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IPPF Standards
1 Pravna redakcija
It is however important to keep standardised certificates issued by Member States under the IPPC.
Vendar pa je pomembno, da se obdržijo standardizirana spričevala, ki jih države članice izdajajo po IPPC.
2 Pravna redakcija
"Phytosanitary certificates" and "phytosanitary certificates for re-export", which Member States issue under the IPPC shall be in the format of the standardised model given in Annex VII.
" Fitosanitarno spričevalo" in " fitosanitarno spričevalo za ponovni izvoz", ki jih države članice izdajajo po IPPC, so v formatu standardiziranega vzorca iz Priloge VII".
3 Pravna redakcija
It is appropriate to adopt, for the purposes of this Directive, the model certificates approved under the IPPC, as amended on 21 November 1979, in a standardised lay-out which has been drawn up in close cooperation with international organisations.
Za namene te direktive je primerno, da se sprejmejo vzorci spričeval, odobreni v skladu z Mednarodno konvencijo o varstvu rastlin, kakor je bila spremenjena 21. novembra 1979, v standardizirani obliki, ki je bila pripravljena v tesnem sodelovanju z mednarodnimi organizacijami.
4 Pravna redakcija
The Parties undertake to comply with the terms of the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures of the WTO and are willing to enter into consultations, on request of either of them, to discuss the proposals from the other Party on the application and the harmonisation of sanitary and phytosanitary measures, taking into consideration the standards agreed on in other international organisations such as OIE, IPPC and Codex Alimentarius.
Pogodbenici se zavezujeta, da bosta izpolnjevali pogoje Sporazuma o sanitarnih in fitosanitarnih ukrepih WTO in se na zahtevo katere koli od njiju pripravljeni posvetovati glede predlogov druge pogodbenice o uporabi in uskladitvi sanitarnih in fitosanitarnih ukrepov, ob upoštevanju standardov, dogovorjenih v drugih mednarodnih organizacijah, kot so OIE, IPPC in Codex Alimentarius.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0089
'Phytosanitary certificates' and 'phytosanitary certificates for re-export', which Member States issue under the IPPC shall be in the format of the standardised model given in Annex VII".
"Fitosanitarno spričevalo" in "fitosanitarno spričevalo za ponovni izvoz", ki jih države članice izdajajo po IPPC, so v formatu standardiziranega vzorca iz Priloge VII".
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IPPF Standards