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National Assembly election
1 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
- calls elections to the National Assembly;
-razpisuje volitve v državni zbor;
2 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The National Assembly confirms the election of deputies.
Državni zbor potrdi poslanske mandate.
3 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Elections to the National Assembly are called by the President of the Republic.
Volitve v državni zbor razpiše predsednik republike.
4 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Elections to the office of President of the Republic are called by the President of the National Assembly.
Volitve za predsednika republike razpiše predsednik državnega zbora.
5 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
If in such elections no candidate receives the necessary number of votes, the President of the Republic dissolves the National Assembly and calls new elections.
Če tudi pri teh volitvah noben kandidat ne dobi potrebne večine glasov, predsednik republike razpusti državni zbor in razpiše nove volitve.
6 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The term of the previous National Assembly shall end on the first session of the new National Assembly, which shall be called by the President of the Republic no later than twenty days after the election of the new National Assembly.
Mandatna doba prejšnjega državnega zbora se konča s prvo sejo novega državnega zbora, ki jo skliče predsednik republike najkasneje 20 dni po njegovi izvolitvi.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
the legality of acts issued by election bodies at elections to the National Assembly, the National Council and the presidency of Slovenia;
zakonitosti aktov volilnih organov za volitve v državni zbor, državni svet in volitve predsednika države;
8 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Election to the National Council shall be regulated by a law passed by the National Assembly by a two-thirds majority vote of all deputies.
Volitve v državni svet ureja zakon, ki ga sprejme državni zbor z dvotretjinsko večino glasov vseh poslancev.
9 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Upon election and appointment respectively, the President of the Government and ministers shall swear before the National Assembly the oath of office provided by Article 104.
Predsednik vlade in ministri izrečejo po izvolitvi oziroma po imenovanju pred državnim zborom prisego, določeno s 104. členom.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
disputes concerning the legality of a candidacy, and the election, appointment and dismissal of persons who have been elected, appointed or dismissed by the president of Slovenia, the National Assembly, the National Council or the Government;
sporih, ki se nanašajo na zakonitost kandidiranja, na izvolitve, na imenovanja in razrešitve oseb, ki jih izvoli, imenuje ali razreši predsednik države, državni zbor, državni svet ali vlada;
11 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
If the Government does not receive the support of a majority vote of all deputies, the National Assembly must elect within thirty days a new President of the Government or in a new vote express its confidence in the incumbent President of the Government, or failing this, the President of the Republic dissolves the National Assembly and calls new elections.
Če vlada ne dobi podpore večine glasov vseh poslancev, mora državni zbor v tridesetih dneh izvoliti novega predsednika vlade ali dotedanjemu predsedniku pri ponovljenem glasovanju izglasovati zaupnico, sicer predsednik republike razpusti državni zbor in razpiše nove volitve.
12 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
If no candidate is elected, the President of the Republic dissolves the National Assembly and calls new elections, unless within forty-eight hours the National Assembly decides by a majority of votes cast by those deputies present to hold new elections for President of the Government, whereby a majority of votes cast by those deputies present is sufficient for the election of the candidate.
Če ni izvoljen noben kandidat, predsednik republike razpusti državni zbor in razpiše nove volitve, razen če državni zbor v oseminštiridesetih urah z večino opredeljenih glasov navzočih poslancev ne sklene izvesti ponovne volitve predsednika vlade, kjer zadošča za izvolitev večina opredeljenih glasov navzočih poslancev.
13 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Deputies, except for the deputies of the national communities, are elected according to the principle of proportional representation with a four-percent threshold required for election to the National Assembly, with due consideration that voters have a decisive influence on the allocation of seats to the candidates.
Poslanci, razen poslancev narodnih skupnosti, se volijo po načelu sorazmernega predstavništva ob štiriodstotnem volilnem pragu za vstop v Državni zbor, pri čemer imajo volivci odločilen vpliv na dodelitev mandatov kandidatom.
14 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
In the event of permanent absence, death, resignation, or other cessation of performing the office of President, the President of the National Assembly shall temporarily perform the duties of the office of President of the Republic until the election of a new President of the Republic.
V primeru trajnega zadržka, smrti, odstopa ali drugega prenehanja predsednikove funkcije do izvolitve novega predsednika funkcijo predsednika republike začasno opravlja predsednik državnega zbora.
15 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The President of the Government and ministers cease to hold office when a new National Assembly convenes following elections; ministers also cease to hold office whenever the President of the Government ceases to hold office and whenever such ministers are dismissed or resign; ministers must, however, continue to perform their regular duties until the election of a new President of the Government or until the appointment of new ministers.
Funkcija predsednika vlade in ministrov preneha, ko se po volitvah sestane nov državni zbor, funkcija ministrov pa tudi z vsakim drugim prenehanjem funkcije predsednika vlade ter z razrešitvijo ali odstopom ministra, morajo pa opravljati tekoče posle do izvolitve novega predsednika vlade oziroma do imenovanja novih ministrov.
16 Končna redakcija
General elections to the National Assembly shall be regular and early elections.
Splošne volitve v državni zbor so redne in predčasne.
17 Končna redakcija
5) announce the results of National Assembly elections;
5) objavlja izide volitev v državni zbor,
18 Končna redakcija
Eight constituencies shall be formed for -the election of deputies to the National Assembly.
Za volitve poslancev državnega zbora se oblikuje osem volilnih enot.
19 Končna redakcija
Early elections shall be held not later than two months after the dissolution of the National Assembly.
Predčasne volitve se opravijo najkasneje dva meseca po razpustu državnega zbora.
20 Končna redakcija
Early elections shall be called by the President of the Republic with the Dissolution of the National Assembly Act.
Predčasne volitve razpiše predsednik republike z aktom o razpustitvi državnega zbora.
21 Končna redakcija
Early elections shall be held in the event of the dissolution of the National Assembly prior to the end of its four-year term.
Predčasne volitve se opravijo, če se državni zbor razpusti pred potekom štiriletne mandatne dobe.
22 Končna redakcija
A deputy elected at by-elections shall be elected for a period lasting until the termination of the term of the National Assembly.
Na nadomestnih volitvah se poslanec izvoli za čas do izteka mandatne dobe državnega zbora.
23 Končna redakcija
By-elections shall not be held if a deputy's term of office expires less than six months prior to the termination of the term of the National Assembly, unless the National Assembly decides otherwise.
Nadomestne volitve se ne opravijo, če poslancu preneha mandat manj kot šest mesecev pred potekom mandatne dobe državnega zbora, razen če zbor odloči drugače.
24 Končna redakcija
Deputies of the National Assembly shall be elected on the basis of universal and equal suffrage in free and direct elections by secret ballot.
Poslanci državnega zbora se volijo na podlagi splošne in enake volilne pravice na svobodnih in neposrednih volitvah s tajnim glasovanjem.
25 Končna redakcija
The appeal may be lodged by the first session of the National Assembly at the latest. An appeal related to special or repeat elections may be lodged within 15 days of the day of special or repeat elections at the latest.
Pritožba se lahko vloži najkasneje do prve seje državnega zbora, pritožba, ki se nanaša na naknadne ali ponovne volitve, pa najkasneje 15 dni od dneva teh volitev.
26 Končna redakcija
The results of elections to the National Assembly shall be published in the Uradni list Republike Slovenije (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia).
Izid volitev v državni zbor se objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije.
27 Končna redakcija
The President of the Republic shall call by-elections not more that fifteen days after the National Assembly has ascertained the termination of a deputy's term of office.
Nadomestne volitve razpiše predsednik republike najkasneje v petnajstih dneh po ugotovitvi državnega zbora o prenehanju mandata.
28 Končna redakcija
Regular elections shall be held not earlier than two months and not later than 15 days before four years have passed since the first session of the outgoing National Assembly.
Redne volitve se opravijo najprej dva meseca in najkasneje petnajst dni pred potekom štirih let od prve seje prejšnjega državnega zbora.
29 Končna redakcija
Regular elections shall be called not earlier than 135 days and not later than 75 days before four years have passed since the first session of the outgoing National Assembly.
Redne volitve se razpišejo najprej 135 dni in najkasneje 75 dni pred potekom štirih let od prve seje prejšnjega državnega zbora.
30 Končna redakcija
Repeat elections shall also be held if, in the event of a complaint, the National Assembly or the Constitutional Court does not confirm a deputy's term of office and the republic electoral commission establishes that repeat elections must be held for this reason.
Ponovne volitve se opravijo tudi v primeru, če državni zbor oziroma ustavno sodišče v primeru pritožbe ne potrdi poslanskega mandata in republiška volilna komisija ugotovi, da je zaradi tega potrebno opraviti ponovne volitve.
31 Končna redakcija
The site contains results of the elections at several scales, including the 1997 mayor's election in the capital, Ljubljana, and the 1996 and the 1992 elections for the National Assembly.
Ta skupina spletnih strani vsebuje izide volitev na raznih ravneh, z volitvami župana glavnega mesta Ljubljane leta 1997 in parlamentarnimi volitvami leta 1996 in 1992.
32 Končna redakcija
In the first elections to the National Assembly, political parties may submit lists of candidates in every constituency, provided the lists of candidates are supported by the signatures of at least three delegates of the chambers of the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia.
Pri prvih volitvah v državni zbor politične stranke lahko vložijo liste kandidatov v vsaki volilni enoti, če liste kandidatov podprejo s podpisi najmanj trije delegati zborov Skupščine Republike Slovenije.
33 Končna redakcija
At its session in February 2001,the National Assembly's Commission for Elections, Nominations and Administrative Matters (kviaz) decided not to give its approval to the re-appointment of the former director-general.
Komisija državnega zbora za volitve, imenovanja in administrativne zadeve (kviaz) je na seji februarja 2001 zavrnila predlog za izdajo soglasja k ponovnemu imenovanju generalnega direktorja.
34 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: SOP 1991-01-1409
In the event of permanent absence, death, resignation or other cessation of performing the office of President, the President of the National Assembly shall temporarily perform the duties of the office of President of the Republic until the election of a new President of the Republic.
V primeru trajnega zadržka, smrti, odstopa ali drugega prenehanja predsednikove funkcije do izvolitve novega predsednika funkcijo predsednika republike začasno opravlja predsednik državnega zbora.
35 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: SOP 1991-01-1409
The President of the Government and ministers cease to hold office when a new National Assembly convenes following elections; ministers also cease to hold office whenever the President of the Governmentceases to hold office and whenever such ministers are dismissed or resign; ministers must, however, continue to perform their regular duties until the election of a new President of the Government or until the appointment of new ministers.
Funkcija predsednika vlade in ministrov preneha, ko se po volitvah sestane nov državni zbor, funkcija ministrov pa tudi z vsakim drugim prenehanjem funkcije predsednika vlade ter z razrešitvijo ali odstopom ministra, morajo pa opravljati tekoče posle do izvolitve novega predsednika vlade oziroma do imenovanja novih ministrov.
36 Pravna redakcija
The European Parliament is the assembly elected pursuant to the Treaties, the Act of 20 September 1976 concerning the election of the representatives of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage and national legislation deriving from the Treaties.
Evropski parlament je skupščina, izvoljena na podlagi pogodb, Akta o volitvah predstavnikov Evropskega parlamenta s splošnimi neposrednimi volitvami z dne 20. septembra 1976 in nacionalne zakonodaje, ki izhaja iz pogodb.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0080
Whereas, it should likewise be possible for participation by elected municipal officers in the election of a parliamentary assembly to be reserved for own nationals;
ker naj bi bilo tudi možno, da bi se sodelovanje izvoljenih lokalnih funkcionarjev na volitvah v parlamentarno skupščino pridržalo za lastne državljane;
Prevodi: en > sl
National Assembly election