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Five Star Movement
1 Objavljeno
Plaques were classified into five types according to echogenicity (from echolucent to hyperechogenic), composition (homogeneous to heterogeneous), surface (smooth, rough, ulcerated), and movement. Standards have been set for optimal ultrasonographic plaque assessment.
Lehe so razdelili na pet tipov glede na ehogenost (od eholucentnih do hiperehogenih), sestavo (homogeni do heterogeni), površino (gladki, neravni, z razjedami) in gibanje.
2 Pravna redakcija
A movement certificate EUR 1 must be submitted, within five months of the date of issue by the customs authorities of the exporting State, to the customs authorities of the importing State where the goods are entered.
Potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR. 1 je treba predložiti carinskim organom države uvoznice, v katero vstopi blago, v petih mesecih od datuma njegove izdaje s strani carinskih organov države izvoznice.
3 Pravna redakcija
A movement certificate EUR.l must be submitted, within five months of the date of issue by the customs authorities of the exporting State, to the customs authorities of the importing State where the goods are entered.
Potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1 mora biti carinskim organom države uvoznice, v katero vstopi blago, predloženo v petih mesecih od datuma njegove izdaje s strani carinskih organov države izvoznice.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0975
Movements of live poultry and hatching eggs coming from areas of Italy outside the area described in Annex I to other Member States shall only be allowed following five days advance notification to the central and local veterinary authorities of destination.
Premiki žive perutnine in valilnih jajc, izhajajočih iz italijanskih območij, ki so izven območja, navedenega v Prilogi I, v druge države članice je dovoljen samo po petdnevni predhodni uradni prijavi pri centralnih ali lokalnih veterinarskih organih namembnega kraja.
5 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to Article 21 of Directive 92/12/EEC, Member States may not prohibit or hinder the movement of products put up in containers of a nominal capacity of not more than five litres as referred to in Article 4(2)(a) on grounds relating to the closing devices used, where the closing device or type of packaging used appears on the list in Annex I.
Brez poseganja v člen 21 Direktive 92/12/EGS države članice ne smejo prepovedati ali ovirati premikov proizvodov, polnjenih v vsebnike nazivne prostornine največ pet litrov iz člena 4(2)(a), zaradi uporabe zapiral, kadar je uporabljeno zapiralo ali vrsta pakiranja, navedena v seznamu iz Priloge I.
6 Pravna redakcija
Provision should therefore be made at Community level for the application of a special system for the movement of pet animals to those Member States for a transitional period of five years and for the Commission, in the light of the experience gained and a scientific opinion from the European Food Safety Authority, to present a report in due course with appropriate proposals.
Na ravni Skupnosti bi bilo torej treba predvideti uporabo posebnega sistema za premike hišnih živali v te države članice za prehodno obdobje petih let, in da Komisija, glede na pridobljene izkušnje in znanstveno mnenje Evropske agencije za varnost živil, pravočasno predloži poročilo z ustreznimi predlogi.
7 Pravna redakcija
On importation into Switzerland or into Denmark, Norway or the United Kingdom, the tariff provisions in force in Switzerland or in those three countries and covered by Article 3(1) of the Agreement may benefit only those products for which a movement certificate has been issued indicating that they have acquired the status of originating products and undergone any additional processing solely in Switzerland or in the three countries referred to above or in the other five countries specified in Article 2 of this Protocol.
Ob uvozu v Švico ali na Dansko, Norveško ali v Združeno kraljestvo so do carinskih določb, ki veljajo v Švici ali v navedenih treh državah in so zajete v členu 3(1) Sporazuma, upravičeni samo tisti proizvodi, za katere je bilo izdano potrdilo o gibanju blaga, ki navaja, da so pridobili status izdelkov s poreklom in bili nadalje predelani izključno v Švici ali v zgoraj omenjenih treh državah ali pa v preostalih petih državah, navedenih v členu 2 tega protokola.
8 Pravna redakcija
Movement certificates may, where appropriate, be required to indicate that the products to which they relate have acquired the status of originating products and have undergone any additional processing solely in Switzerland or in Denmark, Norway, the United Kingdom or the other five countries specified in Article 2 of this Protocol until the date from which the customs duties applicable to the said products are abolished between the Community as originally constituted and Ireland on the one hand, and Switzerland on the other hand.
Potrdila o gibanju blaga morajo po potrebi navajati, da so izdelki, na katere se nanašajo, pridobili status izdelkov s poreklom in so bili nadalje predelani izključno v Švici ali na Danskem, Norveškem, v Združenem kraljestvu ali v preostalih petih državah, navedenih v členu 2 tega protokola, do datuma, od katerega se carine za navedene izdelke med Skupnostjo v njeni prvotni obliki in na Irskem na eni strani ter Švici na drugi strani odpravijo.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
A movement certificate EUR.1 shall be submitted within five months of the date of issue by the customs authorities in the exporting Member State or beneficiary Republic, to the customs authorities of the importing Member State or beneficiary Republic where the products are entered.
Potrdilo o gibanju blaga EUR.1 je treba v petih mesecih, ki se štejejo od datuma, ko ga izdajo carinski organi izvozne države članice ali republike upravičenke, predložiti carinskim organom uvozne države članice ali republike upravičenke, v kateri se izdelki predložijo.
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Five Star Movement