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First Counsellor
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(3) At the proposal of the personnel council and by taking into account the years of work experience in administrative or state bodies, the judge of the court from the first paragraph of Article 5 of this Law may, depending on his work results, be promoted to a higher wage class or to the position of a judicial counsellor, irrespective of the criteria used as the foundation for the classification of judges into wage classes or for promotion to the position of judicial counsellor under the Law on the Judicial Service.
(3) Sodnika sodišča iz prvega odstavka 5. člena tega zakona lahko sodni svet na predlog personalnega sveta, upoštevajoč njegove izkušnje pri delu v upravnih organih oziroma državnih organih, v skladu z rezultati njegovega dela, uvrsti v višji plačilni razred oziroma na položaj svetnika, ne glede na merila, ki so po zakonu o sodniški službi podlaga za razvrščanje sodnikov v posamezne plačilne razrede oziroma za napredovanje na položaj svetnika.
Prevodi: en > sl
First Counsellor