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Home service
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
women` s dispensaries and children` s dispensaries, home care service, family medicine teams)
dispanzerji za žene in otroški dispanzerji, patronažna služba, ekipe družinske medicine)
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
To strengthen promotion activities of all health care providers in order to stimulate breast feeding (primary health care teams, maternity hospitals, home care service, public health care,..).
Okrepiti promocijske aktivnosti vseh izvajalcev zdravstvenega varstva za spodbujanje dojenja (ekipe v osnovnem zdravstvu, porodnišnice, patronažna služba, dejavnost javnega zdravja,..).
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-98
that international migration also includes that of refugees, displaced persons and other individuals compelled to leave their homelands, and who are in need of international migration services,
da mednarodna migracija zajema tudi preseljevanje beguncev, razseljenih oseb in drugih posameznikov, ki so prisiljeni zapustiti svojo domovino in potrebujejo mednarodne migracijske storitve,
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
Upgrading, updating, and uniformity of the programme of health education activities and consultations in health care service and schools for the future parents (hospitals, children` s dispensaries, women` s dispensaries, home care service and schools for the future parents).
Nadgradnja, posodobitev in poenotenje programa zdravstveno vzgojnih aktivnosti in svetovanj v zdravstveni dejavnosti in šolah za bodoče starše (bolnišnice, otroški dispanzerji, dispanzerji za žene, patronažna služba in šole za bodoče starše).
5 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
A member of temporary staff may, moreover, be required because of the exigencies of the service or safety rules to remain on standby duty at his place of work or at home outside normal working hours.
Poleg tega se lahko od začasnega uslužbenca zahteva, da zaradi nujnih službenih razlogov ali varnostnih predpisov ostane v pripravljenosti na delovnem mestu ali doma izven rednega delovnega časa.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(1) Contracts negotiated away from business premises shall under this Act include contracts on the supply of goods or the performance of services, concluded through 1. negotiations away from the business premises of the enterprise, or 2. representative or authorised dealer visits to the consumer` s home, home of another consumer or consumer's place of work, should the visit not be expressly requested by the consumer.
(1) Za pogodbe, sklenjene zunaj poslovnih prostorov, se po tem zakonu štejejo pogodbe o dobavi blaga ali opravljanju storitev, ki so sklenjene: med srečanjem izven poslovnih prostorov podjetja ali med obiskom zastopnika ali pooblaščenca podjetja na potrošnikovem domu, na domu drugega potrošnika ali na delovnem mestu potrošnika, če do obiska ne pride na izrecno potrošnikovo željo.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-37
(b) Persons with disabilities have access to a range of in-home, residential and other community support services, including personal assistance necessary to support living and inclusion in the community, and to prevent isolation or segregation from the community;
b) imajo invalidi dostop do različnih storitev na domu ter bivalnih in drugih podpornih storitev v skupnosti, vključno z osebno pomočjo, potrebno za življenje in vključitev v skupnost ter za preprečevanje osamljenosti ali izločevanja iz skupnosti;
8 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
A member of temporary staff shall be entitled to special allowances when required in accordance with a decision taken by the AACC because of the exigencies of the service or safety rules to remain on standby duty at his place of work or at home outside normal working hours.
Začasni uslužbenec ima pravico do posebnih dodatkov, če OPSP zaradi nujnih službenih razlogov ali varnostnih predpisov odloči, da mora biti izven običajnega delovnega časa v pripravljenosti na delovnem mestu ali doma.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(1) Provisions of this Act referring to distance contracts shall not apply to 1. contracts for the construction and the sale of real estate and contracts bestowing other rights to real estate with the exception of rental contracts 2. timeshare contracts for real estate whose terms fall under the provisions of Articles 59 to 60e inclusive of this Act 3. contracts for the sale of food, beverages and other goods intended for everyday use, which the seller delivers to the home, temporary residence or place of work of the consumer 4. contracts for financial services, such as banking services, dealings with securities and insurance services 5. contracts for accommodation, transport, catering services, the delivery of food and beverages, attendance of events and leisure time services, where the enterprise shall commit to fulfil its obligations on a specified moment or within specified period of time 6. contracts concluded - with the aid of vending machines - with operators offering telecommunication services while using public telephones - at public auctions.
(1) Določila tega zakona o pogodbah, sklenjenih na daljavo, se ne uporabljajo za: pogodbe o gradnji in prodaji nepremičnin ter pogodbe o drugih pravicah na nepremičninah razen oddaje v najem; pogodbe o časovnem zakupu nepremičnin, ki so urejene z določbami od 59. do 60.e člena tega zakona; pogodbe o prodaji hrane, pijače ali drugega blaga, ki je namenjeno vsakodnevni porabi in ga potrošniku na dom, njegovo prebivališče ali njegovo delovno mesto dobavljajo prodajalci; pogodbe o nastanitvi, prevozu, gostinskih storitvah, dobavi hrane in pijače, obisku prireditev in storitvah za prosti čas, kjer se podjetje zaveže, da bo izpolnilo svojo obveznost v točno določenem trenutku ali v točno določenem roku; pogodbe, ki so sklenjene: - s pomočjo prodajnih avtomatov; - z operaterji telekomunikacij ob uporabi javnih telefonskih govorilnic; - na javni dražbi.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Foreign natural persons may under condition of reciprocity be entered in the ZAPS register or the IZS register if they prove that in their country of citizenship they fulfil the conditions for project design or other engineering services, that in their country of citizenship they have not been finally convicted of a criminal offence against property or a financial criminal offence and sentenced to more than three months of custody, and that in such country a security measure of a ban on the performance of the profession has not been introduced against them, unless such a measure has already expired. The fulfilment of the conditions specified in this paragraph shall be proved with documents no more than one year old issued pursuant to regulations in the home country.
(4) Tuja fizična oseba se lahko ob pogoju vzajemnosti vpiše v imenik ZAPS oziroma imenik IZS, če izkaže, da v državi, katere državljan je, izpolnjuje pogoje za projektantske oziroma druge inženirske storitve in da v državi, katere državljan je, ni bila pravnomočno obsojena za kaznivo dejanje zoper premoženje oziroma gospodarstvo na kazen zapora več kot treh mesecev ali da ji v tej isti državi ni bil izrečen varnostni ukrep prepovedi opravljanja poklica, razen če je veljavnost tega ukrepa že potekla. Izpolnjevanje pogojev iz tega odstavka se dokazuje z dokumenti, izdanimi po predpisih matične države, ki pa ne smejo biti starejši od enega leta.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(1) A fine of not less than 1,000,000 tolars shall be imposed on an individual who commits an offence in connection with the independent performance of a professional activity, and no less than a fine of 3,000,000 tolars on a legal person 1. for not conducting business with consumers in the Slovene language or for not using their full registered company name and address in written communications to consumers, or for not using at least their abridged registered company name and address in written communications which are not intended for a particular individual consumer (first and second paragraphs of Article 2) 2. for not allowing, as a provider of information society services, for a simple direct and constant access to the data referred to in the third paragraph of Article 2 (third paragraph of Article 2) 3. for advertising goods or services in a manner which is in contrast with the law, indecent or misleading, or for not advertising goods or services in the Slovene language (Articles 12, 12a and 12b) 4. for advertising goods or services through a means of comparative advertising which is contrary to provisions of this Act (Article 12c) 5. if the advertising of goods or services includes elements which cause or which could cause physical, mental or other harm to children, or elements which exploit or which could exploit their trusting nature or inexperience (Article 15) 6. for advertising messages which are part of or present a service of an information society and are not in accordance with Article 15a (Article 15a) 7. for failing to issue to the consumer, upon the conclusion of a contract for goods referred to in Article 15b, a warranty certificate, technical instructions and a list of authorised service agents, or if these documents are not entirely in the Slovene language and easily understandable (first and third paragraphs of Article 16) 8. for failing to provide repair and maintenance of a product for the period covered by a warranty or for its extended period, free of charge, and after that period for a charge, by providing this service itself or through an authorised representative (fourth paragraph of Article 16) 9. for failing to provide maintenance, replacement parts and attachable components also after the expiry of the warranty period (fifth paragraph of Article 16) 10.for failing, as a seller of residential or business property, to hand over to a purchaser, a warranty for all of the built-in products referred to in Article 15b, no later than at the handing over of the title of ownership of the property (eighth paragraph of Article 16) 11.for failing to include all the data referred to in the first paragraph of Article 18 of this Act in a warranty certificate 12.for acting as the producer in contrast with the first paragraph of Article 20 13.for not selling goods or providing services to consumers under equal conditions (second paragraph of Article 25) 14.if the highest percentage reduction on the price of goods offered in a clearance sale, declared as a percentage range, does not account for at least one-quarter of the value of all goods offered in the clearance sale (third paragraph of Article 28) 15.for failing to provide instructions for use in line with Article 33 of this Act for goods which, for their correct use require a certain procedure or which, if used incorrectly, could cause damage to the user or to others, or could pollute the environment 16.for failing, in the final computation, to calculate and pay to the consumer interest on the prepayment of goods or services at the interest rate applied by banks to deposits fixed for over three months (Article 41) 17.for failing to deliver goods in perfect condition, in the agreed quantity and at the agreed time with all the accompanying documentation, when delivery to the consumer's home or elsewhere has been arranged (first paragraph of Article 42) 18.for leaving goods at the door of the consumer's home in the case of home delivery (second paragraph of Article 42) 19.for failing with regard to a distance contract to provide the consumer with the data referred to in Article 43b of this Act on a relevant permanent data carrier within the prescribed times (Article 43c) 20.for not confirming, as a provider of information society services, orders in electronic format, other than exceptions stipulated by the law, or for not submitting the provisions of the contract in a form which will assure its preservation for later use (third paragraph of Article 43b) 21.for failing to return, in due time, all the payments made in the case where a consumer cancels a contract concluded at a distance or away from premises (first paragraph of Article 43d and fifth paragraph of Article 46c) 22.for using a call system without the mediation of an individual, facsimile transmission machine or electronic mail without prior consent from the consumer, to whom a message was addressed (first paragraph of Article 45a) 23.for sending messages to consumers with the intention of concluding a contract to supply goods or services, regardless of a consumer's declaration that he/she no longer wish to receive such mail (third paragraph of Article 45a) 24.for failing with regard to a contract negotiated away from the business premises to hand over to the consumer, in the prescribed period of time, a written notice containing at least the registered company name and address, the type and price of the goods and the rights of the consumer under the provisions of Article 46c of this Act, as well as place and date (Article 46b) 25.if the price for the delivery of energy or water to a consumer is not calculated according to the actual delivery, or if the measurement of the actual delivery of energy or water is not carried out in the prescribed manner (Article 48) 26.for failing to allow for the premature settlement of the outstanding balance of the purchase price, exclusive of contractual interest while buying on hire purchase (Article 51) 27.for not returning already paid instalments while buying on hire purchase with the legally prescribed belated interest due from the date of receipt of payment, as well as the unavoidable costs incurred for the goods (Article 54) 28.if a company organising group excursions and travel has failed to insure the travellers adequately (Article 58) 29.if a timeshare contract for tourist facilities is not made in writing (Article 60a) 30.if the contract does not include the prescribed data (Article 60b).
pogodba ne vsebuje predpisanih podatkov (60.b člen).
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
These services such as transport from home to work or parking facilities have some of the characteristics of intermediate consumption.
Te storitve, kakor so prevoz od doma v službo ali parkirišča, imajo nekatere značilnosti vmesne potrošnje.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
The home Member State shall ensure that the authorisation specifies the investment services or activities which the investment firm is authorised to provide.
Matična država članica zagotovi, da so v dovoljenju navedene investicijske storitve ali dejavnosti, za opravljanje katerih je investicijsko podjetje pooblaščeno.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Any investment firm wishing to provide services or activities within the territory of another Member State for the first time, or which wishes to change the range of services or activities so provided, shall communicate the following information to the competent authorities of its home Member State:
Katero koli investicijsko podjetje, ki želi prvič opravljati storitve ali dejavnosti na ozemlju druge države članice ali ki želi spremeniti paleto storitev ali dejavnosti, ki jih tam opravlja, pristojnemu organu matične države članice sporoči naslednje informacije:
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Member States shall ensure that investment services and/or activities as well as ancillary services may be provided within their territories in accordance with this Directive and Directive 2000/12/EC through the establishment of a branch provided that those services and activities are covered by the authorisation granted to the investment firm or the credit institution in the home Member State.
Države članice zagotovijo, da se na njihovih ozemljih lahko opravljajo investicijske storitve in/ali dejavnosti ter pomožne storitve v skladu s to direktivo in Direktivo 2000/12/ES prek ustanovitve podružnice, pod pogojem, da so te storitve in dejavnosti zajete v dovoljenju, ki ga investicijsko podjetje ali kreditna institucija pridobi v matični državi članici.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Council Directive 93/22/EEC of 10 May 1993 on investment services in the securities field(5) sought to establish the conditions under which authorised investment firms and banks could provide specified services or establish branches in other Member States on the basis of home country authorisation and supervision.
Namen Direktive Sveta 93/22/EGS z dne 10. maja 1993 o investicijskih storitvah na področju vrednostnih papirjev [5] je bil, vzpostaviti razmere, v katerih bi pooblaščene investicijske družbe in banke lahko zagotavljale navedene storitve ali ustanavljale podružnice v drugih državah članicah na podlagi dovoljenja in nadzora s strani matične države.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
An investment firm authorised in its home Member State should be entitled to provide investment services or perform investment activities throughout the Community without the need to seek a separate authorisation from the competent authority in the Member State in which it wishes to provide such services or perform such activities.
Investicijsko podjetje, ki je pridobilo dovoljenje v svoji matični državi članici, bi moralo imeti pravico do zagotavljanja investicijskih storitev ali opravljanja investicijskih dejavnosti v celi Skupnosti, ne da bi ji bilo treba zahtevati ločeno dovoljenje s strani pristojnega organa v državi članici, v kateri želi zagotavljati take storitve ali opravljati take dejavnosti.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Persons who provide the investment services and/or perform investment activities covered by this Directive should be subject to authorisation by their home Member States in order to protect investors and the stability of the financial system.
Osebe, ki opravljajo investicijske storitve in/ali investicijske dejavnosti, za katere velja ta direktiva, bi morale imeti dovoljenje svojih matičnih držav članic, da bi zaščitili vlagatelje in stabilnost finančnega sistema.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
In that case those requirements should apply to all investment firms for which that Member State is the home Member State for their operations within the territory of that Member State and those carried out cross-border through the freedom to provide services.
V takem primeru bi se morale te zahteve uporabljati za vsa investicijska podjetja, za katera je zadevna država članica matična država članica, za njihovo poslovanje na ozemlju te države članice in čezmejno poslovanje v okviru svobodnega opravljanja storitev.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
To this end, it is necessary to provide for the degree of harmonisation needed to offer investors a high level of protection and to allow investment firms to provide services throughout the Community, being a Single Market, on the basis of home country supervision.
S tem namenom je treba zagotoviti potrebno stopnjo uskladitve, da bi lahko vlagateljem ponudili visoko raven zaščite in investicijskim podjetjem omogočili opravljanje storitev v vsej Skupnosti, ki je enotni trg, na podlagi nadzora, ki ga opravlja matična država.
21 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999R1225
From the perspective of the home Member State (= Member State where the head office is situated) the gross premiums written under the right of freedom to provide services in other Member States are broken down into each other single EEA Member State and into the classification of products according to activities for insurance and pension funding services: five-digit level.
Z vidika domače države članice (t. j. države članice, v kateri je sedež) se obračunane kosmate premije po pravici do neoviranega opravljanja storitev v drugih državah članicah razdelijo po posameznih drugih državah članicah EGP in po izdelkih v skladu z dejavnostmi, povezanimi s storitvami zavarovanja in naložb v pokojninski sklad: petmestna stopnja.
22 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999R1225
From the perspective of the home Member State (= Member State where the head office is situated) the gross premiums written of branches in other Member States are broken down into each other single EEA Member State and into the classification of products according to activities for insurance and pension funding services: five-digit level.
Z vidika domače države članice (tj. države članice, v kateri je sedež) se obračunane kosmate premije poslovalnic v drugih državah članicah delijo po posameznih drugih državah članicah EGP in po izdelkih v skladu z dejavnostmi, povezanimi s storitvami zavarovanja in naložb v pokojninski sklad: petmestna stopnja.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Investment firms already authorised in their home Member State to provide investment services before the...(41), shall be deemed to be so authorised for the purpose of this Directive, if the laws of those Member States provide that to take up such activities they must comply with conditions comparable to those imposed in Articles 9 to 14.
Za investicijske družbe, ki so v svojih matičnih državah članicah pridobile dovoljenje za opravljanje investicijskih storitev že pred … [41], se šteje, da so imajo taka dovoljenja za namene te direktive, če zakonodaja teh držav članic določa, da morajo za začetek opravljanja takih dejavnosti izpolnjevati pogoje, primerljive s tistimi iz členov 9 do 14.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
The geographical reference market shall consist of the area in which the undertakings concerned are involved in the supply and demand of products or services, in which the conditions of competition are sufficiently homogeneous and which can be distinguished from neighbouring areas because, in particular, conditions of competition are appreciably different in those areas.
Upoštevni geografski trg zajema območje, na katerem se udeležena podjetja ukvarjajo s ponudbo proizvodov ali storitev in povpraševanjem po njih, na katerem so pogoji konkurence dovolj homogeni in ki se lahko loči od sosednih območij, zlasti zato, ker so tam pogoji konkurence precej drugačni.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
"Host Member State" means the Member State, other than the home Member State, in which an investment firm has a branch or performs services and/or activities or the Member State in which a regulated market provides appropriate arrangements so as to facilitate access to trading on its system by remote members or participants established in that same Member State;
"država članica gostiteljica" je država članica, ki ni matična država članica in v kateri ima investicijsko podjetje podružnico ali opravlja storitve in/ali dejavnosti, ali država članica, v kateri regulirani trg zagotavlja ustrezno ureditev, s čimer oddaljenim članom ali udeležencem s sedežem v tej državi članici omogoča dostop do trgovanja v svojem sistemu;
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
The relevant geographic market comprises the area in which the undertakings concerned are involved in the supply and demand of relevant products or services, in which the conditions of competition are sufficiently homogeneous and which can be distinguished from neighbouring geographic areas because, in particular, conditions of competition are appreciably different in those areas.
Upoštevni geografski trg sestavlja področje, na katerem so zadevna podjetja vključena v ponudbo in povpraševanje po ustreznih proizvodih ali storitvah, na katerih so konkurenčni pogoji dovolj homogeni in ki se od sosednjih geografskih področij lahko razlikujejo zlasti po konkurenčnih pogojih, ki so na teh področjih precej drugačni.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Where the competent authority of the host Member State has clear and demonstrable grounds for believing that an investment firm acting within its territory under the freedom to provide services is in breach of the obligations arising from the provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive or that an investment firm that has a branch within its territory is in breach of the obligations arising from the provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive which do not confer powers on the competent authority of the host Member State, it shall refer those findings to the competent authority of the home Member State.
Če ima pristojni organ države članice gostiteljice jasne in dokazljive razloge za prepričanost, da investicijsko podjetje, ki na njenem ozemlju svobodno opravlja storitve, krši obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz predpisov, sprejetih v skladu s to direktivo, ali da investicijsko podjetje, ki ima na njenem ozemlju podružnico, krši obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz predpisov, sprejetih v skladu s to direktivo, glede česar pristojni organ države članice gostiteljice nima pooblastil, glede teh odkritij opozori pristojni organ matične države članice.
28 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Home - help services
Storitve pomoči na domu
29 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Holiday home services
Storitve počitniških domov
30 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Homeopathological services
Homeopatske storitve
31 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Home medical treatment services
Storitve medicinskega zdravljenja na domu
32 Pravna redakcija
Domestic services and home care services (S)
05.6.2 Storitve za dom in gospodinjstvo (S)
33 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Holiday centre and holiday home services
Storitve počitniških središč in počitniških domov
34 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Dialysis home medical treatment services
Storitve dializnega zdravljenja na domu
35 Pravna redakcija
help to maintain elderly and disabled persons at home (home-cleaning services, meal programmes, day-care centres, day-care services and holiday-care services),
pomoč pri vzdrževanju starejših in onemoglih oseb na domu (storitve stanovanjskega čiščenja, načrtovanje prehrane, centri za dnevno nego, storitve dnevne nege in storitve nege med počitnicami),
36 Pravna redakcija
Nor does it include the services of retirement homes for elderly persons;
Prav tako ne zajema storitev domov za varstvo ostarelih,
37 Pravna redakcija
Such services include residential care, home help, day care and rehabilitation.
Navedene storitve zajemajo nego v domovih, pomoč na domu, dnevno nego in rehabilitacijo.
38 Pravna redakcija
services of owner-occupied holiday homes of non-residents (see paragraph 3. 64);
storitve bivanja nerezidentov v lastnih počitniških domovih (glej odstavek 3.64);
39 Pravna redakcija
homogeneous branches producing non-market goods and services of general government:
homogene panoge, ki proizvajajo netržno blago in storitve države:
40 Pravna redakcija
homogeneous branches producing market goods and services (market branches) and goods and services for own final use(17);
homogene panoge, ki proizvajajo tržno blago in storitve (tržne panoge) ter blago in storitve za lastno končno porabo fn;
Prevodi: en > sl
Home service