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Ray's bream
1 Pravna redakcija
Ray's bream
2 Pravna redakcija
Ray's bream (Brama spp.)
Kostanjevke (Brama spp.)
3 Pravna redakcija
Ray's bream (Drama spp.)
Kostanjevka (Brama spp.)
4 Pravna redakcija
Ray's bream (Brama brama)
špar ( Brama brama )
5 Pravna redakcija
Ray's bream (Brama spp.),
kostanjevke (Brama spp.),
6 Končna redakcija
Vessels fishing for Ray's bream
Plovila za ribolov kostanjevk
7 Končna redakcija
Large migrants other than tuna (sword fish, blue shark, Ray's bream)
Velike selivke razen tuna (mečarica, sinji morski pes, kostanjevka)
8 Pravna redakcija
'(Brama spp.)' is added after 'Ray's bream',
za "Kostanjevka" se doda "(Brama spp.)",
9 Pravna redakcija
Ray's bream, shark, tuna and highly migratory species
kostanjevka, morski pes, tuni in izrazito selivske vrste
10 Pravna redakcija
vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna (swordfish, blue shark, Ray's bream);
plovila, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke, z izjemo tunov (mečarica, sinji morski pes, špar);
11 Pravna redakcija
vessels fishing for Ray's bream may keep on board no fishing gear other than surface long lines.
plovila, ki lovijo špare, na krovu ne smejo imeti druge ribiške opreme razen površinske parangale.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3718
vessels fishing for Ray's bream shall keep on board no fishing gear other than surface longlines.
plovila, ki lovijo špare, na krovu ne smejo imeti druge ribiške opreme razen površinske parangale.
13 Pravna redakcija
vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna to the north of the Peniche parallel (swordfish, blue shark, Ray's bream);
plovila, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke, z izjemo tunov, severno od vzporednika Peniche (mečarica, sinji morski pes, špar);
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3718
vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna to the south of the Peniche parallel (swordfish, blue shark, Ray's bream);
plovila, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke, z izjemo tunov, južno od vzporednika Peniche (mečarica, sinji morski pes, špar);
15 Pravna redakcija
Additional conditions to be complied with by all vessels, except those engaged in fishing for tuna, Ray's bream and vessels of less than 50 grt, fishing exclusively with rods and lines.
Dodatni pogoji, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati vsa plovila razen tistih, ki lovijo tune, špare, ali tistih, ki imajo manj kot 50 BRT in ribarijo izključno s ribiškimi palicami in parangali.
16 Pravna redakcija
Vessels authorized to fish for Ray's bream may not keep on board any fish or fish products other than that species, with the exception of the species intended for use as bait, provided that the quantities strictly necessary for this purpose are not exceeded.
Plovila, odobrena za ribolov šparov, ne smejo imeti na krovu nobenih rib ali ribjih proizvodov, ki niso te vrste, razen vrst, namenjenih za živo vabo, če niso presežene količine, ki so potrebne izključno za ta namen.
17 Pravna redakcija
Vessels authorized to fish for Ray's bream may not keep on board any fish or fish products other than this species, with the exception of the species intended for use as live bait provided that the quantities strictly necessary for this purposed are not exceeded.
Plovila, ki imajo dovoljenje za ribolov šparov, ne smejo imeti na krovu nobenih rib ali ribjih proizvodov, ki niso te vrste, razen vrst, namenjenih za živo vabo, v kolikor niso presežene količine, ki so potrebne izključno za ta namen.
18 Pravna redakcija
for a period of four months in the case of the specialized fishing referred to in Articles 160, 164, 165, 349 and 351 of the Act of Accession and in the case of fishing for albacore tuna, swordfish, blue shark and Ray's bream, as referred to in Articles 165 and 352 of the said Act; such period may be extended to up to six months in the case of a further infringement.
za obdobje štirih mesecev v primeru specializiranega ribolova iz členov 160, 164, 165, 349 in 351 Akta o pristopu in v primeru ribolova dolgoplavutih tunov, mečaric, sinjih morskih psov in šparov iz členov 165 in 352 navedenega akta; to obdobje se lahko podaljša do šestih mesecev v primeru nadaljnje kršitve.
19 Pravna redakcija
In the case of the specialized fishing referred to in Articles 160, 164, 349 and 351 of the Act of Accession, and in the case of fishing for albacore tuna, swordfish, blue shark and Ray's bream as referred to in Articles 165 and 352 of the said Act, the period of non-entry shall be two months and may be extended to up to four months in the case of a further infringement.
V primeru specializiranega ribolova iz členov 160, 164, 349 in 351 Akta o pristopu in v primeru ribolova dolgoplavutih tunov, mečaric, sinjih morskih psov in šparov iz členov 165 in 352 navedenega akta traja obdobje, v katerem ni mogoča vključitev, dva meseca in se lahko podaljša do štirih mesecev v primeru nadaljnje kršitve.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3717
vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna (swordfish, blue shark, Ray's bream),
plovila, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke, z izjemo tunov (mečarica, sinji morski pes, špar),
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3717
vessels fishing for Ray's bream may keep on board no fishing gear other than surface longlines.
plovila, ki lovijo špare, na krovu ne smejo imeti druge ribiške opreme razen površinske parangale.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3718
vessels fishing for hake, other demersal species and horse mackerel to the south of the Peniche parallel; - vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna (swordfish, blue shark, Ray's bream);
plovila, ki lovijo osliče, druge pridnene vrste in šure južno od vzporednika Peniche, - plovila, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke, z izjemo tunov (mečarica, sinji morski pes, špar),
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R2406
Haddock, cod, saithe, pollack, redfish, whiting, ling, hake, Ray's bream, anglerfish, pouting and poor cod, bogue, picarel, conger, gurnard, mullet, plaice, megrim, sole, dab, lemon sole, flounder, scabbard fish.
vahnja, trska, saj, polak, rdeči okuni, mol, lengi, oslič, kostanjevke, morske spake, francoski molič in molič, bukva, girica, ugor, krulci, ciplji, morska plošča, ostronose patarače, morski listi, limanda, rdeči jezik, iverka, morski meči
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3717
Vessels authorized to fish for Ray's bream may not keep on board any fish or fish products other than this species, with the exception of the species intended for use as live bait provided that the quantities strictly necessary for this purpose are not exceeded.
Plovila, ki imajo dovoljenje za ribolov šparov, ne smejo imeti na krovu nobenih rib ali ribjih proizvodov, ki niso te vrste, razen vrst, namenjenih za živo vabo, v kolikor niso presežene količine, ki so potrebne izključno za ta namen.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3781
longer be entered by the flag Member State on a draft periodic list:(afor a period of four months in the case of the specialized fishing referred to in Articles 160, 164, 165, 349 and 351 of the Act of Accession and in the case of fishing for albacore tuna, swordfish, blue shark and Ray's bream, as referred to in Articles 165 and 352 of the said Act;
za obdobje štirih mesecev v primeru specializiranega ribolova iz členov 160, 164, 165, 349 in 351 Akta o pristopu in v primeru ribolova dolgoplavutih tunov, mečaric, sinjih morskih psov in šparov iz členov 165 in 352 navedenega akta; to obdobje se lahko podaljša do šestih mesecev v primeru nadaljnje kršitve;
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Ray's bream