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accelerated alignment
1 Končna redakcija
The customs duties resulting from an accelerated alignment may not be less than the customs duties on imports of the same products from other Member States.
Carine, ki izhajajo iz pospešene uskladitve, ne smejo biti nižje od carin pri uvozu za enake proizvode, uvožene iz drugih držav članic.
2 Končna redakcija
The customs duties resulting from an accelerated alignment or suspended customs duties may not be less than the customs duties on imports of the same products from other Member States.
Carine, ki izhajajo iz pospešenega prilagajanja ali so bile opuščene, ne smejo biti nižje od carin pri uvozu za enake proizvode iz drugih držav članic.
3 Končna redakcija
The Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the Assembly, may, in particular, prolong the period for moves towards price alignment within the limits of the maximum duration of the period of application of the transitional measures and decide on other methods of accelerated moves towards price alignment.
Svet lahko na predlog Komisije s kvalificirano večino in po posvetu s Skupščino zlasti podaljša rok za usklajevanje cen v okviru maksimalnega trajanja obdobja uporabe prehodnih ukrepov in sprejme druge načine pospešenega usklajevanja.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0398
Accelerate alignment and application of European standards.
Pospešiti prilagajanje evropskim standardom in njihovo uporabo.
5 Pravna redakcija
Where alignment of the Turkish Customs Tariff with the Common Customs Tariff has been accelerated, Turkey shall maintain in favour of the Community a preference equivalent to that resulting from the arrangements provided for in this Chapter.
Če je usklajevanje turške carinske tarife s skupno carinsko tarifo poteka hitreje, Turčija za Skupnost ohrani preference, ki so enake tistim, ki izhajajo iz režima, predvidenega v tem poglavju.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0083
continue alignment of legislative framework and develop implementation capacity for the acquis on public health; accelerate the development of measures in the area of surveillance and control of communicable diseases and health monitoring and information,
nadaljevanje prilagajanja zakonodajnega okvira in razvoj usposobljenosti za izvajanje pravnega reda s področja javnega zdravja; pospešitev priprave ukrepov na področju nadzora nad prenosljivimi boleznimi ter spremljanja in obveščenosti glede zdravja.
7 Pravna redakcija
accelerate alignment of European standards, certification and conformity assessment and marking; start to reinforce existing market surveillance and conformity-assessment structures with equipment and training; speed up work relating to specific sectors (foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, textiles) and the framework legislation transposing new and global approach principles and create compatible administrative infrastructure; remove technical barriers to trade.
pospešiti usklajevanje evropskih standardov, certificiranja in ocenjevanja skladnosti ter označevanja; začeti krepiti obstoječe strukture za nadzor trga in ocenjevanje skladnosti z opremo in izobraževanje; pospešiti delo v zvezi z določenimi sektorji (živila, farmacevtski izdelki, kozmetika, tekstil) in okvirno zakonodajo, ki prenaša načela novega in globalnega pristopa ter ustvarja združljivo upravno infrastrukturo; odstraniti tehnične ovire za trgovanje.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3830
that the same dispositions allow for an accelerated alignment of customs duties from Spain to the Common Customs Tariff;
ker ista ureditev omogoča pospešeno usklajevanje španskih carin s skupno carinsko tarifo;
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0235
accelerate alignment of European standards, certification and conformity assessment and marking;
pospešiti usklajevanje evropskih standardov, certificiranja in ocenjevanja skladnosti ter označevanja;
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accelerated alignment