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1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA's claim is therefore rejected.
Zahtevek avstralske vlade se zato zavrne.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
On this basis, the GOA's claims are considered to be unfounded.
Na tej podlagi veljajo trditve avstralske vlade za neutemeljene.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
On this basis, it is considered that the claims of the GOA are unfounded.
Na podlagi tega se zagovarja stališče, da so argumenti avstralske vlade neutemeljeni.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA argued that there was no failure to cooperate during the investigation.
Avstralska vlada je trdila, da ni prišlo do zavrnitve sodelovanja med preiskavo.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA requested and was granted a hearing before the Commission services on 4 February 2000.
4. februarja 2000 na njeno zahtevo odobreno zaslišanje pred službami Komisije.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
Accordingly, the GOA suggested that injury, if any, was caused by large imports from other third countries.
Zato je avstralska vlada predlagala, da je škodo, v primeru, da je obstajala, povzročil velik uvoz iz drugih tretjih držav.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA argued, that the amount of the subsidy was not properly calculated since it is incorrect that only exports are 'cross-subsidised'.
Avstralska vlada je trdila, da višina subvencije ni bila ustrezno izračunana, ker ne drži, da je bil "navzkrižno subvencioniran" samo izvoz.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA contested the method used by the Commission to assess the production capacity of the Community industry for the product concerned.
Avstralska vlada je izpodbijala metodo, ki jo je Komisija uporabila za oceno proizvodne zmogljivosti industrije Skupnosti glede zadevnega izdelka.
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
In response to this claim, it is considered that the disclosure document sent to the GOA despite the fact that no request for such provisional disclosure had been received from the GOA, contained a detailed analysis concerning subsidisation, injury, causation and Community interest.
Odgovor na to trditev je, da je obvestilo o začasnih ugotovitvah, ki je bilo poslano avstralski vladi, kljub temu, da ga ni zahtevala, vsebovalo podrobno analizo subvencioniranja, škode, vzročne zveze in interesa Skupnosti.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
Consequently, the GOA claimed that no proper assessment could be made as to whether the injury suffered by the Community industry was material.
Avstralska vlada je zato trdila, da ni bilo mogoče ustrezno oceniti, ali je bila škoda, ki jo je utrpela industrija Skupnosti, znatna.
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
Consequently, contrary to the claim made by the GOA, the assessment of production capacity for PSF takes into account the actual production of PSF.
Posledično ocena proizvodne zmogljivosti za rezana vlakna iz poliestra, v nasprotju s trditvijo avstralske vlade, upošteva dejansko proizvodnjo rezanih vlaken iz poliestra.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
Therefore, the claims made by the GOA and the exporting producer concerning the EMDG scheme are rejected and the provisional findings are confirmed.
Zato se trditve avstralske vlade in proizvajalca izvoznika v zvezi s shemo EMDG zavrnejo, začasne ugotovitve pa se potrdijo.
13 Pravna redakcija
For the active substance Laminarin an application was submitted by Laboratoires Goëmar SA, France, to the authorities of Belgium on 29 March 2001.
Vlogo za aktivno snov laminarin je podjetje Laboratoires Goemar Sa, Francija, predložilo belgijskim organom dne 29. marca 2001.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA and the exporting producer claimed that no further payments have been received because the company is not eligible anymore for further grants.
Avstralska vlada in proizvajalec izvoznik sta trdila, da ni bilo prejeto nobeno nadaljnje plačilo, ker podjetje ne izpolnjuje več pogojev za dodelitev nadaljnjih subvencij.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
The GOA claimed that there is no evidence that the injury suffered by the Community industry was caused by the limited volumes imported from Australia.
Avstralska vlada je ugovarjala, da ni dokazov o tem, da so škodo, povzročeno industriji Skupnosti, povzročile majhne količine uvoza iz Avstralije.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
In any event, the GOA considered that the reduction in the Community industry's production capacity was not compatible with a finding of material injury:
Avstralska vlada je v vsakem primeru menila, da padec proizvodne zmogljivosti industrije Skupnosti ni bil skladen z ugotovitvijo o znatni škodi:
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
The GOA claimed that the market share of Australian imports was too limited (2 % of consumption) to have any influence on prices on the Community market.
Avstralska vlada je trdila, da je bil tržni delež uvoza iz Avstralije preveč omejen (2 % porabe), da bi imel kakršen koli vpliv na cene na trgu Skupnosti.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
Since the GOA did not receive the calculation methodology or the method of imposition of provisional measures, the disclosure documentation was deficient.
Dokumentacija v razkritju je bila pomanjkljiva, ker avstralska vlada ni bila obveščena o metodologiji izračuna in načinu uvedbe začasnih ukrepov.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
The GOA considered that production capacity for PSF should have been assessed exclusively on the actual production of the PSF covered by the investigation.
Avstralska vlada je menila, da bi bilo treba proizvodno zmogljivost za rezana vlakna iz poliestra oceniti izključno na podlagi dejanske proizvodnje rezanih vlaken iz poliestra, zajetih v preiskavo.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA argues that the EMDG scheme does not favour domestic over imported goods since the legislation allows the promotion of goods made in Australia or overseas.
Avstralska vlada trdi, da shema EMDG ne daje prednosti domačemu blagu pred uvoženim, ker zakonodaja dovoljuje promocijo blaga, izdelanega v Avstraliji ali čezmorskih državah.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The actual conditions of the grants in question were never disclosed in full to the Commission services by the GOA and the cooperating exporting producer, not even orally.
Avstralska vlada in sodelujoči proizvajalec izvoznik službam Komisije nista nikoli v celoti razkrila dejanskih pogojev zadevnih subvencij, niti ustno.
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA pointed out that the Community industry's profitability significantly improved over the period considered, namely from a loss of around 4 % to a profit of over 6 %.
Avstralska vlada je poudarila, da se je dobičkonosnost industrije Skupnosti v obravnavanem obdobju bistveno izboljšala, in sicer s približno 4 % izgube na več kot 6 % dobiček.
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
Regarding the arguments raised by the GOA on its market share, it is recalled that imports from Australia were found to be clearly above the de minimis level during the IP.
V zvezi z argumenti avstralske vlade o tržnem deležu njene države je treba opomniti, da je bil uvoz iz Avstralije v obdobju preiskave občutno nad pragom de minimis.
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
The Government of Australia (hereafter 'GOA') contested the method used by the Commission to assess the production capacity of the Community industry for the product concerned.
Avstralska vlada je ugovarjala metodi, ki jo je Komisija uporabila pri ocenjevanju proizvodnih zmogljivosti industrije Skupnosti za zadevni izdelek.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
Both the GOA and the GOT stated that there is no evidence that the injury suffered by the Community industry was caused by the limited volumes imported from Taiwan and Australia.
Tako avstralska kot tajvanska vlada sta trdili, da ni dokaza, da so škodo, ki jo je utrpela industrija Skupnosti, povzročile omejene količine, uvožene iz Tajvana in Avstralije.
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
Since this was not disputed by the GOA, it was thus established that unless it is anticipated that earnings will accrue from exports, grants under the EMDG scheme will not be made.
Avstralska vlada temu ni ugovarjala, zato je bilo ugotovljeno, da se subvencije v okviru sheme EMDG ne dodelijo, če ni predvidenega dohodka od izvoza.
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
Regarding the arguments raised by the GOA and the GOT on their respective market share, it is recalled that imports from Australia and Taiwan were found to be clearly above the de minimis level during the IP.
V zvezi z argumenti avstralske in tajvanske vlade glede njunih tržnih deležev je ustrezno navesti, da je bilo za uvoz s poreklom iz Avstralije in Tajvana ugotovljeno, da je bil v obdobju preiskave očitno nad de minimis ravnjo.
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
It is furthermore considered that the GOA did not provide any evidence which would contradict the provisional finding that the Community industry suffered material injury as a result of low-priced dumped imports.
Nadalje se zagovarja stališče, da avstralska vlada ni predložila dokazov, ki bi ovrgli začasno ugotovitev, da je bila industriji Skupnosti s poceni dampinškim uvozom povzročena znatna škoda.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA claimed that the EMDG scheme is not contingent upon export performance since the grant is calculated as a reimbursement of a percentage of promotional expenditure which is not tied to the sale of the product.
Avstralska vlada je trdila, da shema EMDG ni pogojena z ustvarjenim izvozom, ker se subvencija izračuna kot povračilo odstotka izdatkov za promocijo, ki niso povezani s prodajo izdelka.
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
Furthermore, it should be noted that the GOA and the exporting producer refused to provide copies of the documents pertaining to the actual grant received by the company, citing 'business confidentiality' requirements.
Poleg tega je treba navesti, da avstralska vlada in proizvajalec izvoznik nista hotela zagotoviti kopij dokumentov o dejanski subvenciji, ki jo je prejelo podjetje, in se pri tem sklicevalo na zahteve o "poslovni zaupnosti".
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA claimed that the disclosure documents did not set out 'the details underlying the essential facts and considerations on which provisional measures have been imposed' as set forth in Article 30 of the basic Regulation.
Avstralska vlada je trdila, da v obvestilu niso bili navedeni "podatki o bistvenih dejstvih in razmislekih, na podlagi katerih so bili uvedeni začasni ukrepi", kakor je to določeno v členu 30 osnovne uredbe.
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
Consequently, it is considered that the GOA and the GOT did not provide any evidence which would contradict the provisional finding that the Community industry suffered material injury as a result of low-priced subsidised imports.
Posledično velja, da avstralska in tajvanska vlada nista predložili nobenega dokaza, ki bi bil v nasprotju z začasno ugotovitvijo, da je industrija Skupnosti utrpela bistveno škodo zaradi subvencioniranega poceni uvoza.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
Both the company and the GOA have been made aware during the verification visit that this refusal might lead to the final findings being made on the basis of the facts available in accordance with Article 28 of the basic Regulation.
Med preveritvenim obiskom sta bila podjetje in avstralska vlada opozorjeni, da lahko zaradi te zavrnitve končne ugotovitve temeljijo na razpoložljivih dejstvih v skladu s členom 28 osnovne uredbe.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA and the exporting producer claim that PSF is not an eligible product under the scheme, which is described in recitals 33 to 35 of the provisional duty Regulation, and no payments or benefits were received by the company in relation to PSF.
Avstralska vlada in proizvajalec izvoznik trdita, da so rezana vlakna iz poliestra izdelek, ki ne izpolnjuje pogojev sheme, opisane v uvodnih izjavah od 33 do 35 Uredbe o začasnih dajatvah, in da podjetje ni prejelo nobenih plačil ali ugodnosti v zvezi z rezanimi vlakni iz poliestra.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
The GOA claimed that in the absence of data relating to the profitability of the Community industry prior to the appearance of dumped imports, no proper assessment could be made as to whether the injury suffered by the Community industry was material.
Avstralska vlada je trdila, da ni bilo nobenih podatkov o donosnosti, ki jo je industrija Skupnosti beležila pred začetkom dampinškega uvoza, tako da ni mogoče ustrezno oceniti, ali je škoda, povzročena industriji Skupnosti, znatna.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
Therefore, it is considered, that the arguments made by the GOA concerning the IAP and the IICP should be rejected and it is confirmed that these subsidies are contingent upon export performance in the meaning of Article 3(4)(a) of the basic Regulation.
Zato se zagovarja stališče, da je treba zavrniti argumente avstralske vlade v zvezi z IAP in IICP, in se potrdi, da so te subvencije pogojene z ustvarjenim izvozom v smislu člena 3(4)(a) osnovne uredbe.
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA also argued that since the ICS will be terminated on 30 June 2000, the continuation of the subsidy in the calculation of the countervailing duty is not justified in the light of Article 19(4) of the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.
Avstralska vlada je trdila tudi, da v skladu s členom 19(4) Sporazuma STO o subvencijah in izravnalnih ukrepih ni upravičeno obdržati subvencijo pri izračunu izravnalne dajatve, glede na to, da se ICS konča 30. junija 2000.
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA argued that the Commission failed to look at the effect that exchange-rate fluctuations have had on import price from Australia, specifying that during the investigation period PSF imported from Australia had benefited from a favourable exchange rate appreciation.
Avstralska vlada je trdila, da je Komisija spregledala vpliv nihanj menjalnega tečaja na ceno uvoza iz Avstralije, pri čemer je navedla, da so imela med obdobjem preiskave rezana vlakna iz poliestra, uvožena iz Avstralije, koristi od ugodnega dviga menjalnega tečaja.
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
The GOA argued that the Commission failed to look at the effect that exchange rate fluctuations have had on import prices from Australia, specifying that during the investigation period PSF imported from Australia had benefited from a favourable exchange rate appreciation.
Avstralska vlada je ugovarjala, da Komisija ni preučila učinkov nihanja deviznih tečajev na cene uvoza iz Avstralije, in pojasnila, da je na RVP, uvožene iz Avstralije v obdobju preiskave, ugodno vplival dvig tečaja.
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA argued that with regard to grants made under the IICP and the IAP the denominator for allocation of the subsidy amount should be total sales and not only export sales since the grants were linked to the acquisition of fixed assets and therefore benefited the entire operation.
Avstralska vlada je trdila, da bi moral biti za subvencije v okviru IICP in IAP imenovalec za dodelitev zneska subvencije celotna prodaja in ne le izvoz, ker so bile subvencije povezane s pridobitvijo osnovnih sredstev in so torej koristile vsem dejavnostim podjetja.
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The reasons for rejecting the unverifiable statement made by the GOA that neither the grants under the IICP nor under the IAP were contingent upon export performance are clearly set forth in the provisional disclosure document and in recitals 28, 29, 40 and 42 of the provisional duty Regulation.
Vzroki za zavrnitev izjave avstralske vlade, ki je ni bilo mogoče preveriti, in sicer, da subvencije v okviru IICP in IAP niso bile pogojene z ustvarjenim izvozom, so jasno navedeni v obvestilu o začasnih ugotovitvah in v uvodnih izjavah 28, 29, 40 in 42 Uredbe o začasnih dajatvah.
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
Following the publication of the provisional duty Regulation, the Government of Australia (hereinafter referred to as 'GOA') submitted on 17 January 2000, in writing, its comments on the disclosure document containing the details underlying the essential facts and considerations on the basis of which provisional measures have been imposed.
Po objavi Uredbe o začasnih dajatvah je avstralska vlada 17. januarja 2000 pisno predložila svoje pripombe o obvestilu, v katerem so bili podatki o bistvenih dejstvih in razmislekih, na podlagi katerih so bili uvedeni začasni ukrepi.
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
In this respect, it should be noted that information given by the GOA and the exporting producer on the intent, parameters and operation of the two programmes and the conditions and amount of the grants in question was not disregarded to the extent that this information was verifiable in accordance with Article 28(3) of the basic Regulation.
V zvezi s tem je treba navesti, da so se informacije avstralske vlade in proizvajalca izvoznika o namenu, parametrih in delovanju teh dveh programov ter o pogojih in višini zadevnih subvencij upoštevale, če jih je bilo mogoče preveriti v skladu s členom 28(3) osnovne uredbe.
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
During the verification visit the GOA and the cooperating exporter were made aware several times of the provision contained in Article 28(1) of the basic Regulation that the refusal to provide access to the grant contract and related supporting documents may lead to findings being made on the basis of the facts available concerning subsidies granted under the IICP and IAP.
Med preveritvenim obiskom sta bila avstralska vlada in sodelujoči izvoznik večkrat opozorjena na določbe člena 28(1) osnovne uredbe, da lahko zaradi zavrnitve dostopa do pogodbe o subvenciji in z njo povezanih dokazilnih listin ugotovitve temeljijo na razpoložljivih dejstvih v zvezi s subvencijami, dodeljenimi v okviru IICP in IAP.
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA argued that the 'grants entry test' performed under the EMDG scheme, which is described in recitals 14 to 17 of the provisional duty Regulation, does not tie the grant to anticipated export earnings since the intent of the test is to ensure that the enterprise must have a prospect of success by ensuring that the applicant undertakes adequate financial and management planning.
Avstralska vlada je trdila, da "preizkus upravičenosti do subvencije", opravljen v okviru sheme EMDG, opisan v uvodnih izjavah od 14 do 17 Uredbe o začasnih dajatvah, ne povezuje subvencije s predvidenim dohodkom od izvoza, ker je namen preizkusa zagotoviti, da ima podjetje možnosti za uspeh in da prosilec poskrbi za ustrezno finančno načrtovanje in načrt upravljanja.
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA argued furthermore that information provided by the Victorian Government in relation to the grant payment under the IAP had been disregarded, and that the statements by the European Commission that the Victorian Government grant payment is contingent on export and that exports are one of the objectives of the Economic Development Act 1981, are not correct and not supported by the facts.
Avstralska vlada je nadalje trdila, da niso bile upoštevane informacije v zvezi s plačilom subvencije v okviru IAP, ki jih je zagotovila vlada Viktorije, in da izjave Evropske komisije, da je plačilo subvencije vlade Viktorije pogojeno z izvozom ter da je izvoz eden od ciljev Zakona o gospodarskem razvoju iz leta 1981, niso pravilne in utemeljene z dokazi.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA argued, that the amount of the subsidy was not properly calculated since it is incorrect that only exports are "cross-subsidised".
Avstralska vlada je trdila, da višina subvencije ni bila ustrezno izračunana, ker ne drži, da je bil "navzkrižno subvencioniran" samo izvoz.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
The Government of Australia (hereafter "GOA") contested the method used by the Commission to assess the production capacity of the Community industry for the product concerned.
Avstralska vlada je ugovarjala metodi, ki jo je Komisija uporabila pri ocenjevanju proizvodnih zmogljivosti industrije Skupnosti za zadevni izdelek.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
Furthermore, it should be noted that the GOA and the exporting producer refused to provide copies of the documents pertaining to the actual grant received by the company, citing "business confidentiality" requirements.
Poleg tega je treba navesti, da avstralska vlada in proizvajalec izvoznik nista hotela zagotoviti kopij dokumentov o dejanski subvenciji, ki jo je prejelo podjetje, in se pri tem sklicevalo na zahteve o "poslovni zaupnosti".
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA claimed that the disclosure documents did not set out "the details underlying the essential facts and considerations on which provisional measures have been imposed" as set forth in Article 30 of the basic Regulation.
Avstralska vlada je trdila, da v obvestilu niso bili navedeni "podatki o bistvenih dejstvih in razmislekih, na podlagi katerih so bili uvedeni začasni ukrepi", kakor je to določeno v členu 30 osnovne uredbe.
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