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account balance
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(f) approve the annual balance sheet and profit and loss account;
f) odobri letne bilance stanja in bilance uspeha;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-108
c/ Particulate control and other considerations account for the balance.
c/ Nadzor trdnih delcev in drugi dejavniki so vključeni v znesek.
3 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-89
Only exchange upon request shall be included to this accounting balance.
To načelo velja samo za izmenjave na zaprosilo.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
projected balance sheet, including profit and loss account, for the coming year;
projekcija bilance stanja in izkaza uspeha za prihodnje leto;
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
A summary of the audited accounts and balance sheet shall thereafter be published.
Zatem se objavi povzetek revidiranih računovodskih izkazov in bilance.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(i) containment as a means of defining material balance areas for accounting purposes;
(i) hramba, kot način, da se opredelijo cone materialne bilance v obračunske namene;
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
projection of the balance sheet including profit and loss account for the next two years;
projekcija bilance stanja in izkaza uspeha za naslednji dve leti;
8 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
2) balance of the special B account of Vnesheconombank with the National Bank of Yugoslavia
saldo na posebnem računu B Vnešekonombanke pri Narodni banki Jugoslavije
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
The accounting records shall set forth the following in respect of each material balance area:
Knjigovodske evidence omogočajo za vsako cono materialne bilance vpogled v:
10 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
The budget of a municipality consists of the balance of income and expenditure and the finance account.
Proračun občine sestavljata bilanca prihodkov in odhodkov ter račun financiranja.
11 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
1) balance of the special interest-bearing A account of Vnesheconombank with the National Bank of Yugoslavia
saldo na posebnem obrestnem računu A Vnešekonombanke pri Narodni banki Jugoslavije
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
The Community shall provide the Agency with the following accounting reports for each material balance area:
Skupnost posreduje Agenciji za vsako cono materialne bilance naslednja knjigovodska poročila:
13 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-89
The evaluation will be based on the principle of accounting balance as stated in Articles 8 of this Agreement.
Ocenjevanje bo temeljilo na načelu uravnoteženega stanja, kakor je določeno v 8. členu tega sporazuma.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
insofar as is required, the last internal management balance sheet and audited accounts for the previous financial year;
po potrebi zadnja interna bilanca stanja in revidirano letno poročilo za predhodno poslovno leto;
15 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
1) balance of the non-interest bearing liquidation account No. 1 of the National Bank of Yugoslavia with Vnesheconombank
saldo na likvidacijskem brezobrestnem računu št. 1 Narodne banke Jugoslavije v banki Vnešekonombank saldo na likvidacijskem računu št.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
Such procedures shall take into account the need for balanced representation among members, including contributing members, in the operation of the Thematic Programmes Sub-Account and the Project Sub-Account.
Ti postopki upoštevajo potrebo po uravnoteženi zastopanosti članic, vključno s prispevnimi članicami, v delovanju podračuna za tematske programe in projektnega podračuna.
17 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
The calculations referred to in this Article regarding the balance sheet shall be made on the basis of the aggregated balance sheet total of the entities of the group, according to their annual accounts.
Izračuni iz tega člena glede bilančne vsote morajo biti narejeni na podlagi skupinskih bilančnih vsot oseb v skupini glede na njihove letne računovodske izkaze.
18 Objavljeno
WTO: Ustanovitev WTO
It is understood that such time-schedules may be modified as appropriate to take into account changes in the balance-of-payments situation.
Razume se, da se taki časovni razporedi lahko ustrezno spreminjajo, tako da upoštevajo spremembe v stanju plačilne bilance.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
audited accounts not later than six months after the period to which they refer and insofar as is required, the last internal management balancesheet;
revidirano letno poročilo najpozneje šest mesecev po koncu obdobja, na katerega se nanašajo, in po potrebi zadnja interna bilanca stanja;
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
The Community's system of accounting for and control of nuclear material under this Agreement shall be based on a structure of material balance areas.
Sistem knjigovodstva Skupnosti in nadzora jedrskega materiala po tem sporazumu temelji na strukturi con materialne bilance.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-94
Upon submission of a final financial report on the implementation of the completed projects in accordance with Article VII(4), the balance in the project account shall be transferred to the Donor IDF sub-account.
Po predložitvi končnega finančnega poročila o izvedenih projektih se v skladu s četrto točko VII. člena saldo na projektnem računu prenese v sklad na donatoričin podračun.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The groups shall be made up on a basis of equal rotation among the Member States, taking into account their diversity and geographical balance within the Union.
Skupine so sestavljene po načelu enakopravne rotacije med državami članicami ob upoštevanju njihove raznolikosti in geografskega ravnovesja v Uniji.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-62
2 GRETA shall be composed of a minimum of 10 members and a maximum of 15 members, taking into account a gender and geographical balance, as well as a multidisciplinary expertise.
GRETO sestavlja najmanj 10 in največ 15 članov, pri čemer se upoštevajo spolno in geografsko ravnotežje ter multidisciplinarnost strokovnega znanja.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-94
(b) any final balance in the sub-account shall be disposed of by UNIDO in consultation with the Donor, and UNIDO's responsibilities pursuant hereto shall be considered terminated.
(b) končni saldo sredstev na podračunu UNIDO razporedi po posvetovanju z donatorico in na podlagi tega prenehajo odgovornosti organizacije UNIDO.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
projected balance sheet, with a profit and loss account, for the current financial year including all proposed changes in the structure or activities explicitly in relation to finance;
projekcija bilance stanja in izkaza uspeha za tekoče poslovno leto, vključno z vsemi predlaganimi spremembami v strukturi ali dejavnostih v izraziti povezavi s financami;
26 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Municipalities shall regularly report information on income and expenditure in accounts, important for the determining of the volume of funds for financial balance, to the Ministry of Finance.
Občine morajo ministrstvu, pristojnemu za finance, tekoče sporočati podatke o prihodkih in odhodkih proračunov, ki so pomembni za ugotavljanje obsega sredstev za finančno izravnavo.
27 Objavljeno
Separation of the Chair from the CEO helps in ` achieving an appropriate balance of power, increasing accountability and improving the board' s capacity for decision making independent of management` .
Ločevanje teh dveh funkcij prispeva k »uravnoteženju moči, povečevanju odgovornosti in večji sposobnosti odločanja odbora, neodvisno od menedžmenta«.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(b) to determine material balance areas to be used for accounting purposes under this Agreement and to select those strategic points which are key measurement points and which will be used to determine flow and inventory of nuclear material; in determining such material balance areas the following criteria shall inter alia be used:
(b) določiti cone materialne bilance, ki se po tem sporazumu uporabljajo za knjigovodske namene, in izbrati tiste strateške točke, ki so ključne točke merjenja in se bodo uporabljale za ugotavljanje pretoka in inventarja jedrskega materiala; pri določanju takih con materialne bilance se med drugim uporabljajo naslednja merila:
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(b) to observe that the measurements of nuclear material at key measurement points for material balance accountancy are representative, and to observe the calibration of the instruments and equipment involved;
(b) pazi, da so meritve jedrskega materiala na ključnih točkah merjenja za knjigovodstvo materialne bilance reprezentativne, in pazi na umerjanje uporabljenih inštrumentov in opreme;
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
The Committee shall examine the proposal and apply the screening criteria specified in Annex D in a flexible and transparent way, taking all information provided into account in an integrative and balanced manner.
Odbor prouči predlog ter prilagodljivo in pregledno uporabi v Prilogi D opisana merila za pregled kemikalij, ob tem pa celovito in uravnoteženo upošteva vse predložene informacije.
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
The SAPARD Agency's accounting procedures shall ensure that the accounting system can produce, in euro and national currency, for each regional office, and for each project, contract or measure and sub-measure, the total cost, the committed expenditure, part payments and balance payments.
Računovodski postopki agencije SAPARD zagotavljajo, da računovodski sistem lahko za vsak regionalni urad, projekt, pogodbo ali ukrep in podukrep ugotovi skupne stroške, obveznosti, delna plačila in končna plačila v evrih in domači valuti.
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
However, supplementary applications may be submitted only if justified on the basis of the risk of the net balance in the SAPARD euro account being exhausted before the next quarterly application has been processed.
Dodatni zahtevki se lahko predložijo samo, če je to utemeljeno zaradi tveganja, da bi bila sredstva na evro računu SAPARD izčrpana, preden bi bil obdelan zahtevek za naslednje četrtletje.
33 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
Vnesheconombank shall open a single account in the name of the National Bank of the SFRY to which the amount of the final balance of settlement referred to in Article 4 of the present Memorandum shall be transferred.
Vnešekonombanka na ime Narodne banke SFRJ odpre enoten račun, na katerega se nakaže znesek zaključnega salda iz 4. člena tega memoranduma.
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The reports from the Commission and the European Central Bank shall also take account of the results of the integration of markets, the situation and development of the balances of payments on current account and an examination of the development of unit labour costs and other price indices.
Poročila Komisije in Evropske centralne banke upoštevajo tudi rezultate združevanja trgov, stanje in razvoj tekočega računa plačilne bilance ter preverjanje gibanja stroškov dela na enoto in drugih cenovnih kazalcev.
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-74
the transfrontier co-operation body shall have an annual estimated budget and shall draw up a balance-account which shall be approved by auditors independent of the territorial communities or authorities party to the agreement.
ima organ za čezmejno sodelovanje letni ocenjeni proračun in sestavi bilanco, ki jo potrdijo finančni revizorji, ki so neodvisni od teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti pogodbenic sporazuma.
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
The accounts in respect of all income and expenditure entered in the budget together with the balance sheet showing Europol's assets and liabilities shall be subject to an annual audit in accordance with the financial regulation.
Računi v zvezi z vsemi dohodki in odhodki, vnesenimi v proračun, skupaj z izkazom stanja, ki Europolu prikazujejo sredstva in obveznosti, so predmet letne revizije v skladu s finančnimi predpisi.
37 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
For the purposes of this calculation, undertakings in which a participation is held shall be taken into account as regards the amount of their balance sheet total corresponding to the aggregated proportional share held by the group.
Zaradi izračuna se podjetja, v katerih je udeleženo drugo podjetje, upoštevajo v smislu ustreznosti razmerja med njihovo bilančno vsoto in skupnim sorazmernim deležem takega podjetja v skupini.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-63
The financial records of SELEC, including the accounts established pursuant to the budget showing income and expenditures, and the balance sheet showing SELEC's assets and liabilities, shall be subject to an external financial audit.
Finančne evidence SELEC-a, vključno z računovodskimi, ki se vodijo skladno s proračunom, ki prikazuje prejemke in izdatke, ter bilanco stanja, ki prikazuje SELEC-ova sredstva in obveznosti, pregleda zunanja finančna revizija.
39 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 109/2010
3.04 The Bank shall generate an account statement in respect of each call under a Guarantee, informing the Guarantor of the amounts applied from the LLCA and the MSCAs in respect of the Guaranteed Sums and the resulting balance of the LLCA and MSCAs.
3.04 Banka za vsak poziv na podlagi garancije pripravi izpisek stanja, s katerim garanta obvesti o zneskih, ki so bili v zvezi z zneski z jamstvom črpani z RKIP in ORDČ, ter o novem stanju na RKIP in ORDČ.
40 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(1) The income and expenditure account and a balance sheet of the Organisation shall be examined by auditors whose independence is beyond doubt, appointed by the Administrative Council for a period of five years, which shall be renewable or extensible.
(1) Izkaz poslovnega izida ter bilanco stanja Organizacije pregledajo revizorji, katerih neodvisnost je nesporna in ki jih imenuje upravni svet za petletno obdobje, ki se lahko obnovi ali podaljša.
41 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Provisions of the regulations which refer to the state budget are to be reasonably applied for the purpose of the disclosure of incomes and expenditures in the income and expenditure balance-sheet and for the purpose of disclosure of the finance account.
Za izkazovanje prihodkov in odhodkov v bilanci prihodkov in.odhodkov in za izkazovanje računa. financiranja se smiselno uporabljajo določbe predpisov, ki se nanašajo na državni proračun.
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(a) to observe that samples at key measurement points for material balance accountancy are taken in accordance with procedures which produce representative samples, to observe the treatment and analysis of the samples and to obtain duplicates of such samples;
(a) pazi, da se vzorci na ključnih točkah merjenja za knjigovodstvo materialne bilance jemljejo v skladu s postopki, ki dajejo reprezentativne vzorce, pazi na obdelavo in analizo vzorcev ter dobiva dvojnike takih vzorcev;
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(d) a description of the existing and proposed procedures at the facility for nuclear material accountancy and control, with special reference to material balance areas established by the operator, measurements of flow and procedures for physical inventory-taking.
(d) opis obstoječih in predlaganih postopkov pri objektu in napravi za materialno knjigovodstvo in nadzor jedrskega materiala s posebnim sklicevanjem na cone materialnih bilanc, ki jih je določil upravljavec, ter na merjenja pretoka in na postopke ugotavljanja fizičnega inventarja.
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
Due regard shall be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff primarily from Member States and on as wide a geographical basis as possible, taking particularly into account the adequate representation of developing countries and with emphasis on gender balance.
Pomembno je zaposlovati predvsem osebje iz držav članic in na čim širši geografski podlagi, ob upoštevanju zlasti ustrezne zastopanosti držav v razvoju in s poudarkom na uravnoteženi zastopanosti obeh spolov.
45 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The Kingdom of Spain shall contribute, in eight equal instalments falling due on those dates, to the reserves and provisions equivalent to reserves, as well as to the amount still to be appropriated to the reserves and provisions, comprising the balance of the profit and loss account, established at the end of the month of April 2004, as entered on the balance sheet of the Bank, in amounts corresponding to 4,1292% of the reserves and provisions.
Kraljevina Španija v osmih enakih obrokih, ki zapadejo na zgornje datume, prispeva k rezervam in rezervacijam v višini rezerv ter tudi k znesku, ki bo šele odobren za rezerve in rezervacije in ki ga določa saldo bilance uspeha na koncu meseca aprila 2004, kot je bil prikazan v bilanci banke, z zneski v višini 4,1292% rezerv in rezervacij.
46 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(3) The President of the European Patent Office shall annually submit to the Administrative Council the accounts of the preceding accounting period in respect of the budget and the balance sheet showing the assets and liabilities of the Organisation together with the report of the auditors.
(3) Predsednik Evropskega patentnega urada predloži upravnemu svetu vsako leto zaključni račun predhodnega obračunskega obdobja glede na proračun in bilanco stanja, ki izkazuje sredstva in obveznosti Organizacije, ter poročilo revizorjev.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(2) However, if the Organisation is unable to balance its budget under the conditions laid down in paragraph 1, the Contracting States shall remit to the Organisation special financial contributions, the amount of which shall be determined by the Administrative Council for the accounting period in question.
(2) Če Organizacija ne more izravnati svojega proračuna pod pogoji iz prvega odstavka, ji države pogodbenice nakažejo posebne finančne prispevke, katerih znesek določi upravni svet za zadevno obračunsko obdobje.
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The new Member States shall contribute, in eight equal instalments falling due on the dates referred to in Article 39, to the reserves and provisions equivalent to reserves, as well as to the amount still to be appropriated to the reserves and provisions, comprising the balance of the profit and loss account, established at the end of the month of April 2004, as entered on the balance sheet of the European Investment Bank, in amounts corresponding to the following percentages of the reserves and provisions:
Nove države članice v osmih enakih obrokih, ki zapadejo na datume iz prejšnjega člena, prispevajo k rezervam in rezervacijam v višini rezerv, ter tudi k znesku, ki bo šele odobren za rezerve in rezervacije in ki ga določa saldo bilance uspeha na koncu meseca aprila 2004, kot je bil prikazan v bilanci Evropske investicijske banke, z zneski, ki ustrezajo naslednjim odstotkom rezerv in rezervacij:
49 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
The Parties undertake to authorise in freely convertible currency any payments on the current account of the balance of payments between residents of the Community and of the Republic of Tajikistan connected with the movement of goods, services or persons made in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
Pogodbenici se obvezujeta, da bosta v prosto konvertibilni valuti dovoljevali vsa plačila na tekoči račun plačilne bilance med prebivalci Skupnosti in Republike Tadžikistan, ki so povezana s pretokom blaga, storitev ali oseb v skladu z določbami tega sporazuma.
50 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Until the municipalities' budgets are adopted, the funds for financial balance, the part of personal income tax which pertains to municipalities and other income of municipalities according to Article 21 of this Law shall be allotted to the municipality's separate account under the second paragraph of this Article.
Do sprejetja proračunov občin se sredstva za finančno izravnavo, del dohodnine, ki pripada občinam.in drugi prihodki občin po 21. členu tega zakona, razporejajo na ločen račun občine iz drugega odstavka tega člena.
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account balance