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Joint Parliamentary Committee
1 Končna redakcija
EEA joint parliamentary committee
Skupni parlamentarni odbor EGP
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
An EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee is hereby established.
Ustanovi se Skupni parlamentarni odbor EGP.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
The EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.
Skupni parlamentarni odbor EGP sprejme svoj poslovnik.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
The EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee may express its views in the form of reports or resolutions, as appropriate.
Skupni parlamentarni odbor EGP lahko izraža svoja stališča v obliki poročil ali sklepov, kakor je ustrezno glede na namen.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
The President of the EEA Council may appear before the EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee in order to be heard by it.
Skupni parlamentarni odbor EGP lahko zasliši predsednika Sveta EGP.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
The EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee shall alternately hold sessions in the Community and in an EFTA State in accordance with the provisions laid down in Protocol 36.
Skupni parlamentarni odbor EGP zaseda izmenično v Skupnosti in v državah Efte v skladu z določbami Protokola 36.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
The EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee shall contribute, through dialogue and debate, to a better understanding between the Community and the EFTA States in the fields covered by this Agreement.
Skupni parlamentarni odbor EGP prispeva z dialogom in razpravo k boljšemu razumevanju med Skupnostjo in državami Efte na področjih, ki jih zajema ta sporazum.
8 Končna redakcija
"The EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee shall consist of twenty-four members.";
"Skupni parlamentarni odbor EGP ima štiriindvajset članov.";
9 Pravna redakcija
on the Statute of the EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee
o Statutu Skupnega parlamentarnega odbora EGP
10 Pravna redakcija
The EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee shall consist of 66 members.
Skupni parlamentarni odbor EGP ima 66 članov.
11 Pravna redakcija
Joint parliamentary committees
Skupni parlamentarni odbori
12 Pravna redakcija
The EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure with a two-third majority of the members of the Committee.
Skupni parlamentarni odbor sprejme svoj poslovnik z dvotretjinsko večino članov odbora.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0257
The Commission shall pass information on its indicative programme to the committee referred to in Article 7 (`MED Committee` ) and to the joint parliamentary committee and the EU-Turkey joint economic and social committee.
Komisija bo posredovala informacijo o svojem okvirnem programu odboru člena 7 ('Odbor MED') in skupnemu parlamentarnemu odboru ter skupnemu ekonomsko-socialnemu odboru EU in Turčije.
14 Pravna redakcija
The EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee established by Article 95 of the Agreement shall be constituted and function in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement and this Statute.
Skupni parlamentarni odbor EGP, ustanovljen s členom 95 Sporazuma, se oblikuje in deluje v skladu z določbami Sporazuma in tega statuta.
15 Pravna redakcija
Joint parliamentary committees shall be governed by the procedures laid down in the agreement in question.
Skupne parlamentarne odbore urejajo postopki iz sporazumov.
16 Pravna redakcija
The composition of European Parliament delegations to joint parliamentary committees shall be established at the same time and under the same conditions as for standing committees.
Sestava delegacije Evropskega parlamenta v skupnem parlamentarnem odboru se določi istočasno in pod enakimi pogoji, kot veljajo za stalne odbore.
17 Pravna redakcija
The Conference of Presidents shall be the authority responsible for the composition and competence of committees, committees of inquiry and joint parliamentary committees, standing delegations and ad hoc delegations.
Konferenca predsednikov je telo, pristojno za sestavo in pristojnosti odborov, preiskovalnih odborov ter skupnih parlamentarnih odborov, stalnih delegacij in "ad hoc" delegacij.
18 Pravna redakcija
The general responsibilities of the various joint parliamentary committees shall be defined by the European Parliament and by the agreements with the third countries.
Splošne pristojnosti različnih skupnih parlamentarnih odborov določajo Evropski parlament in sporazumi s tretjimi državami.
19 Pravna redakcija
The Conference of Presidents shall be the authority responsible for the composition and competence of committees and temporary committees of inquiry and of joint parliamentary committees, standing delegations and ad hoc delegations.
Konferenca predsednikov je organ, pristojen za sestavo in pristojnosti odborov in začasnih preiskovalnih odborov ter skupnih parlamentarnih odborov, stalnih delegacij in »ad hoc« delegacij.
20 Pravna redakcija
Joint parliamentary committees shall draw up their own rules of procedure and submit them for approval to the bureaux of the European Parliament and of the parliament involved.
Skupni parlamentarni odbori pripravijo svoje poslovnike in jih pošljejo v odobritev predsedstvu Evropskega parlamenta in predsedstvu sodelujočega parlamenta.
21 Pravna redakcija
The European Parliament may set up joint parliamentary committees with the parliaments of States associated with the Community or States with which accession negotiations have been initiated.
Evropski parlament lahko ustanovi skupne parlamentarne odbore s parlamenti pridruženih držav ali držav, s katerimi so bila začeta pogajanja o pristopu.
22 Pravna redakcija
The election of the members of European Parliament delegations to joint parliamentary committees and the constitution of the bureaux of these delegations shall take place in accordance with the procedure laid down for interparliamentary delegations.
Izvolitev članov delegacij Evropskega parlamenta v skupne parlamentarne odbore in določitev sestave predsedstev teh delegacij potekata v skladu s postopkom, določenim za medparlamentarne delegacije.
23 Pravna redakcija
This committee will coordinate the work of the interparliamentary delegations and the joint parliamentary committees and the cooperation committees and the ad hoc delegations, including those sent to monitor elections, both in preparing for and discussing the outcome of their meetings.
Ta odbor usklajuje delo medparlamentarnih delegacij in skupnih parlamentarnih odborov ter odborov za sodelovanje in ad hoc delegacij, vključno s tistimi, ki so zadolžene za spremljanje volitev, in sicer v fazi priprav na srečanja in pri obravnavah izidov njihovih srečanj.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0257
The Commission shall pass information on its indicative programme to the committee referred to in Article 7 ("MED Committee") and to the joint parliamentary committee and the EU-Turkey joint economic and social committee.
Komisija bo posredovala informacijo o svojem okvirnem programu odboru člena 7 ("Odbor MED") in skupnemu parlamentarnemu odboru ter skupnemu ekonomsko-socialnemu odboru EU in Turčije.
25 Prevod
Protocol 36 on the Statute of the EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee
Protokol 36 o Statutu Skupnega parlamentarnega odbora EGP
26 Prevajalska redakcija
The institutions of this Agreement are the Council of Ministers, the Committee of Ambassadors and the Joint Parliamentary Assembly.
Institucije tega sporazuma so Svet ministrov, Odbor veleposlanikov in Skupna parlamentarna skupščina.
27 Prevod
The EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee shall elect its President and Vice-President from among its members.
Skupni parlamentarni odbor EGP voli svojega predsednika in podpredsednika med svojimi člani.
28 Prevod
The costs for participation in the EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee shall be borne by the Parliament that appointed a member.
Stroške udeležbe v Skupnem parlamentarnem odboru EGP nosi parlament, ki je imenoval člana.
29 Prevod
The EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee shall hold a general session twice a year, alternately in the Community and in an EFTA State.
Skupni parlamentarni odbor EGP ima redno sejo dvakrat letno, izmenično v Skupnosti in v eni od držav Efte.
30 Prevod
An equal number of members of the EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee shall be appointed by the European Parliament and by the Parliaments of the EFTA States, respectively.
Po eno polovico članov Skupnega parlamentarnega odbora EGP imenujejo Evropski parlament na eni strani in parlamenti držav Efte na drugi strani.
31 Prevod
the EFTA States will, before the entry into force of the Agreement, decide on the number of members from each of their Parliaments in the EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee;
države Efte se bodo pred začetkom veljavnosti Sporazuma odločile o številu članov iz njihovih parlamentov v Skupnem parlamentarnem odboru EGP;
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Joint Parliamentary Committee