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Register of certified auditors
1 Končna redakcija
2. a register of certified auditors and auditors;
2. register pooblaščenih revizorjev in revizorjev,
2 Končna redakcija
(3) The register of certified auditors and auditors shall contain the entries of data on certified auditors and auditors who have obtained the licence of the Institute to provide the services of a certified auditor and auditor.
(3) V register pooblaščenih revizorjev in revizorjev se vpisujejo podatki o pooblaščenih revizorjih in revizorjih, ki so pridobili dovoljenje Inštituta za opravljanje nalog pooblaščenega revizorja oziroma revizorja.
3 Pravna redakcija
Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA and Mr Charalambos Stathakis, a registered certified public accountant, are hereby approved as the external auditors of the Bank of Greece for the annual accounts starting from the financial year 2001. '
Ernst &Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA in g. Charalambos Stathakis, pooblaščeni javni revizor, se odobrita kot zunanja revizorja Banke Grčije za letne obračune z začetkom s poslovnim letom 2001.«
4 Pravna redakcija
Leopold Wundsam, all of whom are registered certified public accountants, are hereby approved as the external auditors of the Osterreichische Nationalbank.
Leopold Wundsam, ki so vsi javni pooblaščeni revizorji, se odobrijo kot zunanji revizorji za Ă- sterreichische Nationalbank.
5 Pravna redakcija
it must have been legally constituted for more than two years and have had its annual statement of accounts for the two preceding years certified by a registered auditor.
mora biti pravno ustanovljena več kakor dve leti in mora imeti letni obračun, ki ga je potrdil pooblaščeni revizor, za dve predhodni leti.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0737
Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA and Mr Charalambos Stathakis, a registered certified public accountant, are hereby approved as the external auditors of the Bank of Greece for the annual accounts starting from the financial year 2001."
Ernst...Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA in g. Charalambos Stathakis, pooblaščeni javni revizor, se odobrita kot zunanja revizorja Banke Grčije za letne obračune z začetkom s poslovnim letom 2001."
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0070
Leopold Wundsam, all of whom are registered certified public accountants, are hereby approved as the external auditors of the Österreichische Nationalbank.
Leopold Wundsam, ki so vsi javni pooblaščeni revizorji, se odobrijo kot zunanji revizorji za Österreichische Nationalbank.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D1411
Financial support of EUR 350000 or more may be obtained only if the beneficiary's accounts for the previous year have been certified by a registered auditor.
Finančna podpora v znesku 350 000 evrov ali več se lahko pridobi le, če je pooblaščeni revizor potrdil računovodske razvide upravičenca za prejšnje leto.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0737
Following the abrogation of the derogation of Greece, the Governing Council of the ECB recommended that the Council approve as external auditors for the Bank of Greece for the annual accounts starting from the financial year 2001: Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA and Mr Charalambos Stathakis, a registered certified public accountant.
Po odpravi odstopanja Grčije je Svet ECB priporočil, da Svet kot zunanje revizorje za Banko Grčije za letni obračun z začetkom s poslovnim letom 2001 odobri Ernst... Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA in g. Charalambosa Stathakisa, pooblaščenega javnega revizorja.
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Register of certified auditors