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Haemagglutination test
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0975
- sentinel birds, either the Haemagglutination-Inhibition Test (HI), the AGID-test or the ELISA-test shall be used.
- dovzetnih ptic se uporabljajo test inhibicije hemaglutinacije (IH), test AGID ali test ELISA.
2 Pravna redakcija
The test should be regarded as negative if no haemagglutination activity is detected and no virus is isolated.
Preiskava velja za negativno, če hemaglutinacijska aktivnost ni bila ugotovljena in ni bil izoliran noben virus.
3 Pravna redakcija
A combination of imaging techniques and serological tests (e.g. indirect haemagglutination, immunodiffusion, immu-noblot assay).
Kombinacije prikazovalnih tehnik in seroloških testov (npr. indirektna hemaglutinacija, imunodifuzija, imunoblot test).
4 Pravna redakcija
Blood samples must be obtained from at least 60 birds randomly chosen and examined by the Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test in accordance with the procedure listed in point 2.
Krvni vzorci morajo biti odvzeti vsaj 60 naključno izbranim pticam, pregledati pa jih je treba s testom inhibicije hemaglutinacije (HI test) v skladu s postopkom, navedenim v točki 2.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0117
Eggs with dead or dying embryos as they arise, and all remaining eggs four days after inoculation, should be chilled to 4 ° C and the allantoic-amniotic fluids tested for haemagglutination activity.
Jajca z mrtvimi ali umirajočimi zarodki je treba sproti, vsa ostala jajca pa štiri dni po inokulaciji, ohladiti na 4 ºC in pregledati alantoisno-amnionske teko čine na hemaglutinacijsko aktivnost.
6 Pravna redakcija
Eggs with dead or dying embryos as they arise, and all remaining eggs four days after inoculation, should be chilled to 4 ° C and the allantoic-amniotic fluids tested for haemagglutination activity.
Jajca z mrtvimi ali umirajočimi zarodki je treba sproti, vsa ostala jajca pa štiri dni po inokulaciji, ohladiti na 4 ĹźC in pregledati alantoisno-amnionske teko
7 Pravna redakcija
or it/they was/were subjected to haemagglutination inhibition tests for western and eastern equine encephalomyelitis on two occasions, carried out on blood samples taken with an interval of 21 days on..........(5) and on..........(5), the second of which must have been taken within 10 days of export either with negative reactions, if it/they has/have not been vaccinated (4) or without increase in antibody count, if it/they has/have been vaccinated more than six months ago (4).
je bil na živali(-h) dvakrat opravljen preskus inhibicije hemaglutinacije za zahodni in vzhodni encefalomielitis pri konjih na vzorcih krvi, odvzetih v presledku 21 dni, dne …………………………. (5) in dne ……………………..(5), pri čemer je bil drugi vzorec odvzet v 10 dneh po izvozu, bodisi z negativnimi reakcijami, če ni(-so) bila(-e) cepljena(-e) (5), ali brez povečanja števila protiteles, če je/so bila(-e) cepljena(-e) pred več kot šestimi meseci (5).
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0040
Haemagglutination (HA) test Reagents
Hemaglutinacijski (HA) test Reagenti
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0040
Haemagglutination inhibition (Hl) test Reagents
Test inhibicije hemaglutinacije (IH) Reagenti
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0066
Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test Reagents (see Chapter 5)
Test inhibicije hemaglutinacije (IH) Reagenti (glej poglavje 5)
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0975
sentinel birds, either the Haemagglutination-Inhibition Test (HI), the AGID-test or the ELISA-test shall be used.
dovzetnih ptic se uporabljajo test inhibicije hemaglutinacije (IH), test AGID ali test ELISA.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0066
This is recommended for the accurate preparation of antigen for haemagglutination inhibition tests (see Chapter 6).
To se priporoča za natančno pripravo antigena za test inhibicije hemaglutinacije (glej poglavje 6).
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0117
Interpretation The test should be regarded as negative if no haemagglutination activity is detected and no virus is isolated.
Ocenjevanje Preiskava velja za negativno, če hemaglutinacijska aktivnost ni bila ugotovljena in ni bil izoliran noben virus.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0253
A combination of imaging techniques and serological tests (e.g. indirect haemagglutination, immunodiffusion, immunoblot assay).
Kombinacije prikazovalnih tehnik in seroloških testov (npr. indirektna hemaglutinacija, imunodifuzija, imunoblot test).
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0066
The haemagglutinating fluids should, therefore, be used in an haemagglutination inhibition test as described in Chapters 5 and 6.
Hemaglutinirajoče tekočine je zato treba uporabiti v testu inhibicije hemaglutinacije, kot je opisano v poglavjih 5 in 6.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0066
Confirmation of Newcastle-disease virus would again be by inhibition in haemagglutination inhibition tests with monospecific chicken antisera.
Potrditev virusa atipične kokošje kuge bi spet bila z inhibicijo v testu inhibicije hemaglutinacije z monospecifičnim piščančjim antiserumom.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0040
The haemagglutinating fluids should be used in a haemagglutination inhibition test as described in Chapters 5 and 6. Positive inhibition i.e. 2& E%;
Hemaglutinirajoče tekočine se uporabijo v testu inhibicije hemaglutinacije, kot je opisano v Poglavjih 5 in 6.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0040
Individual serum samples should be tested for their ability to inhibit influenza virus haemagglutinating antigen in standard haemagglutination inhibition tests as defined in Chapter 6.
Posamezne vzorce seruma je potrebno testirati na sposobnost inhibicije hemaglutinacijskega antigena virusa influence v standardnem testu inhibicije hemaglutinacije, kot je opredeljen v Poglavju 6.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0066
Individual serum samples should be tested for their ability to inhibit Newcastle disease virus haemagglutinating antigen in standard haemagglutination inhibition tests as defined in Chapter 6.
Posamezne vzorce seruma je treba testirati na sposobnost inhibicije hemaglutinacijskega antigena virusa atipične kokošje kuge v standardnem testu inhibicije hemaglutinacije, kot je opredeljen v poglavju 6.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0040
Eggs with dead or dying embryos as they arise, and all remaining eggs six days after inoculation should be chilled to 4o C and the allantoic-amniotic fluids tested for haemagglutination activity.
Jajca z mrtvimi ali umirajočimi embriji, ko se pojavijo, in vsa ostala jajca se šest dni po inokulaciji ohladijo na 4 °C in testira se hemaglutinacijska aktivnost alantoisno-amnionskih tekočin.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0066
Eggs with dead or dying embryos as they arise, and all remaining eggs six days after inoculation should be chilled to 4 °C and the allantoic-amniotic fluids tested for haemagglutination activity.
Jajca z mrtvimi ali umirajočimi embriji, ko se pojavijo, in vsa preostala jajca se šest dni po inokulaciji ohladijo na 4 °C in testira se hemaglutinacijska aktivnost alantoisno-amnionskih tekočin.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0117
Eggs with dead or dying embryos as they arise, and all remaining eggs four days after inoculation, should be chilled to 4 °C and the allantoic-amniotic fluids tested for haemagglutination activity.
Jajca z mrtvimi ali umirajočimi zarodki je treba sproti, vsa ostala jajca pa štiri dni po inokulaciji, ohladiti na 4 °C in pregledati alantoisno-amnionske tekočine na hemaglutinacijsko aktivnost.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0066
In particular, some monoclonal antibodies are available which are specific for the vaccinal strains used on the territory of the Community and can be employed in simple haemagglutination inhibition tests.
Zlasti so na voljo nekatera monoklonska protitelesa, ki so specifična za cepne seve, uporabljane na ozemlju Skupnosti, in ki se lahko uporabijo v enostavnih testih inhibicije hemaglutinacije.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0066
The majority of laboratories involved in Newcastle disease diagnosis are familiar with the haemagglutination inhibition test and the recommendation described below relate to this test for the measurement of antibodies to the virus.
Večina laboratorijev, ki se ukvarjajo z diagnostiko atipične kokošje kuge, je seznanjenih s testom inhibicije hemaglutinacije in spodaj opisana priporočila se nanašajo na ta test za merjenje protiteles proti virusu.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0040
A more accurate method for determining the HA titre is to do HA tests on virus from a close range of initial dilutions i.e. 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, etc. This is recommended for the accurate preparation of antigen for haemagglutination inhibition tests (Chapter 6).
Natančnejša metoda za določanje titra HA je izvedba HA testa na virusu z razredčitvami blizu začetni razredčitvi, na primer 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6 in podobno. To se priporoča za natančno pripravo antigena za test inhibicije hemaglutinacije (poglavje 6).
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0040
During eradication programmes where the H subtype of the virus responsible is already known, or by using the homologous virus as antigen, serological monitoring for evidence of infection may be done using haemagglutination inhibition tests as described in Chapters 5 and 6.
V programih izkoreninjanja, ko je H podtip zadevnega virusa že poznan, ali če se kot antigen uporabi homologni virus, se lahko opravlja serološko spremljanje prisotnosti okužbe s testi inhibicije hemaglutinacije, kot je opisano v Poglavjih 5 in 6.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0260
it was subjected to haemagglutination inhibition tests to Western and Eastern equine encephalomyelitis on two occasions with an interval of 21 days between the two tests, the second of which must have been carried out during 10 days prior to dispatch on (5) and on… (5), with either negative reactions, if it has not been vaccinated (4), or without an increase in the antibody count, if it has been vaccinated more than six months ago (4).
sta bila na njem opravljena dva preizkusa z inhibicijo hemaglutinacije na zahodni in vzhodni konjski encefalomielitis, z razmikom 21 dni med obema preizkusoma, od katerih je bil drugi izveden v zadnjih 10 dneh pred pošiljanjem, dne… 5 in dne… 5, z bodisi negativnim izvidom, če ni bil cepljen 4, bodisi brez povišanega števila protiteles, če je bil cepljen pred več kot šestimi meseci 4.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0260
it was subjected to haemagglutination inhibition tests to Western and Eastern equine encephalomyelitis on two occasions with an interval of 21 days between the two tests, the second of which must have been carried out during 10 days prior to dispatch on… (5) and on… (5), with either negative reactions, if it has not been vaccinated (4), or without an increase in the antibody count, if it has been vaccinated more than six months ago (4) (6).
na njem sta bila opravljena dva preizkusa z inhibicijo aglutinacije krvi na zahodni in vzhodni tremor pri konjih, z razmikom 21 dni med obema preizkusoma, od katerih je bil drugi izveden v zadnjih 10 dneh pred pošiljanjem, dne… 5 in dne… 5, z bodisi negativnim izvidom, če ni bil cepljen 4, bodisi brez povišanega števila protiteles, če je bil cepljen pred več kot šestimi meseci 4 6.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0196
it/they was/were subjected to haemagglutination inhibition tests for western and eastern equine encephalomyelitis on two occasions, carried out on blood samples taken with an interval of 21 days on…(39) and on…(40) , the second of which must have been taken within 10 days of export either with negative reactions, if it/they has/have not been vaccinated(41) or without increase in antibody count, if it/they has/have been vaccinated more than six months ago(42).
je bil na živali(-h) dvakrat opravljen preskus inhibicije hemaglutinacije za zahodni in vzhodni encefalomielitis pri konjih na vzorcih krvi, odvzetih v presledku 21 dni, dne. 5 in dne..5, pri čemer je bil drugi vzorec odvzet v 10 dneh po izvozu, bodisi z negativnimi reakcijami, če ni(-so) bila(-e) cepljena(-e) 5, ali brez povečanja števila protiteles, če je/so bila(-e) cepljena(-e)pred več kot šestimi meseci 5.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0197
Japanese B-encephalitis on…(63) (64) (65) this being within six months and at least 30 days of export, or it was subjected to haemagglutination inhibition tests to western and eastern equine encephalomyelitis on two occasions, carried out on samples of blood taken with an interval of 21 days on…(66) and on…(67) , the second of which must have taken within 10 days of export either with negative reactions, if it has not been vaccinated(68) , or without increase in antibody count, if it has been vaccinated more than six months ago(69).
japonskemu B-encefalitisu dne...3 4 5, v šestih mesecih in najmanj 30 dni pred izvozom, bodisi so se pri njej dvakrat opravili preskusi inhibicije hemaglutinacije za ugotavljanje zahodnega in vzhodnega konjskega encefalomielitisa, na vzorcih krvi, odvzetih v razmiku 21 dni, in sicer dne...4 in dne…4, pri čemer se je moral drugi vzorec odvzeti v 10 dneh pred izvozom, bodisi z znaki negativnih reakcij, če žival ni bila cepljena 3, bodisi brez povišanega števila protiteles, če je bila cepljena pred več kakor šestimi meseci 3.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0197
either it was vaccinated against western and eastern equine encephalomyelitis with inactivated vaccine on…(89) this being within six months and at least 30 days of export(90) or it was subjected to haemagglutination inhibition tests to western and eastern equine encephalomyelitis on two occasions, carried out on samples of blood taken with an interval of 21 days on…(91) and on…(92) , the second of which must have been taken within 10 days of export either with negative reactions, if it has not been vaccinated(93) , or without increase in antibody count, if it has been vaccinated more than six months ago(94).
žival je bila bodisi cepljena proti zahodnemu in vzhodnemu konjskemu encefalomielitisu z inaktiviranim cepivom dne… 4 v šestih mesecih in najmanj 30 dni pred izvozom(3) bodisi so se pri njej dvakrat opravili preskusi inhibicije hemaglutinacije za ugotavljanje zahodnega in vzhodnega konjskega encefalomielitisa, na vzorcih krvi, odvzetih v razmiku 21 dni, in sicer dne… 4 in dne…4, pri čemer je moral biti drugi vzorec odvzet v 10 dneh pred izvozom, bodisi z znaki negativnih reakcij, če žival ni bila cepljena 3, bodisi brez povišanega števila protiteles, če je bila žival cepljena pred več kakor šestimi meseci 3.
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Haemagglutination test