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Inventory Agent
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
Further, the Community shall transmit to the Agency the material balance reports and physical inventory listings with frequency depending on the frequency of physical inventory taking as specified in the subsidiary arrangements.
Nadalje Skupnost Agenciji pošilja poročila o materialni bilanci in sezname fizičnega inventarja, katerih pogostost je odvisna od tega, kako pogosto se ugotavlja fizični inventar, kakor je določeno v dopolnilnih dogovorih.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
The Agency shall provide the Community, for the use of the interested parties, with semi-annual statements of book inventory of nuclear material subject to safeguards under this Agreement, for each material balance area, as based on the inventory change reports for the period covered by each such statement.
Agencija posreduje Skupnosti za vsako cono materialne bilance polletne izjave o knjigovodskem inventarju jedrskega materiala, za katerega velja varovanje po tem sporazumu, ki jih uporabljajo zainteresirane stranke, in izjave temeljijo na poročilih o inventarnih spremembah za obdobje, ki ga vsaka taka izjava zajema.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
On the basis of the initial report referred to in Article 62, the Agency shall establish a unified inventory of all nuclear material in the States subject to safeguards under this Agreement, irrespective of its origin, and shall maintain this inventory on the basis of subsequent reports and of the results of its verification activities.
Na podlagi začetnega poročila iz člena 62 Agencija vzpostavi enotni inventar za ves jedrski material v državah, za katerega velja varovanje po tem sporazumu, ne glede na poreklo in ga vzdržuje na podlagi poznejših poročil in rezultatov dejavnosti preverjanja.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(b) the physical inventory of nuclear material in each material balance area can be determined when necessary in accordance with specified procedures, in order that the material balance for Agency safeguards purposes can be established.
(b) po potrebi določiti fizični inventar jedrskega materiala v vsaki coni materialne bilance v skladu z določenimi postopki, da se lahko ugotovi materialna bilanca za potrebe varovanja Agencije.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
Upon completion of the tasks referred to in Article 6 of this Protocol the Community shall, on a monthly basis, produce and provide the Agency with the inventory change reports within the time limits specified in the subsidiary arrangements.
Ob dokončanju nalog iz člena 6 tega protokola Skupnost mesečno izdela in Agenciji posreduje poročila o inventarnih spremembah v rokih, določenih v dopolnilnih dogovorih.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
Upon the entry into force of this Agreement, the Agency shall have the right to apply the procedures laid down therein in respect of the nuclear material listed in the inventory provided for in Article 41, even if the subsidiary arrangements have not yet entered into force.
Po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma ima Agencija pravico uporabljati postopke, določene v tem sporazumu glede jedrskega materiala, ki je naveden v inventarju iz člena 41, tudi če dopolnilni dogovori še niso začeli veljati.
7 Pravna redakcija
Intervention agencies shall, during each financial year, establish an inventory for each product which has been the subject of Community intervention.
V vsakem proračunskem letu intervencijske agencije vodijo popis za vsak proizvod, ki je predmet intervencij Skupnosti.
8 Pravna redakcija
They shall constitute a permanent inventory directly and immediately accessible to officials of the intervention agency and the Commission and to any person duly authorized by them.
Predstavljajo trajne evidence, ki so neposredno in takoj dostopne uradnikom intervencijske agencije in Komisije ter morebitnim drugim osebam, ki jih te ustrezno pooblastijo.
9 Pravna redakcija
Intervention agencies shall keep a centralized inventory covering all storage sites, products and quantities and qualities of products, stating for each the weight (where appropriate, both net and gross weights), or the volume.
Intervencijske agencije vodijo centralno evidenco, ki pokriva vsa skladišča, proizvode in količine ter kakovost skladiščenih proizvodov, z navedbo teže za vsakega (po potrebi neto in bruto težo) ali prostornine.
10 Pravna redakcija
NSAs, as well as those EU institutions, international organisations and EU decentralised agencies in which a central TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET registry has been set up, shall forward the findings of the annual inventories conducted in central TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET registries to the Secretary-General/High Representative, by 1 April each year at the latest.
ONVONV ter tiste institucije EU, mednarodne organizacije in decentralizirane agencije EU, pri katerih so bili ustanovljeni arhivski uradi TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET, ugotovitve letnih popisov, opravljenih v centralnih arhivskih uradih TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET, pošljejo generalnemu sekretarju/visokemu predstavniku najpozneje do 1. aprila vsakega leta.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0081
Member States shall each year, by 31 December at the latest, report their national emission inventories and their emission projections for 2010 established in accordance with Article 7 to the Commission and the European Environment Agency.
Države članice morajo vsako leto najpozneje do 31. decembra poročati Komisiji in Evropski agenciji za okolje o svojih nacionalnih katastrih emisij in projekcijah emisij za leto 2010, izdelanih v skladu s členom 7.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0081
The Commission, assisted by the European Environment Agency, shall, in cooperation with the Member States and on the basis of the information provided by them, establish inventories and projections of the pollutants referred to in Article 4.
Komisija, ki ji pomaga Evropska agencija za okolje, v sodelovanju z državami članicami in na podlagi informacij, ki ji jih te posredujejo, izdela katastre in projekcije za snovi iz člena 4.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0081
Emission inventories are necessary to monitor progress towards compliance with the emission ceilings and must be calculated in accordance with internationally agreed methodology and reported on regularly to the Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA).
Katastri emisij so potrebni za spremljanje napredka pri doseganju skladnosti z zgornjimi mejami emisij in jih je treba izračunati v skladu z mednarodno dogovorjeno metodologijo in o njih redno poročati Komisiji in Evropski agenciji za okolje (EEA).
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0264
NSAs, as well as those EU institutions, international organisations and EU decentralised agencies in which a central TRES SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET registry has been set up, shall forward the findings of the annual inventories conducted in central TRES SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET registries to the Secretary-General/High Representative, by 1 April each year at the latest.
ONV ter tiste institucije EU, mednarodne organizacije in decentralizirane agencije EU, pri katerih so bili ustanovljeni arhivski uradi TRÈS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET, ugotovitve letnih popisov, opravljenih v centralnih arhivskih uradih TRÈS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET, pošljejo generalnemu sekretarju/visokemu predstavniku najpozneje do 1. aprila vsakega leta.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
Strengthen cooperation on pharmacovigilance, scientific advice, support to SMEs and the provision of information; Work within the network to establish an EU communications strategy; Work to ensure availability for the Agency of the highest-quality expertise at EU level for evaluation of medicines and for monitoring and assessing their safety; Establish an inventory of available scientific expertise in the European medicines network; identify and complement insufficient expertise and plan for succession of established expertise; Develop an EU competence-development strategy and strengthen competence development at EU level.
krepitev sodelovanja na področju farmakovigilance, znanstvenega sodelovanja, podpore malim in srednje velikim podjetjem in zagotavljanja informacij; sodelovanje znotraj mreže za vzpostavitev komunikacijske strategije EU; prizadevanje, da se za Agencijo zagotovi dostopnost najboljšega strokovnega znanja in izkušenj na ravni EU za vrednotenje zdravil ter spremljanje in ocenjevanje njihove varnosti; oblikovanje seznama razpoložljivega znanstvenega strokovnega znanja in izkušenj v Evropski mreži zdravil; določitev in dopolnitev nezadostnega strokovnega znanja in izkušenj ter načrtovanje prevzema uveljavljenega strokovnega znanja in izkušenj; razvoj strategije EU za razvoj pristojnosti in krepitev razvoja pristojnosti na ravni EU.
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Inventory Agent