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account certification
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
If the ship or the crew has some alternative form of certification, the port State control officer, in making this inspection, may take the form and content of this documentation into account.
Če ima ladja ali posadka kako drugo obliko spričeval, lahko inšpektor za varnost plovbe pri tem pregledu upošteva obliko in vsebino teh listin.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
The object of this paper is to set out guidance regarding requirements of the certification of the account provided for in Article 6 of Section A of the Annex to the Multi-annual Financing Agreement.
Namen tega dokumenta je podrobno določiti smernico v zvezi z zahtevami za certificiranje obračuna, kot je predvideno v 6. členu razdelka A priloge k Večletnemu sporazumu o financiranju.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
(f) Ensuring that private enterprises, taking into account their structure and size, have sufficient internal auditing controls to assist in preventing and detecting acts of corruption and that the accounts and required financial statements of such private enterprises are subject to appropriate auditing and certification procedures.
(f) zagotavljanje, da imajo zasebni poslovni subjekti ob upoštevanju njihove strukture in velikosti zadostne notranje revizijske kontrole, da lahko pomagajo pri preprečevanju in odkrivanju korupcije, in da se računovodska evidenca in potrebni računovodski izkazi takih zasebnih poslovnih subjektov ustrezno revidirajo in potrjujejo.
4 Končna redakcija
amending Decision 93/402/EEC concerning animal health conditions and veterinary certification for imports of fresh meat from South American countries to take account of the animal health situation in Uruguay (notified under document number C(2001) 2205) (2001/538/EC)
o spremembah Odločbe 93/402/EGS o pogojih v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali in izdajanju veterinarskih spričeval pri uvozu svežega mesa iz južnoameriških držav zaradi upoštevanja zdravstvenega stanja živali v Urugvaju
5 Končna redakcija
'STCW Convention' shall mean the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers as it applies to the matters concerned taking into account the transitional provisions of Article VII and Regulation I/15 of the Convention and including, where appropriate, the applicable provisions of the STCW code, all being applied in its up-to-date version;
'Konvencija STCW' pomeni Mednarodno konvencijo o standardih za usposabljanje, izdajanje spričeval in ladijsko stražarjenje pomorščakov, kakor se za zadevne zadeve uporablja, ob upoštevanju prehodnih določb člena VII in Pravila I/15 Konvencije in po potrebi vključno, z ustreznimi določbami Kodeksa STCW, vse v najnovejši različici;
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0600
concerning protective measures with regard to imports of certain animals from Bulgaria due to an outbreak of bluetongue, repealing Decision 1999/542/EC, amending Decision 98/372/EC concerning the animal health conditions and veterinary certifications for import of live animals of bovine and swine species from certain European countries to take into account some aspects in relation with Bulgaria and amending Decision 97/232/EC drawing up lists of third countries from which Member States authorise imports of sheep and goats
o zaščitnih ukrepih glede uvoza nekaterih živali iz Bolgarije zaradi izbruha bolezni modrikastega jezika, ki razveljavlja Odločbo 1999/542/ES, ki spreminja Odločbo 98/372/ES o zdravstvenem stanju živali in veterinarskem certificiranju za uvoz živega goveda in prašičev iz nekaterih evropskih držav, da bi upoštevali nekatere vidike v zvezi z Bolgarijo, ter spreminja Odločbo 97/232/ES o izdelavi seznamov tretjih držav, iz katerih države članice dovolijo uvoz ovc in koz
7 Pravna redakcija
the trap testing guidelines as set out in Annex I are taken into account when establishing domestic certification processes.
se pri vzpostavljanju domačih procesov certificiranja upoštevajo napotki za preskušanje pasti, predstavljeni v Prilogi I.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
- As a second step to the provisions in the first, second, third and fourth indents, the competent authority that will grant or has granted the marketing authorisation shall take into account the certification, re-certification or variation of the Plasma Master File on the concerned medicinal product(s).
- Kot drugo fazo določb iz prve, druge, tretje in četrte alinee pristojni organ, ki bo izdal ali je že izdal dovoljenje za promet z zdravilom, upošteva certificiranje, ponovno certificiranje ali spremembo glavne dokumentacije o plazmi za zadevno(a) zdravilo(a).
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
- As a second step to the provisions in the first, second, third and fourth indents, the competent authority that will grant or has granted the marketing authorisation shall take into account the certification, re-certification or variation of the Vaccine Antigen Master File on the concerned medicinal product(s).
- Kot drugo fazo določb iz prve, druge, tretje in četrte alinee pristojni organ, ki bo izdal ali je že izdal dovoljenje za promet z zdravilom, upošteva certificiranje, ponovno certificiranje ali spremembo glavne dokumentacije o antigenu cepiva za zadevno(a) zdravilo(a).
10 Pravna redakcija
When issuing a certificate, the manufacturer shall take account of the provisions of the current WHO certification scheme on the quality of pharmaceutical products moving in international commerce.
Proizvajalec pri izdaji potrdila upošteva določbe veljavne sheme certificiranja WHO o kakovosti farmacevtskih izdelkov v mednarodni trgovini.
11 Pravna redakcija
When issuing this certificate, the manufacturer will take into account the provisions of the current WHO certification scheme on the quality of medicinal products/drugs moving in international commerce.
Pri izdaji tega certifikata bo proizvajalec upošteval določbe sedanje certifikacijske sheme WHO za kakovost zdravil, ki vstopajo v mednarodno trgovino.
12 Pravna redakcija
Whereas it is necessary to amend Commission Decision 92/471/EEC of 2 September 1992 concerning animal health conditions and veterinary certification for importation of bovine embryos from third countries (4) to take into account the additional safeguards;
ker je treba zaradi upoštevanja dodatnih zaščitnih ukrepov spremeniti Odločbo Komisije 92/471/EGS z dne 2. septembra 1992 o pogojih za zdravstveno varstvo živali in izdajanju veterinarskih spričeval za uvoz govejih zarodkov iz tretjih držav fn;
13 Pravna redakcija
Their disease control measures can now be taken into account for certification, and Decisions 96/181/EC(7), 96/387/EC(8), and 97/593/EC(9) laying down special animal health conditions for fresh poultrymeat imports from these countries can be repealed accordingly.
Njihovi ukrepi za nadziranje bolezni se zdaj lahko upoštevajo pri izdajanju spričeval, odločbe 96/181/ES fn, 96/387/ES fn in 97/593/ES fn o določitvi posebnih pogojev v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali za uvoz svežega perutninskega mesa iz teh držav pa se torej lahko razveljavijo.
14 Pravna redakcija
sustainable forest management and utilisation to provide economic, social and environmental benefits and including, inter alia, forest certification - taking account of the different management conditions for small and large forest areas - and environmentally sound harvesting of both wood and non-wood forest products and natural and assisted forest regeneration;
trajnostno gospodarjenje z gozdovi in njihovo uporabo za zagotavljanje gospodarskih, socialnih in okoljskih koristi, med drugim skupaj s certificiranjem gozdov - upoštevajoč različne pogoje gospodarjenja za majhna in velika gozdna območja - in okolju neškodljivo pridobivanje lesnih in nelesnih gozdnih proizvodov ter naravno in s sajenjem podprto obnavljanje gozdov;
15 Pravna redakcija
The decision to include this step shall be based upon a risk assessment, taking into account factors such as the products concerned, the past history of compliance with requirements by the industry sector or exporting country, quantities produced and imported or exported, changes in infrastructure and the nature of the national inspection and certification systems.
Odločitev o izvedbi tega ukrepa temelji na oceni tveganja ob upoštevanju dejavnikov, kakor so zadevni proizvodi, dotedanje izkušnje gospodarske panoge ali izvozne države v zvezi z izpolnjevanjem zahtev, proizvedene in uvožene ali izvožene količine, spremembe infrastrukture in vrsta nacionalnih inšpekcij in certifikacijskih sistemov.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0084
` STCW Convention` shall mean the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers as it applies to the matters concerned taking into account the transitional provisions of Article VII and Regulation I/15 of the Convention and including, where appropriate, the applicable provisions of the STCW code, all being applied in its up-to-date version;
'Konvencija STCW' pomeni Mednarodno konvencijo o standardih za usposabljanje, izdajanje spričeval in ladijsko stražarjenje pomorščakov, kakor se za zadevne zadeve uporablja, ob upoštevanju prehodnih določb člena VII in Pravila I/15 Konvencije in po potrebi vključno, z ustreznimi določbami Kodeksa STCW, vse v najnovejši različici;
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0804
(6) Taking into account the international practical and scientific experiences gained, the animal health provisions laid down by Commission Decision 95/352/EC of 25 July 1995 laying down the animal health conditions and the certification requirements for the importation from third countries of Crassostrea gigas for relaying in Community waters(5) needs to be updated and amended as appropriate.
(6) Ob upoštevanju pridobljenih mednarodnih praktičnih in znanstvenih izkušenj je treba predpise v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali, določene v Odločbi Komisije 95/352/ES z dne 25. julija 1995 o pogojih v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali in izdajanjem spričeval za uvažanje školjk Crassostrea gigas iz tretjih držav za distribucijo v vodah Skupnosti fn, posodobiti in spremeniti, če je to primerno.
18 Pravna redakcija
The decision to include this step should be based on a risk assessment, taking into account factors such as the animals, animal products, plants or plant products concerned, the history of conformity with requirements by the industry sector or exporting country, the volume of product produced and imported or exported, changes in infrastructure and the national inspection and certification systems.
Sklep o vključitvi tega koraka naj temelji na oceni tveganja, pri čemer se upoštevajo dejavniki, kot so zadevne živali, živalski proizvodi, rastline ali rastlinski proizvodi, zgodovina skladnosti z zahtevami v gospodarskem sektorju ali državi izvoznici, obseg proizvedenega ter uvoženega ali izvoženega proizvoda, spremembe v infrastrukturi in nacionalni sistemi inšpekcije in certificiranja.
19 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, although the list of third countries forms the basis of the Community provisions applicable to imports from third countries laid down in Directive 90/539/EEC, other measures, particularly concerning specific animal health conditions, residue plans and certification will have to be taken into account in order to achieve complete harmonization of the conditions for importation of live poultry and hatching eggs;
ker bo treba, čeprav seznam tretjih držav predstavlja podlago za določbe Skupnosti iz Direktive 90/539/EGS, ki se uporabljajo za uvoze iz tretjih držav, upoštevati druge ukrepe, zlasti glede konkretnih pogojev v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali, programom nadzora nad ostanki škodljivih snovi in izdajanjem veterinarski spričeval, da bi dosegli popolno uskladitev pogojev za uvažanje žive perutnine in valilnih jajc;
20 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, although the list of third countries forms the basis of the Community arrangements applicable to imports from third countries laid down in Directive 91/494/EEC, other measures, particularly concerning specific animal health conditions, public health requirements, residue plans and certification will have to be taken into account in order to achieve complete harmonization of the conditions for importation of fresh poultry-meat;
ker bo kljub temu, da seznam tretjih držav pomeni podlago za dogovore Skupnosti, ki se uporabljajo za uvoz iz tretjih držav in so določeni v Direktivi 91/494/EGS, treba upoštevati tudi druge ukrepe, zlasti glede posebnih pogojev v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali, javnozdravstvenih zahtev, načrtov spremljanja ostankov škodljivih snovi in potrditev, da se doseže popolna uskladitev pogojev za uvoz svežega perutninskega mesa;
21 Pravna redakcija
Commission Decision of 17 July 2001 concerning protective measures with regard to imports of certain animals from Bulgaria due to an outbreak of bluetongue, repealing Decision 1999/542/EC, amending Decision 98/372/EC concerning the animal health conditions and veterinary certifications for import of live animals of bovine and swine species from certain European countries to take into account some aspects in relation with Bulgaria and amending Decision 97/232/EC drawing up lists of third countries from which Member States authorise imports of sheep and goats (Text with EEA relevance) (notified under document number C(2001) 1930)
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 17. julija 2001 o zaščitnih ukrepih glede uvoza nekaterih živali iz Bolgarije zaradi izbruha bolezni modrikastega jezika, ki razveljavlja Odločbo 1999/542/ES, ki spreminja Odločbo 98/372/ES o zdravstvenem stanju živali in veterinarskih certificiranju za uvoz živega goveda in prašičev iz nekaterih evropskih držav, da bi upoštevali nekatere vidike v zvezi z Bolgarijo, ter spreminja Odločbo 97/232/ES o izdelavi seznamov tretjih držav, iz katerih države članice dovolijo uvoz ovc in koz
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0810
(2) Commission Decision 2000/609/EC of 29 September 2000 laying down animal and public health conditions and veterinary certification for imports of farmed ratite meat amending Decision 94/85/EC drawing up a list of third countries from which the Member States authorise imports of fresh poultrymeat(9), as last amended by Decision 2003/573/EC(10), lays down animal and public health conditions and veterinary certificates for imports of fresh meat of farmed ratites containing two different health attestations, models A and B. The attestation to be used takes into account the Newcastle disease situation in the third country concerned.
(2) Odločba Komisije 2000/609/ES z dne 29. septembra 2000 o pogojih zdravstvenega stanja živali in ljudi ter veterinarskega certificiranja za uvoz mesa gojenih ratitov, ki spreminja Odločbo 94/85/ES o seznamu tretjih držav, iz katerih države članice dovoljujejo uvoz svežega perutninskega mesa fn, kakor jo nazadnje spreminja Odločba 2003/573/ES fn, določa pogoje zdravstvenega varstva živali in ljudi ter veterinarsko certificiranje za uvoz svežega mesa gojenih ratitov in vsebuje dva različna potrdila o zdravstvenem stanju živali, vzorec A in B. Potrdilo, ki se ga uporabi, mora upoštevati razmere v zadevni tretji državi glede atipične kokošje kuge.
23 Pravna redakcija
In accordance with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty, the objectives of this Directive, namely to coordinate arrangements in the Member States governing the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the charges made for the use thereof as well as safety certification, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States in view of the need to ensure fair and non-discriminatory terms for access to the infrastructure as well as to take account of the manifestly international dimensions involved in the operation of significant elements of the railway networks, and can therefore, by reason of the need for coordinated trans-national action, be better achieved by the Community.
V skladu z načeloma subsidiarnosti in proporcionalnosti iz člena 5 Pogodbe ciljev te direktive, in sicer usklajevanja ureditev dodeljevanja železniških infrastrukturnih zmogljivosti in uporabnin za uporabo te železniške infrastrukture ter varnostnih spričeval v državah članicah, države članice same ne morejo zadovoljivo doseči glede na potrebo, da se zagotovijo pravični in enakopravni pogoji dostopa do železniške infrastrukture ter upoštevajo jasne mednarodne dimenzije pri delovanju pomembnih sestavnih delov železniškega omrežja, in jih lahko zaradi potrebe po usklajenem mednacionalnem ukrepanju bolje dosega Skupnost.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0044
Directive 94/25/EC should be amended also to take account of manufacturing needs, which require a greater choice of certification procedures.
Direktivo 94/25/ES je treba spremeniti, da se upoštevajo tudi proizvodne potrebe, ki zahtevajo večjo izbiro certifikacijskih postopkov.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1970
It is necessary to take account of developments at international level by introducing detailed rules concerning certification and verification.
Treba je upoštevati razvoj na mednarodni ravni z uvajanjem podrobnih pravil za izdajanje spričeval in preverjanje.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0460
Moreover, account should be taken of potential triangular trade, especially for products for which there is no official certification of origin.
Poleg tega je treba upoštevati možno trikotno trgovino, zlasti za izdelke, pri katerih ni uradnih certifikatov o poreklu.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
As a second step to the provisions in the first, second, third and fourth indents, the competent authority that will grant or has granted the marketing authorisation shall take into account the certification, re-certification or variation of the Plasma Master File on the concerned medicinal product(s).
Kot drugo fazo določb iz prve, druge, tretje in četrte alinee pristojni organ, ki bo izdal ali je že izdal dovoljenje za promet z zdravilom, upošteva certificiranje, ponovno certificiranje ali spremembo glavne dokumentacije o plazmi za zadevno(a) zdravilo(a).
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2501
The special incentive arrangements for the protection of the environment should take into account new developments concerning internationally agreed standards and certification schemes.
Posebni spodbujevalni režimi za varstvo okolja bi morali upoštevati najnovejši razvoj mednarodno dogovorjenih standardov in certifikacijskih shem.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
As a second step to the provisions in the first, second, third and fourth indents, the competent authority that will grant or has granted the marketing authorisation shall take into account the certification, re-certification or variation of the Vaccine Antigen Master File on the concerned medicinal product(s).
Kot drugo fazo določb iz prve, druge, tretje in četrte alinee pristojni organ, ki bo izdal ali je že izdal dovoljenje za promet z zdravilom, upošteva certificiranje, ponovno certificiranje ali spremembo glavne dokumentacije o antigenu cepiva za zadevno(a) zdravilo(a).
30 Prevajalska redakcija
When issuing a certificate, the manufacturer will take account of the provisions of the current WHO certification scheme on the quality of pharmaceutical products moving in international commerce.
Pri izdajanju certifikata bo proizvajalec upošteval določbe veljavne certifikacijske sheme Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije o kakovosti farmacevtskih proizvodov v mednarodnem blagovnem prometu.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1663
Whereas the reform of the procedure for the clearance of the accounts, put into effect by Council Regulation (EC) No 1287/95, provides for the establishment of detailed rules regarding the certification and clearance of the annual accounts of accredited paying agencies;
ker prenova postopka za potrditev obračuna, uveljavljena z Uredbo Sveta (ES) št. 1287/95, predvideva vzpostavitev podrobnih pravil za pregled in potrditev letnih obračunov akreditiranih plačilnih agencij;
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0179
The certification process relevant for the issuance of a document of compliance for a company and a safety management certificate to a ro-ro ferry shall be performed taking account of the provisions set out below.
V certifikacijskem postopku, potrebnem za izdajo spričevala o skladnosti družbi in spričevala o varnem upravljanju ro-ro trajekta, se upoštevajo spodaj navedene določbe.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0091
Public authority buildings and buildings frequently visited by the public should set an example by taking environmental and energy considerations into account and therefore should be subject to energy certification on a regular basis.
Stavbe javne uprave in stavbe, v katerih se pogosto zadržuje javnost, morajo biti vzgled s tem, da se pri njih upoštevata okoljski in energetski vidik, in se zato morala zanje zahtevati redno energetsko certificiranje.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0334
COMMISSION DECISION of 26 May 1994 amending Decision 93/402/EEC concerning animal health conditions and veterinary certification for imports of fresh meat from South American countries with a view to taking account of certain meats from Uruguay
Odločba Komisije z dne 26. maja 1994 o spremembi Odločbe 93/402/EGS o pogojih v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali in izdajanju veterinarskih spričeval za uvoz svežega mesa iz južnoameriških držav, z namenom upoštevanja določenih vrst mesa iz Urugvaja
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0016
In the case of concessions, the certification by the responsible authority of the value of the work carried out in terms of the progress indicators for the work in the concession contract shall constitute an accounting document of equivalent probative value.
V primeru koncesij predstavlja potrditev vrednosti opravljenega dela na podlagi kazalnikov o napredovanju del iz koncesijske pogodbe, ki jo opravi pristojni organ, računovodsko listino enakovredne dokazne vrednosti.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0849
Commission Decision of 30 November 2001 amending Commission Decision 98/371/EC concerning the animal health conditions and veterinary certifications for import of fresh meat from certain European countries to take into account some aspects in relation with Poland
Odločba Komisije z dne 30. novembra 2001 o spremembi Odločbe Komisije 98/371/ES o pogojih v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali in veterinarskih spričevalih za uvoz svežega mesa iz nekaterih evropskih držav, da se upoštevajo nekateri vidiki glede Poljske
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
a Member State, unless the Agency determines, taking into account, in particular, airworthiness codes used and service experience, that such type-certification basis does not provide for a level of safety equivalent to that required by the basic Regulation and this Regulation; or
država članica, razen če agencija ugotovi, ob upoštevanju zlasti uporabljenih plovnostnih kod in obratovalnih izkušenj, da navedena osnova za izdajo certifikatov tipa ne zagotavlja ravni varnosti, enakovredne tisti, ki jo zahtevata osnovna uredba in ta uredba, ali
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0179
Whereas it is necessary to take account of developments a international level by introducing detailed rules concerning the issuance of interim documents and certificates and the form of the ISM documents and certificates, as well as some standards on ISM certification arrangements;
ker je treba upoštevati razvoj na mednarodni ravni z uvajanjem podrobnih pravil za izdajanje začasnih spričeval in podrobnih pravil glede obrazcev spričeval ISM, kakor tudi za nekate standarde za ureditve certificiranja ISM;
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2928
Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1784/77 of 19 July 1977 concerning the certitication of hops (3), as las amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1987/93 (4), excludes certain products from the certification process on account or their specific characteristics or their intended use;
ob upoštevanju Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 1784/77 z dne 19. julija 1977 o certificiranju hmelja [3], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 1987/93 [4], ki izključuje določene proizvode iz postopka certificiranja zaradi njihovih specifičnih lastnosti ali njihovega namena uporabe;
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1592
The aircraft, including those systems, equipment and appliances required for type-certification, or by operating rules, must function as intended under any foreseeable operating conditions, throughout, and sufficiently beyond, the operational envelope of the aircraft, taking due account of the system, equipment or appliance operating environment.
1.c.2 Zrakoplov, vključno s sistemi, opremo in napravami, ki se zahtevajo za certifikacijo tipa ali z operativnimi predpisi, mora delovati v vseh predvidljivih obratovalnih pogojih v celotnem območju delovanja zrakoplova in z zadostno varnostno rezervo, kakor je to predvideno, upoštevajoč pri tem okolje, v katerem sistem, oprema in inštrumenti delujejo.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985L0038
Whereas the varietal purity standards applicable to smooth-stalked meadowgrass as well as the procedure to examine satisfaction of them should be adjusted in such a way as to eliminate possible discrimination between the different types of varieties, to give references for field inspection in all cases and to take into account current certification practices;
ker je treba standarde sortne čistosti, ki veljajo za travniško latovko, in tudi postopek za preverjanje izpolnjevanja teh standardov prilagoditi na tak način, da bo preprečena možnost diskriminacije med različnimi tipi sort, da bodo v vseh primerih veljale primerjalne vrednosti za terenski pregled in, da bo upoštevana trenutna praksa potrjevanja;
42 Prevajalska redakcija
The decision to include this step should be based upon an assessment of risk, taking into account factors such as the animals or products concerned, the history of conformity with requirements by the industry sector or exporting country, the volume of product produced and imported or exported, changes in infrastructure and the nature of the inspection and certification systems.
Odločitev za vključitev tega koraka je treba sprejeti na osnovi preverjanja tveganja, ob upoštevanju različnih faktorjev, kot so na primer živali ali zadevni proizvodi, zgodovina usklajenosti z zahtevami industrijskega sektorja ali države izvoznice, količine izdelanega proizvoda, ki se izvaža ali uvaža, sprememb v infrastrukturi in naravi sistemov nadzora in certificiranja.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0084
'STCW Convention' shall mean the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers as it applies to the matters concerned taking into account the transitional provisions of Article VII and Regulation I/15 of the Convention and including, where appropriate, the applicable provisions of the STCW code, all being applied in its up-to-date version;
'Konvencija STCW' pomeni Mednarodno konvencijo o standardih za usposabljanje, izdajanje spričeval in ladijsko stražarjenje pomorščakov, kakor se za zadevne zadeve uporablja, ob upoštevanju prehodnih določb člena VII in Pravila I/15 Konvencije in po potrebi vključno, z ustreznimi določbami Kodeksa STCW, vse v najnovejši različici;
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0025
"STCW Convention" shall mean the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers as it applies to the matters concerned taking into account the transitional provisions of Article VII and Regulation I/15 of the Convention and including, where appropriate, the applicable provisions of the STCW code, all being applied as in force on 25 May 1998;
"Konvencija STCW" pomeni Mednarodno konvencijo o standardih za usposabljanje, izdajanje spričeval in ladijsko stražarjenje pomorščakov, kakor se za te zadeve uporablja ob upoštevanju prehodnih določb člena VII in Pravila I/15 te konvencije, vključno, kadar je to primerno, z veljavnimi določbami Kodeksa STCW, kakor so v celoti veljale dne 25. maja 1998;
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0804
Taking into account the international practical and scientific experiences gained, the animal health provisions laid down by Commission Decision 95/352/EC of 25 July 1995 laying down the animal health conditions and the certification requirements for the importation from third countries of Crassostrea gigas for relaying in Community waters(5) needs to be updated and amended as appropriate.
Ob upoštevanju pridobljenih mednarodnih praktičnih in znanstvenih izkušenj je treba predpise v zvezi z zdravstvenim stanjem živali, določene v Odločbi Komisije 95/352/ES z dne 25. julija 1995 o pogojih v zvezi z zdravstvenim stanjem živali in izdajanjem spričeval za uvažanje školjk Crassostrea gigas iz tretjih držav za ponovno nasaditev v vodah Skupnosti [5], posodobiti in spremeniti, če je to primerno.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1125
Whereas the provisions relating to certification of the conformity of the products processed from products originating in intervention stocks or mobilised on the Community market should be amended to take account of the organisation of the controls and the rules for take over of the product by the operator awarded the contract to transport the product outside the Community should be specified;
ker bi bilo treba spremeniti določbe o potrjevanju skladnosti proizvodov, predelanih iz proizvodov iz intervencijskih zalog ali iz proizvodov, zbranih na trgu Skupnosti, da se upošteva organizacija nadzornih pregledov, in opredeliti pravila za prevzem proizvodov s strani izvajalca, ki mu je bila dodeljena pogodba za prevoz proizvoda zunaj Skupnosti;
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0085
Whereas, although the list of third countries forms the basis of the Community arrangements applicable to imports from third countries laid down in Directive 91/494/EEC, other measures, particularly concerning specific animal health conditions, public health requirements, residue plans and certification will have to be taken into account in order to achieve complete harmonization of the conditions for importation of fresh poultrymeat;
ker bo kljub temu, da seznam tretjih držav pomeni podlago za dogovore Skupnosti, ki se uporabljajo za uvoz iz tretjih držav in so določeni v Direktivi 91/494/EGS, treba upoštevati tudi druge ukrepe, zlasti glede posebnih pogojev v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali, javnozdravstvenih zahtev, načrtov spremljanja ostankov škodljivih snovi in potrditev, da se doseže popolna uskladitev pogojev za uvoz svežega perutninskega mesa;
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0006
Seed shall not be certified as certified seed unless due account has been taken of the results of an official post-control test, on samples of basic seed taken officially and carried out during the growing season of the seed entered for certification as certified seed to ascertain whether the basic seed met the requirements for basic seed laid down in this Decision in respect of identity and purity as regards the characters of the components, including male sterility.`
Seme se ne potrdi kot certificirano seme, dokler se v uradni naknadni kontroli na podlagi rezultatov testiranj uradno vzetih vzorcih osnovnega semena, ki se izvedejo v rastni sezoni semena, prijavljenega v potrditev kot certificirano seme, ne ugotovi, ali je osnovno seme izpolnjevalo zahteve za osnovno seme, določene v tej odločbi za identiteto in čistost glede lastnosti komponent, vključno s sterilnostjo moških rastlin."
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2368
RECOGNISING that an international certification scheme for rough diamonds will only be credible if all Participants have established internal systems of control designed to eliminate the presence of conflict diamonds in the chain of producing, exporting and importing rough diamonds within their own territories, while taking into account that differences in production methods and trading practices as well as differences in institutional controls thereof may require different approaches to meet minimum standards;
OB ZAVEDANJU, da bo mednarodni sistem potrjevanja za surove diamante verodostojen samo, če vsi udeleženci vzpostavijo notranje sisteme nadzora, ki ima za namen odstraniti prisotnost konfliktnih diamantov iz proizvodne verige, izvoza in uvoza surovih diamantov na njihovih lastnih ozemljih, ob hkratnem upoštevanju dejstva, da razlike v proizvodnih metodah in trgovinski praksi ter razlike v institucionalnem nadzoru pri izpolnjevanju minimalnih standardov lahko pomenijo tudi zahtevo po različnosti pristopov;
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