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Picture Presentation
1 Končna redakcija
The author, who usually takes care of Delo's crime reports, then presents a picture in which he combines a description of the refugees (some being deserters, most belonging to the lower classes, and some taking such bad care of themselves that they pose a health risk) with a presentation of their escape as unnecessary (running away because of rumors) and utterly useless (ending up in tents of which there is an ample supply where they come from).
Pisec članka, ki v Delu navadno "pokriva" kriminal, potem predstavi podobo, v kateri povezuje opis beguncev (nekateri so dezerterji, večina pripada nižjim socialnim slojem in nekateri so tako slabega zdravstvenega stanja, da utegnejo izbruhniti epidemije) s trditvami, da je bil njihov beg nepotreben (zbežali so zaradi govoric) in popolnoma nekoristen (končajo v šotorih, ki jih je tam, od koder prihajajo, v izobilju).
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Picture Presentation