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Joint European Torus
1 Končna redakcija
Joint European Torus
Joint European Torus
2 Pravna redakcija
On the Euratom side, this understanding will be implemented by the Commission or any entity or organization associated with Euratom within the framework of the Euratom fusion programme or the Joint European Torus (JET) joint undertaking.
S strani Euratoma bo ta dogovor izvajala Komisija ali drugo telo ali organizacija, povezana z Euratomom v okviru Euratomovega programa fuzije ali skupna ustanova Skupni Evropski Torus (SET).
3 Pravna redakcija
the Community or any organisation associated with it within the framework of the Community Fusion Programme or the Joint European Torus (JET) Joint Undertaking, designated by the Community for this purpose, and the Government of Ukraine or any other institution designated by the Government of Ukraine for this purpose.
Skupnostjo ali drugo organizacijo, povezano z njo v okviru programa Skupnosti ` fuzija ` ali skupnega udejstvovanja preko Skupnega evropskega Torusa (SET), imenovanega s strani Skupnosti za ta namen, in Vlade Ukrajine ali katere koli druge institucije, imenovane s strani Vlade Ukrajine za ta namen.
4 Pravna redakcija
NOTING that the Euratom fusion programme is a broad-based programme embracing all activities undertaken in the Community in the field of controlled nuclear fusion by magnetic confinement and is implemented through contracts of association between Euratom and the Member States, organizations in the Member States, and Switzerland, by the Joint European Torus (JET) joint undertaking, by the Joint Research Centre, through a multilateral agreement concerning the Next European Torus (NET) and through contracts with industry; and that the Euratom fusion programme presents itself as a single body in its relations with other fusion programmes in the world;
OB UGOTOVITVI, da je Euratomov program fuzije široko zastavljen program, ki zajema vse dejavnosti Skupnosti na področju nadzorovane jedrske fuzije v magnetno zamejenem prostoru in da se izvaja v obliki pridružitvenih sporazumov med Euratomom in državami članicami, organizacijami v državah članicah, in Švico, katerih izvajalca sta skupna ustanova SET (Skupni evropski Torus) in Skupno raziskovalno središče, v obliki večstranskega sporazuma o NET (Naslednji evropski Torus) ter v obliki pogodb z industrijo, ter da Euratomov program fuzije nastopa v odnosih z drugimi programi fuzije po svetu enotno,
5 Pravna redakcija
The cooperation shall be conducted in accordance with Annexes I, II and III, by Euratom or any entity or organization associated with it within the framework of the Euratom Fusion Programme or the Joint European Torus (JET) Joint Undertaking, designated by Euratom for this purpose, and on the Japanese side by the Monbusho, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and the Science and Technology Agency or any entity or organization designated by them for this purpose.
Sodelovanje vodi v skladu s prilogami I, II in III Euratom ali kateri koli drugi subjekt ali organizacija, združen z njim v okviru Fuzijskega programa Euratom ali z javnim zavodom Joint European Torus (JET), ki ga je Euratom določil za ta namen, in na japonski strani Monbusho, Ministrstvo za zunanjo trgovino in industrijo ter Agencija za znanost in tehnologijo ali kateri koli subjekt ali organizacija, ki so jo ti določili za ta namen.
6 Pravna redakcija
conduct of joint experiments, studies and projects as agreed by the Joint Committee mentioned below, especially with regard to NET (Next European Torus) and other facilities of both Parties;
izvajanje skupnih poskusov, študij in projektov, o katerih se dogovori spodaj navedeni skupni odbor, zlasti v zvezi z NET (Naslednji evropski Torus) in drugimi zmogljivostmi obeh pogodbenic,
7 Prevajalska redakcija
The realization of the JET project, referred to under (f), has been entrusted to the Joint European Torus (JET) Joint Undertaking.
Uresničevanje programa JET iz točke (f) je zaupano Skupnemu podjetju JET (Skupni evropski Torus).
8 Prevajalska redakcija
the Community or any organisation associated with it within the framework of the Community Fusion Programme or the Joint European Torus (JET) Joint Undertaking, designated by the Community for this purpose,
Skupnostjo ali drugo organizacijo, določeno v ta namen, ki je z njo povezana v okviru programa Skupnosti "fuzija" ali v okviru skupnega podjetja Skupni evropski Torus (SET),
9 Prevajalska redakcija
WHEREAS this programme includes a project for the construction of a major experimental device, JET (Joint European Torus), which is to be built and operated by a joint undertaking as defined in Chapter V of the Euratom Treaty, hereinafter called "the JET Joint Undertaking";
KER ta program vključuje projekt za gradnjo večje poskusne naprave, JET (Skupni evropski Torus), ki jo bo zgradilo in upravljalo skupno podjetje, opredeljeno v poglavju V Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti za atomsko energijo, v nadaljnjem besedilu imenovano "Skupno podjetje JET";
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Joint European Torus