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1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0835
Support for research infrastructures in this programme should, where relevant, take into account existing or future mechanisms for a European approach to research infrastructures in Europe (e.g. National Research and Education Networks - NRENS and European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures), as well as the scientific advice of existing European and international organisations (e.g. European Science Foundation - ESF).
Podpora raziskovalnih infrastruktur v programu bo, kadar je ustrezno, upoštevala obstoječe ali bodoče mehanizme evropskega pristopa k raziskovalnim infrastrukturam v Evropi (npr. nacionalne raziskovalne in izobraževalne mreže - NRENS ter Evropski strateški forum za raziskovalne infrastrukture) ter znanstvene nasvete obstoječih evropskih in mednarodnih organizacij (npr. Evropski znanstveni sklad).
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