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acknowledge the notification
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
The inspected State Party shall acknowledge receipt of the notification by the Director-General no later than 12 hours after having received the notification.
Država pogodbenica, v kateri bo opravljena inšpekcija, potrdi prejem uradnega obvestila generalnega direktorja najkasneje 12 ur po prejemu.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-86
If the exporting Party does not receive the acknowledgement within thirty days of the dispatch of the export notification, it shall submit a second notification.
Če pogodbenica izvoznica tega potrdila ne prejme v tridesetih dneh, potem ko je odposlala uradno obvestilo o izvozu, predloži še drugo uradno obvestilo.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
The Party of import shall acknowledge receipt of the notification, in writing, to the notifier within ninety days of its receipt.
Pogodbenica uvoznica obvestitelju pisno potrdi prejem obvestila v devetdesetih dneh od njegovega prejema.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-86
The importing Party shall acknowledge receipt of the first export notification received after the adoption of the final regulatory action.
Pogodbenica uvoznica potrdi prejem prvega uradnega obvestila o izvozu, potem ko je bil sprejet dokončni ureditveni ukrep.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
Notification shall be deemed to have taken place even if the addressee refuses to accept the document or to acknowledge receipt thereof.
Uradno obveščanje se šteje za opravljeno tudi, če naslovnik noče sprejeti dokumenta ali potrditi njegovega prejema.
6 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
The observed Party that is notified in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Section shall acknowledge receipt of the notification within 24 hours.
Opazovanka, ki je uradno obveščena v skladu s petim odstavkom tega razdelka, v 24 urah potrdi prejem obvestila.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
A failure by the Party of import to acknowledge receipt of a notification shall not imply its consent to an intentional transboundary movement.
Če pogodbenica uvoznica ne potrdi prejema obvestila, to ne pomeni, da soglaša z namernim čezmejnim gibanjem.
8 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-99
The notified Parties shall respond to the Party of origin within the time specified in the notification, acknowledging receipt of the notification and indicating whether they intend to enter into consultation.
Uradno obveščene pogodbenice odgovorijo pogodbenici izvora v roku, določenem v uradnem obvestilu, potrdijo prejem uradnega obvestila in navedejo ali nameravajo začeti posvetovanje.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
Notification may be effected on the premises of the European Patent Office by delivery by hand of the document to the addressee, who shall on delivery acknowledge its receipt.
Uradno obveščanje se lahko opravi v prostorih Evropskega patentnega urada z neposredno izročitvijo dokumenta naslovniku, ki mora ob izročitvi potrditi prejem.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 14-2009
The Protocol shall enter into force when the Readmission Committee acknowledges the receipt of the notification, and the Slovenian Contracting Party shall immediately inform the Montenegrin Contracting Party thereof.
Protokol začne veljati, ko Odbor za ponovni sprejem potrdi prejem uradnega obvestila, o čemer slovenska pogodbenica nemudoma uradno obvesti črnogorsko pogodbenico.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-75
(2) The Protocol shall enter into force when the Readmission Committee acknowledges the receipt of the notification, and the Slovenian Contracting Party shall immediately inform the Serbian Contracting Party thereof.
(2) Protokol začne veljati, ko Skupni odbor za ponovni sprejem potrdi prejem uradnega obvestila, o čemer slovenska pogodbenica nemudoma uradno obvesti srbsko pogodbenico.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-73
The Commission shall notify each Contracting Government immediately upon receipt of each objection and withdrawal and each Contracting Government shall acknowledge receipt of all notifications of amendments, objections, and withdrawals.
Komisija uradno obvesti vse vlade pogodbenice takoj po prejemu posameznega ugovora ali umika ugovora, vlade pogodbenice pa potrdijo prejem uradnih obvestil o spremembah, ugovorih in umikih ugovorov.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
Such acknowledgement should in any case not consist of or require an administrative act by the national regulatory authority to which the notification must be made.
Tako potrdilo prejema obvestila naj nikakor ne bo upravni akt nacionalnega regulativnega organa, ki mu je treba poslati uradno obvestilo, niti naj se ta akt za tako obvestilo ne zahteva.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
Where Member States require notification by providers of electronic communication networks or services when they start their activities, they may also require proof of such notification having been made by means of any legally recognised postal or electronic acknowledgement of receipt of the notification.
Kadar države elanice od ponudnikov elektronskih komunikacijskih omrežij ali storitev zahtevajo uradno obvestilo o zaeetku izvajanja njihove dejavnosti, lahko zahtevajo tudi dokazilo o uradnem obvestilu z zakonsko priznanim poštnim ali elektronskim potrdilo m o prejemu tega obvestila.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
The Commission shall without delay acknowledge in writing to the notifying parties or their representatives receipt of the notification and of any reply to a letter sent by the Commission pursuant to Article 5(2) and 5(3).
Komisija strankam, ki priglašajo, ali njihovim zastopnikom nemudoma pisno potrdi, da je prejela priglasitev in kakršen koli odgovor na pismo, ki ga je poslala v skladu s členom 5(2) in 5(3).
16 Pravna redakcija
The Executive Committee hereby acknowledges the notifications sent by Greece.
Izvršni odbor potrjuje prejem uradnih obvestil, ki jih je poslala Helenska republika.
17 Pravna redakcija
The ship's master shall sign the notification to acknowledge receipt and the opportunity to comment on it.
Poveljnik ladje podpiše prijavo, da potrdi njen prejem in možnost dajanja pripomb.
18 Pravna redakcija
Each State of transit which is a Party shall promptly acknowledge to the notifier receipt of the notification.
Vsaka tranzitna država, ki je pogodbenica, prijavitelju takoj potrdi prejem obvestila.
19 Pravna redakcija
If the exporting Party does not receive the acknowledgement within 30 days of the dispatch of the export notification, it shall submit a second notification.
Če pogodbenica izvoznica tega potrdila ne prejme v tridesetih dneh, potem ko je odposlala uradno obvestilo o izvozu, predloži še drugo uradno obvestilo.
20 Pravna redakcija
The Party of import shall acknowledge receipt of the notification, in writing, to the notifier within 90 days of its receipt.
Pogodbenica uvoznica obvestitelju pisno potrdi prejem obvestila v 90-ih dneh od njegovega prejema.
21 Pravna redakcija
Such acknowledgement shall be given no later than 30 days after the receipt of the notification and shall be limited to a statement that the notification has been received.
To potrdilo se izda najpozneje 30 dni po prejemu obvestila in vsebuje le izjavo o prejetju zadevnega obvestila.
22 Pravna redakcija
7. Such acknowledgement shall be given no later than 30 days after the receipt of the notification and shall be limited to a statement that the notification has been received.
7. To potrdilo se izda najkasneje 30 dni po prejemu obvestila in vsebuje le izjavo o prejetju zadevnega obvestila.
23 Pravna redakcija
If the notification fulfils the requirements set out in paragraphs 1 to 4, the Agency shall, within 14 days following receipt of the notification, acknowledge the validity of this notification and shall inform the holder accordingly.
Če priglasitev izpolnjuje zahteve iz odstavkov od 1 do 4, Agencija v 14 dneh po prejemu priglasitve potrdi formalno popolnost te priglasitve in o tem ustrezno obvesti imetnika.
24 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties will notify their adoption to the Government of the Swiss Confederation which will acknowledge receipt of notification.
Pogodbenice notificirajo njihovo sprejetje vladi Švicarske konfederacije, ki potrdi prejem notifikacije.
25 Pravna redakcija
If the notification fulfils the requirements set out in paragraphs 1 to 4, the Agency shall acknowledge receipt of a valid notification and shall start the procedure set out in paragraphs 6 to 10.
Če priglasitev izpolnjuje zahteve iz odstavkov od 1 do 4, Agencija potrdi prejem formalno popolne priglasitve in začne postopek iz odstavkov od 6 do 10.
26 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties will notify their adoption to the Government of the Swiss Confederation, which will acknowledge receipt of notification.
Države pogodbenice notificirajo njihovo sprejetje vladi Švicarske konfederacije, ki potrdi prejem notifikacije.
27 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties will notify their adoption to the Government of the Swiss Confederation, which will acknowledge reception of notification.
Države pogodbenice notificirajo njihovo sprejetje vladi Švicarske konfederacije, ki potrdi prejem notifikacije.
28 Pravna redakcija
A failure by the Party of import to acknowledge receipt of a notification shall not imply its consent to an intentional trans- boundary movement.
Če pogodbenica uvoznica ne potrdi prejema obvestila, to ne pomeni, da soglaša z namernim čezmejnim gibanjem.
29 Pravna redakcija
Notification may be effected on the premises of the Office by hand delivery of the document to the addressee, who shall on delivery acknowledge its receipt.
Obveščanje se lahko izvrši v prostorih Urada z osebno vročitvijo dokumenta naslovniku, ki ob dostavi potrdi prejem.
30 Pravna redakcija
On receipt and after acknowledgement of the notification in accordance with Article 13(2), the competent authority shall examine it for compliance with this Directive.
Ob prejemu in po potrditvi prijave po členu 13(2) pristojni organ prouči, ali je usklajena s to direktivo.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1946
A failure by the Party of import to acknowledge receipt of a notification or to communicate its decision shall not imply its consent to an intentional transboundary movement.
Če pogodbenica uvoznica ne potrdi prejema priglasitve ali ne sporoči svoje odločitve, to ne pomeni, da soglaša z namernim čezmejnim gibanjem.
32 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R1745
Specific procedures for the notification and acknowledgement of minimum reserves are necessary so that institutions are aware of their obligations in respect of minimum reserves in time,
Posebni postopki sporočanja in potrditve obveznih rezerv so potrebni za to, da so kreditne institucije pravočasno seznanjene s svojimi obveznostmi glede obveznih rezerv,
33 Pravna redakcija
The competent authority shall acknowledge the date of receipt of the notification and when the notification is in accordance with this paragraph it shall without delay forward a copy of the notification and its assessment report to the Commission, which shall, within 30 days of their receipt, forward them to the competent authorities of the other Member States.
Pristojni organ potrdi datum prejema prijave in, če je prijava skladna s tem odstavkom, nemudoma posreduje kopijo prijave in svoje poročilo o oceni Komisiji, ki ju v 30 dneh od prejema posreduje pristojnim organom drugih držav članic.
34 Pravna redakcija
The competent authority shall acknowledge the date of receipt of the notification and, having considered, where appropriate, any observations by other Member States made in accordance with Article 11, shall respond in writing to the notifier within 90 days of receipt of the notification by either:
Pristojni organ potrdi datum prejema prijave in potem, ko je proučil, kjer je to primerno, morebitne pripombe drugih držav članic po členu 11, prijavitelju pisno odgovori v 90 dneh od prejema prijave z:
35 Pravna redakcija
The Commission shall without delay acknowledge in writing to the notifying parties or their representatives receipt of the notification and of any reply to a letter sent by the Commission pursuant to Article 4(2) and (4).
Komisija brez odlašanja strankam, ki priglašujejo, ali njihovim zastopnikom pisno potrdi, da je prejela priglasitev in kakršen koli odgovor na pismo, ki ga je poslala v skladu s členom 4(2) in (4).
36 Pravna redakcija
The competent authority shall acknowledge the date of receipt of the notification and immediately forward the summary of the dossier referred to in paragraph 2(h) to the competent authorities of the other Member States and the Commission.
Pristojni organ potrdi datum prejema prijave in pristojnim organom drugih držav članic in Komisiji takoj posreduje povzetek dokumentacije iz odstavka 2(h).
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1085
If, within 30 days of the date of the acknowledgement of receipt of a valid notification the Agency has not sent the holder its opinion provided for in paragraph 8, the variation applied for shall be deemed to have been accepted.
Če v 30 dneh od datuma potrditve prejema formalno popolne priglasitve Agencija imetniku ne posreduje svojega mnenja iz odstavka 8 se šteje, da je vložena sprememba odobrena.
38 Pravna redakcija
A warning or notification to the appropriate ATC or technical position(s) shall be generated automatically if no acknowledgement has been received within the parameter time following a transmission of a co-ordination or transfer message.
Če po določenem času, ki sledi prenosu koordinacije ali prenosu sporočila, potrditev ni prejeta, se opozorilo ali obvestilo ustrezni ATC ali tehnični službi samodejno generira.
39 Pravna redakcija
In acknowledging the lists forwarded by Greece, the Executive Committee hereby confirms receipt of the notification of accessibility for the authorities with authorised access within the meaning of the Executive Committee Declarations of 18 October 1993, 26 April 1994 and of 27 June 1994.
S sprejemom seznamov, ki jih je poslala Helenska republika, Izvršni odbor potrjuje prejem uradnega obvestila, da je sistem dostopen za pooblaščene organe v smislu izjav Izvršnega odbora z dne 18. oktobra 1993, 26. aprila 1994 in 27. junija 1994.
40 Pravna redakcija
Service of the application on a party to the proceedings before the Board of Appeal shall be effected by registered post with a form of acknowledgment of receipt at the address given by the party concerned for the purposes of the notifications to be effected in the course of the proceedings before the Board of Appeal.
Vročitev vloge stranki v postopku pred Odborom za pritožbe se izvrši s priporočeno pošto z obrazcem potrdila o prejemu na naslov, ki ga prizadeta stranka navede za namene uradnih obvestil, ki jih je treba izvršiti v toku postopka pred Odborom za pritožbe.
41 Pravna redakcija
1. Non-nuclear material, nuclear material and equipment transferred between the Parties or their respective persons or undertakings, whether directly or through a third country, shall become subject to this Agreement upon their entry into the territorial jurisdiction of the receiving Party, provided that the supplying Party has notified the receiving Party in writing of the intended transfer and the receiving Party has acknowledged in writing the receipt of this notification.
1. Nejedrski materiali, jedrski materiali in oprema, ki se prenašajo med pogodbenicama ali njunimi osebami ter podjetji bodisi neposredno ali prek tretje države, postanejo predmet tega sporazuma po njihovem vstopu v ozemeljsko jurisdikcijo pogodbenice prejemnice, pod pogojem, da je pogodbenica dobaviteljica pisno obvestila pogodbenico prejemnico o nameravanem prenosu ter pogodbenica prejemnica pisno potrdila prejetje tega obvestila.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3385
The receipt of acknowledgement does not prejudge the question whether the application or notification is valid.
Prejem potrdila ne prejudicira vprašanja o tem, ali sta vloga ali priglasitev veljavni.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0304
The Commission shall acknowledge receipt of the first export notification received for each chemical from each Party or other country.
Komisija potrdi prejem prvega obvestila o izvozu, ki ga prejme za vsako kemikalijo iz vsake pogodbenice ali druge države.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3385
The Commission will acknowledge receipt of all applications and notifications in writing, indicating the case number attributed to the file.
Komisija bo pisno potrdila prejem vseh vlog in priglasitev z navedbo številke primera, dodeljenega spisu.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
On receipt of the notification, the competent authority of dispatch shall within three working days send the notifier a written acknowledgement of the notification, with copies to the other competent authorities concerned.
Po prejemu prijave pristojni organ države odpreme v treh delovnih dneh prijavitelju pošlje pisno potrditev prijave, kopije pa drugim pristojnim organom.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
On receipt of the notification the competent authority(ies) of transit shall send an acknowledgement to the notifier and to the consignee within three working days.
Ob prejemu prijave pristojni organ(-i) države(-ø) tranzita v treh delovnih dneh pošlje(-jo) prijavitelju in prejemniku potrditev.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0304
If the Commission does not receive from the importing Party or other country an acknowledgement of receipt of the first export notification made after the chemical is included in the Part 1 of Annex I within 30 days of the dispatch of the notification, it shall submit a second notification.
Če Komisija od pogodbenice uvoznice ali druge države ne prejme potrdila o prejemu prvega obvestila o izvozu, ki je sledil vključitvi kemikalije v del 1 Priloge I, v 30 dneh potem, ko je bilo odposlano, pošlje drugo obvestilo.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0094
The requested authority shall acknowledge receipt of the request for notification in writing as soon as possible and in any event within seven days of such receipt.
Zaprošeni organ pisno potrdi prejem prošnje za vročitev čim prej in vsekakor v sedmih dneh od njenega prejema.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2245
Notification by registered letter, with or without acknowledgement of delivery, shall be deemed to have been effected even if the addressee refuses to accept the letter.
Vročitev s priporočenim pismom z vročilnico ali brez se šteje za opravljeno tudi, če naslovnik zavrne sprejetje pisma.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1084
If the notification fulfils the requirements set out in paragraphs 1 to 4, the competent authority of the reference Member State shall acknowledge receipt of a valid notification and shall start the procedure set out in paragraphs 6 to 11.
Če priglasitev izpolnjuje zahteve, določene v odstavkih 1 do 4, pristojni organ referenčne države članice potrdi prejem formalno popolne priglasitve in začne postopek iz odstavkov 6 do 11.
Prevodi: en > sl
acknowledge the notification