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1 Pravna redakcija
Swift exchange between the Schengen States of statistical and tangible data on possible malfunctions at the external borders
Hitra izmenjava statističnih in specifičnih podatkov med schengenskimi državami o možnih nepravilnostih na zunanjih mejah ah na zunanjih mejah
2 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
Please advise beneficiary bank via SWIFT.
Prosimo, obvestite banko prejemnika prek oznake SWIFT.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990D0424
swift and adequate compensation of the livestock farmers.
takojšnjo primerno odškodnino za živinorejce.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(b) promote swift, effective operational cooperation within the Union between national civil-protection services;
b) spodbujanje hitrega in učinkovitega operativnega sodelovanja v Uniji med nacionalnimi službami civilne zaščite;
5 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Dokument v pomoč
the swift internationalisation and computerisation of business operations as one of the basic conditions for inclusion in the international division of labour and economic integration agreements, etc.
hitre internacionalizacije in informatizacije poslovanja kot osnovnega pogoja za vključitev v mednarodno delitev dela in ekonomske integracije idr.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-55
When making the payment, the Ministry shall instruct FYRBNY, Foreign Department to advise the World Bank's Treasury Operations Department by SWIFT (IBRDUS33), telex (MCI 248423) or facsimile (202-522 1564) as to the amount received, noting that it is in respect of TF No. 23357 - Balkans Enterprise Facility and providing the date of the receipt.
Ko nakazuje plačilo, ministrstvo da Oddelku za poslovanje v tujini CBNY nalog, da Oddelek za zakladne posle Svetovne banke s posredovanjem SWIFT (Družba za svetovno medbančno finančno telekomunikacijo) (IBRDUS33) po teleksu (MCI248423) ali faksu (202-522 1564) obvesti o znesku, ki ga je prejel, z navedbo, da je v zvezi s TF št. 23357 - Projekt podpore razvoju podjetij na Balkanu, in z navedbo datuma prejema.
7 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija
Having regard to Resolution No. 1 adopted by the European Ministers of Justice at their 21st Conference (Prague, 10 and 11 June 1997), which recommended that the Committee of Ministers support the work on cybercrime carried out by the European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC) in order to bring domestic criminal law provisions closer to each other and enable the use of effective means of investigation into such offences, as well as to Resolution No. 3 adopted at the 23rd Conference of the European Ministers of Justice (London, 8 and 9 June 2000), which encouraged the negotiating parties to pursue their efforts with a view to finding appropriate solutions to enable the largest possible number of States to become parties to the Convention and acknowledged the need for a swift and efficient system of international co-operation, which duly takes into account the specific requirements of the fight against cybercrime;
glede na Resolucijo št. 1, ki so jo sprejeli evropski ministri za pravosodje na 21. konferenci (Praga, 10. in 11. junij 1997), ki je priporočila Odboru ministrov, da podpre delo na področju kaznivih dejanj v kibernetskem prostoru, ki ga je opravil Evropski odbor za kazensko problematiko (CDPC), z namenom zbližati kazenskopravne določbe notranjih zakonodaj ter omogočiti uporabo učinkovitih preiskovalnih sredstev pri tovrstnih kaznivih dejanjih; kot tudi glede na Resolucijo št. 3, sprejeto na 23. konferenci ministrov za pravosodje (London, {8. in 9. junij 2000), ki je spodbudila pogodbenice k združitvi prizadevanj pri odkrivanju primernih rešitev, ki bodo omogočile sprejetje konvencije kar najširšemu krogu držav, in ki hkrati priznava potrebo po vzpostavitvi hitrega in učinkovitega sistema mednarodnega sodelovanja, ki na primeren način upošteva posebne zahteve boja proti kaznivim dejanjem v kibernetskem prostoru,
8 Končna redakcija
Erskine attacked the view, defended by Sir William Blackstone and Chief Justice Mansfield, and by Tory writers like Jonathan Swift and Dr Johnson, that Parliament is always the sovereign power.
Erskine je napadel stali.če, ki so ga zagovarjali sir William Blackstone, vrhovni sodnik Mansfield in torijski pisci, kakršna sta bila Jonathan Swift in dr. Johnson, da parlament vedno predstavlja suvereno oblast.
9 Končna redakcija
SCH/Com-ex (95) 21 Decision of the Executive Committee of 20 December 1995 on the swift exchange between the Schengen States of statistical and specific data on possible malfunctions at the external borders
SCH/Com-ex (95) 21 Sklep Izvršnega odbora z dne 20. decembra 1995 o hitri izmenjavi statističnih in specifičnih podatkov med schengenskimi državami o možnih nepravilnostih na zunanjih mejah
10 Končna redakcija
In order to ensure the swift adoption of common positions and the implementation of joint action, the High Contracting Parties shall, as far as possible, refrain from impeding the formation of a consensus and the joint action which this could produce..
Da bi visoke pogodbenice zagotovile tekoče sprejemanje skupnih stališč in izvajanje skupnih ukrepov, se kar najbolj vzdržijo oviranja pri doseganju soglasja in skupnih ukrepov, ki bi izhajali iz tega sodelovanja.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0018
The Schengen States agree that the police forces and judicial authorities may transmit requests for authorisation and the documents resulting from dealing with such requests by any means that allow swift transmission, provided the transmission provides a written trace of the document's author, (for example telefax, e-mail).
Schengenske države se strinjajo, da lahko policija in sodni organi pošiljajo prošnje za pooblastilo in dokumente, ki izhajajo iz obravnavanja takšnih prošenj, s kakršnimi koli sredstvi, ki omogočajo hitro pošiljanje, če pošiljanje zagotavlja pisno sled za avtorjem dokumenta (na primer telefaks ali elektronska pošta).
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
a major course alteration followed immediately by a return to the original course can be made swiftly and easily;
se večja sprememba smeri, ki ji nemudoma sledi vrnitev v začetno smer, lahko izvede hitro in enostavno;
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
It is the intention of the investigating authority to swiftly proceed with a reinvestigation in cases where sufficient information on duty absorption is submitted to it.
Preiskovalni organ namerava v primerih, ko mu je predloženih dovolj informacij o odpravi dajatve, hitro začeti s ponovno preiskavo.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
Should sufficient information on circumvention of the measures be submitted, the investigating authority is prepared to swiftly initiate an investigation in accordance with Article 13 of the basic Regulation.
Če bi bilo posredovanih dovolj informacij o izogibanju ukrepom, je preiskovalni organ pripravljen hitro začeti preiskavo v skladu s členom 13 osnovne uredbe.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
Phase 1 will consist of measures which are particularly necessary to guarantee that the internal borders may be crossed swiftly and which may be implemented relatively quickly without incurring unreasonable expense.
Prva faza predvideva ukrepe, ki omogočajo hitro prestopanje notranje meje in jih je mogoče izvesti v sorazmerno kratkem času in brez prevelikih stroškov.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41995D0020
In accordance with Article 131(2), the Presidency shall swiftly convene a meeting of the Executive Committee, possibly preceded by a Central Group meeting, in a plenary or restricted session, to conduct the consultations between the States.
V skladu s členom 131(2) predsedstvo za izvedbo posvetovanja med državami takoj skliče zasedanje Izvršnega odbora, po možnosti takoj po zasedanju Centralne skupine, v plenarni ali ožji sestavi.
17 Končna redakcija
The Conference asks the Court of Justice and the Commission to prepare as swiftly as possible a draft decision establishing a judicial panel which has jurisdiction to deliver judgments at first instance on disputes between the Community and its servants.
Konferenca naproša Sodišče in Komisijo, da čimprej pripravita osnutek sklepa o ustanovitvi sodnega oddelka, pristojnega za izdajanje sodb na prvi stopnji v sporih med Skupnostjo in njenimi uslužbenci.
18 Končna redakcija
Therefore all Member States shall, whether they fulfil the necessary conditions for the adoption of a single currency or not, respect the will for the Community to enter swiftly into the third stage, and therefore no Member State shall prevent the entering into the third stage.
Zato morajo države članice ne glede na to, ali izpolnjujejo potrebne pogoje za sprejem enotne valute ali ne, spoštovati voljo Skupnosti za hiter vstop v tretjo fazo in zato nobena država članica ne sme preprečiti vstopa v tretjo fazo.
19 Pravna redakcija
Vulpes velox hebes Northern kit or Northern swift fox
Vulpes velox hebes
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0050
(7) It is necessary to provide for a swift procedure for updating the health certificates.
(7) Predvideti je treba hiter postopek za posodabljanje zdravstvenih spričeval.
21 Pravna redakcija
The Convention should facilitate the swift cooperation regarding computer-related and computer-aided offences.
Konvencija bi morala zagotoviti hitro sodelovanje v zvezi s kaznivimi dejanji, povezanimi z računalniki ali s pomočjo računalnikov.
22 Pravna redakcija
APODIFORMES Swifts and hummingbirds
23 Pravna redakcija
Proceed to the swift implementation of the financial sector reform, aiming at guaranteeing transparency and surveillance.
Nadaljevati s hitrim izvajanjem reforme finančnega sektorja s ciljem zagotoviti transparentnost in nadzor.
24 Pravna redakcija
The Commission examines whether entry would be sufficiently swift and sustained to deter or defeat the exercise of market power.
Komisija preuči, ali bi bil vstop dovolj hiter in trajen, da bi odvrnil ali preprečil uveljavljanje tržne moči.
25 Pravna redakcija
on the swift exchange between the Schengen States of statistical and specific data on possible malfunctions at the external borders
o hitri izmenjavi statističnih in specifičnih podatkov med schengenskimi državami o možnih nepravilnostih na zunanjih mejah
26 Pravna redakcija
this Regulation establishes a legal framework which will allow the swift and effective implementation of the outcome of this research;
ta uredba določa pravni okvir, ki bo omogočal hitro in učinkovito upoštevanje rezultatov teh raziskav;
27 Pravna redakcija
However, where the transfer ordered was a transfer using the SWIFT electronic bank payment method, the acknowledgement of provision of the transfer order shall take the form of a copy of the SWIFT report, stamped and signed by a duly authorised official of the bank or post office.";
Kadar pa se za virmanski nalog uporabi elektronski način plačila SWIFT, prevzame vlogo potrdila o zahtevku za virmansko nakazilo kopija poročila SWIFT, ki ga žigosa in podpiše ustrezno pooblaščeni bančni ali poštni uradnik.";
28 Pravna redakcija
whereas an urgent procedure is also required to ensure the swift review of any tolerance which might prove insufficient to protect public health;
ker je potreben tudi nujni postopek za zagotavljanje hitrih pregledov toleranc, ki bi se lahko izkazale kot nezadostne za zaščito javnega zdravja;
29 Pravna redakcija
the benefits of swift dissemination, for example in order to avoid duplication of research efforts and to create synergies between indirect actions;
prednosti hitrega razširjanja, da bi se na primer izognili podvajanju raziskovalnih naporov in da bi ustvarili sinergijo med posrednimi aktivnostmi;
30 Pravna redakcija
Within the scope of their powers, the Contracting Parties shall ensure that appropriate measures are taken to permit the swift creation of rail freight corridors.
V okviru svojih pooblastil pogodbenici zagotovita sprejem primernih ukrepov, ki bodo omogočili hiter nastanek tovornih železniških koridorjev.
31 Pravna redakcija
aiming for swift ratification, effective compliance and enforcement of international conventions and agreements relating to the environment where the Community is a Party;
hitra ratifikacija, učinkovito izpolnjevanje in uveljavljanje mednarodnih konvencij, ki so povezane z okoljem, kjer je ena od strank Skupnost;
32 Pravna redakcija
This information shall be passed on swiftly to UNHCR.
Ta podatek se nemudoma posreduje UNHCR.
33 Pravna redakcija
Provision should be made for the possibility of amending, by means of swift procedures, this Directive and its Annexes to take account of developments in scientific and technical knowledge.
Predvideti je treba možnost spreminjanja te direktive in njenih prilog po hitrem postopku, da se upošteva razvoj znanstvenega in tehničnega znanja.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0398
Continue the swift implementation of the financial sector reform, in particular the alignment of prudential and transparency regulations and their surveillance with international standards.
Nadaljevati naglo izvajanje reforme finančnega sektorja, zlasti prilagajanja predpisov glede varnega in skrbnega ter preglednega poslovanja in njihovega nadzora mednarodnim standardom.
35 Pravna redakcija
The SWIFT electronic bank payment method should provide sufficient documentary evidence to show that an applicant has taken the necessary steps to pay the application fee into the account of the Office.
Elektronsko bančno nakazilo SWIFT predstavlja zadostno dokumentarno dokazilo, da je prijavitelj uradu na račun ustrezno vplačal prijavno pristojbino.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0569
(3) The SWIFT electronic bank payment method should provide sufficient documentary evidence to show that an applicant has taken the necessary steps to pay the application fee into the account of the Office.
(3) Elektronsko bančno nakazilo SWIFT predstavlja zadostno dokumentarno dokazilo, da je prijavitelj uradu na račun ustrezno vplačal prijavno pristojbino.
37 Pravna redakcija
aiming for swift ratification and implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and supporting the build up of regulatory frameworks in third countries where needed through technical and financial assistance.
hitra ratifikacija in izvajanje Kartagenskega protokola o biološki varnosti ter podpora oblikovanju regulatornih okvirjev v tretjih državah, če je to potrebno, s tehnično in finančno pomočjo.
38 Pravna redakcija
The Schengen acquis - Decision of the Executive Committee of 20 December 1995 on the swift exchange between the Schengen States of statistical and specific data on possible malfunctions at the external borders (SCH/Com-ex (95) 21)
SKLEP IZVRŠNEGA ODBORA z dne 20. decembra 1995 o hitri izmenjavi statističnih in specifičnih podatkov med schengenskimi državami o možnih nepravilnostih na zunanjih mejah (SCH/Com-ex (95) 21)
39 Pravna redakcija
aiming at swift ratification of the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade and of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs);
hitra ratifikacija Rotterdamske konvencije o postopku soglasja po predhodnem obveščanju za določene nevarne kemikalije in pesticide v mednarodni trgovini in Stockholmske konvencije o obstojnih organskih onesnaževalcih (POP);
40 Pravna redakcija
Where a Member State, as a result of new information or of a reassessment of existing information considers that a maximum level fixed in Annex II endangers human or animal health, and therefore requires swift action to be taken, that Member State may temporarily reduce the level in its own territory.
Kadar država članica meni, da zaradi novih podatkov ali vnovične presoje obstoječih podatkov mejna vrednost, kakor je določena v Prilogi II, ogroža zdravje ljudi ali živali, za kar se zahteva hitro ukrepanje, lahko država članica začasno zniža mejno vrednost na svojem ozemlju.
41 Pravna redakcija
The Schengen States agree that the police forces and judicial authorities may transmit requests for authorisation and the documents resulting from dealing with such requests by any means that allow swift transmission, provided the transmission provides a written trace of the document's author, (for example telefax, e-mail).
Schengenske države se strinjajo, da lahko policija in sodni organi pošiljajo prošnje za pooblastilo in dokumente, ki izhajajo iz obravnavanja takšnih prošenj, s kakršnimi koli sredstvi, ki omogočajo hitro pošiljanje, če pošiljanje zagotavlja pisno sled za avtorjem dokumenta (na primer telefaks ali elektronska pošta).
42 Pravna redakcija
Where a Member State, as a result of new information or of a reassessment of existing information, considers that a maximum level fixed in the list referred to in Article 1 endangers human or animal health, and therefore requires swift action to be taken, that Member State may temporarily reduce the level in its own territory.
Kadar država članica glede na nove informacije ali po ponovni presoji obstoječih, oceni, da mejna vrednost ostankov pesticidov, določena v seznamu iz člena 1 ogroža zdravje ljudi ali živali in zato zahteva hitro ukrepanje, ta država članica lahko tako vrednost na svojem ozemlju začasno zniža.
43 Pravna redakcija
are able to leave their workstations swiftly in the event of danger or are able to be rapidly assisted;
možnost, da ob nevarnosti hitro zapustijo svoje delovne postaje ali lahko hitro dobijo pomoč;
44 Pravna redakcija
Where a Member State, as a result of new information or a reassessment of existing information, considers that the urgent amendment of a provision contained in Annexes I to IV is necessary in order to protect human or animal health, and therefore requires swift action to be taken, that Member State may temporarily suspend the operation of the provision concerned in its own territory.
1.Kadar država članica na podlagi novih podatkov ali ponovne presoje obstoječih podatkov meni, da je zaradi zaščite zdravja ljudi ali živali potrebna nujna sprememba določbe iz prilog I do IV, in zato zahteva takojšnje ukrepanje, lahko navedena država članica začasno opusti uporabo zadevne določbe na svojem ozemlju.
45 Pravna redakcija
We are determined to achieve our objective, which is the conclusion of the Pact on Stability, as swiftly as possible.
Odločeni smo doseči cilj, ki je sklenitev Paktastabilnosti, kakor hitro je to mogoče.
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0114
Authorisation to place on the market these substances as plant protection products should be dealt with as swiftly as possible.
Čim prej je treba obravnavati dovoljenje dajanja teh snovi kot fitofarmacevtskih sredstev v promet.
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2519
The supplier shall give the beneficiary and the monitor five days' advance confirmation by the swiftest means of the expected date of arrival at destination.
Dobavitelj mora pet dni vnaprej z najhitrejšim sredstvom obveščanja posredovati koristniku in nadzorniku potrditev glede pričakovanega datuma prihoda v namembni kraj.
48 Pravna redakcija
The competent authority of a Member State which, under the preceding Articles, is called upon to furnish information, shall forward it as swiftly as possible.
Pristojni organ države članice, ki je po predhodnih členih pozvana, da dostavi informacije, jih predloži tako hitro, kot je mogoče.
49 Pravna redakcija
This notice must be sent by the swiftest possible means of transmission as soon as possible after receipt of the document and in any event within seven days of receipt.
To obvestilo je treba poslati na najhitrejši možni način takoj po prejemu listine in v vsakem primeru v roku sedem dni od prejema.
50 Pravna redakcija
This acknowledgment must be sent by the swiftest possible means of transmission as soon as possible after receipt of the document and in any event within seven days of receipt.
To potrditev je treba poslati na najhitrejši možni način takoj po prejemu listine in v vsakem primeru v roku sedem dni od prejema.
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