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Schedule View
1 Končna redakcija
These are determined by both subjective and objective factors, or to put it differently, the scheduling of programs and the interest of the viewer in particular programs (...)
Te pa določajo objektivni in subjektivni dejavniki ali drugače: čas preddvajanja oddaje in interes gledalca zanjo. ()
2 Končna redakcija
Whereas, with a view to the institution of a system of charging for the use of infrastructure, returns relating to the use of infrastructure are also required and a schedule of such returns should be drawn up;
ker je z vidika vzpostavitve sistema pristojbin za uporabo infrastrukture treba poznati tudi podatke o uporabi infrastrukture in zato sestaviti seznam teh podatkov;
3 Končna redakcija
As a matter of fact, May 25 was viewed as a kind of sacred day on which 'dirty' things were prohibited, so the scheduled beginning of the Magnus festival was seen as a provocation. The assumption behind it was that homosexuality was dirty and, on the next level, unnatural and pathological. In the language of politics, this meant 'anti-Communist.'
25. maj je obravnavan kot nekakšen sveti dan, ko so »umazane« stvari prepovedane. Ker naj bi bil festival Magnus, ki bi se bil začel na sveti dan, provokacija, je v ozadju tega domneva, da je homoseksualnost nekaj umazanega ali, v naslednjem koraku, nekaj protinaravnega, bolestnega, s političnim besednjakom pa protikomunistična.
4 Pravna redakcija
a schedule of the work to be carried out by the agency with a view to determining yields of olives and olive oil;
načrt dejavnosti, ki jih bo agencija izvedla za oceno donosov oljk in oljčnega olja;
5 Pravna redakcija
It is agreed that the two Parties will enter into discussions in the first half of 1996 with a view to examining what measures might be necessary in view of the European Community commitments, under Schedule LXXX, for subsequent marketing years.
Dogovorjeno je, da pogodbenici v prvi polovici 1996 začneta pogovore, da bi preučili morebiti potrebne ukrepe za naslednja tržna leta glede na obveznosti Evropske skupnosti po Seznamu LXXX.
6 Pravna redakcija
Subject to Commission approval and provided that the overall amount entered in the budget does not increase as a result, the Member State may, with a view to making the checks more effective, amend the agency's work schedule and budget during the year.
Pod pogojem, da Komisija privoli in da se celotni znesek, določen v proračunu, zato ne poveča, lahko država članica v interesu večje učinkovitosti pregledov med letom spremeni program dela in proračun agencije.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2310
(8) In order to ensure the best use of available resources and in view of the structure of Community exports, it is appropriate to proceed by an open invitation to tender and to set the indicative refund amount and the scheduled quantities for the period concerned.
(8) Da se zagotovi najboljša uporaba razpoložljivih virov in glede na strukturo izvoza Skupnosti, je primerno nadaljevati z odprtim razpisom ter določiti okvirni znesek nadomestila in predvidene količine za zadevno obdobje.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0254
(4) The schedule of customs duties in Annex I, Part II, to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 includes in columns 3 and 4 respectively the autonomous and the conventional duty rates; with a view to rationalising and simplifying the use of this schedule, only one of these columns should be maintained and this column should reflect the conventional duty rates; any exception from the application of a conventional rate of duty by autonomous measures should nevertheless be indicated;
(4) Preglednica carin v delu II Priloge I k Uredbi (EGS) št. 2658/87 vključuje v stolpcih 3 in 4 avtonomne stopnje dajatev oziroma konvencionalne stopnje dajatev; da bi racionalizirali in poenostavili uporabo te preglednice je primerno obdržati samo en stolpec, ki naj navaja konvencionalne stopnje dajatev; vsako izjemo zaradi avtonomnih ukrepov pri uporabi konvencionalne stopnje dajatve pa je vseeno treba navesti.
9 Pravna redakcija
The information provided under paragraph 2 shall include in particular an explanation of the domestic procedure on the basis of which the investigation will be carried out and an indication of the time schedules for hearings and other appropriate opportunities for interested parties to present their views on the matter.
Informacije, zagotovljene v skladu z odstavkom 2, predvsem vključujejo razlago domačega postopka, na podlagi katerega bo preiskava potekala, in navedbo časovnega razporeda zaslišanj in drugih ustreznih priložnosti za zainteresirane stranke, da predstavijo svoja stališča o zadevi.
10 Pravna redakcija
In sectors where a Party has undertaken commitments in its Schedule, and with a view to ensuring that any measure relating to the requirements and procedures of licensing and certification of service suppliers of the other Party does not constitute an unnecessary barrier to trade, that Party shall endeavour to ensure that any such measure:
V sektorjih, v katerih je pogodbenica prevzela obveze na svoji listi, in z namenom zagotovitve, da ukrepi, povezani z zahtevami in postopki izdajanja dovoljenj in certificiranja za ponudnike storitev druge pogodbenice, ne predstavljajo nepotrebne trgovinske ovire, si navedena pogodbenica prizadeva zagotoviti, da vsak tak ukrep:
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2377
Having regard to the Council Decision of 19 December 2002 concerning the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the United States of America, with a view to the modification of concessions with respect to cereals provided for in schedule CXL annexed to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)(3) and in particular Article 2 thereof,
ob upoštevanju Sklepa Sveta z dne 19. decembra 2002 o sklenitvi sporazuma v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Združenimi državami Amerike glede spremembe koncesij za žita s seznama CXL, ki je priložen Splošnemu sporazumu o tarifah in trgovini (GATT) fn in zlasti člena 2 Sklepa
12 Pravna redakcija
In view of the geographical structure of the European high-speed network and the commercial speeds at which trains are operated, it will be possible to schedule rosters so that each train can return at staggered intervals to a designated base in its country of origin where the complex maintenance operations will be carried out at frequencies compatible with the design and reliability of high-speed trains.
Glede na geografsko strukturo evropskega železniškega omrežja za visoke hitrosti in komercialne hitrosti, s katero delujejo vlaki, bo možno sestaviti urnik, po katerem se lahko vsak vlak vrne po časovno razporejenih intervalih v predvideno bazo v svoji izvorni državi, kjer se bo izvajalo zapleteno vzdrževanje v intervalih, ki bodo združljivi s projektiranjem in zanesljivostjo vlakov za visoke hitrosti.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2377
Having regard to the Council Decision of 19 December 2002 concerning the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and Canada pursuant to Article XXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), with a view to the modification of concessions with respect to cereals provided for in EC schedule CXL annexed to the GATT(4) and in particular Article 2 thereof,
ob upoštevanju Sklepa Sveta z dne 19. decembra 2002 o sklenitvi sporazuma v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Kanado v skladu s členom XXVIII Splošnega sporazuma o tarifah in trgovini (GATT) glede spremembe koncesij za žita s seznama CXL, ki je priložen Splošnemu sporazumu o tarifah in trgovini (GATT) fn in zlasti člena 2 Sklepa
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0396
Adopt new framework legislation and start to implement a schedule to establish conditions for a full implementation of the EU internal market for electricity and gas and for the staged opening of the electricity market and gas market, analyse long term contracts and power purchases agreements in view of possible `stranded costs` according to the current acquis; eliminate remaining price distortions in the energy sector, in particular for household electricity and heating prices.
Sprejeti novo okvirno zakonodajo in začeti izvajati terminski načrt za vzpostavljanje pogojev za celovito izvajanje notranjega trga EU z električno energijo in plinom ter za postopno odpiranje trga z električno energijo in plinom, analizirati dolgoročne pogodbe in sporazume o nakupu energije, da bi ugotovili morebitne "nasedle stroške" skladno z veljavnim pravnim redom; odpraviti preostala cenovna nesorazmerja v energetskem sektorju, zlasti glede cen električne energije in ogrevanja gospodinjstev.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0054
A rigid schedule for selection of tests is therefore inappropriate in view of the variety of factors which may require consideration.
Zaradi množice dejavnikov, ki jih je treba upoštevati, pri izbiri poskusov ni priporočljiva uporaba toge sheme.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0029
to take into account the assessed exposure when organizing working schedules with a view to reducing the doses of highly exposed aircrew,
upoštevati ocenjeno izpostavljenost pri organiziranju delovnih razporedov, tako da čim bolj zmanjša doze močno izpostavljenih posadk,
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R2343
Whereas in view of the relative importance for some Member States of non-scheduled traffic vis-a-vis scheduled traffic, it is necessary to take measures to alleviate its impact on the opportunities of carriers of Member States receiving such traffic;
ker nekatere države članice pripisujejo precejšen pomen posebnemu zračnemu prevozu v primerjavi z rednim, je treba sprejeti ukrepe za zmanjšanje njegovega vpliva na konkurenčne možnosti letalskih prevoznikov držav članic, v katere je ta prevoz namenjen;
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0254
with a view to rationalising and simplifying the use of this schedule, only one of these columns should be maintained and this column should reflect the conventional duty rates;
da bi racionalizirali in poenostavili uporabo te preglednice je primerno obdržati samo en stolpec, ki naj navaja konvencionalne stopnje dajatev;
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R0027
Subject to Commission approval and provided the overall amount entered in the budget does not increase as a result, the Member State may, with a view to making the checks more effective, amend the agency's work schedule and budget during the marketing year.
Država članica lahko po privolitvi Komisije spremeni program dela in proračun službe med tržnim letom, da bi bili pregledi učinkovitejši, vendar pod pogojem, da se skupna vsota v proračunu ne poviša.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2310
In order to ensure the best use of available resources and in view of the structure of Community exports, it is appropriate to proceed by an open invitation to tender and to set the indicative refund amount and the scheduled quantities for the period concerned.
Da se zagotovi najboljša uporaba razpoložljivih virov in glede na strukturo izvoza Skupnosti, je primerno nadaljevati z odprtim razpisom ter določiti okvirni znesek nadomestila in predvidene količine za zadevno obdobje.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
The immunogenicity of the 7.5 µg non-adjuvanted formulation of CELVAPAN (strain A/ Vietnam/ 1203/ 2004) has been evaluated in two clinical studies in adults aged 18 – 59 years (N=312) and in elderly subjects aged 60 years and older (N=272) following a 0, 21 day schedule.
Imunogenost 7, 5 µg formulacije cepiva CELVAPAN brez adjuvansa (sev A/ Vietnam/ 1203/ 2004) je bila ocenjena v dveh kliničnih študijah pri odraslih, starih od 18 do 59 let (n=312) in pri starejših osebah, starih 60 let in več (n=272), in sicer po shemi cepljenja prvi in 21. dan.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
In the framework of the negotiations for progressive liberalisation in trade and services, as provided for in Article XIX of GATS, the Community undertakes to give sympathetic consideration to the ACP States' priorities for improvement in the EC schedule, with a view to meeting their specific interests.
V okviru pogajanj o postopni liberalizaciji trgovanja s storitvami, kakor določa člen XIX GATS, se Skupnost zaveže, da bo z naklonjenostjo obravnavala prednostne naloge držav AKP za izboljšanje na seznamu ES, da bi ugodila njihovim posebnim interesom.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0396
Adopt new framework legislation and start to implement a schedule to establish conditions for a full implementation of the EU internal market for electricity and gas and for the staged opening of the electricity market and gas market, analyse long term contracts and power purchases agreements in view of possible "stranded costs" according to the current acquis;
Sprejeti novo okvirno zakonodajo in začeti izvajati terminski načrt za vzpostavljanje pogojev za celovito izvajanje notranjega trga EU z električno energijo in plinom ter za postopno odpiranje trga z električno energijo in plinom, analizirati dolgoročne pogodbe in sporazume o nakupu energije, da bi ugotovili morebitne "nasedle stroške" skladno z veljavnim pravnim redom;
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2375
Having regard to the Council Decision of 19 December 2002 concerning the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the United States of America, with a view to the modification of concessions with respect to cereals provided for in schedule CXL annexed to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)(3), and in particular Article 2 thereof,
ob upoštevanju Sklepa Sveta z dne 19. decembra 2002 o sklenitvi Sporazuma v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Združenimi državami Amerike za spremembo koncesij za žita, predvidenih v listi CXL, priloženi Splošnemu sporazumu o tarifah in trgovini (GATT) [3] in zlasti člena 2 Sklepa,
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0531
Having regard to the Council Decision of 19 December 2002 concerning the conclusion of an agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the United States of America, with a view to the modification of concessions with respect to cereals provided for in schedule CXL annexed to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)(3), and in particular Article 2 thereof,
ob upoštevanju Sklepa Sveta z dne 19. decembra 2000 glede sklenitve sporazuma v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Združenimi državami Amerike za spremembo koncesij glede žit, predvideno v seznamu CXL, ki je bil priložen k Splošnemu sporazumu o tarifah in trgovini(GATT) [3] in zlasti člena 2 Sklepa,
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0626
Having regard to the Council Decision of 19 December 2002 concerning the conclusion of an agreement in the form of an exchange of Letters between the European Community and the United States of America, with a view to the modification of concessions with respect to cereals provided for in schedule CXL annexed to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)(3), and in particular Article 2 thereof,
ob upoštevanju Sklepa Sveta z dne 19. decembra 2002 o sklenitvi Sporazuma v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Združenimi državami Amerike o spremembi koncesij za žita, predvidenih v listi CXL, priloženi Splošnemu sporazumu o tarifah in trgovini (GATT) [3], in zlasti člena 2 Sklepa,
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2375
Having regard to the Council Decision of 19 December 2002 concerning the conclusion of an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and Canada pursuant to Article XXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), with a view to the modification of concessions with respect to cereals provided for in EC schedule CXL annexed to the GATT(4), and in particular Article 2 thereof,
ob upoštevanju Sklepa Sveta z dne 19. decembra 2002 o sklenitvi Sporazuma v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Kanado v okviru člena XXVIII Splošnega sporazuma o tarifah in trgovini (GATT) za spremembo koncesij za žita, predvidenih v listi CXL ES, priloženi GATT [4], in zlasti člena 2 Sklepa,
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0531
Having regard to the Council Decision of 19 December 2002 concerning the conclusion of an agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and Canada pursuant to Article XXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), with a view to the modification of concessions with respect to cereals provided for in EC schedule CXL annexed to the GATT(4), and in particular Article 2 thereof,
ob upoštevanju Sklepa Sveta z dne 19. decembra 2000 glede sklenitve dogovora v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Kanado na podlagi člena XXVII Splošnega sporazuma o tarifah in trgovini (GATT) za spremembo koncesij glede žit, predvideno v ES seznamu CXL, ki je bil priložen k (GATT) [4] in zlasti člena 2 Sklepa,
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0626
Having regard to the Council Decision of 19 December 2002 concerning the conclusion of an agreement in the form of an exchange of Letters between the European Community and Canada pursuant to Article XXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), with a view to the modification of concessions with respect to cereals provided for in EC schedule CXL annexed to the GATT(4), and in particular Article 2 thereof,
ob upoštevanju Sklepa Sveta z dne 19. decembra 2002 o sklenitvi Sporazuma v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Kanado v okviru člena XXVIII Splošnega sporazuma o tarifah in trgovini (GATT) o spremembi koncesij za žita, predvidenih v listi CXL ES, priloženi GATT [4], in zlasti člena 2 Sklepa,
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0042
at the second meeting of the Parties to the Convention in Sofia on 26 and 27 February 2001, it was decided to prepare a legally binding protocol on strategic environmental assessment which would supplement the existing provisions on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context, with a view to its possible adoption on the occasion of the 5th Ministerial Conference "Environment for Europe" at an extraordinary meeting of the Parties to the Convention, scheduled for May 2003 in Kiev, Ukraine.
na drugem zasedanju pogodbenic konvencije 26. in 27. februarja 2001 v Sofiji je bilo odločeno, da se pripravi pravno zavezujoč protokol o strateški okoljski presoji, ki bo dopolnjeval obstoječe predpise o presoji čezmejnih vplivov na okolje, zato da se morda sprejme ob 5. ministrski konferenci "Okolje za Evropo" na izrednem zasedanju pogodbenic konvencije, ki je načrtovana za maj 2003 v Kijevu, Ukrajina.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0034
Where the application for admission to official listing relates to debt securities nearly all of which, because of their nature, are normally bought and traded in by a limited number of investors who are particularly knowledgeable in investment matters, the competent authorities may allow the omission from the listing particulars of certain information provided for by Schedule B of Annex I or allow its inclusion in summary form, on condition that such information is not material from the point of view of the investors concerned.
Kadar zahteva za sprejem v kotacijo velja za dolžniške vrednostne papirje, ki jih zaradi njihovih lastnosti skoraj v celoti kupuje in z njimi trguje omejeno število vlagateljev, še posebno dobro poučenih o zadevah v zvezi z vlaganjem v vrednostne papirje,pristojni organi lahko dovolijo opustitev nekaterih podatkov iz prospekta za kotacijo, kakor jih določa seznam B Priloge I, ali dovolijo njihovo vključitev v obliki povzetka, pod pogojem, da ti podatki niso bistvenega pomena s stališča zadevnih vlagateljev.
32 Prevod
Upon successful completion of the Committee review, the participants shall submit to the Secretariat the documents incorporating the results of the review as proposed modifications to their WTO schedules of tariff concessions, pursuant to the Decision of 26 March 1980 on Procedures for Modification and Rectification of Schedules of Tariff Concessions (BISD, 27S/25), with a view to the entry into force of the revised schedules, and incorporation in their domestic tariff schedules, no later than 1 January 1999 bearing in mind the need of each participant to fulfil its domestic procedural requirements.
Udeleženke po uspešnem zaključku pregleda Odbora Sekretariatu predložijo dokumente z rezultati pregleda kot predlagane spremembe svojih list tarifnih koncesij v okviru STO v skladu s Sklepom z dne 26. marca 1980 o postopkih za spremembe in popravke list tarifnih koncesij (BISD, 27S/25), da bi revidirane liste stopile v veljavo in bile vključene v njihove nacionalne carinske nomenklature najpozneje do 1. januarja 1999, zavedajoč se, da mora vsaka udeleženka izpolniti svoje nacionalne postopkovne zahteve.
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Schedule View