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1 Končna redakcija
2 Pravna redakcija
EDF de Chatellerault on the river La Vienne, in the department of la Vienne,
EDF de Châtellerault na reki La Vienne, v departmaju la Vienne,
3 Pravna redakcija
EDF resources shall be established and implemented in euro and the accounts shall be presented in euro.
Sredstva ERS se določijo in uporabljajo v evrih ter obračuni se pripravijo v evrih.
4 Pravna redakcija
EDF resources may also be associated with funds from other sources in order to achieve a joint objective.
Sredstva ERS se lahko povežejo tudi s sredstvi iz drugih virov, da se doseže skupen cilj.
5 Pravna redakcija
EDF resources shall be used in accordance with the principles of sound financial management, that is to say, in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
Sredstva ERS se uporabijo v skladu z načeli dobrega finančnega upravljanja, torej v skladu z načeli ekonomije, učinkovitosti in uspešnosti.
6 Pravna redakcija
EDF revenue consists of payments made by the Member States in accordance with the Internal Agreement and this Regulation, the income generated by deposits in accordance with Article 6(2) of this Regulation and any other sum whose acceptance is established by the Council.
Prihodke ERS sestavljajo vplačila držav članic v skladu z Notranjim sporazumom in s to uredbo, dohodek, ki ga ustvarjajo depoziti v skladu s členom 6(2) te uredbe in drugi zneski, katerih sprejem določi Svet.
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Resources of the 10th EDF
Sredstva desetega ERS
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Contributions to the 10th EDF
Prispevki, namenjeni desetemu ERS
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The 10th EDF shall consist of:
Deseti ERS je sestavljen iz:
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As regards funds of the 9th EDF and the previous EDF that are not transferred to the 10th EDF, the impact on the contribution of each Member State shall be calculated in proportion to the contribution of each Member State to the 9th EDF.
Pri sredstvih iz devetega ERS in predhodnih ERS, ki se ne prenesejo na deseti ERS, se učinek na prispevek vsake države članice izračuna v razmerju s prispevkom vsake države članice za deveti ERS.
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Resources reserved for support expenditure linked to the EDF
Sredstva, rezervirana za izdatke za podporo v zvezi z ERS
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The resources of the EDF shall cover the costs for support measures.
Viri ERS pokrijejo stroške podpornih ukrepov.
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Within the EDF Committee, the votes of the Member States shall be weighted as follows:
V Odboru ERS se glasovi predstavnikov držav članic ponderirajo, kot sledi:
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The Council shall adopt the rules of procedure of the EDF Committee acting unanimously.
Svet soglasno sprejme poslovnik Odbora ERS.
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(15) The EDF should continue to prioritise support to the least-developed and other low-income countries.
(15) ERS bo nadalje dajal prednost podpori najmanj razvitim državam in drugim državam z nizkim prihodkom.
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A Committee (hereinafter »the EDF Committee«) consisting of representatives of the governments of the Member States shall be set up at the Commission for those resources of the 10th EDF which the Commission administers.
Odbor (v nadaljnjem besedilu »Odbor ERS«), ki je sestavljen iz predstavnikov vlad držav članic, se ustanovi pod pokroviteljstvom Komisije in v zvezi s sredstvi desetega ERS, s katerimi slednja upravlja.
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The Member States hereby set up a tenth European Development Fund, hereinafter referred to as »the 10th EDF«.
Države članice ustanavljajo deseti Evropski razvojni sklad, v nadaljevanju »deseti ERS«.
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The EDF Committee shall be chaired by a Commission representative and its secretariat shall be provided by the Commission.
Odboru ERS predseduje predstavnik Komisije; Komisija poskrbi za sekretariat.
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As regards funds transferred from previous EDFs to the 10th EDF in accordance with Article 1(2)(b) and Article 1(3), the contributions of each Member State shall be calculated in proportion to the contribution of each Member State to the EDF in question.
Kar zadeva sredstva, prenesena iz prejšnjih ERS v deseti ERS v skladu s členom 1(2)(b) in členom 1(3), se prispevki vsake države članice izračunajo v sorazmerju s prispevkom vsake države članice v zadevni ERS.
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(7) The representatives of the governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, have agreed to earmark an amount of EUR 430 million from the 10th EDF for support expenditure incurred by the Commission in the programming and implementation of the EDF.
(7) Predstavniki vlad držav članic Evropske skupnosti, ki so se sestali v okviru Sveta, so se dogovorili, da bodo znesek v višini 430 milijonov EUR iz desetega ERS namenili izdatkom za podporo, ki jih je imela Komisija pri načrtovanju in izvajanju ERS.
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The EDF Committee shall act by a qualified majority of 720 votes out of 999, expressing a vote in favour by at least 13 Member States.
Odbor ERS sprejema odločitve s kvalificirano večino 720 glasov od 999, ki izraža pozitiven glas vsaj 13 držav članic.
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The total amount of resources of the 10th EDF shall cover the period from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2013. The funds of the 10th EDF shall no longer be committed beyond 31 December 2013 unless the Council decides otherwise unanimously, on a proposal from the Commission.
Celoten znesek sredstev desetega ERS zajema obdobje od 1. januarja 2008 do 31. decembra 2013. Po 31. decembru 2013 sredstev desetega ERS ni več mogoče črpati, razen če Svet soglasno na predlog Komisije ne odloči drugače.
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Without prejudice to Article 8 of this Agreement and the Member States' voting rights thereunder, all the relevant provisions of Articles 14 to 30 of the Internal Agreement for the 9th EDF shall remain in force pending the Council decision on an Implementation Regulation for the 10th EDF.
Do sprejetja sklepa Sveta o izvedbeni uredbi za deseti ERS ostanejo v veljavi vse ustrezne določbe členov 14 do 30 notranjega sporazuma glede devetega ERS, in sicer brez poseganja v člen 8 tega Sporazuma in razporeditve glasovalnih pravic držav članic v njem.
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Each year, the EIB shall send the Commission and the Council its Annual Report on the implementation of operations financed from the EDF resources it manages.
EIB vsako leto pošlje Komisiji in Svetu poročilo o izvedbi dejavnosti, ki se financirajo iz sredstev ERS, ki jih upravlja Banka.
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When reporting expenditure within EDF to Member States and OECD Development Assistance Committee, the Commission should distinguish between ODA and non-ODA activities.
Pri poročanju o izdatkih v okviru ERS državam članicam in OECD/odbora za razvojno pomoč bo Komisija ločevala med dejavnostmi, povezanimi z uradno razvojno pomočjo (URP), in tistimi, ki z URP niso povezane.
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For each financial year, the Commission shall draw up and approve the accounts of the EDF and send them to the European Parliament, the Council and the Court of Auditors.
Za vsako proračunsko leto Komisija sestavi in potrdi obračun ERS in ga pošlje Evropskemu parlamentu, Svetu in Računskemu sodišču.
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Subject to paragraph 9 of this Article, the Court of Auditors shall exercise the powers conferred on it by Article 248 of the EC Treaty in respect of the EDF's operations.
Ob upoštevanju odstavka 9 tega člena Računsko sodišče izvaja svoje pristojnosti, ki mu jih daje člen 248 Pogodbe ES, v zvezi z dejavnostmi ERS.
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(c) computer networks for the exchange of information, and any other administrative or technical assistance expenditure that the Commission may incur for the management of the EDF.
(c) računalniškim omrežjem za izmenjavo informacij in katere koli druge izdatke za administrativno in tehnično pomoč, ki jih lahko ima Komisija pri upravljanju ERS.
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The operations financed from the EDF resources managed by the EIB shall be subject to the control and discharge procedure laid down by the Statute of the EIB for all its operations.
Za dejavnosti, ki se financirajo iz sredstev ERS, ki jih upravlja EIB, veljata nadzor in postopek razrešitve, ki sta določena v statutu Banke za vse njene dejavnosti.
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(iii) EUR 430 million shall be allocated to the Commission for support expenditure as referred to in Article 6, linked to programming and implementation of the EDF by the Commission.
(iii) 430 milijonov EUR za Komisijo za izdatke za podporo, kot je navedeno v členu 6, v zvezi z načrtovanjem in izvajanjem ERS s strani Komisije.
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These funds shall be transferred to the 10th EDF and be managed according to the implementation arrangements for the 10th EDF from the date of entry into force of the multi-annual financial framework for the period 2008-2013 under the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the date of entry into force of Council decisions regarding the financial assistance to the OCT for the period 2008-2013.
Ta sredstva bodo prenesena v deseti ERS in bodo upravljana v skladu z izvedbenimi dogovori za deseti ERS od začetka veljavnosti večletnega finančnega okvira za obdobje 2008-2013 v okviru Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES in od začetka veljavnosti sklepov Sveta v zvezi s finančno pomočjo ČDO za obdobje 2008-2013.
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(a) the preparation, follow-up, monitoring, accounting, audit and evaluation activities directly necessary for the programming and implementation of the resources of the EDF managed by the Commission;
(a) dejavnostmi priprave, nadaljnjih ukrepov, spremljanja, računovodstva, revizije in vrednotenja, ki so neposredno potrebne za načrtovanje in uporabo sredstev ERS, ki jih upravlja Komisija,
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The Implementation and Financial Regulation referred to in Article 10, shall include the necessary provisions for co-financing by the EDF, as well as for co-financing activities implemented by Member States.
Izvedbena in finančna uredba iz člena 10 vključujeta potrebne določbe za sofinanciranje iz ERS kot tudi za sofinanciranje, ki ga izvajajo države članice.
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(10) A Committee of Representatives of the Governments of Member States should be set up at the Commission (hereinafter referred to as the »EDF Committee«) and a similar Committee should be set up at the EIB.
(10) Pod pokroviteljstvom Komisije bi bilo treba ustanoviti odbor predstavnikov vlad držav članic (v nadaljevanju »Odbor ERS«) in podoben odbor pod pokroviteljstvom EIB.
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(b) The funds referred to in Annex I to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and Annex II A of the Association Decision and allocated under the 9th EDF to finance the resources of the Investment Facility set out in Annex II C of the Association Decision (hereinafter referred to as the ` Investment Facility` ) are not affected by Decision 2005/446/EC setting the date beyond which the funds of the 9th EDF may no longer be committed.
(b) Za sredstva iz Priloge I k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES in Prilogi II A k Sklepu o pridružitvi ter dodeljenih v okviru 9. ERS za financiranje Sklada za spodbujanje naložb iz Priloge II C Sklepa o pridružitvi (v nadaljevanju ` spodbujanje naložb` ), ne velja Sklep 2005/446/ES, ki določa datum, po katerem sredstev devetega ERS ni več mogoče črpati.
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The Commission shall make the information referred to in Article 10 available to the Court of Auditors so that the latter may, on the basis of the documentary evidence, carry out checks on the aid provided from EDF resources.
Komisija da na voljo Računskemu sodišču informacije iz člena 10, da bi slednje lahko na podlagi dokumentarnih dokazil opravilo preglede pomoči, ki je zagotovljena iz sredstev ERS.
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Payments made to the EIB in respect of special loans granted to the ACP States, the OCTs and the French overseas departments, together with the proceeds and income from risk capital operations, under the EDFs prior to the 9th EDF shall be credited to the Member States in proportion to their contributions to the EDF to which the sums relate, unless the Council decides unanimously, on a proposal from the Commission, to place them in reserve or allocate them to other purposes.
Plačila EIB v zvezi s posebnimi posojili, dodeljenimi državam AKP, ČDO in francoskim čezmorskim departmajem, skupaj s premoženjskimi koristmi in dohodkom iz transakcij tveganega kapitala, v okviru ERS pred devetim ERS, se knjižijo v dobro držav članic v sorazmerju z njihovim prispevkom v Sklad, iz katerega so izpeljani zneski, če Svet na predlog Komisije soglasno ne sklene, da jih spremeni v rezervo ali da jih nameni za druge dejavnosti.
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The Implementation Regulation shall contain appropriate modifications and improvements to the programming and decision-making procedures, as well as harmonise Community and EDF procedures as far as possible, including on co-financing aspects.
Izvedbena uredba vsebuje ustrezne dopolnitve in izboljšave postopkov načrtovanja in odločanja ter v največji možni meri usklajuje postopke Skupnosti in ERS, vključno z vidiki sofinanciranja.
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(5) In order to implement the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement and the Association Decision, a 10th EDF should be established and a procedure should be laid down for the allocation of funds and for contributions from Member States to those funds.
(5) Za izvajanje Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES in Sklepa o pridružitvi je treba ustanoviti deseti ERS ter določiti postopek dodelitve sredstev in način plačila prispevkov držav članic v ta sklad.
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The discharge for the financial management of the EDF, excluding operations managed by the EIB, shall be given to the Commission by the European Parliament on the recommendation of the Council, acting by a qualified majority as laid down in Article 8.
Evropski parlament na priporočilo Sveta, ki odloča s kvalificirano večino iz člena 8, podeli Komisiji razrešnico glede finančnega upravljanja ERS, razen dejavnosti, ki jih upravlja EIB.
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After 31 December 2007, or after the date of entry into force of the multi-annual financial framework for the period 2008-2013 if this date falls later, balances from the 9th EDF or from previous EDFs shall no longer be committed, with the exception of the balances and funds decommitted after this date of entry into force resulting from the system guaranteeing the stabilisation of export earnings from primary agricultural products (STABEX) under the EDFs prior to the 9th EDF and of those funds referred to in paragraph 2(b).
Po 31. decembru 2007 oziroma po datumu začetka veljavnosti večletnega finančnega okvira za obdobje 2008-2013, v kolikor ta datum nastopi kasneje, sredstev iz devetega ERS ali iz prejšnjih ERS ne bo več mogoče črpati, razen preostalega zneska in sredstev, ki so bila prerazporejena po datumu začetka veljavnosti in izhajajo iz sistema za zagotavljanje stabilizacije izvoznih prihodkov od primarnih kmetijskih izdelkov (STABEX) v okviru skladov pred devetim ERS, in sredstev, navedenih v odstavku 2(b).
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To the amount allocated to the investment facility under the 9th EDF referred to in Article 1(2)(b) and the amount referred to in Article 2(d) shall be added an indicative amount of up to EUR 2 030 million in the form of loans granted by the EIB from its own resources.
Znesku, namenjenemu Skladu za spodbujanje naložb v okviru devetega ERS iz člena 1(2)(b), in znesku, navedenemu v členu 2(d), se doda okvirni znesek do 2 030 milijonov EUR v obliki posojil, ki jih EIB zagotovi iz lastnih sredstev.
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(4) In accordance with Decision 2005/446/EC of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of 30 May 2005 setting the deadline for the commitment of the funds of the 9th European Development Fund (EDF)(9) the date beyond which the funds of the 9th EDF managed by the Commission, the interest subsidies managed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the revenue accruing from the interest on these appropriations should no longer be committed is set at 31 December 2007. This date may be reviewed if necessary.
(4) Sklep Sveta 2005/446/ES predstavnikov vlad držav članic, ki so se sestali v okviru Sveta dne 30. maja 2005, o določitvi roka za črpanje sredstev iz 9. Evropskega razvojnega sklada (ERS)(4) določa datum, po katerem se sredstva 9. ERS, ki jih upravlja Komisija, subvencije obresti, ki jih vodi Evropska investicijska banka (EIB) in prihodki iz obresti na ta sredstva po 31. decembru 2007 ne smejo več črpati. Po potrebi se lahko ta datum ponovno preuči.
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The EIB shall undertake, according to its statutes and best banking practice, the financial implementation of operations carried out by means of loans from its own resources as referred to in Article 4, where applicable combined with interest rate subsidies drawn from the EDF's grant resources.
EIB v skladu s svojim statutom in najboljšo bančno prakso prevzame finančno izvajanje dejavnosti, ki se izvajajo s posojili iz njenih lastnih sredstev, kot je navedeno v členu 4, po potrebi v kombinaciji s subvencijami obrestne mere, ki se črpajo iz subvencijskih sredstev ERS.
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Those funds possibly committed after 31 December 2007 until the entry into force of the present agreement, as referred to above, will exclusively be used to ensure the working ability of the EU administration and to cover the ongoing costs to sustain running projects until the 10th EDF comes into force.
Ta sredstva, ki bi lahko bila dodeljena po 31. decembru 2007 in pred začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma, kot je navedeno zgoraj, bodo porabljena izključno za zagotovitev delovanja uprave EU in kritja tekočih stroškov, da bi ohranili že začete projekte, dokler ne začne veljati deseti ERS.
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The revenue from interest generated on operations financed under commitments made under previous EDFs and on the funds of the 10th EDF managed by the Commission and deposited with the paying agents in Europe referred to in Article 37(1) of Annex IV to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement shall be credited to one or more bank accounts opened in the name of the Commission and shall be used in accordance with the terms of Article 6. The use of the revenue from interest generated on the funds of the 10th EDF managed by the EIB, will be determined in the framework of the Financial Regulation referred to in Article 10(2).
Prihodki iz obresti, ki so bile ustvarjene z dejavnostmi, financiranimi v okviru zavez iz prejšnjih ERS in iz obresti od sredstev iz desetega ERS, ki jih upravlja Komisija in so deponirani pri plačilnih zastopnikih v Evropi iz člena 37(1) Priloge IV k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP-ES, se knjižijo na enega ali več bančnih računov, odprtih v imenu Komisije, in se uporabijo v skladu s pogoji iz člena 6. Uporaba prihodkov iz obresti od sredstev iz desetega ERS, ki jih upravlja EIB, se določi v okviru finančne uredbe iz člena 10(2).
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The resources referred to in Article 1(2)(a)(iii) and Article 1(5) shall cover costs linked to the programming and implementation of the EDF which are not necessarily covered by the strategy support papers and multi-annual indicative programmes referred to in the Implementation Regulation referred to in Article 10(1).
Sredstva iz člena 1(2)(a)(iii) in člena 1(5) zajemajo stroške, povezane z načrtovanjem in izvajanjem ERS, za katere ni nujno, da jih zajemajo strateški spremni dokumenti in večletni okvirni programi iz uredbe o izvajanju iz člena 10(1).
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Funds decommitted from projects under the 9th EDF or from previous EDFs after 31 December 2007 shall no longer be committed, unless decided otherwise by the Council unanimously, on the basis of a proposal by the Commission, with the exception of the funds decommitted after this date of entry into force resulting from the systems guaranteeing the stabilisation of export earnings from primary agricultural products (STABEX) under the EDFs prior to the 9th EDF which shall be automatically transferred to the respective national indicative programmes referred to in Article 2(a)(i) and Article 3(1) and of those funds referred to in paragraph 2(b).
Sredstva, ki so bila prerazporejena iz projektov iz devetega ERS, po 31. decembru 2007 ne bo več mogoče prerazporejati, razen v primeru, če se na predlog Komisije Svet soglasno odloči drugače; to ne velja za sredstva, ki so bila prerazporejena po datumu začetka veljavnosti in izhajajo iz sistema za zagotavljanje stabilizacije izvoznih prihodkov od primarnih kmetijskih izdelkov (STABEX) v okviru skladov pred devetim ERS ter bodo samodejno prenesena v ustrezne nacionalne okvirne programe iz člena 2(a)(i) in člena 3(1), in za sredstva, navedena v odstavku 2(b).
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Before 31 December 2007, the Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission, should set at EUR 286 million the amount from the 10th EDF for financial assistance over the period 2008-2013 to the overseas countries and territories (hereinafter referred to as the »OCTs«) to which part four of the Treaty applies.
Pred 31. decembrom 2007 bo Svet na predlog Komisije soglasno določil znesek v višini 286 milijonov EUR iz desetega ERS za finančno pomoč čezmorskim državam in ozemljem (v nadaljevanju »ČDO«) v obdobju 2008-2013, za katera se uporablja četrti del Pogodbe.
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Should the contributions decided according to paragraph 2 deviate from the EDF's actual needs during the financial year in question, the Commission shall submit proposals to amend the contribution amounts within the ceiling referred to in paragraph 2 to the Council, which shall take a decision by qualified majority as laid down in Article 8.
Če se izkaže, da prispevki, določeni v skladu z odstavkom 2, ne zadostujejo za dejanske potrebe Sklada v zadevnem finančnem letu, Komisija v skladu z zgornjo mejo iz odstavka 2 poda Svetu predloge za dodatna plačila; Svet sprejme sklep s kvalificirano večino, kakor je določeno v členu 8.
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