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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Abrogation of Technical Unity
Razveljavitev konvencije o tehničnem poenotenju
2 Pravna redakcija
Abrogation of Co-ordination
Preklic koordinacije
3 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
(Abrogation of a Law)
(razveljavitev zakona)
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
In the event of abrogation of the exemption status, the provisions of this Protocol shall cease to apply.
Z odpravo posebne ureditve se določbe tega protokola prenehajo uporabljati.
5 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Such abrogation takes effect immediately or within a period of time determined by the Constitutional Court.
Razveljavitev učinkuje takoj ali v roku, ki ga določi ustavno sodišče.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The European Central Bank shall give advice in the preparations for the abrogation of the derogations referred to in Article III-198 of the Constitution.
Evropska centralna banka svetuje pri pripravah za odpravo posebnih ureditev iz III-198. člena Ustave.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
As for the abrogation of the exemption, the procedure referred to in Article III-198 of the Constitution shall only be initiated at the request of Denmark.
Kar zadeva odpravo posebne ureditve, se sproži postopek iz III-198. člena Ustave le na zahtevo Danske.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
In addition to the payment to be made in accordance with paragraph 1, the national central bank concerned shall contribute to the reserves of the European Central Bank, to those provisions equivalent to reserves, and to the amount still to be appropriated to the reserves and provisions corresponding to the balance of the profit and loss account as at 31 December of the year prior to the abrogation of the derogation.
(2) Poleg vplačila iz prejšnjega odstavka zadevna nacionalna centralna banka prispeva k rezervam Evropske centralne banke, k rezervacijam, ki so enakovredne rezervam, in k znesku, ki ga je še treba vključiti v rezerve in rezervacije glede na stanje izkaza poslovnega izida na 31. december v letu pred odpravo posebne ureditve.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(2) If the investor commenced construction before the building permit became final but after it was no longer subject to ordinary remedies and the building permit was partly or wholly abrogated or sentenced null and void on grounds not lying in the abrogation of the implementing planning document, and the investor fails to acquire a building permit in a repeat procedure, the building inspector shall act as stipulated in Article 152 of this act.
(2) Če je investitor začel z gradnjo pred pravnomočnostjo gradbenega dovoljenja, vendar po njegovi dokončnosti in se je gradbeno dovoljenje v celoti ali delno odpravilo oziroma izreklo za nično zaradi razlogov, ki niso v odpravi izvedbenega prostorskega akta in če investitor v ponovnem postopku ne pridobi gradbenega dovoljenja, ravna pristojni gradbeni inšpektor tako, kot je to določeno s 152. členom tega zakona.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
If a final building permit is abrogated because of the abrogation of the implementing planning document in proceedings to determine constitutionality and legitimacy before the constitutional court and this is a consequence of unlawful action by the municipality or by the state, if the spatial planning document was adopted by a body thereof, the investor shall have the right to the reimbursement of ordinary damages and lost profit for the damage incurred thereby because of the trust in the final building permit.
(1) Če se pravnomočno gradbeno dovoljenje odpravi zaradi odprave izvedbenega prostorskega akta v postopku za presojo ustavnosti in zakonitosti pred ustavnim sodiščem in je to posledica protipravnega ravnanja občine oziroma države, če je prostorski akt sprejel njen organ, ima investitor pravico do povrnitve navadne škode in izgubljenega dobička za povzročeno škodo, ki mu je nastala zaradi zaupanja v pravnomočno gradbeno dovoljenje.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(Special conditions for temporary deferral of inspection measure) (1) If the investor commenced construction before the building permit became final but after it was no longer subject to ordinary legal remedies and the building permit was partly or wholly abrogated because of the abrogation of implementing planning document proceedings to determine constitutionality and legality, and the investor fails to acquire a building permit in a repeat procedure, the building inspector shall act as stipulated in Article 152 of this act.
(posebni pogoji za začasno odložitev inšpekcijskega ukrepa) (1) Če je investitor začel z gradnjo pred pravnomočnostjo gradbenega dovoljenja, vendar po njegovi dokončnosti in se je gradbeno dovoljenje v celoti ali delno odpravilo zaradi odprave izvedbenega prostorskega akta v postopku za presojo ustavnosti in zakonitosti in če investitor v ponovnem postopku ne pridobi gradbenega dovoljenja, ravna pristojni gradbeni inšpektor tako, kot je to določeno s 152. členom tega zakona.
12 Končna redakcija
The ECB shall give advice in the preparations for the abrogation of the derogations specified in Article 109k of this Treaty.
ECB svetuje pri pripravah za odpravo odstopanj iz člena 109k te pogodbe.
13 Končna redakcija
As for the abrogation of the exemption, the procedure referred to in Article 109k(2) shall only be initiated at the request of Denmark.
Kar zadeva odpravo izjeme, se postopek iz člena 109k(2) sproži samo na zahtevo Danske.
14 Končna redakcija
In addition to the payment to be made in accordance with Article 49.1, the central bank concerned shall contribute to the reserves of the ECB, to those provisions equivalent to reserves, and to the amount still to be appropriated to the reserves and provisions corresponding to the balance of the profit and loss account as at 31 December of the year prior to the abrogation of the derogation.
Poleg vplačila iz člena 49.1 zadevna centralna banka prispeva k rezervam ECB, k rezervacijam, ki so enakovredne rezervam, in k znesku, ki ga je še treba vključiti v rezerve in rezervacije glede na saldo bilance uspeha na dan 31. decembra v letu pred odpravo odstopanja.
15 Pravna redakcija
Co-ordination Abrogation Message
Sporočilo o preklicu koordinacije
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2082
Message for Abrogation of Co-ordinati
Sporočilo za preklic koordinacije
17 Pravna redakcija
Message for Abrogation of Co-ordination
Sporočilo za preklic koordinacije
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2082
Message for the Abrogation of Co-ordination
Sporočilo za preklic koordinacije
19 Pravna redakcija
Message for the Abrogation of Co-ordination (MAC)
Sporočilo za preklic koordinacije (MAC)
20 Pravna redakcija
Message for the Abrogation of Co-ordination (MAC);
sporočilo za preklic koordinacije (MAC);
21 Pravna redakcija
Message for the Abrogation of Co-ordination (MAC)........................
Sporočilo za preklic koordinacije (MAC)..............................................................
22 Pravna redakcija
In such cases a verbal abrogation of co-ordination shall be effected by the transferring ATC unit. V takšnih primerih predajna enota kontrole letenja izvede ustni preklic koordinacije.
23 Pravna redakcija
Article 122(2) of the Treaty lays down the procedures for abrogation of the derogation of the Member States concerned.
Člen 122(2) Pogodbe določa postopke za odpravo odstopanj zadevnih držav članic.
24 Pravna redakcija
whereas the abrogation of all outstanding sanctions should only occur once the excessive deficit has been totally corrected;
se vse preostale sankcije razveljavijo šele takrat, ko čezmerni primanjkljaj ne obstaja več;
25 Pravna redakcija
The working position(s) in the receiving ATC unit which are provided with flight details shall be notified of the abrogation.
Delovno(-a) mesto(-a) kontrolorjev v prevzemni enoti kontrole letenja, ki imajo podrobnosti o letu, so obveščena o preklicu.
26 Pravna redakcija
Recommendation The MAC message should identify the status to which the co-ordination or notification is to reven and the reason for the abrogation. Priporočilo Sporočilo MAC identificira status, na katerega se vrne koordinacija ali obvestilo, in vzrok za preklic.
27 Pravna redakcija
The REV message shall not be used if a revision of flight plan data leads to a change of the receiving ATC unit (see Message for the Abrogation of Co-ordination).
Sporočilo REV se ne uporabi, če revizija podatkov v načrtu leta povzroči spremembo prevzemne enote kontrole letenja (glej sporočilo za preklic koordinacije).
28 Pravna redakcija
Whereas appropriate action by the participating Member State concerned in order to correct its excessive deficit is the first step towards abrogation of sanctions;
ker je ustrezni ukrep zadevne sodelujoče države članice za zmanjšanje čezmernega primanjkljaja prvi korak k razveljavitvi sankcij;
29 Pravna redakcija
Article 104 of the Treaty defines an excessive deficit procedure providing for a Decision on the existence of an excessive deficit and, after the excessive deficit has been corrected, for the abrogation of that Decision;
ogodbe opredeljuje postopek v zvezi s čezmernim primanjkljajem, ki utemeljuje Odločbo o čezmernem primanjkljaju, po odpravi čezmernega primanjkljaja pa odpravo te odločbe;
30 Pravna redakcija
Following the abrogation of the derogation of Greece, the Governing Council of the ECB recommended that the Council approve as external auditors for the Bank of Greece for the annual accounts starting from the financial year 2001:
Po odpravi odstopanja Grčije je Svet ECB priporočil, da Svet kot zunanje revizorje za Banko Grčije za letni obračun z začetkom s poslovnim letom 2001 odobri
31 Pravna redakcija
In the event that a CDN is transmitted effectively simultaneously with a message for the same flight from the transferring unit, e.g. a revision or an abrogation of co-ordination, neither an acknowledgement nor an operational reply shall be returned. Če je sporočilo o koordinaciji uspešno oddano hkrati s sporočilom za isti let iz predajne enote, na primer z revizijo ali preklicem koordinacije, se ne vrne niti potrditev niti operativni odgovor.
32 Pravna redakcija
Within 10 working days, the Commission shall put the matter before the Standing Committee on Foodstuffs in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 14 with a view to the extension, amendment or abrogation of the national interim protective measures.
V 10 delovnih dneh Komisija predloži zadevo Stalnemu odboru za živila po postopku iz člena 14 z namenom podaljšanja, spremembe ali preklica začasnih nacionalnih varnostnih ukrepov.
33 Pravna redakcija
Article 49.2 of the Statute provides that in addition to the payment to be made in accordance with Article 49.1, the central bank of a Member State whose derogation has been abrogated shall contribute to the reserves of the ECB, to those provisions equivalent to reserves, and to the amount still to be appropriated to the reserves and provisions corresponding to the balance of the profit and loss account as at 31 December of the year prior to the abrogation of the derogation.
Člen 49.2 statuta določa, da poleg vplačila iz člena 49.1 centralna banka države članice, katere odstopanje je bilo odpravljeno, prispeva k rezervam ECB, k rezervacijam, ki so enakovredne rezervam, in k znesku, ki ga je še treba vključiti v rezerve in rezervacije glede na saldo bilance uspeha dne 31. decembra v letu pred odpravo odstopanja.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
the abrogation of this Convention in accordance with Article 37;
preklicu te konvencije v skladu s členom 37;
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0178
Within 10 working days, the Commission shall put the matter before the Committee set up in Article 58(1) in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 58(2) with a view to the extension, amendment or abrogation of the national interim protective measures.
V 10 delovnih dneh Komisija predloži zadevo odboru, vzpostavljenem s členom 58(1) v skladu s postopkom iz člena 58(2), da podaljša, spremeni ali razveljavi začasne nacionalne zaščitne ukrepe.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0460
Accordingly, the Commission must put the matter before the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health within 10 working days of the measures having been adopted by France, with a view to the extension, amendment or abrogation of the national interim protective measures.
Temu primerno mora Komisija v desetih delovnih dnevih po dnevu, ko je Francija sprejela ukrepe, zadevo predložiti Stalnemu odboru za živilsko verigo in zdravje živali, da se preveri, ali je treba začasne nacionalne zaščitne ukrepe razširiti, spremeniti ali preklicati.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0737
Following the abrogation of the derogation of Greece, the Governing Council of the ECB recommended that the Council approve as external auditors for the Bank of Greece for the annual accounts starting from the financial year 2001: Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA and Mr Charalambos Stathakis, a registered certified public accountant.
Po odpravi odstopanja Grčije je Svet ECB priporočil, da Svet kot zunanje revizorje za Banko Grčije za letni obračun z začetkom s poslovnim letom 2001 odobri Ernst... Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA in g. Charalambosa Stathakisa, pooblaščenega javnega revizorja.
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