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1 Končna redakcija
A comparison of countries on the mere basis of geographical features does not however provide the whole picture.
Primerjava dežel samo z geografskimi značilnostmi pa vendar ne da popolne slike.
2 Končna redakcija
The same could be said of a picture featured by Mladina in an article entitled 'As a virgin not yet beheld by man's eye.'
Enako velja tudi za sliko iz članka v Mladini »Kot devica, ki je še ni videlo moško oko«.
3 Končna redakcija
Complete with a picture of Mt. Triglav (featured on the state crest), the page provides another view of the Slovenia that is at odds with the mental maps of the region.
Ta stran vključuje še sliko Triglava (ki je na državnem grbu) in pogled na Slovenijo, ki je v nasprotju z mentalnimi zemljevidi o tem področju.
4 Končna redakcija
a The Delo newspaper dedicated a whole page to the selfpresentation of the leaders of various political parties. Only the leader of SDS did not respond because he publicly boycotts this newspaper. Delo left the space set aside for his party empty. Mag weekly magazine later commented on this empty column calling it a conspiracy of Delo against the said party and designated the president of the state Milan Kučan as the author of the conspiracy. In addition, the president was to be blamed for when Delo published a picture showing the leader of the SLS+SKD with the Pope during his visit to the Vatican (at the time of the election campaign), and also because Delo did not feature the picture of the NSi's leader who visited the Pope at roughly the same time, even though admittedly it was a 'closed doors visit' (Mag, 41/2000).
a Ko časopis Delo nameni celo stran obširni samopredstavitvi predsednikov političnih strank, se le predsednik SDS ne odzove na anketo, ker javno bojkotira ta časopis; zato pod imenom njegove stranke, vabljene k anketi, pustijo v Delu prazen stolpec; nakar ta prazni stolpec, namenjen samopredstavitvi SDS, v Magu komentirajo za zaroto časopisa Delo proti omenjeni stranki, za avtorja te zarote pa razglasijo kar predsednika države Kučana; pri tem da je predsednik države kriv tudi za to, da je Delo objavilo sliko predsednika SLS+SKD skupaj s papežem, ko je bil na obisku v Vatikanu (v času predvolilnega boja), hkrati pa je Kučan tudi kriv, da v Delu ni bilo slike predsednika NSi, ki je bil tudi pri papežu v istem času, čeprav 'na štiri oči' (Mag, 41/2000);
5 Končna redakcija
An example of such a blow 'below the belt' from Slovenia's most recent political history was the poster of the Social Democratic Alliance for the spring elections in 1990. It showed photographs of the world's most notorious figures of Communism along with some figures from the Slovenian past and present, while the message read COMMUNISTS want another 45 years? A complementary poster featured the text SOCIAL DEMOCRATS, the pictures of renown socialdemocrats like Brandt, Palme, Mitterand and others together with some figures from Slovenia - Pučnik, Boh, Šinkovec, Magajna, and the message Vote for the Social Democratic Alliance and Demos!. See Spahič, 2000, 42, 43.
Primer takšnega propagandno 'nizkega udarca' iz najnovejše slovenske politične zgodovine je bil plakat Socialdemokratske zveze iz časov iz volitev spomladi 1990, na katerem so bile med fotografije najbolj zloglasnih osebnosti iz svetovne zgodovine komunizma uvrščene tudi tiste iz slovenske preteklosti in tedanjosti, zraven pa napis KOMUNISTI Želite še 45 let? (temu komplementaren pa je bil plakat z napisom SOCIALDEMOKRATI, fotografijam uglednih socialdemokratov Brandta, Palmeja, Mitterranda idr. pa so bile dodane tiste slovenskih - Pučnika, Bohove, Šinkovca in Magajne - in še en napis Volite Socialdemokratsko zvezo in Demos!). Glej Spahič, 2000, 42, 43.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1531
In view of the large number of models, the CTVs sold in the Community market were categorised according to those features considered to have the greatest impact on the cost of CTVs, namely screen size, screen format, screen type, picture frequency, sound, teletext and TV system.
Glede na veliko število modelov, se je BTV, prodane na trgu Skupnosti, razvrstilo v skladu z njihovimi značilnostmi, za katere je veljalo, da najbolj vplivajo na stroške BTV, tj. velikostjo zaslona, obliko zaslona, tipom zaslona, frekvenco slike, zvokom, teletekstom in TV sistemom.
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