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1 Pravna redakcija
SNA code
Šifra SNR
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Cf. 6.72 to 6.79 and 6.94 to 6.100 of the SNA.
do 6.79 in 6.94 do 6.100 SNR. [16] Prim.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
The price of a good may change during storage for at least three reasons (SNA 93, 6.105):
Cena proizvodov se lahko spreminja med skladiščenjem zaradi vsaj treh razlogov (SNR 93, 6.105):
4 Končna redakcija
The IBM Undertaking (29) also contains a commitment relating to SNA formats and protocols.
Izjava IBM-a [29] vsebuje tudi obveznost, ki se nanaša na formate in protokole SNA.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Although it is not proposed by the ESA 95, the rule adopted in the EAA is provided for by the SNA (cf. SNA 93, Annex I, 15) because of the special nature of agriculture, and by the FAO methodological manual(17).
Čeprav tega ne priporoča ESR 95, je pravilo, privzeto v ERK, predvideno zaradi posebnega značaja kmetijstva v SNR (prim. SNR 93, Priloga I, 15) in v metodološkem priročniku FAO [17].
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
This type of increase in the value of products should not be counted as a nominal holding gain (SNA 93, 12.70).
Ta vrsta povečanja vrednosti proizvodov ne bi smela biti šteta kot nominalen dobiček iz lastnine (SNR 93, 12.70).
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
The SNA 93 (6.185), unlike the ESA 95 (6.03), considers that consumption of fixed capital should be calculated for livestock.
SNR 93 (6.185) za razliko od ESR 95 (6.03) pravi, da bi bilo treba za živino računati potrošnjo stalnega kapitala.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
The price obtained by the producer corresponds to the producer price (not including invoiced VAT) as defined in the SNA 93 (i.e. the ex-farm price).
Cena, ki jo je izračunal proizvajalec, ustreza proizvajalčevi ceni (ne vključuje fakturiranega DDV), kakor je opredeljeno v SNR 93 (t. j. cena franko kmetijsko gospodarstvo).
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
see ESA 95, 3.12 and 3.13, and SNA 93, 5.9 to 5.16) carried out by an enterprise in order to create the conditions for conducting the main or secondary activities.
glej ESR 95, 3.12 in 3.13 ter SNR 93, 5.9 do 5.16), s katerimi podjetje ustvarja pogoje za opravljanje glavne ali dopolnilnih dejavnosti.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
This concerns in particular expenditure on infrastructure works such as clearance, levelling, drainage, irrigation and consolidation (cf. ESA 95, 3.106 and SNA 93, 10.51 to 10.54).
To zadeva zlasti izdatke za infrastrukturna dela, kakor so krčenje, izravnavanje, osuševanje, namakanje in utrjevanje (prim. ESR 95, 3.106 in SNR 93, 10.51 do 10.54).
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
The European system of integrated economic accounts, which is derived from the United Nations revised system of national accounts (SNA 93)(2), was created in response to the specific needs of the European Union.
1.02 Evropski sistem integriranih ekonomskih računov, ki izhaja iz revidiranega sistema nacionalnih računov (SNR 93) Združenih narodov [2], je bil ustvarjen zaradi posebnih potreb Evropske unije.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
During the production process, the value to be recorded each year as output under work in progress can be obtained by distributing the value of the finished product in proportion to the costs incurred each period (SNA 93, 6.96).
Med proizvodnim procesom se lahko vrednost nedokončane proizvodnje, ki se vsako leto prikaže kot proizvodnja, dobi z razporeditvijo vrednosti dokončanega proizvoda sorazmerno s stroški, nastalimi v vsakem obdobju (SNR 93, 6.96).
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
The SNA 93 specifies that improvements made to fixed assets should be determined either by the magnitude of the changes in the characteristics of the fixed assets - i.e. by major changes in their size, shape, performance, capacity or anticipated service life - or by the fact that improvements are not the kinds of changes that are observed to take place routinely in other fixed assets of the same kind, as part of ordinary maintenance and repair programmes (cf. SNA 93, 10.49).
SNR 93 navaja, da bi bilo treba določiti izboljšave osnovnih sredstev glede na obseg sprememb značilnosti osnovnih sredstev, to je glede na večje spremembe velikosti, oblike, delovanja, zmogljivosti ali pričakovane življenjske dobe, ali glede na dejstvo, da izboljšave niso take spremembe, ki bi potekale redno pri drugih osnovnih sredstvih iste vrste kot del rednih programov vzdrževanja in popravil (prim. SNR 93, 10.49).
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Nonetheless, employers are considered to need this type of service to attract and keep their employees (which they would normally have to pay for themselves anyway) and not due to the needs of the production process itself (cf. SNA 93, 7.41);
Vendar pa se šteje, da delodajalci potrebujejo to vrsto storitev, da privabijo in zadržijo zaposlene (in bi jih morali običajno vseeno sami plačati) in ne zaradi potreb samega proizvodnega procesa (prim. SNR 93, 7.41);
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
These disposals should normally lead to a change in ownership and have a direct economic purpose (therefore fixed assets which are demolished, scrapped or destroyed by their owner in order to be put to no further economic use are not included in these disposals) (cf. SNA 93, 10.35 and 10.39).
Odtujitve običajno povzročijo spremembo lastništva in imajo neposreden ekonomski namen (zato se tista osnovna sredstva, ki jih lastnik poruši, spremenijo v odpadni material ali uničijo, da se prepreči njihova nadaljnja ekonomska uporaba, ne vključijo v te odtujitve) (prim. SNR 93, 10.35 in 10.39).
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
The difference between the price at which products are put into stock and the price at which they are withdrawn, in the first two cases, should reflect the additional output value produced during storage (SNA 93, 6.106), since products withdrawn from storage several months after harvest are different, in economic terms, from those which have been stored.
Razlika med ceno, po kateri se proizvodi dajejo v zaloge, in ceno, po kateri se iz njih črpajo, bi morala v prvih dveh primerih kazati dodatno vrednost proizvodnje, proizvedeno med skladiščenjem (SNR 93, 6.106), ker so proizvodi, črpani iz skladišč več mesecev po spravilu pridelka, ekonomsko drugačni od tistih, ki so bili shranjeni.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Recognising differing needs of analysts, the FAO has recommended the use of three types of unit as basic units for describing the economic accounts for food and agriculture, i.e. institutional units (including households), establishments (which are equivalent to the local KAUs referred to in the ESA) and products as recommended by the 1993 SNA (equivalent to the local KAUs referred to in the ESA) (cf. FAO (1996) System of Economic Accounts for Food and Agriculture, United Nations, Rome).
Zaradi različnih potreb analitikov FAO priporoča uporabo treh vrst enot kot osnovnih enot za opis ekonomskih računov za prehrano in kmetijstvo, to je institucionalnih enot (skupaj z gospodinjstvi), podjetij (enakovrednih lokalnim EED, navedenih v ESR) in proizvodov, kakor priporoča Statistika nacionalnih računov (SNA) 1993 (enakovrednih lokalnim EED, navedenih v ESR) (cf. FAO (1996) Sistem ekonomskih računov za prehrano in kmetijstvo, Združeni narodi, Rim).
18 Pravna redakcija
The 1995 ESA and the 1993 SNA
ESR 1995 in SNR 1993
19 Pravna redakcija
This is the same interpretation as is stated in the SNA 93 with respect to the interpretation of the change between SNA 93 and SNA 68 (see SNA 93, Annex I, paragraph 67).
Ta interpretacija je enaka tisti, ki je v SNR 93 navedena v povezavi z interpretacijo spremembe med SNR 93 in SNR 68 (glej SNR 93, Priloga I, odstavek 67).
20 Pravna redakcija
Most of these differences correspond to differences between the 1968 SNA and 1993 SNA.
Večina razlik ustreza razlikam med SNR 1968 in SNR 1993.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Cf. 6.72 to 6.79 and 6.94 to 6.100 of the SNA.
Prim. 6.72 do 6.79 in 6.94 do 6.100 SNR.
22 Pravna redakcija
the SNA also contains a chapter on satellite accounts.
SNR vsebuje tudi poglavje o satelitskih računih;
23 Pravna redakcija
The local KAU is called establishment in the SNA and ISIC Rev. 3.
Lokalna EED se v SNR in v ISIC Rev. 3 imenuje establishment.
24 Pravna redakcija
a clear choice in favour of valuing output at basic prices (the 1970 ESA, the 1968 SNA and the 1993 SNA also accept valuation at producer's prices);
jasna odločitev za vrednotenje proizvodnje v osnovnih cenah (ESR 1970, SNR 1968 in SNR 1993 dopuščajo tudi vrednotenje v proizvajalčevih cenah);
25 Pravna redakcija
There are also differences that do not result from changes in the SNA, e. g.:
Nekatere razlike med obema izdajama ESR niso povezane s spremembami SNR, npr.:
26 Pravna redakcija
Nevertheless, there are several differences between the 1995 ESA and the 1993 SNA:
Kljub temu pa med ESR 1995 in SNR 1993 obstajajo nekatere razlike:
27 Pravna redakcija
the introduction of supply and use tables (this was already included in the 1968 SNA);
uvedba tabel ponudbe in porabe (vključene so bile že v SNR 1968);
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
The price of a good may change during storage for at least three reasons (SNA 93, 6.105):
Cena proizvodov se lahko spreminja med skladiščenjem zaradi vsaj treh razlogov (SNR 93, 6.105):
29 Pravna redakcija
The ESA concepts are in several instances more specific and precise than those of the SNA, e. g.:
koncepti ESR so v več primerih bolj jasni in natančnejši kakor tisti v SNR, npr.:
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Although it is not proposed by the ESA 95, the rule adopted in the EAA is provided for by the SNA (cf. SNA 93, Annex I, 15) because of the special nature of agriculture, and by the FAO methodological manual fn.
Čeprav tega ne priporoča ESR 95, je pravilo, privzeto v ERK, predvideno zaradi posebnega značaja kmetijstva v SNR (prim. SNR 93, Priloga I, 15) in v metodološkem priročniku FAO fn.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
This type of increase in the value of products should not be counted as a nominal holding gain (SNA 93, 12.70).
Ta vrsta povečanja vrednosti proizvodov ne bi smela biti šteta kot nominalen dobiček iz lastnine (SNR 93, 12.70).
32 Pravna redakcija
The ESA can be more specific than the SNA, because the ESA primarily applies to the European Union Member States.
ESR je lahko bolj natančen kot SNR, ker v prvi meri velja za države članice EU,
33 Pravna redakcija
Like the SNA, the ESA is harmonized with the concepts and classifications used in many other, social and economic statistics.
Podobno kakor SNR je ESR usklajen s koncepti in klasifikacijami, ki se uporabljajo v mnogih drugih socialnih in ekonomskih statistikah.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
The SNA 93 (6.185), unlike the ESA 95 (6.03), considers that consumption of fixed capital should be calculated for livestock.
SNR 93 (6.185) za razliko od ESR 95 (6.03) pravi, da bi bilo treba za živino računati potrošnjo stalnega kapitala.
35 Pravna redakcija
the concept of financial leasing has been introduced (the 1968 SNA and 1970 ESA contained only the concept of operational leasing);
uvedba koncepta finančnega leasinga (SNR 1968 in ESR 1970 sta vsebovala samo koncept operativnega leasinga);
36 Pravna redakcija
the concepts in the ESA are in all respects consistent with those in the world-wide guidelines on national accounting, i. e. the SNA.
so koncepti ESR popolnoma konsistentni s priporočili nacionalnega računovodstva, ki veljajo po vsem svetu, tj. s SNR.
37 Pravna redakcija
The SNA describes concepts usually in more general terms and endeavours also to explain the rationale behind the conventions adopted;
SNR koncept navadno opiše bolj v splošnih pojmih in skuša pojasniti tudi načelo, ki je v ozadju sprejetega dogovora;
38 Pravna redakcija
the introduction of the concepts of economically active population and unemployment (these concepts are absent in the 1968 and 1993 SNA).
uvedba konceptov ekonomsko aktivnega prebivalstva in brezposelnosti (teh konceptov v SNR 1968 in SNR 1993 ni).
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