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EEC examination of the pattern
1 Pravna redakcija
Results of EEC examination of the pattern with a view to EEC pattern approval.
Rezultati pregledov EGS na vzorcu za pridobitev odobritve EGS za vzorec.
2 Pravna redakcija
Results of EEC examination of the pattern with a view to EEC approval.
Rezultati preiskave EGS na vzorcu za pridobitev odobritve EGS.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31984L0525
Results of EEC examination of the pattern with a view to EEC approval,
Rezultati preiskave EGS na vzorcu za pridobitev odobritve EGS.
4 Končna redakcija
If the results of the examination described in item 2 of Annex I are satisfactory, the Member State which has carried out this examination shall draw up an EEC pattern approval certificate and forward it to the applicant.
Če so rezultati pregleda, opisanega v 2. točki Priloge I, zadovoljivi, sestavi država članica, ki je tak pregled izvedla, certifikat o odobritvi tipa EGS in ga pošlje vložniku.
5 Pravna redakcija
Details of the results of the examination of the pattern for EEC approval and the main features of the pattern are annexed.
Podrobni podatki o rezultatih pregledov v okviru odobritve EGS za vzorec in glavne značilnosti vzorca so navedeni v prilogi. Vsi podatki so na voljo pri:
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0767
The examination for EEC pattern approval shall be carried out on the basis of the plans and, where appropriate, on sample vessels.
Pregled za odobritev EGS za vzorec se opravi na podlagi načrtov, in kadar je primerno, na vzorčnih posodah.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0767
If the results of the examination provided for in section 2 of Annex I are satisfactory, the Member State which carried out the examination shall make out an EEC pattern approval certificate which shall be forwarded to the applicant concerned.
Če so rezultati pregleda, določenega v oddelku 2 Priloge I, zadovoljivi, država članica, ki je opravila pregled, izda potrdilo odobritve EGS za vzorec in ga pošlje prosilcu.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0575
EEC initial verification constitutes the examination of a new or reconditioned instrument and the confirmation of its conformity to the approved pattern and/or to the requirements of this Directive and the separate directives relating to the instrument in question;
Prva overitev EGS pomeni pregled novega ali obnovljenega merilnega instrumenta in potrditev njegove skladnosti z odobrenim tipom oziroma z zahtevami te direktive in posebnih direktiv, ki se nanašajo na instrument;
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0575
Each Member State shall notify the other Member States and the Commission of the services, agencies and institutes which are duly authorized to carry out the examinations specified in this Directive and in the separate directives, to issue the EEC pattern approval certificates and to affix the EEC initial verification marks."
Vsaka država članica mora obvestiti druge države članice in Komisijo o službah, organih in ustanovah, ki so ustrezno pooblaščeni za izvajanje pregledov, navedenih v tej direktivi in v posebnih direktivah, za izdajanje certifikatov odobritve tipa EGS in za pritrditev znakov prve overitve EGS."
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0625
The measuring systems fitted to road tankers referred to in items 2.2 and 2.4 may obtain EEC pattern approval solely on the basis of an examination of the documents produced, if the latter are in conformity with one of the standard schemes referred to in item 4.2 and meet the requirements set out below:
Merilni sistemi, ki so nameščeni na avtomobilske cisterne, na katere se nanašata točki 2.2 in 2.4, lahko odobritev EGS za vzorec pridobijo samo na podlagi pregleda predložene dokumentacije, če je le-ta v skladu z eno od standardnih shem, kot so navedene v točki 4.2, in če izpolnjuje spodaj naštete zahteve:
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0767
The tasks of the administration issuing the EEC pattern approval certificate and of the inspection body carrying out the verification of the vessel shall be confined to examinations carried out in accordance with the requirements of the relevant separate Directives, and to the operations assigned to them by this Directive.
Naloge uprave, ki izdaja potrdila odobritve EGS za vzorec, in nadzornega organa, ki izvaja verifikacijo posode, so omejene na preglede, ki se opravljajo v skladu z zahtevami ustreznih posebnih direktiv, in na opravila, ki jih za upravo in nadzorni organ določa ta direktiva.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0767
At the same time as the party concerned is notified, copies of the EEC pattern approval certificate shall be sent by the Member State to the Commission and to the other Member States, which may also obtain copies of the definitive technical file on the vessel and of the reports on the examinations and tests it has undergone.
Hkrati, ko se obvesti prizadeta stranka, država članica pošlje izvode potrdila odobritve EGS za vzorec Komisiji in drugim državam članicam, ki lahko dobijo tudi izvode dokončne tehnične dokumentacije o posodi in izvode poročil o pregledih in testiranjih posode.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31979L0830
This possibility is permitted only if, during the EEC pattern approval examination, study of the hot water/cold water rules of equivalence has enabled a cold water accuracy test to be established and has shown that a meter passing this test also complies with the maximum permissible errors laid down in 2.1.
Ta možnost se dovoli samo, če je bila med pregledom za odobritev EGS za vzorec z upoštevanjem pravil enakovrednosti vroče in hladne vode omogočena izvedba preskusa točnosti s hladno vodo in se je izkazalo, da vodomer, ki uspešno opravi ta preskus, ustreza tudi največjim dopustnim pogreškom iz točke 2.1.
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EEC examination of the pattern