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Internal Investigation Service
1 Pravna redakcija
Each Member State shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the services which are likely to have relevant experience in the context of the fight against trafficking in human beings and sexual exploitation of children, in particular the immigration, social security and tax authorities, give special attention to the problems connected with trafficking in human beings and sexual exploitation of children and, while respecting the internal law of the Member State, cooperate with the authorities responsible for investigation and punishment of the offences referred to in point A (a), (b) and (e).
Vsaka država članica sprejme ustrezne ukrepe, s katerimi zagotovi, da službe, ki verjetno imajo ustrezne izkušnje v okviru boja proti trgovini z ljudmi in spolnemu izkoriščanju otrok, to so zlasti organi za priseljevanje, socialno varnost in davčni organi, namenijo posebno pozornost težavam, ki so povezane s trgovino z ljudmi in spolnim izkoriščanjem otrok, in da ob spoštovanju notranje zakonodaje države članice sodelujejo z organi, odgovornimi za preiskavo in kaznovanje storilcev kaznivih dejanj iz točke A(a), (b) in (e).
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Internal Investigation Service