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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
BEARING IN MIND the need to implement fully the provisions of Article I-41(2) of the Constitution;
OB ZAVEDANJU potrebe po izvajanju določb drugega odstavka I-41. člena Ustave v polnem obsegu,
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-59
From the fourth year Slovenia has to bear the full cost of its financial contribution, i.e. € 298 000.
Od četrtega leta mora Slovenija plačevati polni finančni prispevek, to je 298.000 evrov.
3 Objavljeno
DRUGO: E/CONF.56/17/Rev.1/Amend.1
(i) Model B,2 a is octagonal with a red ground bearing the word "STOP" in white in English or in the language of the State concerned;
(i) model B,2 a je osmerokotnik z rdečo podlago in napisom "STOP" v beli barvi v angleškem jeziku ali jeziku zadevne države;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-59
From the fourth year of the coming into force of this Agreement Slovenia has to bear the full cost of its financial contribution, i.e. € 298 000.
Od četrtega leta po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma mora Slovenija plačevati polni finančni prispevek, to je 298.000 evrov.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
BEARING IN MIND that Article I-59 of the Constitution establishes a mechanism for the suspension of certain rights in the event of a serious and persistent breach by a Member State of those values;
OB UPOŠTEVANJU tega, da I-59. člen Ustave vzpostavlja mehanizem za mirovanje nekaterih pravic, če država članica huje in vztrajno krši te vrednote;
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
If the subsequent designation has not been received by the International Bureau within that period, it shall, subject to subparagraph (c)(i), (d) and (e), bear the date of its receipt by the International Bureau.
Če v tem roku Mednarodni urad naknadnega imenovanja ne prejme, ima ob upoštevanju točke (i) pododstavka (c) ter pododstavkov (d) in (e) datum, ko ga prejme Mednarodni urad.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(6) [Date of Subsequent Designation] (a) A subsequent designation presented by the holder direct to the International Bureau shall, subject to subparagraph (c)(i), bear the date of its receipt by the International Bureau.
(6) [Datum naknadnega imenovanja] (a) Naknadno imenovanje, ki ga je nosilec predložil neposredno Mednarodnemu uradu, ima ob upoštevanju točke (i) pododstavka (c) datum, ko ga je Mednarodni urad prejel.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(i) the subsequent designation shall, where the irregularity concerns any of the requirements referred to in paragraph (3)(a)(i), (iii) and (iv) and (b)(i), bear the date on which that designation is put in order, unless the said designation was presented to the International Bureau by an Office and the irregularity is remedied within the period of two months referred to in subparagraph (b); in the latter case, the subsequent designation shall bear the date on which it was received by the said Office;
(i) ima naknadno imenovanje, če se nepravilnost nanaša na pogoj iz točk (i), (iii) in (iv) pododstavka (a) tretjega odstavka in točke (i) pododstavka (b) tretjega odstavka, datum, ko je imenovanje urejeno, razen če je imenovanje predložil Mednarodnemu uradu neki urad in je bila nepravilnost odpravljena v dveh mesecih, kot je navedeno v pododstavku (b); v tem primeru ima naknadno imenovanje datum, ko ga je prejel omenjeni urad;
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(b) A subsequent designation presented to the International Bureau by an Office shall, subject to subparagraph (c)(i), (d) and (e), bear the date on which it was received by that Office, provided that the said designation has been received by the International Bureau within a period of two months from that date.
(b) Naknadno imenovanje ki ga je Mednarodnemu uradu predložil neki urad, ima ob upoštevanju točke (i) pododstavka (c) ter pododstavkov (d) in (e) datum, ko ga je slednji prejel, pod pogojem, da ga Mednarodni urad prejme v dveh mesecih po tem datumu.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-25
(1) (a) Unless an agreement concerning the financial arrangements governing actions of Parties to deal with pollution incidents has been concluded on a bilateral or multilateral basis prior to the pollution incident, Parties shall bear the costs of their respective actions in dealing with pollution in accordance with subparagraph (i) or subparagraph (ii).
(1) (a) Če sporazum o finančni ureditvi delovanja pogodbenic pri obvladovanju onesnaženja ni bil sklenjen na dvostranski ali večstranski ravni že pred onesnaženjem, pogodbenice krijejo stroške za svoje ukrepe pri onesnaženju v skladu s pododstavkom i ali ii.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-31
(a) Unless an agreement concerning the financial arrangements governing actions of Parties to deal with oil pollution incidents has been concluded on a bilateral or multilateral basis prior to the oil pollution incident, Parties shall bear the costs of their respective actions in dealing with pollution in accordance with subparagraph (i) or subparagraph (ii).
a) Če sporazum glede finančnih dogovorov, ki urejajo delovanje pogodbenic za obvladovanje nesreč z onesnaženjem z olji, ni bil sprejet na dvostranski ali mnogostranski podlagi še pred nesrečo z onesnaženjem z olji, krijejo pogodbenice stroške za svoje ukrepe pri onesnaženju v skladu s pododstavkom i) ali pododstavkom ii).
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-73
(2) [Exemption from Authentication, Legalization or any Other Certification] In respect of a document referred to in paragraph (1)(i) and (ii), bearing the seal of the International Bureau and the signature of the Director General or a person acting on his behalf, no authority of any Contracting Party shall require authentication, legalization or any other certification of such document, seal or signature, by any other person or authority.
(2) [Izjeme v zvezi z avtentifikacijo, legalizacijo ali drugo certifikacijo] Za dokument iz točk (i) in (ii) prejšnjega odstavka, ki ima žig Mednarodnega urada in podpis generalnega direktorja ali osebe, ki deluje v njegovem imenu, noben organ pogodbenice ne more zahtevati, da katera koli druga oseba ali organ avtentificira, legalizira ali drugače certificira tak dokument, ga žigosa ali podpiše.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-86
The Government, in addition to the financial obligations provided for in Annex I to this Agreement, shall, in accordance with the decision of the Ninth Meteorological Congress (paragraph 5.2.4 of the General Summary of the work of the session, Abridged Report of Ninth Congress), bear the actual additional costs directly or indirectly involved in holding the session in Ljubljana, as indicated in Annex II, rather than at the WMO Headquarters in Geneva.
Vlada poleg finančnih obveznosti iz Priloge I k temu sporazumu v skladu s sklepom Devetega meteorološkega kongresa (odstavek 5.2.4 Splošnega povzetka zasedanja, Skrajšano poročilo Devetega kongresa) krije dejanske dodatne stroške, neposredno ali posredno povezane z zasedanjem v Ljubljani, namesto na sedežu WMO v Ženevi, kot je navedeno v Prilogi II.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
BEARING IN MIND that the policy of the Union in accordance with Article I-41(2) of the Constitution shall not prejudice the specific character of the security and defence policy of certain Member States and shall respect the obligations of certain Member States, which see their common defence realised in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, under the North Atlantic Treaty and be compatible with the common security and defence policy established within that framework,
OB ZAVEDANJU, da politika Unije v skladu z drugim odstavkom I-41. člena Ustave ne vpliva na posebno naravo varnostne in obrambne politike posameznih držav članic in upošteva obveznosti iz Severnoatlantske pogodbe tistih držav članic, ki vidijo uresničevanje svoje skupne obrambe v Organizaciji Severnoatlantske pogodbe, ter da je združljiva s skupno varnostno in obrambno politiko, vzpostavljeno v tem okviru
15 Končna redakcija
LIZA. I dont think I can bear much more.
LIZA. Povem vama, da ne morem več.
16 Končna redakcija
HIGGINS. Am I? Very sorry. [Beaming suddenly]
HIGGINS. Tako? Mi je prav žal. (Mahoma zažari.)
17 Končna redakcija
[To Pickering] It was artful of you, Colonel; but I bear no malice: I should have done the same myself.
(Pickeringu.) Bili ste od sile zviti, polkovnik; vendar vam nič ne zamerim: tudi jaz bi najbrž naredil ravno tako.
18 Končna redakcija
But when I saw we were going to win hands down, I felt like a bear in a cage, hanging about doing nothing.
Ampak ko sem sprevidel, da pojde vse kakor po maslu, sem se počutil kakor medved v kletki, ki taca naokoli in ne ve, kaj naj počne.
19 Končna redakcija
'I did not come to the beach to fuck, because there is plenty of fucking everywhere.
Na plažo nisem prišel fukat, ker fuka je povsod dovolj.
20 Končna redakcija
I rather fancied myself because I can pronounce twenty-four distinct vowel sounds; but your hundred and thirty beat me.
Precej sem si domišljal, ker znam izgovoriti štiriindvajset različnih samoglasniških fonemov; ampak vi me s svojimi sto tridesetimi posekate.
21 Končna redakcija
Light composite wood-based beams and columns (including T-beams, i.e. beam/slab combinations):
Lahke sestavljene lesene grede in stebri (vključno s T-gredo, t.j. zveza grede in plošče):
22 Končna redakcija
The weights which may bear the EEC marks and symbols are described and illustrated in Annexes I-IV.
Uteži, ki lahko nosijo oznake in znake EGS, so opisane in ponazorjene v Prilogah I do IV.
23 Končna redakcija
You know well I couldnt bear to live with a low common man after you two; and it's wicked and cruel of you to insult me by pretending I could.
Dobro veste, da ne bi mogla po vaju dveh živeti s kakšnim vsakdanjim preprostim človekom; zato pa ste izprijeni in okrutni, ker me žalite s trditvijo, da bi mogla.
24 Končna redakcija
I have got accustomed to hear you talking about men as rotters, and calling everything filthy and beastly; though I do think it horrible and unladylike.
Navadila si se že, da o vseh moških govoriš kot o pokvarjencih in ti je vsaka stvar oslarija in svinjarija; čeprav se mi zdi, da je to grozno in za dekle neprimerno.
25 Končna redakcija
Then everyone just " got used " to tolerance, says Shankar Rath proudly. He is an engineer I encountered on the beach.
Potem pa so se tolerance " navadili ", pravi ponosno Shankar Rath, inženir vodarstva, ki ga srečam na plaži.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0037
The certificate consisting of one part only will bear the words "Registration Certificate", and there will be no reference in the text to "Part I."
Potrdilo, ki je sestavljeno samo iz enega dela, se bo imenovalo ` Potrdilo o registraciji` , besedilo pa se ne bo sklicevalo na Del I.
27 Končna redakcija
The following sentence is added to the first subparagraph of Article 12: "However, the quotas in Annexes I(B)(2) and I(B)(3) bearing the same quota number shall be considered as separate quotas."
V prvem pododstavku člena 12 se doda naslednji stavek: "Kvote v Prilogah I(B)(2) in I(B)(3) z enakimi številkami kvot se štejejo kot ločene kvote."
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0757
The reflex reflector bearing the EEC component type-approval mark shown above is a Class I reflector EEC type-approved in the Netherlands (4) under the number 216.
Odsevnik z zgoraj prikazano oznako EGS-homologacije sestavnega dela je odsevnik razreda I, ki mu je bila EGS-homologacija podeljena na Nizozemskem (4) pod številko 216.
29 Končna redakcija
If a product covered by this Directive bears one of the descriptions listed in column (b) of Annex I, it may also bear the corresponding identifying symbol shown and described in columns (h) and (i) of that Annex.
Če proizvod, ki ga ureja ta direktiva, ustreza enemu od opisov, naštetih v stolpcu (b) Priloge I, ima lahko tudi ustrezen identifikacijski simbol, ki je prikazan in opisan v stolpcih (h) in (i) te priloge.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0106
All prepackages referred to in Article 3 must in accordance with Annex I bear an indication of the volume of liquid, called the "nominal volume of the contents", which they are required to contain.
Vsi predpakirani proizvodi, na katere se nanaša člen 3, morajo v skladu s Prilogo I nositi oznako prostornine tekočine, imenovano ` nazivna prostornina vsebine` , ki jo morajo vsebovati.
31 Končna redakcija
A woman architect narrates. 'It is true that I'm not the type of mother, wife and housewife who would spend time at the stove. Everything is done very quickly. But we have love and we are doing beautifully.'
»Pač nisem tista mati, žena, gospodinja,« pripoveduje arhitektka, »ki bi stala pred štedilnikom. Vse gre po zelo hitrem postopku. Vendar se imamo radi in nam gre krasno.«
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0017
Member States shall, for each type of headlamp which functions as a main-beam and/or dipped-beam headlamp or for each type of light source (filament lamp(s) and other(s)) for use in approved lamp units which they approve pursuant to Article 1, issue to the manufacturer an EC component type-approval mark conforming to the model shown in Annex I, Appendix 5.
Za vsak tip žarometa, ki deluje kot žaromet za dolgi in/ali kratki svetlobni pramen oziroma za vsak tip vira svetlobe (žarnice z žarilno nitko in druge) za uporabo v homologiranih svetilkah, ki jih homologirajo na podlagi člena 1, države članice izdajo proizvajalcu oznako ES-homologacije sestavnega dela, ki je skladna z vzorcem, prikazanim v Dodatku 5 k Prilogi I.
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
as sparkling wine originating in a third country the conditions for whose production are recognised as equivalent to those laid down in point I of Annex V for a quality sparkling wine bearing the name of a geographical unit.
penečega vina, ki izvira iz tretje države, pri katerem so pogoji za proizvodnjo priznani kot ekvivalentni tistim, določenim v točki I Priloge V za kakovostno peneče vino, ki nosi ime geografske enote.
34 Končna redakcija
Each Member State shall grant EEC component type-approval for any type of headlamp which functions as a main-beam and/or dipped-beam headlamp and satisfies the construction and testing requirements laid down in Annexes I and VI, and any type of incandescent electric filament lamp for such headlamps which satisfies the construction and testing requirements laid down in Annexes III and VI.
Država članica podeli EGS-homologacijo sestavnega dela za vsak tip žarometa z dolgim svetlobnim pramenom in/ali kratkim svetlobnim pramenom, ki izpolnjuje konstrukcijske in preskusne zahteve, opredeljene v Prilogah I in VI, in za vsak tip električne žarnice z žarilno nitko za take žaromete, ki izpolnjuje konstrukcijske in preskusne zahteve, opredeljene v Prilogah III in VI.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0761
For headlamps which function as main-beam and/or dipped-beam headlamps, the EEC component type-approval mark shall be supplemented by the following additional symbols: 4.3.1. a horizontal arrow below the rectangle pointing to the right of an observer facing the headlamp, i.e. to the side of the road on which the traffic moves, on headlamps meeting the requirements of left-hand traffic only;
Za žaromete za dolgi svetlobni pramen in/ali za kratki svetlobni pramen je treba oznaki EGS-homologacije sestavnega dela dodati še naslednje simbole: pri žarometih, ki izpolnjujejo zahteve za vožnjo po levi strani cestišča, je treba pod pravokotnik dodati vodoravno puščico, ki je, če gledamo žaromet od spredaj, usmerjena v desno stran, to je v tisto stran cestišča, po kateri poteka vožnja;
36 Končna redakcija
The methods laid down in Annex II, and only those methods, shall be used to verify that products bearing descriptions and identifying symbols have the characteristics corresponding thereto as specified in columns (d) to (g) of Annex I.
Pri preverjanju, ali imajo opisi in identifikacijskimi simboli proizvodov značilnosti, ki ustrezajo tistim, določenim v stolpcih (d) do (g) Priloge I, se bodo uporabljali samo postopki iz Priloge II.
37 Končna redakcija
Under certain circumstances, cross-subsidization in telecommunications could distort competition, i.e, lead to beating other competitors with offers which are made possible not by efficiency and performance but by artificial means such as subsidies.
V določenih okoliščinah lahko navzkrižno subvencioniranje na področju telekomunikacij izkrivlja konkurenco, s tem da se drugi tekmeci izključijo s ponudbami, ki po možnosti ne temeljijo na učinkovitosti in dosežkih, temveč jih omogočajo umetna sredstva, kot so subvencije.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0878
in addition to the identification requirements provided for in Chapter I of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002, all packages shall bear a label indicating "PROHIBITED IN FOOD, FEED, FERTILISERS, COSMETICS, MEDICINAL PRODUCTS AND MEDICAL DEVICES";
poleg zahtev identifikacije, določenih v poglavju I Priloge II k Uredbi (ES) št. 1774/2002, imajo vsi zavitki nalepko z navedbo "PREPOVEDANO V ŽIVILIH, KRMI, GNOJILIH, KOZMETIKI, ZDRAVILIH IN MEDICINSKIH PRIPOMOČKIH".
39 Končna redakcija
The Member States shall take all measures necessary to ensure that the colouring matters listed in Annex I are placed on the market only if their packagings or containers bear: (a) the name and address of the manufacturer or of the seller established within the European Economic Community;
Države članice sprejmejo vse ukrepe, potrebne za zagotovitev, da se barvila, navedena v seznamu v Prilogi I, dajo na trg le, če je na njihovi embalaži ali vsebniku navedeno: (a) ime in naslov proizvajalca ali prodajalca s sedežem v Evropski gospodarski skupnosti;
40 Končna redakcija
in addition to the particulars provided for in point 66 of Chapter XII of Annex I, bear code numbers by which the competent authority responsible for supervising the establishment of origin can be identified as well as the official veterinarian responsible for the health inspection on the day the meat was produced,
poleg podrobnosti, predvidenih v točki 66 Poglavja XII Priloge I, imeti kodne številke, po katerih je mogoče identificirati pristojni organ, odgovoren za nadzor nad obratom izvora, kot tudi uradnega veterinarja, odgovornega za veterinarski pregled na dan, ko je bilo meso proizvedeno,
41 Končna redakcija
cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted falling within heading No 18.01 of the Common Customs Tariff and coffee, unroasted and not freed of caffeine falling within subheading 09.01 A I a) thereof, for which the Kingdom of Spain shall reduce the variation between the basic duty and the Common Customs Tariff duty in accordance with the following timetable:
kakava v zrnu, celega ali zdrobljenega, surovega ali praženega iz tarifne številke 18.01 splošne carinske tarife ter kave, nepražene, s kofeinom iz tarifne podštevilke 09.01 A I a), za katera bo Kraljevina Španija zmanjšala razliko med svojo osnovno dajatvijo in dajatvijo skupne carinske tarife po naslednjem časovnem razporedu:
42 Končna redakcija
'... It seems to me that in your world attraction is more commonly related to one's inner world, that is spiritual world, and only then does it occur on the physical level, while in the world in which I live it often happens that the body is attracted by a beautiful woman, to put it plainly, and you don't pay much attention to the spiritual side' (1, Problemi, 1971).
[V] vašem svetu se mi zdi, da je bolj pogosto to, da pritegne najprej notranjost, to je duševnost, in šele potem telo, medtem ko je v tem svetu, v katerem tudi jaz živim, dostikrat tako, da telo pritegne lepa ženska, bi rekel zdaj čisto po domače, da se sploh o duši ne sprašuješ dosti. (1, Problemi, 1971)
43 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
In order to make a definitive determination as to whether there is serious injury to the Community producers of the like product, i.e. a significant overall impairment in the position of the Community producers, the Commission finalised its evaluation of all relevant factors of an objective and quantifiable nature having a bearing on the situation of the Community producers.
Da bi se lahko dokončno odločili, ali je nastala resna škoda za proizvajalce podobnega proizvoda v Skupnosti, kar pomeni splošno poslabšanje položaja za proizvajalce Skupnosti, je Komisija zaključila oceno vseh pomembnih dejavnikov objektivne in določljive narave, ki vplivajo na položaj proizvajalcev Skupnosti.
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