepa Sveta 2003/286/ES z dne 8. aprila 2003 o sklenitvi protokola o prilagoditvi trgovinskih vidikov Evropskega sporazuma o pridružitvi med Evropskimi skupnostmi in njihovimi državami članicami na eni strani ter Republiko Bolgarijo na drugi zaradi upoštevanja izida pogajanj med pogodbenicama o novih obojestranskih kmetijskih koncesijah [2] in zlasti člena 3(2) Sklepa,
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0050
In order to implement the concessions provided for in Council Decision 2003/452/EC of 26 May 2003 on the conclusion of a Protocol adjusting the trade aspects of the Europe Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, acting within the framework of the European Union, of the one part, and the Republic of Slovenia, of the other part, to take account of the outcome of negotiations between the parties on new mutual agricultural concessions(3), certain existing quotas should be increased.
Za izvajanje koncesij, predvidenih v Sklepu Sveta 2003/452/ES z dne 26. maja 2003 o sklenitvi Protokola o prilagajanju trgovinskih vidikovEvropskega sporazuma o pridružitvi med Evropskimi skupnostmi in njihovimi državami članicami, ki delujejo v okviru Evropske unije, na eni strani in Republiko Slovenijo na drugi, zaradi upoštevanja rezultata pogajanj med strankama o novih vzajemnih kmetijskih koncesijah [3] bi bilo treba povečati nekatere obstoječe kvote.
26 Pravna redakcija
The EC-Turkey Association Council decided that the implementation of the Accession Partnership for Turkey will be monitored by the Association Agreement bodies as appropriate.
Pridružitveni svet ES-Turčija se je odločil, da bodo organi Pridružitvenega sporazuma ustrezno nadzorovali izvajanje Partnerstva za pristop za Turčijo.
27 Pravna redakcija
The Investment Facility shall be managed in accordance with the conditions laid down in the ACP-EC Agreement, the Overseas Association Decision and the Internal Agreement.
Sklad za spodbujanje naložb se upravlja v skladu s pogoji iz Sporazuma AKP-ES, Sklepa o čezmorski pridružitvi in Notranjega sporazuma.
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0361
(1) Decision 2003/917/EC provides for a greater liberalisation of trade in agricultural products within the Association Agreement between the EC and Israel, replaces Protocols 1 and 2 to the Association Agreement, and in particular extends concessions for trade in poultrymeat.
(1) Sklep 2003/917/ES predvideva večjo liberalizacijo trgovine s kmetijskimi proizvodi v okviru Pridružitvenega sporazuma med ES in Izraelom ter nadomešča protokola 1 in 2 k Pridružitvenemu sporazumu ter zlasti razširja koncesije za trgovino s piščančjim mesom.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0361
(2) Commission Regulation (EC) No 2497/96 fn should be adapted to take account of extended concessions for trade in poultrymeat within the EC-Israel Association Agreement approved by Decision 2003/917/EC.
(2) Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 2497/96 fn je treba prilagoditi, tako da bo zajemala razširjene koncesije za trgovino s piščančjim mesom iz Pridružitvenega sporazuma ES-Izrael, potrjene s Sklepom 2003/917/ES.
30 Pravna redakcija
The Commission shall assume the Community's responsibilities defined in Article 57 of the ACP-EC Agreement and in the Overseas Association Decision.
Komisija prevzame obveznosti Skupnosti, opredeljene v členu 57 Sporazuma AKP-ES in v Sklepu o čezmorski pridružitvi.
31 Pravna redakcija
opening, monitoring and concluding negotiations concerning association and partnership agreements (Article 310 of the EC Treaty) and other international agreements of a mainly political nature;
začetek, spremljanje in zaključek pogajanj glede sporazumov o pridružitvi in partnerstvu (člen 310 Pogodbe ES) ter drugih mednarodnih sporazumih, ki so zlasti politične narave;
32 Pravna redakcija
Council Directive 2000/79/EC of 27 November 2000 concerning the European Agreement on the Organisation of Working Time of Mobile Workers in Civil Aviation concluded by the Association of European Airlines (AEA), the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF), the European Cockpit Association (ECA), the European Regions Airline Association (ERA) and the International Air Carrier Association (IACA) (Text with EEA relevance)
DIREKTIVA SVETA 2000/79/ES z dne 27. novembra 2000 o Evropskem sporazumu o razporejanju delovnega časa mobilnih delavcev v civilnem letalstvu, ki so ga sklenili AEA (Združenje evropskih letalskih prevoznikov), ETF (Evropska federacija delavcev v prometu), ECA (Evropsko združenje pilotov), ERA (Evropsko združenje regionalnih letalskih prevoznikov) in IACA (Mednarodno združenje letalskih prevoznikov) (Besedilo velja za EGP)
33 Pravna redakcija
either an action designed to help achieve an objective of the ACP-EC Agreement or the Overseas Association Decision, or of a programme or project adopted in accordance with that Agreement or Decision;
ukrepov za pomoč pri doseganju ciljev Sporazuma AKP-ES ali Sklepa o čezmorski pridružitvi, ali programa ali projekta, sprejetega v skladu z navedenim sporazumom ali sklepom;
34 Pravna redakcija
between the European Community and the State of Israel concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures and the replacement of Protocols 1 and 2 to the EC-Israel Association Agreement
med Evropsko skupnostjo in Državo Izrael glede ukrepov vzajemne liberalizacije in zamenjave Protokolov 1 in 2 k Sporazumu o pridružitvi med ES in Izraelo m
35 Pravna redakcija
the expenditure conforms to the relevant provisions, in particular of the ACP-EC Agreement, the Overseas Association Decision, the Internal Agreement, this Regulation, and all acts adopted in implementation of those provisions;
da izdatek izpolnjuje ustrezne določbe, zlasti Sporazuma AKP-ES, Sklepa o čezmorski pridružitvi, Notranjega sporazuma, te uredbe in vseh aktov, sprejetih pri izvajanju navedenih določb;
36 Pravna redakcija
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Republic of Tunisia concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures and amendment of the Agricultural Protocols to the EC/Tunisia Association Agreement
SPORAZUM v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Republiko Tunizijo o vzajemnih ukrepih liberalizacije in sprememb protokolov o kmetijstvu k Pridružitvenemu sporazumu med ES in Tunizijo
37 Pravna redakcija
Grant applications shall be eligible where they fall under the ACP-EC Agreement or the Overseas Association Decision or a programme or project adopted in accordance with that Agreement or Decision and are submitted in writing by legal persons.
Vloge za subvencije so upravičene, če sodijo v okvir Sporazuma AKP-ES ali Sklepa o čezmorski pridružitvi, ali programa ali projekta, sprejetega v skladu z navedenim sporazumom ali sklepom, in jih v pisni obliki vložijo pravne osebe.
38 Pravna redakcija
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2497/96 fn, as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1514/97 fn, lays down procedures for applying in the poultrymeat sector the arrangements provided for in the Association Agreement and the Interim Agreement between the European Community and the State of Israel.
Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 2497/96 fn, spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 1514/97 fn, določa postopke za uporabo režimov v sektorju perutninskega mesa, določenih v pridružitvenem sporazumu in začasnem sporazumu med Evropsko skupnostjo in državo Izrael.
39 Pravna redakcija
Community assistance for financing projects through the pre-accession instruments for Turkey is conditional on respect by Turkey of its commitments under the Association Agreement, customs union and related decisions of the EC-Turkey Association Council, for example on the trade regime for agricultural products.
Pomoč Skupnosti za financiranje projektov preko predpristopnih instrumentov za Turčijo je pogojena s turškim izpolnjevanjem obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz Pridružitvenega sporazuma, carinske unije in sorodnih sklepov Pridružitvenega sveta ES-Turčija, na primer, o trgovinskem režimu za kmetijske proizvode.
40 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Commission Regulation (EC) No 2497/96 (12) lays down procedures for applying in the poultrymeat sector the arrangements provided for in the Association Agreement and the Interim Agreement between the European Community and the State of Israel;
ker Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 2497/96 fn predpisuje postopke za uporabo režimov v sektorju za perutninsko meso, določenih v Sporazumu o pridružitvi in v Začasnem sporazumu med Evropsko skupnostjo in državo Izrael;
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0917
on the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the State of Israel concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures and the replacement of Protocols 1 and 2 to the EC-Israel Association Agreement
o sklenitvi Sporazuma v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Državo Izrael glede ukrepov vzajemne liberalizacije in nadomestitvi protokolov 1 in 2 k pridružitvenemu sporazumu med ES in Izraelom
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0361
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 361/2004 of 27 February 2004 amending Regulation (EC) No 2497/96 laying down procedures for applying in the poultrymeat sector the arrangements provided for in the Association Agreement and the Interim Agreement between the European Community and the State of Israel
UREDBA KOMISIJE (ES) št. 361/2004 z dne 27. februarja 2004 o spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 2497/96 o določitvi postopkov za uporabo določb v sektorju perutninskega mesa, kakor so predvideni v Pridružitvenem sporazumu in v Začasnem sporazumu med Evropsko skupnostjo in državo Izrael
43 Pravna redakcija
He shall receive the necessary instructions and powers to perform his duties as defined in Article 36 of Annex IV to the ACP-EC Agreement and in the measures implementing the Overseas Association Decision.
Odredbodajalec prejme potrebna navodila in pooblastila za opravljanje nalog, kot je opredeljeno v členu 36 v Prilogi IV k Sporazumu AKP-ES in ukrepih za izvajanje Sklepa o čezmorski pridružitvi.
44 Pravna redakcija
Council Regulation (EC) No 2398/96 of 12 December 1996 opening a tariff quota for turkey meat originating in and coming from Israel as provided for in the Association Agreement and the Interim Agreement between the European Community and the State of Israel
UREDBA SVETA (ES) št. 2398/96 z dne 12. decembra 1996 o odprtju tarifne kvote za meso puranov, ki izvira in prihaja iz Izraela, kakor je predvideno v Sporazumu o pridružitvi in Začasnem sporazumu med Evropsko skupnostjo in državo Izrael
45 Pravna redakcija
It is also important that Turkey fulfils the commitments of legislative approximation and implementation of the acquis in accordance with the commitments made under the Association Agreement, customs union and related decisions of the EC-Turkey Association Council for example on the trade regime for agricultural products.
Pomembno pa je tudi, da Turčija izpolni obveznosti zakonodajnega približevanja in izvajanja pravnega reda Skupnosti v skladu z obveznostimi, ki izhajajo iz pridružitvenega sporazuma, carinske unije in sorodnih sklepov Pridružitvenega sveta ES-Turčija, na primer, o trgovinskem režimu za kmetijske proizvode.
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EC association agreement