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Kosovo Verification Mission
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0646
Whereas the Council adopted a declaration on 26 October 1998 defining a comprehensive approach to Kosovo including full support by the European Union to the agreements signed in Belgrade on 16 October 1998 between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) and the OSCE and on 15 October 1998 between the FRY and NATO, full support for the OSCE and for the Kosovo Verification Mission, as well as the European Union's readiness to contribute to the assistance to refugees and displaced persons;
ker je Svet 26. oktobra 1998 sprejel izjavo, ki določa celovit pristop h Kosovu, vključno s polno podporo Evropske unije sporazumom, podpisanim 16. oktobra 1998 med Zvezno republiko Jugoslavijo (ZRJ) in OVSE in 15. oktobra 1998 med ZRJ in Natom, polno podporo OVSE in Misiji nadzora na Kosovu, kakor tudi pripravljenost Evropske unije, da prispeva k pomoči beguncem in razseljenim osebam;
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Kosovo Verification Mission