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International Classification of Diseases
1 Objavljeno
In that respect the tenth revision of the international classification of diseases from 1991 (ICD-10) includes two categories:
V tem pogledu obravnava deseta revizija mednarodne klasifikacije bolezni iz leta 1991 (ICD-10) dve kategoriji:
2 Objavljeno
Changes in the classification of delirium were introduced in the 10th revision of international classification of diseases. Delirium is an etiologically nonspecific organic cerebral syndrome.
V 10. reviziji Mednarodne klasifikacije bolezni so nastale nekatere spremembe pri klasifikaciji delirija, ki je kot etiološko nespecifičen organski cerebralni sindrom sedaj širše opredeljen.
3 Objavljeno
According to International Classification of the Diseases (ICD-9) the disorder was observed as Anorexia nervosa (307.1).
Obolenje se opazuje po šifrantu Mednarodne klasifikacije bolezni (MKB-9): Anoreksija nervoza (307.1).
4 Objavljeno
The most important results of the research comparing the study group with the general Slovene male population are: SMR of the employed railroad workers is 0.8; SMR of employees occupying specific job positions in railway traffic is 0.5; the cumulative SMR of the cohorts of railroad workers in normal retirement is 0.7; the 1991 SMR of employed railroad workers by three most frequent causes of death classified according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9) is 1.0 (comprising 88% of the deceased);
V primerjavi s smrtnostjo vseh moških prebivalcev Slovenije v izbranih starostnih skupinah smo ugotovili manjšo smrtnost zaposlenih železničarjev (SMR 0,8), zaposlenih na delovnih mestih s posebnim zdravstvenim varstvom (SMR 0,5) in kumulativno smrtnost kohort redno upokojenih (SMRR 0,7). Enako smrtnost smo ugotovili pri treh najpogostejših vzrokih smrti po MKB, ki zajemajo 88% umrlih v letu 1991 (SMR 1,0).
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-16
Recognizing also that cigarettes and some other pro­ducts containing tobacco are highly engineered so as to create and maintain dependence, and that many of the compounds they contain and the smoke they produce are pharmacologically active, toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic, and that tobacco dependence is separately classified as a disorder in major international classifications of diseases,
tudi ob spoznanju, da so cigarete in drugi tobačni izdelki izdelani tako, da povzročijo odvisnost ter da so mnoge njihove sestavine in dim farmakološko aktivni, toksični, mutageni in karcinogeni ter da je v glavnih mednarodnih klasifikacijah bolezni odvisnost od tobaka posebej razvrščena kot motnja;
6 Pravna redakcija
Methods which use the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) to classify discharges can also be a B method provided the diagnoses are recorded at a very detailed level and appropriate cost weights are used.
Metode, ki uporabljajo Mednarodno klasifikacijo bolezni (ICD)- zakaj angl. kratica? za razvrstitev odpustnic, so tudi lahko metoda B, pod pogojem, da so diagnoze natančno evidentirane in uporabljeni ustrezni stroškovni dejavniki.
7 Pravna redakcija
After the International Office of Epizootic Diseases (OIE) has established a procedure for the classification of countries by category and if it has placed the applicant country in one of those categories, a re-assessment of the Community categorisation of the country concerned in accordance with the first subparagraph of this paragraph may be decided, if appropriate, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 24(2).
Potem ko je Mednarodni urad za kužne bolezni (OIE) vzpostavil postopek za klasifikacijo držav po kategorijah in če je uvrstil državo, ki je predložila vlogo, v eno od navedeih kategorij, se je mogoče odločati o ponovni presoji za kategorizacijo v Skupnosti zadevne države v skladu s prvim pododstavkom tega odstavka, če je primerno, v skladu s postopkom iz člena 24(2).
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998D2119
Whereas cooperation with the competent international organisations, particularly the World Health Organisation, notably with regard to disease classification, must be fostered, as well as the use of appropriate language and technology;
ker je treba pospeševati sodelovanje s pristojnimi mednarodnimi organizacijami, zlasti s Svetovno zdravstveno organizacijo, predvsem glede klasifikacije bolezni, in uporabe ustreznega jezika in tehnologije;
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International Classification of Diseases