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1 Pravna redakcija
Indicative features of a technology management plan (TMP)
Okvirne značilnosti programov tehnološkega upravljanja (PTU)
2 Pravna redakcija
3 Pravna redakcija
With respect to IP, the TMP will normally address, inter alia:
V zvezi z IL, bo PTU med drugim urejal:
4 Pravna redakcija
With respect to RIA, the TMP will normally address, inter alia:
V zvezi z RID, bo PTU med drugim običajno urejal:
5 Pravna redakcija
With respect to IPR, the TMP will normally address, inter alia:
V zvezi s pravicami intelektualne lastnine NTU med drugim ureja:
6 Pravna redakcija
(2) The indicative features of such TMPs are set out in Annex III.
Okvirne značilnosti takšnih PTU so določene v Prilogi III.
7 Pravna redakcija
(**) The indicative features of such TMPs are set out in Annex III.
Okvirne značilnosti takšnih PTU so določene v Prilogi III.
8 Pravna redakcija
The participants shall jointly develop a Technology Management Plan (TMP).
Udeleženci skupno izdelajo načrt tehnološkega upravljanja (NTU).
9 Pravna redakcija
The indicative features of a TMP are contained in the Annex 1 to this Agreement.
Okvirne značilnosti NTU so navedene v Prilogi 1 k temu sporazumu.
10 Pravna redakcija
Information or intellectual property created in the course of joint research and not addressed in a TMP will be allocated according to the principles set out in the TMP.
I ali intelektualna lastnina, ustvarjena tekom skupne raziskave, ki ni obravnavana v PTU se dodeli v skladu z naèeli, doloèenimi v PTU.
11 Pravna redakcija
RIA created in the course of joint research and not addressed in the TMP shall be allocated, with the approval of the Parties, according to the principles set out in the TMP.
RID, ki so nastale med skupno raziskavo in niso navedene v PTU, se z odobritvijo pogodbenic dodelijo v skladu z načeli, navedenimi v PTU.
12 Pravna redakcija
The TMP may also address foreground and background information, licensing and deliverables.
PTU lahko obravnava tudi primarne in sekundarne informacije, izdajo dovoljenj in dobavo končnih rezultatov.
13 Pravna redakcija
The TMP shall also address foreground and background information, licensing and deliverables.
NTU prav tako obravnava primarne in sekundarne informacije, izdajo licenc in dobavo končnih izsledkov.
14 Pravna redakcija
Information or IP created in the course of joint research and not addressed in the TMP shall be allocated, with the approval of the Parties, according to the principles set out in the TMP.
Informacije ali IL, ki so nastale med skupno raziskavo in niso navedene v NTU, se z odobritvijo pogodbenic dodelijo v skladu z načeli, navedenimi v NTU.
15 Pravna redakcija
Information or IP created in the course of joint research and not regulated in the TMP will be allocated, with the agreement of the Parties, according to the principles set out in the TMP.
Informacije ali IL, ki se pridobijo med skupno raziskavo in jih NTU ne ureja, se s soglasjem pogodbenic dodelijo v skladu z načeli, določenimi v NTU.
16 Pravna redakcija
Information or intellectual property created in the course of joint research and not addressed in the TMP will be allocated, with the approval of the Parties, according to the principles set out in the TMP.
Informacije ali intelektualna lastnina, ki so nastale med skupnimi raziskavami in jih ne ureja PTU, se z odobritvijo pogodbenic dodelijo skladno z načeli, navedenimi v PTU.
17 Pravna redakcija
The TMPs shall be approved by the Parties before the conclusion of any specific R & D cooperation contracts to which they refer.
PTU odobrita pogodbenici pred sklenitvijo kakršnihkoli posebnih pogodb o sodelovanju na področju raziskav in razvoja, na katere se nanašajo.
18 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to Section III, and unless otherwise agreed in the TMP, results of research shall be published jointly by the Parties or participants.
Brez poseganja v Oddelek III in če ni drugače dogovorjeno v PTU, izsledke raziskav pogodbenici ali udeleženci objavijo skupno.
19 Pravna redakcija
The rights and obligations concerning the research generated by visiting researchers under this Agreement in respect of RIA shall also be addressed in the joint TMPs.
S PTU se urejajo tudi pravice in obveznosti na področju RID, ki se nanašajo na raziskave gostujočih raziskovalcev po tem sporazumu.
20 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to Sections IV and V, and unless otherwise agreed in the TMP, publication of results of research shall be made jointly by the Parties or participants.
Brez poseganja v oddelka IV in V in če v NTU ni dogovorjeno drugače, rezultate raziskav pogodbenici ali udeleženci objavijo skupaj.
21 Pravna redakcija
The TMP is a specific to be concluded between the participants, about the implementation of joint research and the respective rights and obligations of the participants.
NTU je posebna pogodba, ki se sklene med udeleženci v zvezi z izvajanjem skupne raziskave ter glede njihovih pravic in obveznosti.
22 Pravna redakcija
The TMP is a specific agreement to be concluded between the participants about the implementation of joint research and the respective rights and obligations of the participants.
PTU je posebni sporazum, ki se sklene med udeleženci, o izvajanju skupnih raziskav ter pravicah in obveznostih posameznih udeležencev.
23 Pravna redakcija
The TMP is a specific agreement to be concluded between the participants, about the implementation of joint research and the respective rights and obligations of the participants.
PTU je poseben sporazum, ki se sklene med udeleženci v zvezi z izvajanjem skupne raziskave ter glede njihovih pravic in obveznosti.
24 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to Section IV, unless otherwise agreed in the TMP, publication of results of research shall be made jointly by the Parties or participants to that joint research.
Brez vpliva na oddelek IV, razen če v NTU ni drugače dogovorjeno, izide skupne raziskave skupaj objavita pogodbenici in njuni udeleženci v skupni raziskavi.
25 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to section IV, unless otherwise agreed in the TMP, publication of results of research shall be made jointly by the Parties or participants to that joint research.
Brez poseganja v oddelek IV, razen če v PTU ni drugače dogovorjeno, rezultate raziskave skupaj objavita pogodbenici ali udeleženci navedene skupne raziskave.
26 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to Section V, and unless otherwise agreed in the TMP, publication of results of research shall be made jointly by the Parties or participants to that joint research.
Ne glede na oddelek V, razen če v NTU ni drugače dogovorjeno, izide skupne raziskave skupaj objavita pogodbenici in njuni udeleženci v skupni raziskavi.
27 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to Section II, and unless otherwise agreed in the TMP, publication of results of research shall be made jointly by the Parties or participants to that joint research.
Brez poseganja v oddelek II in le če v PTU ni drugače dogovorjeno, izsledke raziskav skupaj objavita pogodbenici ali udeleženci skupnih raziskav.
28 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to section III of this Annex, unless otherwise agreed in the TMP, publication of results of research shall be made jointly by the Parties or participants to that joint research.
Brez vpliva na oddelek III te priloge, razen če v PTU ni drugače dogovorjeno, rezultate skupne raziskave skupaj objavita pogodbenici in njuni udeleženci v skupni raziskavi.
29 Pravna redakcija
The participants shall jointly develop a Technology Management Plan (TMP) in respect of the ownership and use, including publication, of information and IP to be created in the course of joint research.
Udeleženci skupaj sprejmejo Načrt tehnološkega upravljanja (NTU) glede lastništva in uporabe, vključno z objavami, informacijami in IL, ustvarjenimi v teku skupne raziskave.
30 Pravna redakcija
The Technology Management Plan (TMP) is a specific agreement to be concluded between the participants about the implementation of joint research and the respective rights and obligations of the participants.
Načrt tehnološkega upravljanja (NTU) je posebna pogodba, ki se sklene med udeleženci v zvezi z izvajanjem skupne raziskave ter glede njihovih pravic in obveznosti.
31 Pravna redakcija
The TMP will be approved by the responsible funding agency of the Party involved in financing the research, before the conclusion of the corresponding specific research and development cooperation contracts.
NTU odobri pristojna agencija za zbiranje sredstev pogodbenice, ki je udeležena pri financiranju raziskave, in sicer pred sklenitvijo ustreznih posebnih pogodb o sodelovanju v raziskavah in razvoju.
32 Pravna redakcija
Information or IP created in the course of joint research and not addressed in the technology management plan shall be allocated, with the approval of the Parties, according to the principles set out in the TMP.
ali intelektualna lastnina, nastala med skupno raziskavo in ni navedena v PTU, se z odobritvijo pogodbenic dodeli v skladu z načeli, navedenimi v PTU.
33 Pravna redakcija
Information or IP created in the course of joint research and not addressed in the TMP plan shall be allocated, with the approval of the Parties, according to the principles set out in the technology management plan.
Informacije ali IL, ki so nastale med skupno raziskavo in niso navedene v NTU, se z odobritvijo pogodbenic dodelijo v skladu z načeli, navedenimi v NTU.
34 Pravna redakcija
The participants shall jointly develop a technology management plan (TMP) in respect of the ownership and use, including publication of information and intellectual property to be created in the course of joint research.
Udeleženci skupaj razvijajo program tehnološkega upravljanja (PTU) glede lastništva in uporabe, vključno z objavo informacij in intelektualne lastnine, ustvarjene med skupnimi raziskavami.
35 Pravna redakcija
The rights and obligations concerning the research generated by visiting researchers (i.e. researchers not coming from a Party or a participant) in respect of intellectual property will also be addressed in the joint TMP.
Skupni PTU ureja tudi pravice in obveznosti, ki se nanašajo na raziskave gostujočih raziskovalcev (to je raziskovalcev, ki ne prihajajo iz pogodbenice ali udeleženca) v zvezi z intelektualno lastnino.
36 Pravna redakcija
The TMP will be approved by the responsible funding agency, or department of the Party involved in financing the research before the conclusion of the specific research and development cooperation contracts to which they are attached.
PTU odobri pristojna agencija ali oddelek za zbiranje sredstev pogodbenice, ki je udeležena v financiranju raziskave, pred sklenitvijo posebnih pogodb o sodelovanju v raziskavah in razvoju, ki so jim so priloženi.
37 Pravna redakcija
The TMP shall be approved by the responsible funding agency or department of the Party involved in financing the research, before the conclusion of the specific research and development cooperation contracts to which they are attached.
NTU odobri pristojna agencija ali služba pogodbenice, ki je udeležena v financiranju raziskave, pred zaključkom posebnih pogodb o sodelovanju v raziskavah in razvoju, katerim so priloženi.
38 Pravna redakcija
The participants shall jointly develop joint technology management plans (TMPs)(2) in respect of the ownership and use, including publication, of information and Intellectual Property (IP) to be created in the course of joint research.
Udeleženci skupaj razvijajo skupne programe tehnološkega upravljanja (PTU) fn glede lastništva in uporabe, vključno z objavo informacij in intelektualne lastnine (IL), ustvarjenih med skupno raziskavo.
39 Pravna redakcija
The TMP shall be approved by the responsible funding agency, or department of the Party involved in financing the research, before the conclusion of the specific research and development cooperation contracts to which they are attached.
PTU odobri pristojna agencija ali oddelek za zbiranje sredstev pogodbenice, ki je udeležena v financiranju raziskave, pred zaključkom posebnih pogodb o sodelovanju v raziskavah in razvoju, katerim so priloženi.
40 Pravna redakcija
The participants shall jointly develop joint technology management plans (TMPs) (**) in respect of the ownership and use, including publication, of information and Intellectual Property (IP) to be created in the course of joint research.
Udeleženci skupaj sestavijo skupne Načrte tehnološkega upravljanja (NTU) fn za lastništvo in uporabo, vključno s publikacijami, informacijami in intelektualno lastnino (IL), ustvarjenih v teku skupne raziskave.
41 Pravna redakcija
Each Party or its participants, as appropriate, shall identify at the earliest possible moment and preferably in the TMP the information that it wishes to remain undisclosed in relation to this Agreement, taking account, inter alia, of the following criteria:
Vsaka pogodbenica ali njeni udeleženci, kot je ustrezno, čimprej in po možnosti v NTU določijo, katerih informacij ne želijo razkriti v okviru tega sporazuma, ob upoštevanju, med drugim, naslednjih meril:
42 Pravna redakcija
(a) Each Party or its participants, as appropriate, shall identify at the earliest possible moment and preferably in the TMP, the information that it wishes to remain undisclosed in relation to this Agreement, taking account, inter alia, of the following criteria:
(a) Vsaka pogodbenica ali njeni udeleženci, kot je ustrezno, čimprej in po možnosti v PTU določijo, katerih informacij ne želijo objaviti v okviru tega Sporazuma, ob upoštevanju, med drugim, naslednjih meril:
43 Pravna redakcija
Each Party, its agencies or its participants, as appropriate, will identify at the earliest possible moment and preferably in the TMP the information that they wish to remain undisclosed in relation to the Agreement, taking into account inter alia the following criteria:
Vsaka pogodbenica, njena zastopstva ali njeni udeleženci čimprej in po možnosti v PTU določijo, katerih informacij ne želijo objaviti v okviru Sporazuma, upoštevajoč, med drugim, naslednja merila:
44 Pravna redakcija
Each Party, its agencies or its participants, as appropriate, shall identify at the earliest possible moment and preferably in the TMP the information that they wish to remain undisclosed in relation to the Agreement, taking into account inter alia the following criteria:
Vsaka pogodbenica, njene agencije ali njeni udeleženci čimprej in po možnosti v načrtu tehnološkega upravljanja določijo, katerih informacij v okviru Sporazuma ne želijo objaviti, pri čemer se med drugim upoštevajo naslednja merila:
45 Pravna redakcija
Each Party, its agencies or its participants, as appropriate, shall identify at the earliest possible moment, and preferably in the TMP, the information that they wish to remain undisclosed in relation to the Agreement, taking into account inter alia the following criteria:
Vsaka pogodbenica, njene agencije ali njeni udeleženci, kot je ustrezno, čimprej in po možnosti v PTU določijo, katerih informacij ne želijo objaviti v okviru Sporazuma, ob upoštevanju, med drugim, naslednjih meril:
46 Pravna redakcija
TMP is a specific agreement to be concluded between the participants in joint research defining their respective rights and obligations, including those in respect of the ownership and use, including publication, of information and IP to be created in the course of joint research.
NTU je poseben dogovor, ki se sklene med udeleženci skupne raziskave in ki opredeljuje njihove pravice in obveznosti, kamor spadajo tudi pravice in obveznosti v zvezi z lastništvom in uporabo informacij in IL, ki se ustvari v okviru skupne raziskave, vključno z njihovo objavo.
47 Pravna redakcija
The participants shall jointly develop technology management plans (TMPs) in respect of the ownership and use, including publication, of information and intellectual property, hereinafter referred to as results of intellectual activities (RIA), to be created in the course of joint research.
Udeleženci skupaj razvijajo programe tehnološkega upravljanja (PTU) za lastništvo in uporabo, vključno z objavo, informacij in intelektualne lastnine, v nadaljevanju rezultati intelektualnih dejavnosti (RID), ustvarjenih v teku skupne raziskave.
48 Pravna redakcija
The TMPs shall be developed taking into account the aims of the joint research, the relative contributions of the participants, peculiarities of licensing by territory or for a specific field of use, requirements imposed by laws applicable and other factors deemed appropriate by the participants.
PTU se pripravijo ob upoštevanju ciljev skupne raziskave, prispevkov udeležencev, posebnosti podeljevanja licenc glede na ozemeljsko veljavnost ali posebno področje uporabe, zahtev veljavnih zakonov in drugih dejavnikov, ki jih udeleženci štejejo za primerne.
49 Pravna redakcija
TMP is a specific agreement to be concluded between the participants in joint research defining their respective rights and obligations, including those in respect of the ownership and use, including publication, of information and intellectual property to be created in the course of joint research.
PTU je poseben dogovor, ki se sklene med udeleženci v skupni raziskavi, ki opredeljuje njihove pravice in obveznosti, vključno s tistimi v zvezi z lastništvom in uporabo, vključno z objavo informacij in intelektualne lastnine, ki se ustvari tekom skupne raziskave.
50 Pravna redakcija
The TMPs shall be developed taking into account the aims of the joint research, the relative contributions of the participants, the advantages and disadvantages of licensing by territory or for fields of use, requirements imposed by laws applicable and other factors deemed appropriate by the participants.
PTU se razvijajo ob upoštevanju ciljev skupne raziskave, relativnih prispevkov udeležencev, prednosti in pomanjkljivosti podeljevanja licenc glede na ozemeljsko veljavnost ali področje uporabe, zahtev veljavnih zakonov in drugih dejavnikov, ki jih udeleženci štejejo za primerne.
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