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Test View
1 Objavljeno
Financial view of screening tests is not to be discarded;
Finančni vidik presajalnih testov ni zanemarljiv;
2 Končna redakcija
This test must be carried out, in particular, with a view to detecting the presence of chloramphenicol.
Ta preiskava mora biti še zlasti opravljena z namenom, da se ugotovi prisotnost kloramfenikola.
3 Končna redakcija
Other lamps should not be used without first being tested, in view of the importance of the spectral distribution of the light emitted.
Ne uporabljamo drugih fluorescentnih cevi brez predhodnega preizkusa, zaradi pomena spektralne porazdelitve oddajane svetlobe.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0251
This test must be carried out, in particular, with a view to detecting the presence of antimicrobial substances and in particular nitrofurans and their metabolites.
Te preiskave morajo biti še zlasti opravljene z namenom, da se ugotovi prisotnost protimikrobnih snovi, še posebno nitrofuranov in njihovih presnovkov.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
take samples including with a view to independent tests being carried out by an Official Medicines Control Laboratory or a laboratory designated for that purpose by a Member State;
jemanje vzorcev, tudi za neodvisne preskuse, ki jih opravlja Uradni kontrolni laboratorij za preskušanje zdravil ali laboratorij, ki ga za ta namen pooblasti država članica;
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0244
Whereas, in the light of experience gained and in view of technical progress, it is now possible not only to supplement certain requirements and bring them more into line with actual test conditions, but also to render them more stringent with a view to increasing the safety of both the occupants of the vehicles and other road users;
ker je glede na pridobljene izkušnje in tehnični napredek zdaj mogoče nekatere zahteve ne samo dopolniti in jih bolj uskladiti z dejanskimi preskusnimi pogoji, temveč jih tudi poostriti zaradi večje varnosti potnikov v vozilih in drugih udeležencev v prometu;
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The European Communities Personnel Selection Office shall, at their request, provide assistance to the different institutions with a view to the selection of contract staff, in particular by defining the contents of the tests and organising the selection procedures.
Služba Evropskih skupnosti za izbor kadrov različnim institucijam na njihovo zahtevo pomaga pri izbiri pogodbenih uslužbencev, predvsem pri opredeljevanju vsebine preizkusov in organizaciji postopka izbire.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
where there has not been involvement of a notified body, a record of the tests and installation configurations made with a view to ensuring compliance with essential requirements and any particular requirements contained in the relevant implementing rules for interoperability.
če ni bil udeležen noben priglašeni organ, evidenco o preskusih in konfiguracijah postavitev, narejenih za zagotovitev skladnosti z bistvenimi zahtevami in zlasti zahtevami iz zadevnih izvedbenih pravil glede interoperabilnosti.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
Conducting the necessary studies, tests and trials with a view to the application of paragraphs 1 to 5 and the consequential practical requirements shall not be regarded as contrary to patent-related rights or to supplementary-protection certificates for medicinal products.";
Izvajanje potrebnih študij, preskusov in preskušanj zaradi uporabe odstavkov 1 do 5 ter posledične praktične zahteve niso v nasprotju s pravicami v zvezi s patenti ali potrdili za zdravila o dodatni zaščiti.";
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The European Communities Personnel Selection Office (hereinafter 'the Office') shall, at their request, provide assistance to the different institutions with a view to the selection of temporary staff, in particular by defining the contents of the tests and organising the selection procedures.
Služba Evropskih skupnosti za izbor kadrov (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Služba";) različnim institucijam na njihovo zahtevo pomaga pri izbiri začasnih uslužbencev, predvsem pri opredeljevanju vsebine preizkusov in organizaciji postopka izbire.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The Office shall, at their request, provide assistance to the different institutions with a view to the selection of temporary staff and contract staff, in particular by defining the contents of the tests and organising the selection procedures in the framework of Articles 12 and 82 of the Conditions of Employment of other servants.";
Različnim institucijam na njihovo zahtevo pomaga pri izbiri začasnih in pogodbenih uslužbencev, predvsem pri opredeljevanju vsebine preizkusov in organizaciji postopka izbire v okviru členov 12 in 82 pogojev za zaposlitev drugih uslužbencev.";
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
These periods should be extended whenever the undertakings concerned offer commitments with a view to rendering the concentration compatible with the common market, in order to allow for sufficient time for the analysis and market testing of such commitment offers and for the consultation of Member States as well as interested third parties.
Ti roki se lahko podaljšajo, kadar koli udeležena podjetja ponudijo obveznosti glede usklajevanja združljivosti koncentracije s skupnim trgom, s čimer se omogoči dovolj časa za analizo in tržno preverjanje takšnih predlaganih zavez ter za posvetovanje držav članic, pa tudi zainteresiranih tretjih oseb.
13 Končna redakcija
In their view, future challenges arise from cuts in public funding and restrictions on advertising (rai, Roberto Zaccaria, World Screen News, 2001, 4:44). For French public television, new legitimacy of the public service lies in "doing something different from private channels" (France Television, Marc Tessier, World Screen News, 2001, 4:40).
Izzivi v prihodnosti se nanašajo na upadanje javnih sredstev in omejitve, ki jih imajo pri oglaševanju. (rai, Roberto Zaccaria, World Screen News 2001, 4:44) Za francosko javno televizijo je nova legitimnost javnega servisa to, da počne kaj drugačnega kakor komercialni programi (France Télévision, Marc Tessier, World Screen News 2001, 4:40).
14 Končna redakcija
"Pilot project" means a project carried out by an economic operator, a scientific or technical body or another competent body to test, in conditions approaching actual conditions in the industry, the technical reliability and/or financial viability of an innovative technology with a view to acquiring and disseminating technical and/or financial knowledge of the technology being tested.
»Pilotski projekt« pomeni projekt, ki ga v pogojih, zelo podobnih dejanskim pogojem v industriji, izvaja gospodarski subjekt, znanstveno ali tehnično telo ali drugo pristojno telo za preskus tehnične zanesljivosti in/ali finančne sposobnosti inovativne tehnologije z namenom pridobivanja in širjenja tehničnih in/ali finančnih dognanj o preskušani tehnologiji.
15 Končna redakcija
Pursuant to this Act, the auditing of financial statements shall denote testing and assessing of financial statements, data and methods applied in the preparation thereof, and on such basis providing an independent professional opinion as to whether the financial statements show a true and fair view, in all material aspects, of the financial position of the legal person, and of the results of its operations in accordance with the Slovenian Accounting Standards (hereinafter referred to as " auditing ")
Revidiranje računovodskih izkazov po tem zakonu je preizkušanje in ocenjevanje računovodskih izkazov ter podatkov in metod, uporabljenih pri njihovem sestavljanju, in na podlagi tega dajanje neodvisnega strokovnega mnenja o tem, ali računovodski izkazi v vseh pomembnejših pogledih podajajo resničen in pošten prikaz finančnega stanja in poslovni izid pravne osebe v skladu s slovenskimi računovodskimi standardi (v nadaljnjem besedilu: revidiranje).
16 Pravna redakcija
Radiated electromagnetic emissions from an ESA test layout (General plan view)
Razporeditev pri preskusu sevanja elektromagnetnih poljskih jakosti iz EPS (tloris)
17 Pravna redakcija
Radiated electromagnetic emissions from an ESA view of test bench plane of longitudinal symmetry
Razporeditev pri preskusu sevanja elektromagnetnih poljskih jakokosti (vzdolžni presek)
18 Pravna redakcija
This test must be carried out, in particular, with a view to detecting the presence of nitrofurans and their metabolites.
Pri analiza se mora ugotoviti zlasti, ali proizvodi vsebujejo nitrofurane in njihovih metabolite
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0198
This test must be carried out, in particular, with a view to detecting the presence of nitrofurans and their metabolites."
Preskus je treba izvajati zlasti zaradi odkrivanja navzočnosti nitrofuranov in njihovih presnovkov."
20 Pravna redakcija
The Commission has not received any information on such tests and in view of the prohibition laid down in this Decision there is no need to continue authorising further such tests;
Komisija ni prejela nobenega podatka o takšnih testih in glede na prepoved, določeno v tej odločbi, odobritev takšnih testov nadalje ni več potrebna.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
Only in the case of revision analyses the group shall repeat the tests with a view to obtaining an assessment in triplicate of the sample;
V primeru revizijske analize mora skupina ocenjevati v trojniku.
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991D0665
(a) to implement the necessary arrangements for further training of experts in vaccine verification and testing with a view to harmonizing such techniques;
(a) izvaja potrebne ureditve za nadaljnje šolanje strokovnjakov za preverjanje in preskušanje cepiva zaradi usklajevanja teh tehnik;
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0895
The test must be carried out, in particular, with a view to detecting the presence of antimicrobial substances and in particular nitrofurans and their metabolites."
Te analize morajo biti še zlasti opravljene z namenom, da se ugotovi prisotnost snovi, ki zavirajo rast mikrobov, še posebno nitrofuranov in njihovih metabolitov."
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
If the supervisor and the supplier disagree on the test results, each shall give a statement of his views to the other within 15 days after such disagreement arises.
Če nadzornik in dobavitelj ne soglašata glede izidov preizkusov, posredujeta eden drugemu svoja stališča v 15 dneh po nastanku tega nesoglasja.
25 Pravna redakcija
pilot projects to identify or test new regional and local development solutions with a view to their inclusion in assistance after demonstration of their feasibility;
pilotni projekti, katerih namen je identificirati ali predlagati nove regionalne in lokalne razvojne rešitve, da se potem, ko se izkažejo za izvedljive, vključijo v pomoč;
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
If the supervisor and the contractor disagree on the test results, each shall give a statement of his views to the other within 15 days after such disagreement arises.
Če nadzornik in izvajalec ne soglašata glede izidov preizkusov, posredujeta eden drugemu svoja stališča v 15 dneh po nastanku tega nesoglasja.
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
In view of the complex nature of the ignition and combustion of solids, the self-ignition temperature determined according to this test method should be used for comparison purposes only.
Zaradi zapletene narave vžiga in izgorevanja trdnih snovi je treba temperaturo samovžiga, določeno v skladu s to preskusno metodo, uporabljati le za primerjanje.
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0091
(5) It is appropriate to ensure consistency between the CPVO test guidelines and the conditions for the varieties, with a view to their acceptance into national catalogues of the Member States.
(5) Primerno je zagotoviti skladnost med smernicami za preizkušanje USRS in pogoji za preizkušanje sort z namenom njihovega sprejetja v nacionalne sortne liste držav članic.
29 Pravna redakcija
Practical ways are to be found of testing innovatory action in this field and exchanges between Member States should be encouraged with a view to identifying and promoting the most effective practices.
Obstajajo praktični načini preskušanja inovativnih dejavnosti na tem področju in med državami članicami je treba spodbujati izmenjavo izkušenj zaradi identificiranja in pospeševanja najučinkovitejših praks.
30 Pravna redakcija
The customs authorities shall take representative samples of each import under tariff quota 09.0074 with a view to carrying out the necessary tests to establish that the vitreous grain content is 73 % or more.
Carinski organ odvzame reprezentativne vzorce od vsakega uvoza v okviru tarifne kvote 09.0074 zaradi izvedbe analiz, potrebnih, za ugotavljanje, ali je vsebnost steklastih zrn najmanj 73 %.
31 Pravna redakcija
whereas these reductions will take into account the effect on real emissions of a modification also adopted for the test cycle with a view to better representing emissions after a cold start ('deletion of 40 s');
ker bodo ta znižanja upoštevala učinek spremembe, sprejete tudi za preskusni cikel, da bi bile bolje predstavljene emisije po hladnem zagonu ("izbris 40 s"), na dejanske emisije;
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0161
Laying hens, namely productive poultry reared with a view to producing eggs for consumption, to be sent to Finland and Sweden shall be subject to a microbiological test, effected by sampling in the flock of origin.
Za nesnice in sicer proizvodno perutnino, gojeno za proizvodnjo konzumnih jajc, namenjeno za Finsko in Švedsko, velja mikrobiološki preizkus z jemanjem vzorcev iz jate izvora.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
With the view to obtaining a marketing authorisation, an application dossier containing particulars and documents relating to the results of tests and trials carried out on this medicinal product must be submitted.
Za pridobitev dovoljenja za promet z zdravilom je treba predložiti vlogo za pridobitev dovoljenja, ki vključuje podrobne podatke in dokumente o rezultatih preskusov in preskušanj, opravljenih na zdravilu.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
b) Particulars relating to the product control tests that may be carried out at an intermediate stage of the manufacturing process, with a view to ensuring the consistency of the production process shall be included.
b) Vključijo se podrobni podatki v zvezi s kontrolnimi preskusi izdelka, ki se lahko izvajajo med katero koli vmesno fazo postopka proizvodnje, da se zagotovi konsistentnost postopka proizvodnje.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0091
(4) Directive 72/168/EEC was amended by Directive 2002/8/EC to ensure consistency between the CPVO test guidelines and the conditions for examining the varieties with a view to their acceptance in the national catalogues of varieties of the Member States, as far as CPVO test guidelines had been established.
(4) Direktiva 72/168/EGS je bila spremenjena z Direktivo 2002/8/ES zaradi zagotovitve skladnosti med smernicami za preizkušanje USRS in pogoji za preizkušanje sort z namenom njihovega sprejetja v nacionalne sortne liste držav članic, kolikor so bile izdelane smernice za preizkušanje USRS.
36 Pravna redakcija
With a view to additional information of the occurrence of BSE in the United Kingdom, the testing in the OTMS should be expanded to include all animals born within one year after the effective enforcement of the feed ban.
Za pridobitev dodatnih informacij o pojavnosti BSE v Veliki Britaniji se preiskave v sklopu OTMS razširijo tako, da zajamejo vse živali, rojene v prvem letu po učinkovitem izvajanju prepovedi krmljenja živali (z beljakovinami živalskega izvora).
37 Pravna redakcija
to permit the continuation of certain activities launched under the previous action plans with a view to extending and validating the methods previously tested in order to provide better statistics in the following fields:
omogočiti nadaljevanje nekaterih dejavnosti, začetih po predhodnih akcijskih načrtih, z namenom, da se podaljšajo in potrdijo predhodno preizkušeni postopki za zagotovitev boljše statistike na naslednjih področjih:
38 Pravna redakcija
The customs authorities shall take representative samples of each import under tariff quota 09.0075 with a view to carrying out the necessary tests to establish that the quality imported complies with the quality criteria referred to in Annex IV.
Carinski organ odvzame reprezentativne vzorce od vsakega uvoza v okviru tarifne kvote 09.0075 zaradi izvedbe analiz, potrebnih za ugotavljanje, ali uvožena kakovost izpolnjuje merila glede kakovosti iz Priloge IV.
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The European Communities Personnel Selection Office shall, at their request, provide assistance to the different institutions with a view to the selection of contract staff, in particular by defining the contents of the tests and organising the selection procedures.
Služba Evropskih skupnosti za izbor kadrov različnim institucijam na njihovo zahtevo pomaga pri izbiri pogodbenih uslužbencev, predvsem pri opredeljevanju vsebine preizkusov in organizaciji postopka izbire.
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
(2) Under that Directive, with a view to ensuring its uniform application by the competent authorities of the Member States, the technical prescriptions necessary to carry out the tests laid down in section 3.1 or 3.2 of Annex I to that Directive should be specified.
(2) Da bi se zagotovila enotna uporaba navedene direktive s strani pristojnih organov držav članic, bi bilo treba natančno določiti tehnične predpise, potrebne za izvajanje preskusov iz oddelka 3.1 ali 3.2 Priloge I navedene direktive.
41 Pravna redakcija
Whereas these national provisions are often very detailed as regards the requirements relating to the design, manufacture, quality level, testing and certification of personal protective equipment with a view to the protection of individuals against injury and illness;
ker so ti nacionalni predpisi pogosto zelo podrobni, kar zadeva zahteve v zvezi z zasnovo, izdelavo, ravnijo kakovosti, preskušanja in certifikacije osebne zaščitne opreme z vidika varovanja posameznikov pred poškodbami in boleznimi;
42 Pravna redakcija
I, the undersigned, official veterinarian, certify that the laying hens (productive poultry reared with a view to producing eggs for consumption) have been tested with negative results according to the rules laid down in Commission Decision 95/161/EC of 21 April 1995 establishing additional guarantees regarding salmonella for consignments to Finland and Sweden of laying hens (productive poultry reared with a view to producing eggs for consumption).
Podpisani/a uradni/a veterinar/ka potrjujem, da so bile nesnice (proizvodna perutnina, gojena za prirejo jajc za prehrano) preskušene z negativnimi rezultati v skladu s pravili iz Odločbe Komisije 95/161/ES z dne 21. aprila 1995 o dodatnih jamstvih v zvezi s salmonelo za pošiljke nesnic (proizvodne perutnine, gojene za prirejo jajc za prehrano) na Finsko in Švedsko.
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0235
I, the undersigned, official veterinarian, certify that the laying hens (productive poultry reared with a view to producing eggs for consumption) have been tested with negative results according to the rules laid down in Commission Decision 2004/235/EC of 9 March 2004 establishing additional guarantees regarding salmonella for consignments to Finland and Sweden of laying hens fn (productive poultry reared with a view to producing eggs for consumption).
Podpisani uradni veterinar potrjujem, da so bile nesnice (proizvodna perutnina, rejena za proizvodnjo konzumnih jajc) preizkušene z negativnimi rezultati skladno s pravili iz Odločbe Komisije 2004/235/ES z dne 9. marca 2004 o dodatnih jamstvih v zvezi s salmonelo za pošiljke nesnic fn (proizvodne perutnine, rejene za proizvodnjo konzumnih jajc) na Finsko in Švedsko.
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The European Communities Personnel Selection Office (hereinafter "the Office") shall, at their request, provide assistance to the different institutions with a view to the selection of temporary staff, in particular by defining the contents of the tests and organising the selection procedures.
Služba Evropskih skupnosti za izbor kadrov (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Služba") različnim institucijam na njihovo zahtevo pomaga pri izbiri začasnih uslužbencev, predvsem pri opredeljevanju vsebine preizkusov in organizaciji postopka izbire.
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Test View