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account picture
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
In order to take this situation into account and to provide as complete a picture as possible of the situation of the Community industry, data have been obtained and analysed for the entire activity, and it was subsequently determined whether the production was destined for captive use or for the free market.
Da bi upoštevali to stanje in zagotovili kar najpopolnejši prikaz stanja v industriji Skupnosti, so bili pridobljeni in analizirani podatki za celotno dejavnost in naknadno se je ugotavljalo, ali je bila proizvodnja namenjena interni uporabi ali prostemu trgu.
2 Pravna redakcija
As such funding must be part of a broader picture, the EEA- CC urges the EEA/EFTA States to make concrete proposals in this field, taking active account of their own priorities.
Ker mora biti tako financiranje umeščeno v širši okvir, Posvetovalni odbor EGP priporoča državam EGP /Efte, da na tem področju predlagajo konkretne predloge, pri čemer upoštevajo svoje prednostne naloge.
3 Pravna redakcija
The aim of the balance sheets is to give a picture of the assets, liabilities and net worth of units at the start and end of the accounting period and of changes between balance sheets.
Namen bilanc stanja je dati sliko sredstev, obveznosti in neto vrednosti enot na začetku in koncu obračunskega obdobja ter sprememb med bilancami stanja.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1796
In conclusion, for the reasons given above, it was considered that the audited accounts provided a representative and reliable picture of the profitability of the product concerned, in accordance with Article 3(8) of the basic Regulation.
Iz zgoraj navedenih razlogov se je končno štelo, da revidirani zaključni računi dajejo reprezentativno in zanesljivo sliko donosnosti obravnavanega izdelka v skladu s členom 3(8) osnovne uredbe.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1784
In this current case, since the investigation period started in April 1998, it has been deemed appropriate, in order to obtain a meaningful picture of the evolution of the injury indicators, to take into account at least three calendar years (1995-1997) prior to the IP.
Da bi dobili smiselno sliko o razvoju kazalcev škode, je v obravnavanem primeru, kjer se je obdobje preiskave začelo aprila 1998, veljalo primerno upoštevati vsaj tri koledarska leta (1995-1997) pred OP.
6 Pravna redakcija
The importance of quarterly economic accounts derives essentially from the consideration that they are the only coherent set of indicators, available with a short time lag, able to provide a short term overall picture of both non-financial and financial economic activity.
Četrtletni ekonomski računi so pomembni predvsem, ker so edina povezana celota kazalnikov, razpoložljiva s kratkim časovnim zamikom, ki je sposobna zagotoviti kratkoročno celotno sliko nefinančnega in finančnega dogajanja v gospodarstvu.
7 Pravna redakcija
Moreover, the accounts and tables showing the creditor/debitor relationship provide a detailed picture of financing of the economy and are considered very useful for understanding the channels through which the financing surpluses move from final lenders to final borrowers.
Še več, računi in tabele, ki prikazujejo razmerja med upniki in dolžniki, nudijo podrobno sliko financiranja gospodarstva in veljajo kot zelo koristni za razumevanje kanalov, po katerih se finančni presežki prenašajo od končnih posojilodajalcev h končnim posojilojemalcem.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1334
Since information was only available for Styromag as from 1996 onwards and in order to present a coherent picture of the economic situation of the Community industry, the Commission considered it inappropriate to take Styromag's information into account for the purpose of the analysis of the situation of the Community industry.
Ker so bili podatki za Styromag na voljo od leta 1996 je Komisija, da bi predstavila skladno sliko gospodarskih razmer v industriji Skupnosti, izrazila mnenje, da ni ustrezno upoštevati podatkov podjetja Styromag za analizo razmer v industriji Skupnosti.
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0969
In line with the consistent practice of the institutions these imports should be taken into account for the purposes of establishing whether dumping is taking place and thus the Russian import volume is considered sufficient to provide a representative picture of whether dumping is taking place at present and whether any such dumping will continue should measures be removed.
V skladu z dosledno prakso Skupnosti je treba ta uvoz upoštevati pri odločitvi, ali se damping pojavlja, in tako se uvožene količine iz Rusije štejejo za zadostne za zagotovitev reprezentativne predstave o tem, ali damping trenutno poteka in ali bi se damping v kateri koli obliki nadaljeval, če bi se ukrepi odpravili.
10 Pravna redakcija
The redistribution of income in kind account gives a broader picture of households' income by including the flows corresponding to the use of individual goods and services which these households receive free of charge, i. e. social benefits in kind and transfers of individual non-market goods and services, these two categories of flows being grouped together under the concept of social transfers in kind.
Račun prerazdelitve dohodka v naravi daje širšo sliko dohodka gospodinjstev z vključitvijo tokov, ki ustrezajo porabi individualnega blaga in storitev, ki jih ta gospodinjstva prejmejo brezplačno, tj. socialnih prejemkov v naravi in transferjev individualnega netržnega blaga in storitev - obe kategoriji tokov sta združeni v koncept socialnih transferjev v naravi.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0056
This should reflect the overall style of driving and the driving examiner should take this into account in the overall picture of the applicant.
To naj bi izkazoval celotni slog vožnje in član izpitne komisije naj bi ga upošteval pri celotni oceni kandidata.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
In the presence of hypertension or existing cardiovascular, cerebrovascular or peripheral vascular diseases, the weekly increase in Hb and the target Hb should be determined individually taking into account the clinical picture.
Bolnikom z visokim krvnim tlakom ali srčnožilnimi boleznimi, boleznimi možganskih ali perifernih žil, moramo tedensko povečanje koncentracije hemoglobina in njegovo ciljno koncentracijo določati individualno in upoštevati klinično sliko.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
Severity of gastro- enteritis was defined according to the Vesikari 20-point scale which evaluates the full clinical picture of rotavirus gastro-enteritis by taking into account the severity and duration of diarrhoea and vomiting, the severity of fever and dehydration as well as the need for treatment.
Resnost gastroenteritisa so definirali v skladu z 20- točkovno Vesikari- jevo lestvico, ki upošteva tako celotno klinično sliko rotavirusnega gastroenteritisa (resnost in trajanje driske ter bruhanja, resnost povišane telesne temperature in dehidracije) kot tudi potrebo po zdravljenju.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
In order to take this situation into account and to provide as complete a picture as possible of the situation of the Community industry, data have been obtained and analysed for the entire activity, and it was subsequently determined whether the production was destined for captive use or for the free market.
Da bi upoštevali to stanje in zagotovili kar najpopolnejši prikaz stanja v industriji Skupnosti, so bili pridobljeni in analizirani podatki za celotno dejavnost in naknadno se je ugotavljalo, ali je bila proizvodnja namenjena interni uporabi ali prostemu trgu.
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account picture