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Swiss chard
1 Pravna redakcija
Swiss chard (Chinese leaves), fresh or chilled
Pesa (Chinese leaves), sveža ali ohlajena
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-35
In general, small projects shall: have a non-profit character and be in the range of 10` 000.- to 100` 000.- Swiss francs.
Na splošno so mali projekti neprofitni, njihova vrednost pa je od 10.000 do 100.000 švicarskih frankov.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-35
` National Coordination Unit` (NCU) means the Slovenian unit in charge of the coordination of the Slovenian-Swiss Cooperation Programme;
"nacionalni koordinacijski organ" pomeni slovenski organ, odgovoren za usklajevanje slovensko-švicarskega programa sodelovanja;
4 Pravna redakcija
On products containing alcohol the charges are those imposed by Swiss customs legislation on alcohol.
Dajatve na izdelke, ki vsebujejo alkohol, so predpisane v švicarski carinski zakonodaji o alkoholu.
5 Pravna redakcija
The Swiss charge for vehicles having an actual total laden weight of more than 28 t using the authorisation referred to in Article 8(2) shall not exceed:
Švicarska dajatev za vozila z dejansko skupno maso polnega vozila nad 28 ton, ki uporabljajo dovoljenje iz člena 8(2) ne presega:
6 Pravna redakcija
The use of the authorisations provided for in paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 shall be subject, in the case of each operator, whether Swiss or Community, to the payment of a charge for the use of the Swiss infrastructure, calculated and levied in accordance with the procedures laid down in Annex 2.
Za uporabo dovoljenj iz odstavkov 2, 3 in 4 se za vsakega izvajalca iz Švice ali Skupnosti uporablja plačilo dajatve za uporabo švicarske infrastrukture, ki se določijo in zaračunajo v skladu s postopki iz Priloge 2.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1799
Indeed it was possible to establish the export price to the Community by deducting the Swiss intermediary's margin from the price they charged to the unrelated Community company.
Dejansko se je izvozna cena pri izvozu v Skupnost lahko ugotovila tako, da se je marža švicarskega posrednika odštela od cene, ki se je zaračunala nepovezanemu podjetju iz Skupnosti.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1799
This price then corresponded to the price charged by Khimvolokno to the Swiss company, and could be considered as the export price as described in Article 2(8) of the basic Regulation.
Ta cena je potem ustrezala ceni, ki jo je Khimvolokno zaračunal švicarskemu podjetju, in se je lahko štela za izvozno ceno v smislu člena 2(8) osnovne uredbe.
9 Pravna redakcija
To that end, the Swiss authorities shall take the following steps, leading on from the abolition by the Federal Council of the excess weight charge for frontier areas levied from 6 February 1990:
Švicarske oblasti bodo v ta namen, potem ko bo Zvezni svet odpravil dajatev za presežno maso na obmejnih območjih, ki se zaračunava od 6. februarja 1990, sprejele naslednje ukrepe:
10 Pravna redakcija
Rough watch movements manufactured in the Community and listed in the Annex to the Agreement, and the regulating organs and other constituent watch-movement parts manufactured in the Community and complementary to rough movements of Swiss or Community manufacture, shall be considered to be equivalent in quality to rough movements and parts of Swiss manufacture with comparable technical characteristics.
Grobi mehanizmi za ročne ure, izdelani v Skupnosti in navedeni v Prilogi k Sporazumu, ter pripomočki za upravljanje in drugi deli urnih mehanizmov, ki so izdelani v Skupnosti kot dopolnilni proizvodi h grobim mehanizmom, izdelanim v Švici ali Skupnosti, se obravnavajo kot kakovostno ekvivalentni grobim mehanizmom in delom švicarske izdelave s primerljivimi tehničnimi lastnostmi.
11 Pravna redakcija
For journeys originating abroad and ending in the Swiss frontier area fn, (and vice versa), exceptions are permitted without charge for any goods up to a total 40 tonnes and for 40-foot ISO containers in combined transport up to a total of 44 tonnes.
Za vožnje, ki se začenjajo v tujini in zaključijo na švicarskem obmejnem območju fn (in obratno), so izjeme dovoljene brez dajatev za blago do največ 40 ton in za zabojnike ISO, velikosti 12,192 m, v kombiniranem prevozu do skupne teže 44 ton.
12 Pravna redakcija
For journeys originating abroad and finishing in the area of the Swiss frontier (*) (and vice versa), exceptions are permitted without charge for any goods up to a total 40 tonnes and for 40-foot ISO containers in combined transport up to a total of 44 tonnes.
Za vožnje, ki se začenjajo v tujini in zaključijo na švicarskem obmejnem območju (*) (in obratno), so dovoljene izjeme brez dajatev za blago do skupne teže 40 ton in za zabojnike ISO velikosti 12,19 m v kombiniranem prevozu do skupne teže 44 ton.
13 Pravna redakcija
(b) By way of derogation from paragraph (a), the Community shall, for the period 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2004, receive an annual quota for 220000 single journeys by empty vehicles or vehicles carrying light products, provided the actual total laden weight of the vehicle does not exceed 28 tonnes, in transit across the Swiss Alps, against payment of a charge for use of the infrastructure.
(b) Z odstopanjem od odstavka (a) Skupnost za obdobje od 1. januarja 2001 do 31. decembra 2004 sprejme letno kvoto 220.000 posameznih voženj s praznim vozilom ali z vozilom, ki prevaža lahke izdelke, če dejanska največja masa polnega vozila ne presega 28 ton, v tranzitu preko švicarskih Alp, proti plačilu dajatve za uporabo infrastrukture.
14 Pravna redakcija
The maximum Swiss charge for vehicles using the authorisation referred to in Article 8(4), having an actual total laden weight of more than 34 t but not more than 40 t and travelling a distance of 300 km across the Alps shall be CHF 300 for a vehicle not complying with the EURO standards, CHF 240 for a vehicle complying with the EURO I standard and CHF 210 for a vehicle complying with the EURO II standard.
Najvišja švicarska dajatev za vozila, ki uporabljajo dovoljenje iz člena 8(4) in imajo dejansko skupno maso polnega vozila več kot 34 ton, vendar največ 40 ton in prevozijo 300 km preko Alp, znaša 300 CHF za vozila, ki ne izpolnjujejo standardov Euro, 240 CHF za vozila, ki izpolnjujejo standard Euro I in 210 CHF za vozila, ki izpolnjujejo standard Euro II.
15 Pravna redakcija
The maximum Swiss charge for vehicles using the authorisation referred to in Article 8(3) and having an actual total laden weight of more than 34 t but not more than 40 t and travelling a distance of 300 km across the Alps shall be CHF 252 for a vehicle not complying with the EURO standards, CHF 211 for a vehicle complying with the EURO I standard and CHF 178 for a vehicle complying with the EURO II standard.
Najvišja švicarska dajatev za vozila, ki uporabljajo dovoljenje iz člena 8(3) in imajo dejansko skupno maso polnega vozila več kot 34 ton, vendar največ 40 ton in prevozijo 300 km preko Alp, znaša 252 CHF za vozila, ki ne izpolnjujejo standardov Euro, 211 CHF za vozila, ki izpolnjujejo standard Euro I in 178 CHF za vozila, ki izpolnjujejo standard Euro II.
16 Pravna redakcija
If, after 1 January 2005, despite competitive rail prices and the correct application of the measures provided for in Article 36 regarding quality parameters, there are difficulties with Swiss transalpine road traffic flows and if, over a 10-week period, the average rate of utilisation of the rail capacity in Switzerland (accompanied and unaccompanied combined transport) is less than 66 %, Switzerland may, by way of derogation from the provisions of Article 40(4) and (5), increase the charges provided for in Article 40(4) by no more than 12,5 %.
Če po 1. januarju 2005 kljub konkurenčnim cenam železnice in pravilni uporabi ukrepov iz člena 36 o parametrih kakovosti obstajajo težave s čezalpskim pretokom prometa v Švici in če je v obdobju desetih tednov povprečna stopnja uporabe železniških zmogljivosti v Švici (spremljani in nespremljani kombinirani prevoz) manjša od 66 %, lahko Švica z odstopanjem od določb iz člena 40(4) in (5) poveča dajatve iz člena 40(4) za največ 12,5 %.
17 Pravna redakcija
With a view to the gradual introduction of the definitive arrangements defined in the second paragraph of Article 7(3), the carriage of goods by means of a vehicle the actual total laden weight of which is in excess of 28 t (before 31 December 2000) or 34 t (between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004) but does not exceed 40 t, from a point of departure in the Community for a destination beyond the Swiss zone close to the frontier, as defined in Annex 6, (and vice versa) or in transit across Switzerland shall be subject to a quota based on the payment of a supplementary charge for use of the infrastructure, in accordance with the procedures set out in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. In the case of vehicles registered in Switzerland, this quota may also be used for transport operations within Switzerland.
Glede na postopno uvedbo dokončnih ureditev iz drugega odstavka člena 7(3), se za prevoz blaga z vozilom, katerega dejanska skupna masa vozila presega 28 t (do 31. decembra 2000) ali 34 t (med 1. januarjem 2001 in 31. decembrom 2004), vendar ne presega 40 t, iz odhodnega kraja v Skupnosti v namembni kraj izven švicarskega obmejnega območja, kot je določeno v Prilogi 6 (in obratno) ali v tranzitu preko Švice, uporablja kvota, ki temelji na plačilu dodatne dajatve za uporabo infrastrukture, v skladu s postopki iz odstavkov 2, 3 in 4. Za vozila, registrirana v Švici, se lahko ta kvota uporablja tudi za prevoz po Švici.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
For journeys originating abroad and ending in the Swiss frontier area(1), (and vice versa), exceptions are permitted without charge for any goods up to a total 40 tonnes and for 40-foot ISO containers in combined transport up to a total of 44 tonnes.
Za vožnje, ki se začenjajo v tujini in zaključijo na švicarskem obmejnem območju [1] (in obratno), so izjeme dovoljene brez dajatev za blago do največ 40 ton in za zabojnike ISO, velikosti 12,192 m, v kombiniranem prevozu do skupne teže 44 ton.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
By way of derogation from paragraph (a), the Community shall, for the period 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2004, receive an annual quota for 220000 single journeys by empty vehicles or vehicles carrying light products, provided the actual total laden weight of the vehicle does not exceed 28 tonnes, in transit across the Swiss Alps, against payment of a charge for use of the infrastructure.
Z odstopanjem od odstavka (a) Skupnost za obdobje od 1. januarja 2001 do 31. decembra 2004 sprejme letno kvoto 220000 posameznih voženj s praznim vozilom ali z vozilom, ki prevaža lahke izdelke, če dejanska največja masa polnega vozila ne presega 28 ton, v tranzitu preko švicarskih Alp, proti plačilu dajatve za uporabo infrastrukture.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
With a view to the gradual introduction of the definitive arrangements defined in the second paragraph of Article 7(3), the carriage of goods by means of a vehicle the actual total laden weight of which is in excess of 28 t (before 31 December 2000) or 34 t (between 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004) but does not exceed 40 t, from a point of departure in the Community for a destination beyond the Swiss zone close to the frontier, as defined in Annex 6, (and vice versa) or in transit across Switzerland shall be subject to a quota based on the payment of a supplementary charge for use of the infrastructure, in accordance with the procedures set out in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.
Glede na postopno uvedbo dokončnih ureditev iz drugega odstavka člena 7(3), se za prevoz blaga z vozilom, katerega dejanska skupna masa vozila presega 28 t (do 31. decembra 2000) ali 34 t (med 1. januarjem 2001 in 31. decembrom 2004), vendar ne presega 40 t, iz odhodnega kraja v Skupnosti v namembni kraj izven švicarskega obmejnega območja, kot je določeno v Prilogi 6 (in obratno) ali v tranzitu preko Švice, uporablja kvota, ki temelji na plačilu dodatne dajatve za uporabo infrastrukture, v skladu s postopki iz odstavkov 2, 3 in 4.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2787
in favour of the European Community comprising the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Portuguese Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Czech Republic, the Swiss Confederation, the Republic of Iceland, the Republic of Hungary, the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Poland, the Slovak Republic, the Principality of Andorra, and the Republic of San Marino(3), any amount of principal, further liabilities, expenses and incidentals, but not fines, for which a principal may be or become liable to the abovementioned countries for debt in the form of duty and other charges applicable to the goods described below placed under the Community or common transit procedure, in respect of which the undersigned has undertaken to issue individual guarantee vouchers up to a maximum of EUR 7000 per voucher.
za Evropsko skupnost, vključno s Kraljevino Belgijo, Kraljevino Dansko, Zvezno republiko Nemčijo, Helensko republiko, Kraljevino Španijo, Francosko republiko, Irsko, Italijansko republiko, Velikim vojvodstvom Luksemburg, Kraljevino Nizozemsko, Republiko Avstrijo, Portugalsko republiko, Republiko Finsko, Kraljevino Švedsko, Združenim kraljestvom Velika Britanija in Severna Irska, Češko republiko, Švicarsko konfederacijo, Republiko Islandijo, Republiko Madžarsko, Kraljevino Norveško, Republiko Poljsko, Slovaško republiko, Kneževino Andora in Republiko San Marino [3], za vse zneske neposrednih in posrednih obveznosti, stroškov in nepredvidenih izdatkov razen denarnih kazni, ki jih glavni zavezanec dolguje ali jih bo dolgoval zgoraj navedenim državam za plačilo v obliki carine in drugih dajatev, ki se uporabljajo za blago, dano v skupnostni ali skupni tranzitni postopek, za katerega je podpisani izdal kupone za posamezno zavarovanje do najvišjega zneska 7000 EUR na kupon.
22 Prevod
in favour of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of Austria and the Swiss Confederation any amount for which a principal may become liable to the abovementioned States by reason of infringements or irregularities committed in the course of a Community transit operation including duties, taxes, agricultural levies and other charges - with the exception of pecuniary penalties - as regards principal or further liabilities, expenses and incidental charges with regard to which the undersigned has agreed to be responsible by the issue of guarantee vouchers up to a maximum amount of 7 000 European units of account per voucher.
v korist Kraljevine Belgije, Kraljevine Danske, Federativne republike Nemčije, Republike Francije, Irske, Republike Italije, Velikega vojvodstva Luxemburg, Kraljevine Nizozemske, Združenega kraljestva Velike Britanije in Severne Irske, Republike Avstrije in Švicarske konfederacije za plačilo vsakega zneska, za katerega lahko postane naročnik odgovoren prej omenjenim državam zaradi kršitev ali nepravilnosti, storjenih med tranzitom Skupnosti, vključno s carinami, davki, kmetijskimi pristojbinami in drugimi dajatvami, razen denarnih kazni, za glavne in širše odgovornosti, izdatke in postranske dajatve, za katere je podpisnik sprejel odgovornost z izdajo garancijskih potrdil do največjega zneska 7000 Evropskih obračunskih enot na potrdilo.
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Swiss chard